June 2017 Running Challenge



  • garygse
    garygse Posts: 896 Member
    It's Monday, which means today's run represents the majority of the 20% of my 80/20 running week. So for 45 minutes, my heart rate was in the upper aerobic zone, followed by an hour and five minutes at threshold. Overall, that averaged out to a pace of 8:16 min/mi, which isn't too shabby given the sweat-fest 79F/84% humidity that was present at 4am; I honestly have no idea how some people manage to run later in the day at higher temps...I can only assume that those people must be small gods or something.

    01 - 11.39
    02 - 21.12
    05 - 13.44
    06 - 10.73
    07 - 13.43
    08 - 11.43
    09 - 21.15
    12 - 5.66
    13 - 13.16
    14 - 7.10
    15 - 10.33
    16 - 13.52
    17 - 11.27
    19 - 13.52

    Total: 177.25 / 225 miles
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    Goals for June:
    1. To add 4th day to the running week - Going well so far with the only sticky spot being on Thursdays when I have to run before work at 4am.
    2. To not puke, pass out or die while adjusting to the heat - Also going well but the month is young and it has not been that hot yet.
    3. To stay healthy - So far so good but trying not to jinx it.
    4. Make my running a priority, not the first thing that gets forgotten when work and family schedules get crazy - Also going well but last week I was on vacation so that made it easier.
    5. To do a better job tracking miles and holding myself accountable - Not so well so far but we will see.

    Running mileage goal :
    I am planning on 4 runs a week of an average of 2 miles each as a conservative goal so 40 miles.

    Date Day Run Monthly total Needed
    6/3 Sat 2.3 Mi 2.3 Mi 37.7Mi
    6/3 Sun 2.0 Mi 4.3 Mi 35.7Mi
    6/6 Tues 2.5 Mi 6.8 Mi 33.2Mi
    6/8 Thurs 1.5 Mi 8.3 Mi 31.7Mi
    6/10 Sat 3.1 Mi 11.4 Mi 28.6Mi
    6/11 Sun 1.1 Mi 12.5 Mi 27.5Mi
    6/13 Tues 1.7 Mi 14.2 Mi 25.8Mi
    6/15 Thurs 3.0 Mi 17.2 Mi 22.8Mi
    6/17 Sat 1.6 Mi 18.8 Mi 21.2Mi

    Surprisingly just a little behind schedule to make plan. 4 Runs a week are getting easier, just need to do a better job getting in the distances I need.

    2017 Upcoming Races :
    6/10/17 Run and Ride Cedar Point 5K (maybe) - Done
    9/9/17 Kick off 5k (race 2 of series)
    11/19/17 Halftime 10K (race 3 of series)
    2/4/18 Championship 5 miler (race 4 of series)
    4/29/18 Akron Half Marathon (Can sign up for $26.50 by 8/1 without getting a shirt for full or half)

  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    1/6 - 3.6
    2/6 - 4.9
    4/6 -REST
    9/0 -REST

    Total - 68.9/90 Miles

    Today was meant to be speed work but it was sooo hot that I just ambled round!
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    @MNLittleFinn - Great job on competing the full! Love that you are already planning a second one.

    @MobyCarp - Congrats on winning your age group!

    @shanaber - Love the picuture! Must have been a blast.

    @KeepRunningFatboy - Any more races in the Cleveland or Akron/Canton area coming up?
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    (maybe especially for the ladies, not sure)

    My wife is complaining that she feels pain in the groin, right where the leg connects. She said it feels "sore" so not sharp or anything. Is this normal? I have not experienced this, sore elsewhere sure, but not right there.

  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    6/1 = Gym day; 3 miles on the treadmill and 40 minutes of strength training
    6/2 = 6 miles
    6/3 = 6 miles & strength training
    6/4 = 13.9 miles (run/walk)
    6/5 = 8.1 miles & strength training
    6/6 = rest day
    6/7 = 8 miles (with 6 - 5 minute speed intervals)
    6/8 = 5.5 miles
    6/9 = 6 miles
    6/10 = Hatha yoga class
    6/11 = 10 miles (run/walk)
    6/12 = 4 miles & strength training
    6/13 = Vinyasa yoga class
    6/14 = 7.5 miles
    6/15 = 5.5 miles
    6/16 = 6 miles & strength training
    6/17 = 3 miles (5k race so technically 3.2 - rounding down)
    6/18 = 13 miles
    6/19 = 5 miles & strength training

    Five slow, hot, & soggy miles. Holy humidity, Batman!

    (June miles to date) 110.5/150 (June goal miles)

    Upcoming 2017 Races:
    10/28 = Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    11/23 = Georgetown Turkey Trot
    12/10 = BCS Half Marathon
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    edited June 2017
    I am looking forward to hearing about your race @amymoreorless and @MNLittleFinn !

