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What are your unpopular opinions about health / fitness?



  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    My unpopular opinions. Yeah, I know they are unpopular. LOL I'm not debating them.

    I don't think many can achieve weight loss goals without a healthy diet. And I am pretty sure maintenance is extremely hard if changes have not been made. I doubt there are many living in a newly slim body for many years who just ate a few hundred calories less of everything per day - they are a minority, IMO.

    I think counting exact calories can be a waste of time. Health, daily living, and your food choices are going to affect your caloric needs by a lot. I've lost, maintained and gained all at the same caloric intake. Calculating a deficit and eating exactly that is no guarantee of weight loss.

    I think My Plate and the food pyramid is based on very little scientific theory and should be dumped.

    I think a majority of people would see their health improve, and not decline, if they eliminated refined carbs and added sugars.

    I think people with metabolic disease (T2D, PCOS, NAFLD, CAD), or at risk of metabolic disease, would benefit by switching to a LCHF diet. Unfortunately, this now appears to be the majority of North Americans.

    I think fat and salt restrictions for the vast majority of people are pointless and may be unhealthy.

    I think some exercise is great, but many end up paying for too much exercise as they get older. Competitive sports are fun but not many get through that without lingering injuries as they age.

    I think there is something in refined carbs and sugars that makes them addictive-like for many people, and I find it annoying when their experiences are "poo-poo'ed" as not real, poor will power, or just a mental/behavioral thing.

    I think diet plays a much greater part in people's health than most believe, and I think it's hard for people to believe that until their own health takes a decline. I think it is probably wise to avoid man-made ingredients and some sweeteners, and I think orgaincs, heirloom, and free range foods are better for you.

    I think large parts of paleo and primal diets make a lot of sense.

    I think if you need to eat every 2-3 hours, you are eating the wrong foods.

    I think a carnivorous diet can be very healthy.

    I think the diets recommended by most diabetic associations are shockingly bad for most diabetics.

    I think BPC tastes really good.
    If anything, I'm sure this thread has been cathartic for many people. It feels good to get stuff off your chest :+1::smiley:

    Yeah, that felt good. :);)

    things crossed out have been proven to be true on a scientific level...smh.

    Did you mean false?
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    Well I was asked what carcinogens are in fast food and other stuff....but I reiterate...it is my opinion that fast food is toxic and should only be eaten if the last food on the planet. I guess I was right too about it being an unpopular opinion here on MFP so of course most of you are going to disagree. As I said before, enjoy your deep fried cancer sticks :) ( hint deep fried = creation of carcinogens)

    "X is toxic" is not an opinion.

    It is an opinion... when it's false.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    I have several unpopular opinions, I think.

    1. I believe that there can be value in READING and following formal diets for some people. I believe many of the knowledgeable people here *learned* from formal diets, whether they actually read/studied them or not. I personally learned a LOT from reading formal diet books. I believe that knowledge has helped me maintain +- for 16 years, including through menopause.

    2. I believe there are junk foods. Though I don't like the term "empty calories".

    3. I believe most folks would benefit (overall) from limiting added sugars and highly refined carbohydrates much more than the average person does.

    4. I believe the research that suggests that peri-menopause/menopause leads to insulin resistance in some women. I believe that IR can make it more difficult for some menopausal women to lose weight. (I also believe the hormonal changes at menopause can change how women handle refined carbohydrates, with or without IR.)

    5. I believe the distinction between "complex" and "simple" carbohydrates is fairly worthless.

    I wanted to comment on 5 in particular for the way most people conflate "simple" with "refined". If it's starchy, it's a complex carb even if it's refined, but of course it's better to go with whole grains usually. (I'll stay out of the rice argument, I'm a weirdo who prefers the flavor of brown basmati rice and am aware most people prefer white rice.)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I have several unpopular opinions, I think.

    1. I believe that there can be value in READING and following formal diets for some people. I believe many of the knowledgeable people here *learned* from formal diets, whether they actually read/studied them or not. I personally learned a LOT from reading formal diet books. I believe that knowledge has helped me maintain +- for 16 years, including through menopause.

    2. I believe there are junk foods. Though I don't like the term "empty calories".

    3. I believe most folks would benefit (overall) from limiting added sugars and highly refined carbohydrates much more than the average person does.

