August 2017 Running Challenge



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    thanks for the concern over the crash. I'm not hurt although I suspect the guy I hit is trying to put a whiplash claim in. Oh well, there goes my insurance premium.

    Think I was distracted and tired and that and the oversleeping this morning are all connected.

    yes @shrcpr losing a pet is surprisingly hard. Some people think as she was 'just' a guinea pig it's less hard than losing a cat or a dog, but the pig lived indoors, would have frequent cuddles and watch TV, was a real character who craved attention and would always eat at the same time we ate. It's no different really, just a shorter lifespan. we haven't made any firm decisions on getting any more yet, but I suspect it will happen.

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @girlinahat I'm so sorry about your guinea pig. Losing a beloved pet hurts so much. When I lost my dog last year I swore I wouldn't get another right away. Of course I had another within about 6 weeks. I missed having my baby to cuddle so much.

    And sorry about your car accident. :(
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Oh, I desperately need a glitter band road ID now.

    As it is, I just ordered new shoes. It's becoming very hard to find the old ten eighties in my size (10.5). I found a pair on jackrabbit for like 80 bucks, so score on that one.

    I have a feeling after that pair is done, it'll be time to consult a professional to find a new model to wear that won't kill my hip.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    MobyCarp wrote: »

    5 mins on dreadmill == 1 hour of running outside. I am sure of it!

    I disagree. 1 hour of outside running is pleasant. 5 minutes on the dreadmill is, um, short enough to endure if I have to.

    Outside = time goes by very quickly.

    Treadmill = how long has it been? Only 15 minutes? UGH.
  • bride001
    bride001 Posts: 153 Member
    8/1 - 3 mile run
    8/2 - Rest Day
    8/3 - Thunderstorms this morning, no running this morning. Thunderstorms are suppose to clear out this afternoon and if the roads are dry enough I will run this evening. If not, dreadmill at the gym.

    August Total: 3/71
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I can't believe it. August 1 and I am 7 pages behind.

    My goal for this month is 60 and I am going to get it this time.

    August 2.....I had a late start. I felt terrible after eating breakfast and took a nap before getting started. My start was extremely late....6:40 p.m. My goal was to run 8 miles but my head was not in it at all. Additionally my right leg, particularly the calf for feeling leaded. I decided that I didn't care if I was in the zone at all....just get it done. After 7 miles, I just wanted to quit and planned to quit. My mp3 player is on "shuffle" and the Bee Gees lyric of "just one more can get it" happened as I wanted to stop. Okay....message taken, and I gutted out the last mile. It's amazing how much music can take the pain out of a run that you don't want to do in the first place. Oh, yeah, I was still in the zone for 30 minutes of the run.

    I work tonight, and then my husband and I are packing to leave town for a few days. A visit with my mother on Saturday, my class reunion, followed by a drive to Iowa. My mother will be travelling with us. We are spending a couple of days with my older sister, but my mother will be there a couple of weeks. We would like to visit the Amana Colonies, but not sure whether to take my mother or not. (She is 89 y.o. and walks without a walker, but she is a very slow walker. She refuses to exercise to improve her stamina.) I am not sure she will be able to do very much walking. Has anyone been there? Is there a lot of walking involved?

    My next run might not be until August 14. I should be getting a lot of walking done in between now and then.

    August 1....6 miles.
    August 2....8 miles.

    total....14 miles
    goal--60 miles.

