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  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    It is true that people are much less likely to buy a product if it says "Contains Gmo's"

    What I fail to understand is why all these "pro market", "Gov't should stay out of business" people are so afraid of letting the market decide what they want to consume.

    All you people who are against labeling know damn well that if you walk into a store to buy dinner for your kids and see two versions of the same product at the same price and one says "Contains Gmo's" you're going to choose the other.

    And if you don't care, thats okay, but plenty others do. Food labeling should not be something that is voted on, it should just be mandatory.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Oh you people are going to hate me.

    - Artificial flavors, preservatives, and sweeteners are terrible for you. If your a paleo preacher, you shouldn't defend artificial sweeteners in the same breath.

    - If companies like Nestle, Tyson and McDonald's can make a buck by selling you poison in a box, they will not only do it, but will higher entire universities to figure out the best way to systematically do it, with the highest return. It's also strange how the same people who argue for their right to do so, are the same people that will deny they do so.

    - Organic is not the scam, Coca-Cola, fast food, the Corn industry, factory farms, and Monsanto are the scam.

    - The rise in obesity and heart disease is do in part to a systematic approach to profit as much as possible against the cost of your health...

    - Last thought, I hear all the time about people "giving up" or "quitting" soda. It's not easy, most experience headaches and feel like crap while trying to quit. Many fail, or have to whim themselves off over time..... Come on! What the *kitten* are they putting are food that grown adults have such a hard time "quitting" something like soda... How in the hell is some poor little boy or girl going to stand a chance against billion dollar industries with a university of chemist behind them.

    - These companies also pay food engineers to come on forums like mfp to defend their products.

    Because as everyone knows, dead customers buy the most stuff.

    Also "what they put in" soda is called caffeine, you might know it from drinks such as coffee and is probably the most deadly thing in a can of soda, i.e. it has the lowest lethal dose.

    Ah, of course you beat me to it! ;-)
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    It is true that people are much less likely to buy a product if it says "Contains Gmo's"

    What I fail to understand is why all these "pro market", "Gov't should stay out of business" people are so afraid of letting the market decide what they want to consume.

    All you people who are against labeling know damn well that if you walk into a store to buy dinner for your kids and see two versions of the same product at the same price and one says "Contains Gmo's" you're going to choose the other.

    And if you don't care, thats okay, but plenty others do. Food labeling should not be something that is voted on, it should just be mandatory.

    Food labeling is mandatory.

    Corn, wheat, etc all right there on the label.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited June 2017
    What I fail to understand is why all these "pro market", "Gov't should stay out of business" people are so afraid of letting the market decide what they want to consume.

    I'm not particularly "gov't should stay out of business" in that there are lots and lots of regulations I support, but I am generally pro market. IMO, that's why if organics and/or non GMOs are preferred by consumers (or a segment of them), producers adding voluntary labels to identify those products makes total sense. Same with labels about how animals were treated and so on. I have my own way of identifying foods I wish to buy (I mainly buy from local farms, although in the winter I buy produce conventionally and grown far away, since I live in a colder climate), but I fully support allowing voluntary non GMO and organic labels, as we do.

    There is some dispute about how non GMO should be defined, which is why (one of the many reasons) it makes sense for those who care about avoiding them to define what qualifies for the label.
    All you people who are against labeling know damn well that if you walk into a store to buy dinner for your kids and see two versions of the same product at the same price and one says "Contains Gmo's" you're going to choose the other.

    That's not true. Something I buy often that has a "no GMO" label is tofu (also tempeh), and I would not choose that above GMO tofu if they tasted the same and one was cheaper or if the GMO one tasted better. (Mostly I don't check.)

    If you care, however, find the kind labeled no GMO.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    It is true that people are much less likely to buy a product if it says "Contains Gmo's"

    What I fail to understand is why all these "pro market", "Gov't should stay out of business" people are so afraid of letting the market decide what they want to consume.

    All you people who are against labeling know damn well that if you walk into a store to buy dinner for your kids and see two versions of the same product at the same price and one says "Contains Gmo's" you're going to choose the other.

    And if you don't care, thats okay, but plenty others do. Food labeling should not be something that is voted on, it should just be mandatory.

    I'm not against labeling because I couldn't care less, but I would choose the one that tastes better. If I had no experience with either product I buy both and decide later which one I will continue buying. If there are several products I just grab whichever 2-3 products I reach for first and "look nice". Whether we want to admit it or not, packaging does influence buying decisions for the first purchase.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    It is true that people are much less likely to buy a product if it says "Contains Gmo's"

    What I fail to understand is why all these "pro market", "Gov't should stay out of business" people are so afraid of letting the market decide what they want to consume.

