What did you dream about last night?



  • LVNF04
    LVNF04 Posts: 2,607 Member
    I was on a amusement park train, being chased by witches, I went into the train station and explained what was going and a person I previously worked with was taking a nap in a bunch of cardboard boxes told me to go on isle 7 and he would sell me a sawed off shotgun at a discounted price. Then I saw my ex. Strange dream.
  • JosephPulaski
    JosephPulaski Posts: 304 Member
    I was drowning, and you would not lend a hand.

    I'll save your life. Not one of mine will be lost.

    Well that's much appreciated :)
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    This is going to be really weird. So if you have an a reason please tell me. I had a dream nipples fell off and I couldn't find a doctor to put them back on. I woke from this dream crying and had to use the bathroom. My dreams rarely continue but then here I was in almost the same dream but my lips fell off and then my tongue. No one was around and I was panicked I couldn't tell anyone what I needed. When I woke up I had bad pins and needles. Not sure if thats relevant.

    No, not "weird".
    No need to panic, are you giving your mind enough food to think on? All of the pieces of you that fell off represent an item of feeding. You feel like you are nurturing your mind+soul? Are you stifling your spiritual need to grow?
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    Here's what I remember this morning from last night's brain movie...

    I was shopping at Whole Foods and a cute young woman, who worked there, was flirting with me. We started making out a little by the drink coolers. We were about to take things further when I woke up...always the way, damn it!
  • sw33tp3a1
    sw33tp3a1 Posts: 5,065 Member
    My dream man
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    edited July 2017
    I had a dream about a person that's dead, good and dead, and probably rotting in hell. In this dream I was yet again explaining myself to this jerk, and why I couldn't have possibly made things better, or changed the said situation. Which, stupidly enough was supper, and why there was not enough of it, and he in my dream got the lion's share, while everyone else had nothing but nibbles. Typical of him. I woke up angry, and frustrated with myself that even dead I'm still explaining myself to this narcissistic, abusive jerk, and trying to pacify him. Really ticks me off!
  • FitWonderChick
    FitWonderChick Posts: 35 Member
    I had a dream my ex was on an airplane with me on a flight and he said he couldn't be seen with me because of his religion. Which is sort of what happened in real life. Very strict middle eastern culture but I wasn't buying it in real life or in my dream. LOL Brain was telling girl to stop messing with nonsense.
  • Just_Mel_
    Just_Mel_ Posts: 3,992 Member
    That I was prego again.
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    More of a nightmare than a dream.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I had a dream about a person that's dead, good and dead, and probably rotting in hell. In this dream I was yet again explaining myself to this jerk, and why I couldn't have possibly made things better, or changed the said situation. Which, stupidly enough was supper, and why there was not enough of it, and he in my dream got the lion's share, while everyone else had nothing but nibbles. Typical of him. I woke up angry, and frustrated with myself that even dead I'm still explaining myself to this narcissistic, abusive jerk, and trying to pacify him. Really ticks me off!

    You need to make peace with the memory of him. Are you not the person you are because of the situations with this man? What did you learn while you were with him? Can you be thankful for that?
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    That I was prego again.

    We've talked about this... What's inside you? The deepest Truth? What do you believe? Nurture it.
  • molbook
    molbook Posts: 11 Member
    My friends mom crashing my brand new car into a lake, Michael Scott style. Obviously im a little protective of my new baby... considering its making its way into mt dreams.
  • MarvinsAMartian
    MarvinsAMartian Posts: 236 Member
    Long story, nightmare, terrifying.

    Ok so I get off a long plane ride. I don't remember the flight itself, just arriving at the airport. I picked up my bags and went to go find the person I am meeting. I don't remember seeing specific faces, just that it was very busy and people were walking all directions around me.

    I notice her thru the crowd right away. She's smiling and holding a small paper sign with my MFP username on it. I smile back and start walking towards her, as I get close I get a weird feeling in my stomach and as I reach one arm out to give her a hug, her head tilts back and she opens her mouth (this *kitten* gets freaky so bear with me). Not sure how to describe it really but the top part of her mouth isn't connected to the rest of her jaw. So when her head tilts back, it looks like a *kitten* PEZ dispenser. Out of her mouth comes a tarantula, and it starts crawling down her neck and as it makes its way down her body its getting bigger and bigger, like Lord of the Rings holy *kitten* that's a big spider big.

