

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr Gin Miller's Simply Strong DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a warrior DVD (as you can guess, this is yoga)

    Made Vince a lasagna bake. Personally, I'm not real crazy about it. Then made some sweet potato mini chocolate chip muffins for the gal we're going to see tomorrow. I'll give the rest to Diane. Had to run to Food Lion to get another sweet potato. I didn't realize that I had another one already. Oh well..... Then did my first attempt at the bridal shower cake. Personally, I thought there was too much chocolate (it's marbled) but that can be adjusted. Went to ACMoore but they don't carry the decorating tips that I think Jess will need. Then went to Office Depot and they only carry the labels in 150 packs. I only need 48 so I ordered them thru Amazon that sold packs of 60. They were about 1/2 the price of OD. Church tonight. I might try ushering if Tom is ushering. I know him and if I screw up, I know that him telling me to do something differently he won't be upset. Update: Tom wasn't there

    Lenora - planks work your abs and your arms, almost all the body, the shoulders, even the back a bit

    Spoke to Denise today. She's thinking that she wants lace around those burlap bags (?), so I'm going to do one and text her a picture of it. I was also thinking that Diane might be able to embroider something on them so I'm going to see what kinds of templates she has and what we can do. I may do one and send it to Denise to ask her opinion.

    Dana - I'm Polish (close to Chech). The baking is out of this world. I can still remember my grandmother making babka, punchki, (? sp) crusciki. Just the thought of them. But they were absolutely not diet friendly at all.

    Kate - you're getting fitter if you have to work harder to get your heartrate up. My biggest problem is that my heartrate comes down so so fast. One time I went for a stress test and the nurse couldn't get over how fast I recovered! Their equipment said my heartrate was at 140, but it sure didn't feel to me like I was working hard!

    KJ - I'm really not losing, I'm more maintaining. But I still don't like to pay full price (even if it is on sale) for most clothes, I like to buy at a thrift store. Guess I'm just cheap....lol However, I very seldom can get pants to fit me. But just about anything else. I don't like to buy underwear, bathingsuits, or shoes at a thrift store, either. But most anything else...why not? Dogs really do take care of children. I remember when Jess was little. One day she, literally, put her finger up his rear. I thought "oh, that's the end of her". The dog got up and walked away! Yet if I brushed him in the wrong way, he would growl at me.

    I just thought of something. Somehow I'd like to indicate that some of the shower favors are for the girls specifically. I don't want people taking them all. Any ideas how I can somehow let people know that they're meant for the attendants? I'm thinking maybe a necklace with the beads spelling out their names, but is that too babyish?

    Just grilled some pork chops and chicken thighs to have later. I never knew this but Vince was telling me that when they used to cook the KFC, one way the manager knew that the person cooking the chicken was doing his job was to take a thigh and be sure it was broken. I never knew they would break the thigh to ensure it is cooked through!

    MindsetBrenda - checkout skinnytaste.com. Lots of good recipes on there.

    Lenora - Vince is the same way -- he likes to sit there. I'd like to be doing something, even if it's not all the time

    Can't remember if I posted a pic of my ant. Well, here it is. If I did, I'm sorry for repeating myself

    Michele in NC

    Not sure why, but the picture of the ant failed to upload. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Sometimes we have trouble with the Internet, especially recently
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Kelly in parts of Iowa. Cedar Rapids in particular they have photo ID if you speed. We did get a ticket once travelling through there. They had a picture of our car and the price of our ticket. They sent it to us thorough the mail. They also do this with stop lights in Hannibal, Missouri. They tried to do this in Minnesota but declared they couldn't do it because you couldn't prove who was driving the car. I am very careful when I travel through Cedar Rapids and Hannibal. If you see roads are monitored by photo ID take extra care.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    I got a mani-pedi and a hair cut today. I like it shorter. It's easier to handle and off my neck. I thought I would be fixed up because I am getting baptized at our Baptist church on Sunday. I'm getting nervous about it cause I don't like being in front of people. (It's a large church)
    I was baptized as a baby in the Lutheran church, but I chose to be baptized as a Baptist. So that's what happening here!!


    I was baptised (at a Christian & Missionary Alliance Church) when I was in my early teens. :)

    I do wish I could find a church I could get to and connect to here.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    IremiaRe wrote: »
    DH is sleeping - he was up half the night - and I have a rare moment of solitude at noon on a Saturday. Normally, he would be dragging me thru the stores or to the library, or to the pool... he always wants to be out and about on the weekends - because he is mostly housebound during the week. I oblige - for that reason... however, after a week of getting up and going to work every day, all I want to do on the weekends is hang out at home... *sigh*


    I'm usually the one who drags my husband out. :) Mostly out cycling, but occasionally shopping too.

