

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Love all your stories. Your hard work is inspiring!

    <3 Sarah
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,053 Member
    Becca my mom had a woman come in to help her for a morning before she went into a home. It was through an agency, but I know it was at least $15 dollars an hour, so it was at least $60 a day. The woman were not skilled nurses. They did light house work, made her breakfast and lunch, and tended to a few of her needs. Your time is valuable I know you want to help her, but don't sell yourself short. When my mom was in the nursing home it was $8,000 to $10,000 a month. I would not be comfortable doing her bills either. Hopefully social services can set her up with the services she needs and then you can just be her friend. It sounds like that what you want to be. The money and things she is asking you to do cloud that friendship.
    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    edited June 2017
    Stats for the day:
    Other- weed wack- 2hrs 13min = 558c
    Apple Watch= 578c
    I'll do [5jaf1qs4bza5.jpg
    The rest tomorrow after the run
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    PIP That's a big job!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    Does anyone on her know how to ‘delete’ an exercise from your ‘list’ or at least make ‘corrections’ to it. I don’t want to click on one; because I got angry and typed in a bad word. How can you tell how many calories you’ve burned if it is a strength type of exercise, like lifting dumbbells?


    :) There's no way to delete an exercise from your list or make corrections. There might be a way to get it deleted by contacting tech support at MFP. There is an entry under cardio called "strength training" that give a calorie burn for general strength training. You can use that or created your own entry under cardio and estimate the number of calories burned (that's what I did). There are other sites on the internet that have estimates for calorie burn for various strength training exercises.

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Played golf today and so glad we had an early tee time. It was 91 when we finished and up to 98 this afternoon. Makes you sick to your stomach.
    We were suppose to go out to the ranch this afternoon but we were too tired and it was too hot. Guess we will go early in the morning.
    My DD finished her 79 mile trek in a wind and rain storm but she did it. She still has a coupl of weeks in Scotland before she comes home. So proud of her.
    Not much to say as I am so tired.
    SueNDew in Tx
    Oh, Kim in Cal so good to hear from you.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    janetr okc - so glad to hear your sister is better and out of ICU. Sending prayers that she will be home soon.

    DH left on fishing trip this morning with a bunch of buddies. Won't be back until Sunday night or maybe Monday night. Hope they have a good time. I'm getting the house cleaned up, putting the baseboards back on, and cleaning the oven and fridge.

    Hugs ladies. Take care of yourselves.

    Paula Y.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,920 Member
    :) The weather here is still cool. Today rain was predicted but it stayed dry with a lot of wind. I didn't work in the yard but I'll get back to it tomorrow.

    <3janetr, sorry to hear about your sister, but heartened that she seems to making progress.

    :)Kim, it's good to hear from you again. When I have been doing my 90 minutes of yard work each day, I think of you and how hard you work and how much I admire you.

    :) Another great line dance class today...one new student and several back after several weeks of vacation.

    <3 Barbie
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited June 2017
    Michelle, do you have a resistance band? Not the kind that look like rubber bands, but the kind that looks like a bungee cord with handles on each end. This packs easily and you can do a complete workout with it. It's what I plan to take with me when I need to go to my daughter's to babysit in a couple of weeks.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,346 Member
    Did an hour of deep water today. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Personal Training with Jackie DVD.

    Lenora - my mini-tramp. also has some sort of covering over the springs. I think this is a good thing to have. Happy birthday to your son.

    Went to exercise, then the Salvation Army, then I thought I'd stop at Bi-Lo to get Jess the deodorant. Well, that was sold out, but everything in the store (well, almost everything, wine was still 50% off) was 75% off. And a lot of things were already sold out. My bill came to over $400, but I only paid a little over $100. Came home and cut the grass. Then went back to Bi-Lo to get Vince more cookies (at that price, I'll get him store bought cookies), got gas, stopped at Big Lots to see if they had any of his rye bread (they didn't) but they did have Snyders pretzels for 75 cents so I got them, went to Ollies to see if they had rye bread (they didn't either) then Habitat for Humanity then Aldi. Home for dinner.

    As I was getting dinner ready my cousin's husband called. Remember I told you I was going to stay with his wife while he went away. Well, she passed away this morning. Don't know yet when the funeral will be. Then got another call. Remember I told you about the guy in Newcomers who I made the rice for and ran it up to his place? Well, it seems that his neighbor took him to the hospital. He's dehydrated. Could barely walk. I told the gal who took him to the hosp that if he's coming home tonight to give us a call, we'll pick him up. Also, he is a very proud person so it probably took a lot for him to call her to take him to the hosp. If we pick him up, he might not feel so bad calling us if he needs something. This is turning out to be one heck of a summer (and no one needs to tell me that summer hasn't even begun. Vince already did!) Update: they're keeping him in the hospital. Honestly, any MD who knows is situation wouldn't let him go home.

    pip - have fun! Good luck to you and Kirby

    Cheri - AWWWWWWW

    janetr - jumping up and down for you

    Karen in VA - I don't play any of the Facebook games. I understand they are too addicting, and I just don't have time for that.