  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited June 2017
    A late start here, drinking coffee, catching up on posts.

    I'm 94% sure today is going to be a rest day, but there is an off chance I might do some easy mileage.

    I was definitely more worn down than I should have been all day and night yesterday, even with a nap, so that "easy run" yesterday was too much on top of the workout the day prior. Good to know, I'll try a run in a lower recovery-only effort range next time.

    I slept in after my alarm to go do my mile intervals workout this morning (no sense forcing that workout today), and didn't wake up again until 2 hours later! I feel a lot better, and is why I am even considering an easy effort run today.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    edited June 2017
    6/1 - 8 miles (daily double: 3.5 & 4.5)
    6/2 - 9 miles
    6/3 - 5 mile recovery run + Zumba
    6/4 - GW Bridge Challenge 10k (PR - 53:43)
    6/5 - 6.25 mile recovery run
    6/6 - 9 soaking wet miles
    6/7 - 8 miles w/summer track workout (4x1000m w/400m recoveries)
    6/8 - 10 miles (daily double: 6 & 4)
    6/9 - rest
    6/10 - NYRR Mini 10k (6.3 miles - 58:09)
    6/11 - 13 mile slow, hottt, long run
    6/12 - 8 mile rather hot run
    6/13 - 7 mile run w/summer track workout (3x 10 min Indian file runs)
    6/14 - 3.1 mile recovery run
    6/15 - rest
    6/17 - 6 mile soaking wet rainy run + Zumba
    6/18 - 11 mile stupid humid long run

    June Total: 115.95/140
    716.8 miles/2,017 miles - goal for the year

    So I was supposed to run on Friday, but due to weather conditions I had changed that to Saturday. I don't normally run the day before a long run yet, so it's always a little bit of a challenge when I need to do it. I did 6 miles on Saturday. It was 70° and raining the entire time, and it felt amazing. I love running in the rain when it's not too chilly!

    Yesterday was my long run, but it was also my last long run before my next HM, exactly one week before the race. I set out to do 12 miles but ended up with 11, and was perfectly happy with that. It ended up being a killer with the humidity, 84° but with a realfeel of 92, and a lot more sun than I was hoping for. The clouds/gray weather forecast kept getting pushed back, and I didn't get any of it on my run. The conditions really sapped my energy.

    The other reason I ended up cutting out the last mile was because I bumped into a fellow Rockland Road Runner member, and ended up running with her for about 3 miles, at a bit of a faster pace than I had been planning on. I had been keepng it pretty slow, around a 10:30 pace, because of taper, and the weather, and having run the previous day, but ended up doing the 3 miles I ran with her in 9:43, 9:15, and 9:24, lol. My hr during those 3 miles averages out to being right around my LT hr, so I'm happy calling this an unplanned tempo run and leaving out that last mile, lol. I'm feeling really good about it though, because I managed to maintain a pretty coherent conversation for those 3 miles, with a heart rate ranging from 175-182, so I am yet again left to wonder what my true limits are, lol.

    I also tried out my new hydration backpack for the first time on this run. I had no chafing issues, and it seemed to work really well. I didn't notice my back being extra uncomfortably hot, but all of me was already uncomfortably hot anyway, so I'm not sure there was much of a difference it would be able to make. It was so gross on this run that I actually ended up with squelchy socks/shoes, just like the day before in the rain :s This is the pack I purchased, and I will update further as I continue to try it out:
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    6.7 mile recovery run suppose to be at 10:30 pace but it was 9:30. It felt like I was running easy with the exception of the humidity which was about 100% thankfully it was only 74 degrees out.
    total for June 106/150 44 to go.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    @KatieJane83 thanks for posting on the hydration pack. This is this one I will be purchasing. It's good to hear it's working out for you. I saw a similar one at TJMax Saturday but it was definitely a female color of purple. Now at the early morning hours that I run why should I care?
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    I am looking forward to hearing about your race @amymoreorless and @MNLittleFinn !

    My race description is a few pages back. :)

    This thread is rediculouly hard to keep up with - lol.

    Short version: Ran it in 27:34 --- 6 minutes faster than last year. 10th overall female and 3rd in my age group.
  • SpiritHippo
    SpiritHippo Posts: 53 Member
    4:24 finish. Quad and calf cramps murdered my second half. Still ok with my time though, I got the 26.2

    Edit to add, the weather kicked my *kitten*. It was only 73f, but there was a lot of sun and humidity was close to 60%. My runs have been a lot cooler.

    Oddly, I feel great with my finish. Sure, I was 24 minutes slower than my hoped for, but I was less than double my first HM time, from less than a year ago.

    We are all very proud of you! Great Job @MNLittleFinn
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    My race description is a few pages back. :)

    This thread is rediculouly hard to keep up with - lol.

