Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,378 Member
    edited June 2017

    Good morning, TGIF!!

    Dawn - that boss is strange. Glad you applied for unemployment. So long as the person who got hurt isnt you. Can you get "work" while your job search dog sitting or dog walking? So no money but time with animals - barter with neighbors/ friends. Barter could include gift cards to grocery store etc.

    Cool enough and air quality still good enough to open window this morning.

    Annie - can you give blood on a drop in basis or do you need an apt? Perimenopause is worth getting books/reading about on how you can minimize the effects - there are some non medical remedies - just keep your general practice doctor in the loop.....

    Okay Lana - get on your phone and stop flirting with the cboys - peep at us.

    Will lurk from work - wave to all who follow.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    I feel horrible for not being at shelter, today. I can't stop worrying about the animals. I don't know who is taking care of cats... and, I just keep seeing their faces looking at me, yesterday. I know, they don't understand.. they just want love and attention. I know they are not getting that, today.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,955 Member

    Hello Ladies~~ through before appointments here in NYC......

    Dawn - holy cannoli - So sorry to hear about the loss of a job. Annie is right though: you can't get to your next job without leaving the first one. I'm sending you Peace Vibes, so that you can stay as level as possible at this difficult time. Your boss is weird, yes. I echo Sara's excellent suggestions about bartering et al....

    I must run now; will be back later to read over all of the posts I missed.

    Big Happy Hour at the Beach and Pool later today.

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- thank you...Sara has a great idea...I really don't know many people to ask...I keep to myself, talk to very few. Hopefully, something will be resolved, soon. I have filed for Unemployment and applied for jobs... it's a start..

    Have no appetite, today... good and bad.. not eating everything in sight (chocolate) but, having to force myself to eat....

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • lisasayzhi
    lisasayzhi Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone! Today I took my husband out for an early Father's Day lunch (with our 5 year old daughter). He wanted to go to Buffalo Wild Wings. I figured I would order a grilled chicken salad, because that looked like the healthiest thing on the menu. BUT it was like 500 calories! :o For a SALAD... :s What in the world??? I'm guessing the cheese and croutons ramped up the total, but there didn't appear to be that much. Next time I will try a plain garden salad with NOTHING on top... I did an extra long workout today (15 minutes of weights + 45 minutes of high intensity cardio) to try to amend some of that. I'm happy to have 5 days straight of healthy eating (aside from the lunch mishap today... I will compensate with a light dinner too) and 5 days of workouts in. Feeling good! B)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,378 Member
    edited June 2017
    Good evening,

    Temps starting tomorrow for a week are between 105-113 - seriously ugly. Air quality is down the drain so dont even bother to look. Making coffee ice cubes to have in freezer......

    Frozen lasagna for dinner. Looking for dinners to eat in very hot weather - any ideas?

    Dawn you would be surprised how many people would like someone to come in during the day and walk their dogs or tend to their cats - now that vacation time is upon us. Ask your friends first and that is easiest and a good start.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,955 Member

    Missy - I love your new avatar!

    Sara - Hmm....salads and wraps. Cold fruits, veggies, and cheeses......mozzarella and tomatoes and basil and olive old favorite: ricotta and anything. Maybe whole grain store bought waffles and ricotta instead of always oatmeal so you don't have to turn on the stove every day? I think I remember that you do not have a microwave, so that rules out nuking frozen things. But using the toaster isn't awful. Rotisserie chicken from the store. Low sodium low fat cold cuts? Store made exotic salads like tabouli or anything made with quinoa. Stop at Chinese restaurant and just buy the rice (cheap) and then toss with fresh veggies?

    I tracked all my food today and am still slightly in the green!

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    arniedog74 wrote: »
    Well... that was not the end of the day I was expecting...I got fired... wow...I don't know what to say...I'm angry and hurt... leaving the animals is not easy...

    So sorry to hear...hugs being sent your way. I can't imagine being having to leave especially in your particular job. We are here for support and anything you need. Again sorry to hear about the job loss and many hugs and prayers that you find something soon (and a job that has a better work culture environment, toxic people can be so draining).

    The idea of a dog walker or sitter sounds interesting...I'm sure there would be a lot of interest in that for potential clients.

    Missy - Thank you for hugs and prayers. This is so hard for me... mentally... this is why I could never just leave...
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana- you and Sara always have wonderful food ideas... it all sounds so yummy...