  • ARoe9410
    ARoe9410 Posts: 97 Member
    Goal: 50 miles

    8/1: 1.5 miles
    8/2: 4.0 miles
    8/3: 3.0 miles

    Remaining: 41.5 miles

    @mustb60 I noticed you're doing Stronglifts; me too! Tonight is my workout A. I started in January, took a short break in May-ish and now am back at it.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @MNLittleFinn my ankle is 100% now, my piriformis is about 70%. I think Edmonton week I'm going to hit PT twice just to eliminate any possible issues with my hip when I race. I honestly like running at 3AM save for the part where I can't safely run trail because height of animal activity and whatnot. My husband decidedly thinks I'm crazy to get up when I don't "have to" though lol

    @skippygirlsmom I seriously thought for a minute it must've been picking up something several streets back but I was the only moving object out there. I kind of wonder what the threshold is since I walk my kids past it all the time and it never picks that up.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn my ankle is 100% now, my piriformis is about 70%. I think Edmonton week I'm going to hit PT twice just to eliminate any possible issues with my hip when I race. I honestly like running at 3AM save for the part where I can't safely run trail because height of animal activity and whatnot. My husband decidedly thinks I'm crazy to get up when I don't "have to"

    Well, you have my respect. I can't get any earlier than maybe 0345 without having major tiredness issues at work..... it is cool hearing the wolves howl in the early AM though
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    edited August 2017
    8/01/2017 - 0 miles
    8/02/2017 - 9 miles Z3/Z4
    8/03/2017 - 7 miles Z2
    Summer Goal: Get my marathon pace below 9 minutes.
    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    08/05/2017 - Cranberry Cup 5k.
    08/05/2017 - Howl at the Moon night race 5k
    08/12/2017 - Friends of the Riverfront Trail Run - 15k
    10/14/2017 - Stop, Drop, and Run - Fireman style obstacle course - 5km

    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.

    Nothing fancy - just 7 hot and humid miles. Tried not to die, succeeded. Barely.
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    8/1 - 6 mile hot lunch run/2 mile dreadmill run before lifting
    8/2 - 11 mile run w/RRR track workout: 1600/1200/800/400/400m ladder w/800/600/400/200/200m recovery jogs
    8/3 - 4 mile slow recovery run

    August Total: 23/225
    932.6 miles/2,017 miles - goal for the year

    4 mile slow recovery run done! Almost impossible for me to keep my HR in my target recovery zone when it's bright noon sun and ~90°F out, but I just made sure to keep my pace real slow.

    Now, to just get through the remainder of the work day, and then it's pajamas and relaxing time! Bring it!
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn my ankle is 100% now, my piriformis is about 70%. I think Edmonton week I'm going to hit PT twice just to eliminate any possible issues with my hip when I race. I honestly like running at 3AM save for the part where I can't safely run trail because height of animal activity and whatnot. My husband decidedly thinks I'm crazy to get up when I don't "have to"

    Well, you have my respect. I can't get any earlier than maybe 0345 without having major tiredness issues at work..... it is cool hearing the wolves howl in the early AM though

    Y'all are both inspiring. I have a hard time getting moving at 530. I think any earlier and I'd fall asleep at my desk.
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member

    Total - 8.9/120 Miles

    Find myself pushing myself more so far as I can see my pace now, also realising the pace I think I am going is often quite far out (both higher and lower)
  • carolineb81
    carolineb81 Posts: 459 Member
    8/01/2017 - 0 miles
    8/02/2017 - 9 miles Z3/Z4
    8/03/2017 - 7 miles Z2
    Summer Goal: Get my marathon pace below 9 minutes.
    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    08/05/2017 - Cranberry Cup 5k.
    08/05/2017 - Howl at the Moon night race 5k
    10/14/17 - Stop, Drop, and Run - Fireman style obstacle course - 5km

    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.

    Nothing fancy - just 7 hot and humid miles. Tried not to die, succeeded. Barely.

    Your races all have such fun sounding names!
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    I went to a new dr yesterday. They do a combo of Chiropratic/Deep tissue torture pressure massage/Physical Therapy. It was super painful and I don't recommend it. Well, that was last night's opinion. OH dear ...anyway. I have issue with my shin and heel and limited ankle movement after a broken leg. It started to hurt again when I started running last month. Last night, I wanted to go back and hurt this dr. Today, I feel great. Really. I have to keep up with some foam rolling and some other stretches and exercises until I see her again. They say they can "fix" most issues in 3 visits. I do lifting tonight and then run tomorrow morning. So we will see.