    SueBDew - is it very humid by you?

    Michele in NC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Allie – Seems like someone told me this; but, is that man standing next to you TomCat?

    Pip – Compared to my posts … yes, it is ‘short’. Whoa, … that is some ‘tall’ grass. Watch out for snakes. Where is that? Surely not at your home. Beach lot maybe?

    Joyce – Paid off all our personal credit cards and going ‘cash only’. After we added up how much 'interest' we were paying ... WHOA!!!!! Louis still has 2 cards that he uses in his business; but, only in case of emergencies. Normally he gets 1/3rd of his quote up front and buys paint and other supplies with it and to make sure that he has payroll until they are midway through. He usually has 2 jobs going on overlapping - inside and outside work. He doesn’t ask for money for jobs that he isn’t ready to jump on. I don’t buy anything ‘online’ and I don’t do ‘online banking’. Of course, my ‘checks’ drop into my checking/savings account on certain days; so my statements come out after that.

    Katla – I sing “Alto”; so I know I don’t carry a ‘tune’. Sure wish I could actually sing "Soprano." I am amazed at how long and high some of the contestants did on “The Voice”.

    Becca – I agree that you should not get ‘involved’ with paying her bills for her because it will only give her cause to ask you to do other things for her. She is an older woman and she does need some help. I know we tried to keep our mother at home as long as we could; but, when it was apparent that she wasn’t paying her bills when they came due and was having things turned off. My oldest sister took her home with her (she had had a fairly significant stroke, preceded by smaller, less noticeable ones). Grew up in a small town and Daddy was a prominent attorney in town … so I guess she believed that everybody knew her and they’d get around to calling her about an unpaid bill. Sister only had MBR downstairs and Mother was heavy and sat in their recliners (where she slept). They ended up having to buy new chairs because when she went to sit in them, she ‘plopped down’ and the springs were bad. When we first put her into the A.L.F., she knew about where she was because she was right across the street from the Church they belonged to … and she knew she lived only 2 short blocks. She wanted to ‘go home’ every time we visited her. The entire block she owned had earlier been sold to the Methodist Church and they rented the house back to her with the understanding she could stay there as long as she did not need a full-time nurse (or upon her death). They’d walk her over to the Baptist Church when she felt like it. She still enjoyed teaching her Sunday school class. Then they A.L.F. moved and she stopped ‘begging to go home’. In one of her more lucid moments, Suzanne told her that she no longer had a home to go to. Friendships, borrowing money from family, and money don’t always go together. Something will always suffer. Your friendship is probably more important because you are steering her in the right direction to get the help she needs as an older person.

    Barbiecat – Thanks. RATS!!!!!

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening my dear Friends,

    MicheleNC, do you have any resistance bands? That is my go to when I’m traveling as they are easy to pack and lots you can do with them. That is weird that the lady didn’t return your calls when you were trying to do something nice for her.

    Carol, glad the lightening wasn’t worse. Take care.

    Janetr, sorry about your sister. Sending healing thoughts and prayers her way.

    Chris, a huge congrats on your all time low weight. Gosh that sounds wonderful. Keep up the great work.

    Kim, Welcome back. You were definitely missed.

    I am so sorry for those that are experiencing stress at work. That is such an unhealthy way to go through each day. (((Hugs))) to you.

    Cheri, that is too funny about the dog shirt.

    I’ve read everything but much was on my phone so not many responses. Last night I went to a monthly dinner with the Women of the Moose that is at a different restaurant each month. It was at Bonefish Grill and was a disaster. The service was very, very s l o w. After we finally ordered, it took forever waiting on the food. They finally came to the table to tell us that they were out of Lobster which was the special. That meant that half the table had to order something different. Then it took almost an hour to get our food. Those that had originally ordered Lobster got a dessert so those were ordered. No one was clearing any of the dirty dishes. The two servers started bringing around the checks at that time. There were two empty tables that had been cleared behind me so I ask one of the servers if we could put our dirty dishes on one of them. She said yes so I got everyone’s dishes and put them on that table. A busboy started clearing that table but never came to our long table to help me clear the dishes. Once some of the checks were delivered they seemed to be having a problem with the rest of them. (approximately 15) They finally came and said they were so messed up that they would have to ask each of us what we had and redo them. That was a very slow process so near the end someone asked about their dessert. Another 15 minutes went by and someone came to say they were out of one item so some had to order something different. Another 10 or 15 minutes went by to find out they were out of all desserts. LOL We finally got our checks and left close to 10:00 and we were all they before 6:00. Not a good experience and the poor servers didn’t get much of a tip. My fish was dry on top of all of that.
    Tomorrow I have to be at the Moose Lodge at 10:15 to help with Orientation. No other plans to speak of but I’m off to bed.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.
    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,752 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    So I went to the gym again today! My knees were protesting earlier, but I know this is what will eventually get them stronger. My plan is to go 3x during the week ... weekends are just too crazy! I went into both the women's workout room and the regular gym today. I'm slowly getting my confidence back.