    Missy - That is wonderful about the bike ride... that is an amazing goal to have... so glad your new job is allowing you all these experiences...

    I have requested an Exit Interview. I also am going to have a Board Member with me. I have never had an Exit Interview.. so, not sure what to do or expect... but, it was recommended to me to request it... especially, since he fired me without just cause...

    Still no desire to eat... stomach is a mess... and, I have to go home and put on front to be ok when I see Grandpa...Mom asked if I wanted to wait.. but, I think I should go. He is doing ok. I just don't want to miss any chance I have to go... especially, now that I don't know what days I will be working, when I get a job...

    Thank you everyone for all your kind, wonderful thoughts, hugs and prayers...
    I will be ok... just hard right now

    Have a great night..
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,378 Member
    Dawn - I was making a list of things you could do while you are job searching and I am glad you are already doing the visit gpa on my list....

    Clean house / organize mess
    Stock fridge with healthy food
    write letters to people you have been putting off

    Glad you get an exit interview - does that mean you will get your last paycheck as well? If you have feedback or they allow feedback be constructive and detailed.

    Thank you for the ideas Lana - I put whole grain salads on Sunday store list with pre cut fruit. Their deli usually has a whole grain (quinoa or such) - also have to buy more greek yogurt this week - with fruit and granola may not be a bad dinner idea.

    Love the new image Missy - proud of you for doing your 30 mile bike ride.

    Brain is toast. Miss T and I are calling it a night.

    Wave to all who follow - have a good evening.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara - my very professional boss, text co-worker to have her get my keys and to let me know, they will mail last check. That is when I emailed him, requesting Interview. I am completely terrified. I would much rather do things in writing, than face to face. I have never had an Exit Interview. So, I looked up what to ask/expect. It suggested, writing an angry letter, before Interview. That way, it doesn't spill over into Interview. And, to write a letter about what I loved about my job and try to be constructive in my criticism. Not going to be easy.

    I am going to try to get some cleaning/ organizing done around the house. Also, my friend is needing some help at her thrift store, so I am thinking of volunteering. It's a new business so she is unable to pay employees, yet. Unfortunately. It also helps animals. They are just not able to take in animals as they don't have an actual shelter. Hoping to get some land donated, or possibly find a really good deal... it will be wonderful when they are able to help animals in need and give them a safe place to be.

    I'm going to miss lunch out with Grandpa. But, Mom is ordering from yummy BBQ restaurant and we will take to him on Sunday. Will be really good to see him.

    Night all... hugs
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,378 Member

    Good morning, window open for a little while. Air quality will be so bad that I wont be able to for at least a week.

    Dawn - most exit interviews are to make sure that your mailing address is okay so they can mail you your check. Writing a nasty letter before hand and keeping it, is smart. Take your energy and put it into cleaning instead. I love the idea of helping out at the thrift store to help the animals.

    Buying a 2nd water bottle to take to/from work with the too hot temps. Have a store coupon and a list.

    Will stop by after shopping. Wave to all who follow.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,955 Member
    Good morning Ladies~~

    Sara - glad to hear you are smart about the high temps and bad air quality. It's the air quality that is scary.

    Dawn - Sending the Cabana Boys with a care package for the weekend. They wouldn't tell me what they were putting in it though! :open_mouth:

    Waving to Annie and Missy and Kathy and everyone else who stops by~~

    *tossing hat and bag onto lounge chair for after the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island*

    246.8 Today (down 2.0 from yesterday; body can be like a camel)
    250.0 All time high
    185.0 Goal
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,378 Member
    Done with errands - got a small 14 oz water bottle and 2 spray bottles to take to work. Plastic dishes washed and drying and towels drying on patio (hidden by patio awning) - in this heat I may as well dry things outside. 6% of our electric bills comes from our clothes dryer, so why not use this nasty heat to my advantage. If you can string up lines it makes things easier.

    Lana - does that mean that Dawn will have 2 cboys care packages?? I sent one Thursday - Dawn better get more chairs for the dinner table - eye candy has to be fed.

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Scale the same as last week. Way too many sweet treats although meals were good and I got in a couple of good walks. Leaving camping tomorrow - trying to bring along a couple of things that are low carb. Seems like our camping food is always very carby. Hoping to get some good hikes in to burn off some calories.

    Weight will NOT be in the 140s by next weekend when I see high school girlfriends. It is what it is.

    Missy - congrats on the bike ride! 30 miles? I could never...