    Short version: Ran it in 27:34 --- 6 minutes faster than last year. 10th overall female and 3rd in my age group.

    Oh, I missed that! Great job!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @ohhim - beautiful picture of your son -- makes me cry. Thank you for reminding us again. I've been diligent w/sunscreen thanks to you, but screwed up one afternoon on my trip this past weekend. I had a ton of sunscreen on in the morning and then at lunch the bartender brought me a huge sangria. It was supposed to just be one but she said she was playing with the recipe and had to keep adjusting it and so she brings out the normal size one and then a huge plastic cup with the leftover. Probably 40 oz total! (um... yeah, I guess no one forced it down my throat but it was so good). So after that I told my husband we have to walk or I won't be able to make it to the formal dinner that night. So we walked ... and walked ... and walked and when we got back to hotel I realized one arm/shoulder was burned.

    6/1- travel day
    6/2 - 5 miles
    6/3- 4.6 miles
    6/4- 4.2 miles + 18 miles cycling on rented bike
    6/5- 5 miles
    6/6 - 5.5 miles
    6/7 - 6.1 miles
    6/8 - 5.4 miles
    6/9 - travel day
    6/10 - 43 miles cycling
    6/11 - 44 miles cycling
    6/12 - 5 miles running
    6/13 - 5 miles
    6/14 - 5 miles
    6/15 - strength training
    6/16 - 5 miles on the boardwalk in Hollywood
    6/17 - 5 miles same as yesterday
    6/18 - 4 miles same as last two days
    6/19 - 4 miles - back home


  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I ran 4.5 miles in easy effort HR range today, despite feeling sore from yesterday and considering a rest day. Truth is, I just did a little over a full week of reduced mileage and I felt obligated to get back to my weekly mileage.

    This working out at high speeds to improve my VO2Max has been quite foreign to me, and has turned my thoughts and instincts on training practically on it's head. Just a couple or so miles of working at these high efforts feels incredibly tough while doing them, but then after a short recovery I feel like I didn't work out as much as a normal, longer, slow run. Yet by later in the day I'm feeling that I did indeed get a serious workout in and usually sleep really hard and wake up feeling more stiff and sore than a nights rest after a slower, longer run, and like I might be better off taking it as a rest day. Over the last week I opted for rest since I may have been due some rest. At this point though, I'm ready to get recovery workouts instead of rest.

    On today's 4.5 miler I kept the effort easy, and will be curious to see how I am performing tomorrow. It actually felt kind of tough today compared to past easy runs for active recovery. I hope I am fully recovered for tomorrow's workout which is 3x1mi intervals at my 5k pace (enforced by my Garmin). I am more interested in achieving that sort of workout right now than simply getting "more miles". It occurred to me during today's run that maybe the reason so many people get injured when switching to speed work is because they keep running the same mileage or same number of workouts and don't take on between days as rest days. I suspect that depends on the person, and their condition.

    As for my condition, I can't figure it out yet. I can do long, slow stuff until the cows come home and get some above average weekly mileage (45 most recently) with no problems. Yet I struggle mightily to run 1 mile at a pace 30 to 60 seconds slower than my mile pace. This is why I want to so some mile intervals at 5k pace. My VO2Max is well below average for my age. So that is the weak link, and perfectly explains this. But saying I have the strength to go long and slow is sort of a lie because even that is driven by your ability to deliver oxygen, which my VO2Max is a key part of. So really, I'm just in bad shape but can tough out some above average efforts if I operate slowly enough.

    I agree with what you are experiencing. Speed work wipes me out over the long haul. I think a definite decrease in overall mileage is helpful when doing legitimate speed work. I think there becomes a point where you have built a solid base and you get diminishing returns on all of those extra easy miles. If you want to increase you speed, you have to do speed work. But if you are doing speed work, you need more recovery, so you end up running less miles. You are probably at that point where you will benefit more from the speed work and a lower overall weekly mileage than you will by just adding volume for the sake of adding volume. I have never been a fan of super high mileage. Maybe it's because I built my base up over many years of running rather than building up to high monthly miles over a shorter period of time, but even during the height of my training I only once hit a 60 mile week.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @Shanaber- Love the beach photo. I think Hobbes is beautiful. To see all of those beautiful Vizslas together must have been something. I am not sure how everyone was able to find their dogs in the group.LOL

    @HonuNui -Thanks for the reminder. What a fantastic photo of your son!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @PastorVincent Sounds like your wife could had some adductor strain. My personal suggestion would be no running for 4-5 weeks.. haha! Just joshin'.

    Gentle massage, gentle stretching and work on strengthening abductors, core (planks), give IT band some TLC too, and stretch that psoas out.

    Not a doctor. See your PCP/PT for advice.