
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Lisa love the art work!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Lisa - Be very proud of your artwork. :flowerforyou: <3

    I've shortened my pants and they are still a tiny bit too long, but with shoes on I think they will be ok. Very, very comfortable. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited June 2017
    Pip and Kirby ROCK!! Way to go!! And great job on the weed-wacking. Holy smokes. I see Floyd or someone got on the picnic table to avoid a haircut? :D

    Lisafred – welcome. Many of us here are care-givers for spouses in various degrees and understand those challenges. Your DH’s injuries were life changing for both of you. Please keep coming back.

    Re – glad the gel shots are working on your knee. Sorry to hear about the puffiness. You are awesome keeping up with the exercise and logging!!

    Chris in MA – thank you for posting the photos of the tall ships. WOW WOW!! That one from Ecuador with the crew standing on the masts was stunning…. The fireboat was very impressive…. All of them were! You did have a wonderful seat!

    Becca – what a special thing for Prudence to do for you.

    Katla – that Vet Wrap is the greatest thing since sliced bread, isn’t it? Neat job of getting it rewrapped!

    Dana – you live in the most interesting area… so much to do around there. B)

    Lisa – Our favorite cat was gray like Egg. Hope there was a good turnout for the gallery show – nifty display!

    Machka – loved your observation that you’re in better shape at 50 than you were at 20. That’s something I try to be mindful of…we often talk about being “younger next year”. My goal isn’t to do cartwheels (never could anyhow) but to stop and/or reverse some of the decline associated with aging.

    Heather - what a wonderful picnic! Thank you for sharing the photos and I agree, the last one (group) is the best. Very nice "Rose" teacup, saucer and plate - what a neat gift for everyone and the lavender too. And you can't beat your supper in the backyard with all the animals and your DH. I would live there forever! By the way, I’m glad you found some little herbs and especially the French tarragon. Your little herb garden is coming together!

    Leigh – sorry you lost your power! We’ve had some terrific windstorms and have lost power for 3 – 4 days, in the winter of course. Thankfully we’ve always had a wood stove so didn’t freeze, but when the power goes out the water pumps do too. It’s normal (for us) keep several days’ worth of potable water and buckets of “flush water” available at all times. Folks who have moved from the city to our rural area always go through a period of adjustment, lol.

    NYKaren & Rori – have a super meet-up today! Picture please!

    Kelly – isn’t it nice having the strength to carry and move things? When we first moved here, DH would walk up and down our private road a lot with me, walking Sophie. Now, he doesn’t do that anymore… .but thankfully he’s been more active doing some landscaping work and once he gets going his hips aren’t as sore. He’s still stronger and more flexible than I am! He used to be a weight-lifter.... and says that he knows he did damage to his shoulder joints from that, of course the RA doesn't help. He'll have bursitis in them for a day or two then it gets better, thank goodness.

    Beth and Lisa - Enjoy going to the gym!

    Today is strength training for me - looks like dogs are napping for a while so I can sneak out this morning. I'm also going to sell my spinning wheel, rigid heddle looms, various supplies. They used to be a big part of my life, but no more and it's OK to let go. Trying to set an example for DH who has remnants of his hobbies all over the place as well...aka DRUM sets. Lordy. >:)

    Anyhow, there's a shop in town that sells fleece and gives spinning lessons so I'll put up an ad there. I'm thinking of the room I'll have in the guest room too!

    Have a wonderful Sunday! <3

    Soggy SW WA State
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Welcome, Jenn and all the new chums! We're glad you're here...

    To whoever asked, it was a show to sell art, not to be judged, thank goodness!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    The 30efr8amoirk.jpg
    Traditional pic b4 we leave
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    June Accountability
    Progress - Saturday , June 17th

    ✔️1. Carbs 50-75g (limit 25g/meal)
    (B16, L14, D22, AS23, BBS0 = 75g)
    ✔️2. Fiber 30g (40g) *Fri-30g
    ✔3. Track/complete entry daily
    ✔️4. Vegetables - big salad daily
    5. Exercise - 30 Fitbit minutes (15) *Fri=0
    6. No eating after 9pm.
    7. In bed by 12am
    8. Zone work - 15 minutes daily
    Noticed I had a few stats confused.

    • Food. Supper was a big salad and chicken wings.

    • Sleep. I got 3 hours of sleep.

    Today is Father's Day and I'm headed out to go pick up Dad (90) and take him to a family gathering to celebrate it with him.

    The lake trip will start Tues or Wed.

    -- Ginger in Texas
  • grogers511
    grogers511 Posts: 477 Member
    Lisa - GOOD JOB on the Van Gogh inspired Starry Night Sunflower. Did you do the Peacock too?
    -- Ginger in Texas
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    finally home.. - don't have all the stats on the run's website yet.

    someone asked how much I loose on a run or if I carb up the nite b4 a run. I loose about 2 lbs average on a good workout day, run or just good workout. that is all water I'm sure. no I don't carb up the night before, for 6 mi, no need. for a 1/2 or full marathon, I will carb up the whole week before, it's different kind of preparation for that long of a run. you don't want to eat anything different or experiment before the run, that's where you will get a stomach ache, cramps or even worse, "runners trots".

    I type fast an don't need to look at the keyboard to type but I still don't type "war and peace" either, lolol.

    I was really excited for Kirby and was glad he placed first. there was a lady that was running with us and I wasn't sure if she was in my age group or not (50-59) so I kept thinking, if I want to place I have to keep up with her or beat her. at the last mile I picked up my pace and I thought if she has a kick I don't know how good it is, so I better hit it. on the straight away towards the finish, I poured it on and left her and Kirby behind. on our strata app, I did 9.01 minute mi and Kirby did 9.03. turns out she was in the age group before me, she got 1st in her age group