    Time to go grocery shopping!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,378 Member
    Annie - same on scale is a good thing because it means you and your body are maintaining - enjoy your walks and your food.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,955 Member

    Sara - If Dawn gets two sets of Cabana Boys with care packages, I think that under the circumstances it is good thing!

    Annie - have a good time camping~~

    So my friend James and I took the 1-hour+ subway out to Coney Island and back for the Mermaid Parade. It rained on our parade, but this did not stop the festivities. Looking for a restroom (very hard to find), we decided to duck into of all things an Appleby's--not good for vegetarians, but we managed with spinach dip, mozzarella sticks, and modest order of sweet potato fries. Wow - I rang it all up in the MFP food calculator, and jeez that was a lot of calories. Won't be doing that again soon.
    We did walk 1.7 miles though. That helped, but the numbers are 370 in the red before my nighttime Cheerios and milk :(

    Tomorrow will be back to normal.

    Have a good evening everyone~~

  • XSaturnsMoonX
    XSaturnsMoonX Posts: 14 Member
    My name is Christina. Late 20's mom of 3 trying to get below 160 from 260 (pregnancy weight). Currently 3 weeks postpartum and 239lbs. Coming in from Washington state.
    What's a cabana boy care package?
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Lana/ Sara - care packages and CBoys were definitely needed and incredibly appreciated, this week... yummy, yummy drinks and (no cal) chocolate... plus, massages...AHHHH Stress relief! Thanks so much, ladies! Pretty nice eye candy, too..hehehe

    Annie - enjoy camping! Many, many wonderful camping memories for me...

    Welcome XSaturnsMoonX... Christina... congrats on the new addition to the family! Lana is nice enough to share her cabana, lounge chairs and, CBoys on those extra stressful days..I lost my job, unexpectedly this week... so, I was lucky enough to get 2 Care pkgs with extra special goodies and, wonderful CBoys to look at (and, drool over)

    Just got back from visiting Gpa...I am just amazed at how well he is doing! He knew me right away! He knew that he had gone to eat a couple weeks ago (he thought it was last Sat, tho) and, that he had gone to Golden Corral, today... surprisingly, he gets up every morning at 4:00 (old habits of a letter carrier), gets himself dressed, in his wheelchair, and goes to dining room all by himself for his coffee! He's really not supposed to do any of that. But, no one is there to stop him, so he will continue to do it. We discussed bringing him home for lunch, tomorrow. He hasn't been home since April. He really wants to. Gma is just so worried he'll get too upset and not want to go back. He said, he understands that he has to go back. Guess we will just see what happens, tomorrow. I know, this is just a good time, amongst many bad.. but, I am so happy to see his old self, even for a short time...

    Well, another crazy storm is upon us...the last 3 nights have been terrible... miserable heat during the day... high winds, heavy rain and hail at night... no fun at all...hoping not to lose power...

    Oh, Exit Interview is scheduled for 10:30, Monday. I'm really dreading it. I would much rather just give the keys to co-worker and never see that man, again. But, I guess, this is the adult thing to do. Like it or not. I did write a letter, that I will be emailing to the entire Board, after Interview. It's not a horrible letter. Just very, very honest. I believe, (wording of email is confusing), that I have been approved for Unemployment and have applied to a few jobs. Also, was advised to apply at local vet office, which I will do on Monday. Not my favorite Vet. But, I would still be working with animals... huge plus...

    I just realized, I keep writing novels... sorry all...

    Hope everyone has a great night... hoping we don't float or blow away, here...
    Hugs to all
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,378 Member
    edited June 2017
    Dawn - hey we all write essays/novels. Dont worry. Glad you got to see your Gpa in a good moment. Hope you are safe after tonight's storm. Just like a bandaid, do your exit interview - rip that bandaid off - so you can move on. Apply to the Vet office, keeps the unemployment people happy....I kept a binder near the phone with a list of places I applied so if I had to write in where I applied (unemployment office form) or if the phone rang and it was a potential employer I could remember easier....learned that lesson the hard way.

    Welcome Christina!- Lana lets us live under her Palm Tree icon during the HOT days of summer or when we need to get away from the world. She has virtual Cabana Boys and we send each other virtual care packages when the real world gets too horrible/stressful. Tomorrow's high is supposed to be 104 - so I imagine myself in a hammock drinking cool drinks under her Palm Tree to feel better.

    Almost 10 and still so warm, this will be a long upcoming week......

    Wishing all a good night.