    I'm horrified watching this happen and I'm taking steps back as this spider is nearing the floor in front of me. I look up briefly and notice her body decomposing, but not, its more like disintegrating and from that the 'dust' or whatever turns into little spider hatchlings. If you've seen 'The Mist' 2007? I think, you'd understand what I mean with that spider scene.

    Overcome with fear I look around and notice the airport has suddenly become empty. Then I wake up.

    Quick backstory. Yes I do have a case of arachnophobia, kind of. Not terrified of them, but certainly won't pick one up just for giggles. As well, I will be on a plane very soon, and will be meeting up with a woman on the other side of the world (not what you think). Although we have never met, we have been communicating on FB for about six weeks now and I have no freakin clue why I would dream about her dying(?) in such a brutal way.

    I don't feel threatened by her, or in anyway uncomfortable so I can't imagine it relating to some fear of meeting her or whatever right? She's been nothing but wonderful in our correspondence and she can make me laugh easily, something most people can't do.

    This spider thing threw me for a loop too. I don't even remember the last time I saw one. Plus, its not even that high up there as far as my fears are concerned. I'm more terrified of drowning, burning alive and compressed gasses than spiders.

    You were spot on with your analysis of my last dream @loveliveswithin wanna give this one a go? ;p
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited July 2017
    I rarely remember my dreams! I only have memory of them being rediculously off the wall and making no sense at all! I do seem to remember the Sex dreams pretty vividly, who knows why??? :flushed:
    I once dreamed that I was being chased by four Men and a Woman who eventually caught up with me and shot me! Five years later I was shot and abducted during a Grocery Store robbery, taken with them in the getaway car, held hostage for nearly three hours! There were exactly four Men and one Woman!!! :cold_sweat::warning::warning:
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    Long story, nightmare, terrifying.

    Ok so I get off a long plane ride. I don't remember the flight itself, just arriving at the airport. I picked up my bags and went to go find the person I am meeting. I don't remember seeing specific faces, just that it was very busy and people were walking all directions around me.

    I notice her thru the crowd right away. She's smiling and holding a small paper sign with my MFP username on it. I smile back and start walking towards her, as I get close I get a weird feeling in my stomach and as I reach one arm out to give her a hug, her head tilts back and she opens her mouth (this *kitten* gets freaky so bear with me). Not sure how to describe it really but the top part of her mouth isn't connected to the rest of her jaw. So when her head tilts back, it looks like a *kitten* PEZ dispenser. Out of her mouth comes a tarantula, and it starts crawling down her neck and as it makes its way down her body its getting bigger and bigger, like Lord of the Rings holy *kitten* that's a big spider big.

    I'm horrified watching this happen and I'm taking steps back as this spider is nearing the floor in front of me. I look up briefly and notice her body decomposing, but not, its more like disintegrating and from that the 'dust' or whatever turns into little spider hatchlings. If you've seen 'The Mist' 2007? I think, you'd understand what I mean with that spider scene.

    Overcome with fear I look around and notice the airport has suddenly become empty. Then I wake up.

    Quick backstory. Yes I do have a case of arachnophobia, kind of. Not terrified of them, but certainly won't pick one up just for giggles. As well, I will be on a plane very soon, and will be meeting up with a woman on the other side of the world (not what you think). Although we have never met, we have been communicating on FB for about six weeks now and I have no freakin clue why I would dream about her dying(?) in such a brutal way.

    I don't feel threatened by her, or in anyway uncomfortable so I can't imagine it relating to some fear of meeting her or whatever right? She's been nothing but wonderful in our correspondence and she can make me laugh easily, something most people can't do.

    This spider thing threw me for a loop too. I don't even remember the last time I saw one. Plus, its not even that high up there as far as my fears are concerned. I'm more terrified of drowning, burning alive and compressed gasses than spiders.