    I'm not a morning person, so it is rare that we'll be out and about before about 10 am. He is a morning person, so he'll be up and relaxing until I'm ready. So it's not like we hit the ground running at 6 am or anything ... most weekends.

    And I do try to incorporate rest days in there, like this weekend for example, we didn't get moving on either day until about 2 pm.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Machka – The only thing about the Windows pop up is that it did not have an “X” to get out of it. If I was in something and hit the “X” up in the upper right-hand color – it closed the program and the pop-up would still be there. The only thing it had was a button to click on it and; then, of course it was trying to ‘sell me an UPGRADE’. I automatically get updates and that has taken it to Windows 10.1

    Working we got the ‘newest’ program out; and, I had to teach myself while still working and teach the judge and law clerk. We’d share any little tricks we found. One thing that worked with an old version was if you were doing an ‘index’ it would put the …….. between the chapter title and the page number. I haven’t found that feature in Outlook, or Word or anything even close. Also, in Excel – something trying to line up numbers, especially if it starts with a “1” it doesn’t want to do it unless you add a ‘space’ to make up the difference. Also whether it lines up on the left of the column or the right also makes a difference, too. Only thing I do not like about Excel is ‘if you make a typo’ and need to correct it, you have to correct the entire number instead of being able to change just one digit.

    If you're not using the numbers in Excel in calculations ... if you're just using them as a descriptor as in: 1. Books, 2. Cats, etc. ... change the column to text and then enter the numbers. That should get them to line up.

    Also I've never had a problem with just changing one digit. You've got to double-click in the cell to get into the cell to do it. Or change it in the bar at the top.

    And to get the ... in Word:

    Select your index or table of contents
    Right click
    Choose 'Edit Field ...'
    Click the button in the right panel (it will say 'Index' or 'Contents' or whatever you've selected)
    A dialogue box will open and you can change the formatting to whatever you want. My index defaults to the .........., but my TOC has to be changed to "Formal" to get that.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Dana, what part of Arkansas do you live in ? My nece lives in Jonesboro and loves it there. She went to Williams Baptist college down there and met her husband. This Midwesterner became a southerner pretty quickly. Mainly because her FIL refuse to cross the Maon Dixin line. He wouldn't have even if they had the wedding here in Indiana.

    Check the Silver Sneaker website. They have a location feature where you just put your zip code and they tell you all the locations. Here we can go to the Y, Planet Fitness, one that is for ladies only and can't remember the name. I am sure there are other places. Very easy to find out.

    It was so pleasant out tonight. I watered all the fliers and grass seed and Charlie washed the cars. The guy we hired last week had already told us he wants to use a weed eater under our deck so that looks wonderful. Charlie paid him extra since he worked so hard. I wish for a deck and then a shed built underneath. Of course if we gave some one mow, what would we put in our shed? Well maybe some of the stuff b our garage so that, oh no.....a car in the garage! What a concept!

    Well Ellie said Sh wanted to take Mr Mozart home with her. He hasn't been playful all day. He has been lying but not playful I think she took his mojo. I asked Christinavif her husbands family would celebrate Trinity's birthday early since they were there celebrating his sister's 4 year old. She said no, that they just end checks now fir all occasions. Bummer. I completely loved Trinity hang out gifts we got her. And Ellie! That fluffy body pillow was a hit. I had to show them how a nurse puts a pillowcase on. It was going to take forever for her to put that thing on.

    Eyes getting droopy, sleepy time tea working. Joyce, Indiana
  • MartiB856
    MartiB856 Posts: 85 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,577 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Been to gym this morning, 15 min each on bike, elliptical, rower and treadmill. Also half way through squats for today. Will do Leslie Sansone vid later and finish squats. Find I have to work harder to raise HR does this mean I'm getting fitter?

    Kate UK <3

    Yes. I think it does. Excellent work on building a stronger cardiovascular system.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Heather - Lovely view! Sounds like you are enjoying the grandchildren.

    NY Karen - You described a delightful day. Keep breathing in that peace.

    Mindset Brenda - I love my recumbent trike. It has a full seat for back support and the pedaling motion is different so I don't have too much action through my bad ankle. I also swim, mainly on my back. There also a variety of stretching exercises that you can do seated. You will find your way. We are here for you.

    About churches, baptisms, etc. My Dad always told us that he talked to God when he rode his horse or walked in the fields. He also sent money to the United Church as an adherent. He used to joke that we shouldn't slow down near a church because my Mom would jump out and go there. I need to find a church again that fits me because I do feel better when I go.