    All you people who are against labeling know damn well that if you walk into a store to buy dinner for your kids and see two versions of the same product at the same price and one says "Contains Gmo's" you're going to choose the other.

    And if you don't care, thats okay, but plenty others do. Food labeling should not be something that is voted on, it should just be mandatory.

    I personally ignore all irrelevant information on a package -- I don't use it to make purchasing decisions.

  • astronaught
    astronaught Posts: 103 Member
    Something else I don't understand...

    What's it to you people whether or not the food industry is required to label Gmo's anyway?

    How is it going to negatively effect you personally if a company is required to label their gmo products?

    Guess what, if less people are buying their gmo products because of the label, that's a good thing for you gmo lovers because it will drive down the price right?

    Labeling gmo products will not effect you negatively in any way, only positively... However, others do feel not labeling Gmo's could negatively effect them personally.

    So who the hell are you, with no skin in the game, to tell everyone else they don't have a right to be informed about their products... And these are the same people who preach an ideology of libertarianism.

    You have every right to be informed. Any company that wants to can label their products GMO free and you can buy solely those products.
  • MJ2victory
    MJ2victory Posts: 97 Member
    Dazzler21 wrote: »
    Big is beautiful...(when said about obese people)

    No it's not... It's heart disease, liver disease and many other illnesses breeding inside you because you can't control your cravings.

    This isn't a dig it's a fact.

    Those that are on here that are obese I would assume are here to improve themselves and to them I say I salute you.

    To those that choose to continue without change, I am disturbed by you and your lack of love for the only body you'll ever have.

    a.) plenty of fat ppl don't get those issues and plenty of thin people do... you know that. Why oversimplify?
    b.) you can be disturbed all you want but I agree with you that the habits and behaviors that got them/us fat probably have to do with a lack of self love. Ergo, step 1 is finding yourself beautiful and lovable and step 2 is deciding that that means you're worth the work it takes to food prep, the work it takes to say no to excess food, it's all hard work. And if you don't first believe you're worth it... how do you ever love yourself enough to do it??? Sure, some people get stuck on step 1 and that may be a problem for them and possible others... but that doesn't mean it's not an important step.
  • MJ2victory
    MJ2victory Posts: 97 Member
    Macy9336 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    MJ2victory wrote: »
    ok I'm ready to weigh in on this (hahaha I crack myself up). Here are my unpopular opinions:

    1. Weighing daily is unhealthy. (not to say it isn't tempting)
    2. Weight loss should not be your objective. It's a side affect of making healthier choices.
    3. Mental health is just as important as physical health (if not more).
    4. If you lose weight bc you hate yourself, you will still hate yourself at your goal weight and you WILL gain it back.

    Sometimes, losing weight (in and of itself) is the best thing a person can do for their health.

    not if they're going to immediately gain it back because they didn't deal with their relationship with food and the emotional baggage that may have caused them to gain the weight.

    Who says they didn't deal with those issues as a means to the goal of losing weight?

    like I said in my original post: my opinion is that weight loss should be a byproduct, not the goal. The goal is to feel better, be more physically able, not eat emotionally, love yourself, etc. Weight is just your relationship with gravity. If you make lifestyle changes, you may lose weight, but it's about the weakest measurement of health.

    Obesity is detrimental to physical health. It's hardly a weak measurement of health. If a person is obese and they have an unhealthy relationship with food, then yes they need to deal with that unhealthy relationship in order to achieve the goal of overcoming obesity because obesity kills.

    What a ridiculous oversimplification. There is a correlation between obesity and some illnesses. And do you remember what was talked about in high school about the dangers of assuming causation vs correlation?

    No, obesity has been proven to CAUSE deaths. In 2015 four MILLION people died worldwide due to excess body weight. You'd really tout a high school lecture on correlation vs. causation as the authority trumping thousands of scientists and doctors worldwide? The science is very clear that obesity kills. You're deluded if you just think "weight is your relationship with gravity" and nothing more.

    you can think my argument is stupid or disagree with me but no scientist is going to say that obesity causes death. Show me that article. They all say it's linked or it can lead to a cause of death. Your weight is the result of over eating and/or a sedentary lifestyle. Overeating and/or a sedentary lifestyle? leads to excess weight. leads to several causes of death. Obesity doesn't literally kill you.
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