    You were spot on with your analysis of my last dream @loveliveswithin wanna give this one a go? ;p

    This one is about secrets. You think your friend you anticipate meeting has secrets? Deep dark down inside? The longer you stay in her presence, the more you will see coming into full view. The dust part represents that she is human.
    Unlike online communication, there is no delay in the delivery of speech to each other.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    I rarely remember my dreams! I only have memory of them being rediculously off the wall and making no sense at all! I do seem to remember the Sex dreams pretty vividly, who knows why??? :flushed:
    I once dreamed that I was being chased by four Men and a Woman who eventually caught up with me and shot me! Five years later I was shot and abducted during a Grocery Store robbery, taken with them in the getaway car, held hostage for nearly three hours! There were exactly four Men and one Woman!!! :cold_sweat::warning::warning:

    Oftentimes, our physical life does mimic the spiritual.
  • purebredpolly
    purebredpolly Posts: 318 Member
    I had a dream about a person that's dead, good and dead, and probably rotting in hell. In this dream I was yet again explaining myself to this jerk, and why I couldn't have possibly made things better, or changed the said situation. Which, stupidly enough was supper, and why there was not enough of it, and he in my dream got the lion's share, while everyone else had nothing but nibbles. Typical of him. I woke up angry, and frustrated with myself that even dead I'm still explaining myself to this narcissistic, abusive jerk, and trying to pacify him. Really ticks me off!

    You need to make peace with the memory of him. Are you not the person you are because of the situations with this man? What did you learn while you were with him? Can you be thankful for that?

    Peace......What I'd like is my memory to forget his existence. Like *POOF* He's gone, just like he is good, and dead gone. That would bring peace, to forget, but I don't think I'll ever forget him. What he did to our family was leave an imprint much like the ripples on water when you touch it. It goes further, and further out. He haunts us all.

    But beyond that, what did I learn from having this man thrust into our lives? To ALWAYS listen to my inner gut. I despised this man the second I met him. For the sake of others I purposed myself to accept, and to love him. :/ and that makes me very angry with myself. I should have listened to my gut, and just walked away, just walked away from it all, all that I knew, all that I was. I suppose that is the lesson, that it's okay to walk away, to keep toxic situations, people, and family at bay. I do not have to hug a porcupine.

    And to that end, this past year, that's what I've done. It's amazing how much peace I have since I stepped away from things/people who bring chaos in my life. I've been so ill, for so long now, and I just could not bear another day of it all, I walked away. I have hope to physically heal one day, and I do not believe that would have been possible before, but now I think I might be able to. I believe without question that circumstances can destroy you not only mentally, but physically. So I've walked away, I've pulled back, and kept folks at arms length, but somewhere ticking in the back of my subconscious is the rabbit hole that's trying to suck me back into the chaos. So perhaps the dream is more a warning from my subconscious, and it showing me why me I must keep walking, keep moving forward, and away from the chaos. I don't need to go back to it just because I am afraid to move forward without family. Which is odd to me, because on a conscious level I am not feeling any longing to return to that. So perhaps it's more an obligation I feel, a duty to never turn your back on family? Maybe some weird octopus tentacle kind of thing that wraps around your psych since it's been ingrained in you since birth? Whatever it is, if my subconscious uses the man that I want stripped from my mind as a warning, then I must be doing the right thing for myself. Those people make me soul sick.
  • loveliveswithin
    loveliveswithin Posts: 2,256 Member
    rarely remember mine either. last night though was pretty awful.

    dreamed i was still with my ex wife. she was pregnant. at the hospital about to give birth. i wasn't there. it was some town i have never been in before and i was trying to get there as fast as i could.

    my mother (who has been dead for years) was in my pickup with me but she didn't talk the whole time.

    there were monsters and demons in the town. everywhere. they were setting traps for me to keep me from getting to the hospital. every street i turned down it seemed like they were there. at one point one of them landed on the roof of the car and smashed the window on my side and tried to grab me. he clawed my shoulder open but then he fell off the roof.

    i eventually got to the hospital and my ex had given birth already. nobody was mad that i was late. i ended up getting to hold the baby and then i woke up.

    i've never wanted kids and i haven't spoken to my ex wife in years (though she did want them desperately).

    Okay, calm down....
    Your dream means you are about to be delivered some beautiful Truth.
    It doesn't matter where you are or who is delivering this message, just that you are receiving it.
    Your mother represents the one who brought you into this life, her silence meaning it's going to be delivered to YOU this time.
    monsters and demons... just means you're still fighting the battle of good and evil. Without a counter, there would be no war.