    4. I believe the research that suggests that peri-menopause/menopause leads to insulin resistance in some women. I believe that IR can make it more difficult for some menopausal women to lose weight. (I also believe the hormonal changes at menopause can change how women handle refined carbohydrates, with or without IR.)

    5. I believe the distinction between "complex" and "simple" carbohydrates is fairly worthless.

    I wanted to comment on 5 in particular for the way most people conflate "simple" with "refined". If it's starchy, it's a complex carb even if it's refined, but of course it's better to go with whole grains usually. (I'll stay out of the rice argument, I'm a weirdo who prefers the flavor of brown basmati rice and am aware most people prefer white rice.)

    Yes, that's part of what I dislike. I also just don't think the terms are helpful for folks anymore (in part given the refined carbohydrate piece).
    I prefer brown rice over white, always. I think it tastes better, and did, even when I was eating copious amounts enriched, bleached, white bread, loads of Dr. Pepper and a daily snickers bar.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    fvsp1213 wrote: »
    Lizarking wrote: »
    exercising to lose weight is dumb. Especially spending time on a treadmill to justify a candy bar.

    I'm a very short older woman. If I didn't exercise on my treadmill, I'd have the paltry caloric allowance of 1200 calories to create a 150 calorie deficit since my maintenance for being sedentary is 1,350 calories.

    I don't want to eat like a toddler.

    Can't say enough how awesomely true for me this is.

    My (maybe) unpopular opinion:

    Maybe you can eat crap food (hamburgers, soda, ice cream (weep a little), candy bars, milk shakes) and make it all fit into your calories for the day, but food is fuel for me, and my body doesn't function properly when I feed it garbage. Good for you if you can make it work. But I actually doubt even you (whoever you are) can make that work for a lifetime of health.

    A hamburger is bread, meat, and maybe some toppings. A body can easily use bread and meat as fuel. It's carbohydrates, protein, and fat -- three things I'm eating every day anyway. Also consider the micronutrients it contains like iron, B12, potassium, and B6 and I'm confused as to why anyone would think a hamburger is "garbage."

    I'd call hamburgers from McDonald's "garbage" in that their taste is vastly inferior to the burgers I make myself or get at local, non chain restaurants.

    I tend not to call food other people eat a derogatory term. It tends to make you look more superior than you actually are. That's my unpopular opinion. *shrug*

    What if it's light beer?

    What's the difference between having intercourse in a canoe and light beer?

    Nothing - they are both *kitten* close to water.

    Now you look more superior than you actually are. Or so I've heard. ;)

    *I like water. I find it refreshing.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    fvsp1213 wrote: »
    Lizarking wrote: »
    exercising to lose weight is dumb. Especially spending time on a treadmill to justify a candy bar.

    I'm a very short older woman. If I didn't exercise on my treadmill, I'd have the paltry caloric allowance of 1200 calories to create a 150 calorie deficit since my maintenance for being sedentary is 1,350 calories.

    I don't want to eat like a toddler.

    Can't say enough how awesomely true for me this is.

    My (maybe) unpopular opinion:

    Maybe you can eat crap food (hamburgers, soda, ice cream (weep a little), candy bars, milk shakes) and make it all fit into your calories for the day, but food is fuel for me, and my body doesn't function properly when I feed it garbage. Good for you if you can make it work. But I actually doubt even you (whoever you are) can make that work for a lifetime of health.

    A hamburger is bread, meat, and maybe some toppings. A body can easily use bread and meat as fuel. It's carbohydrates, protein, and fat -- three things I'm eating every day anyway. Also consider the micronutrients it contains like iron, B12, potassium, and B6 and I'm confused as to why anyone would think a hamburger is "garbage."

    I'd call hamburgers from McDonald's "garbage" in that their taste is vastly inferior to the burgers I make myself or get at local, non chain restaurants.

    I tend not to call food other people eat a derogatory term. It tends to make you look more superior than you actually are. That's my unpopular opinion. *shrug*

    What if it's light beer?

    Thats an oxymoron. :laugh:

    Your post reminded me of how much people bash light beer on these forums. But oh let's not saying anything bad about precious McD (which IMO is the light beer of burgers, unless you like light beer, which I do, so for me it's more the IPA of burgers because I hate IPA).

    *shrug* I like light beer, but I figure you were looking for a rise so I gave.
    I don't discriminate against any alcohol. :laugh:
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