    Today I spent catching up laundry and righting bedrooms. Seems to take me so long to get everything back in order. I have found a few more things that the boys left behind. Waiting until I have got it all cleaned up before I send them on. Who knows what could be lurking in corners and under beds? Watering my daughter's plants took a full hour. I will do mine in the morning. Took some nice, fresh BC peaches and made a crisp in the slow cooker. It was delicious!

    We found my son's car key under a hat in the living room. So funny. We've all looked for days but no one moved the hat.

    DH is really hurting. This basement he is painting is terrible on him. I want him to go and get an X-ray of his back. He says "Why ?we know the scoliosis is worse." This is true, that backwards S is so pronounced now. We were told years ago that he had arthritis on each vertebrae and would end up in a wheelchair by time he was 40. He will be 65 in October. Sometimes that stubborn streak that annoys me so much is what keeps him going. He is pinning his hopes on the CBD oil. I wonder if the steroid shots might alleviate some of the arthritic pain.

    I should have connected with a friend today but instead I crawled into my shell and didn't speak until my DH came home for supper. I know I should have been outside more but....

    I see from posts of friends in the Okanogan that it is going to be 110 F tomorrow. Too hot for me.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge (listening to the pit bull snore)

    p.s. Boss ate all my tomatoes and strawberries before I caught him.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Forgot to include, yesterday we visited our favorite park in Westerly RI, its public but privately cared for Wilcox park, just gorgeous fountains, walks, plants, flowers and trees. The first pic is of a willow tree that we spent many hours playing under when DD was tiny, what a beautiful spot. NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,792 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    slept 10 hrs,had to get up a couple times to hit the potty lol ,but mostly nice rest..
    today on my to do list, is go see DFIL and show him the video of Margaret ,and mow the lawn and do some more packing,laundry etc.. the other assistant is on vacation this coming week so,I will be working extended hours ,with Tom gone it will be a bit tough,I have to punch out at lunch anyway so I can get home and get the dogs out, but will be getting home later than he does will hopefully not mess up there routine... depending on what happens with Aunt Margaret he could be coming back early... I am hoping she sticks it out ,because the only time I can do anything is thursday..with Zina out.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,145 Member
    Remember back when we were talking about beds ...

    This is our bed, in the previous place we lived. The base is two separate parts joined by little metal attachments underneath, and there are two mattresses. So the beds could be two separate twin beds or, as we currently have them, one king.


    We would have had no hope of getting up those stairs in that place if it had been one full-sized king. I'm not even sure we could have done it with a queen-sized!


    M in Oz
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Good morning all! Happy Sunday! I went to bed and woke up this morning very happy. Had a nice long Viber chat with DD and baby Joaquin last night! She was showing us how strong he is getting and his "latest" advancements in childhood! He was on his tummy and doing his "superman" exercises and his legs were pumping and he was bouncing on his belly and laughing. Then she put him in his exersaucer and he was going like mad; jumping and screeching and laughing and reaching for his toys. Then, the piece de resistance, he has a tooth! One of his lower front teeth has broken through, which probably explains his extreme happiness. A little relief from the pain of teething. He is such a sweetie and I am so thankful for the advancements in technology.
    Allie- I got a good 10 hours on Friday night, and it does feel so good! Looks like you have a busy week ahead. Will be thinking of you! <3<3
    NY Karen- Love the RI photos! With the ocean so calm, it looks a bit more like Lake Michigan on a calm day. I loved the green leaves. Looks like a cool place to just sit in the shade. Was it you who mentioned the Jamaican meat pies? I love spice/spicy foods; I will have to look those up.
    Kate- You are doing so well with your exercise! I, too, struggle with sticking with my meal plan. Having people in the house NOT on my meal plan makes it harder.
    Sharon - First off, I love the dog's name; Boss. So many of our furbabies seem to become just that- The Boss. :D I also liked hearing of how your father "worships". That is my church, also. I feel closer to God when I am outside, by myself; and I do "talk" to him sometimes, as I garden, walk, or hike trails. I was baptised and raised in the Lutheran church; but stopped attending when my parents died. Too painful to be in church, where they were so involved. DH was born and raised Catholic, so it kind of made it easier to just NOT attend bc I didn't want to go to the Catholic church and he wasn't really interested in the Lutheran church. Our kids grew up and now attend their own churches of their choosing.
    Joyce- Like Gloria, I am curious as to how nurses put pillowcases on...??? I have a body pillow and I turn the pillow case inside out, put my arms into the case, one hand into each corner, grab the corners of the pillow, then turn the pillow case right side out onto the pillow. (Does that make sense?)

    Well, gotta get busy. A beautiful day outside, and I have paperwork to do. Going to try to hurry and get it done so I can go sit on the beach for a while. ttfn KJ (Kelly)

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Karen great pictures of the park.

    Gloria sorry about the bed bug problem. Frustrating!

    :heart: Margaret