    Allie ... be careful ... a silent Tom doesn't sound like a safe Tom.

    Food choices/hunger ... I'm in agreement that some foods definitely keep you fuller for longer periods of time, even when eating at a deficit. Eggs and bacon for breakfast keeps me until mid to late day ... Toast or cereal has me gnawing on my knuckles by mid morning.

    Beth near Buffalo
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    hey ladies,
    Just a short check in today. To day is my no tablet day, so I'm a bit out of sorts. Not checking in with that thing! I walked Annabelle this morning, she sniffed all the wet grass, and had quite a wet face when she galloped back to her momma! She is a character! When I got back to Prudence's place I helped her call a bunch of apartment complexes that accepts assistance vouchers. There were 5 apartment complexes where the phone number wasn't valid, which is frustrating, being that the listings came from the Resources lady at the Senior center. I shall have to tell her about that! Also if she moves she just needs a 1 bedroom, on the ground floor. She talked to me about wishing to pay me for all that I am doing. She quoted me a price of $100 a month. I told her, I only walk Annabelle, and do her pills. That $50 would be fine but I wasn't really comfortable with that either. My husband says that once she starts paying me, that I would be doing so much more. I have told Prudence that I am not really comfortable with doing her bills, because I am not really balancing her checkbook. I told her she needs to have the resource lady find someone to put all her bills in automatic payment mode. But then that could only happen if she was having someone go with her to the grocery store, because she can't read her register to know how much she has.

    I sang yesterday, at the senior luncheon, and for Prudence. At the senior center it was humorous, because I didn't quite hit my HIGH note of the song. I had an inkling that I wouldn't because I had started the song a bit high to begin with! So all thru the song I am thinking, I am not gonna hit it....oh dang! I joked to them that I should've pinched myself then I could've hit it!

    Rec'd a call from my middle son, saying I was the best mom ever, he is such a sweetie! I rec'd a call from my sister that just got married, and she loved the card I had sent her. In the card I had thanked Claire for saving my sister, that she bloomed after she met him, and also that our relationship got better. I made her cry. I told her I crammed all the love I could into that dang envelope!

    Well my pasta is ready time for lunch. Love ya alls!

    That was short?

    Yep! I typed fast!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,632 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Just a heads up – I know I finally am posting again, but I have a house guest for the weekend, a garden tour to lavender fields in the santa rosa, ca area on Monday, then the following Friday, Saturday, Sunday I am off on a long weekend vacation to the central coast of CA to visit a friend. I have a dog sitter staying with Levi. So I’ll be in and out…

    Someone asked about being hungry… I often am too, but if I really pack in the veggies then not so much, I find sometimes I don’t pack a big enough lunch and that’s a hard go to not tuck into something that is a non-heathy choice. I am a moderator in food, and have a huge sweet tooth, so find I have to work to keep that under control, and a sweet fruit can help. This time of year, a “basket” of raspberries will do the trick, pricy but so much heathier than a candy bar or milk shake – and if I am over calories but it is because of raspberries/peaches/apricots it is much easier for me to accept than if I succumbed to a not that good fast food milk shake… HECK even a home made awesome milk shake is easier to accept. All that said, I do try to drink 8 + ounces of water or tea before I am sure I am hungry.

    I have to share I have new neighbors, our homes are pretty close to one another – but we do have fences – most everyone in California has 6 foot fences around their back yards. Anyway the house on one side has been a rental for 15 years, and there’s been all sorts in there, the last ones made it about 6 years, and while they were nice enough the yard was a nightmare, and they were not neighborly, just neighbors. The owners sold and the new folks – a stay at home retired dad (58) a baby (1) and a wife (30) with a high powered tech job… are so NICE! They are out in the yard, they visit without being a pain, just all in all a great thing. But I do have to laugh as the man is trying to look younger I guess, as he has dyed his grey hair yellow-blonde (the roots show) and grown it on the long side some times in a VERY short pony tail… It makes me smile when I see him – I want to giggle but that would be rude.


    Kim from N. California
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member