Christmas Countdown Challenge (CLOSED GROUP) - Week 1



  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    WHOOP WHOOP!!! 5 o'clock whistle is blowing here in Jersey!!! IT'S THE WEEKEND!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    It's also time for our first weekend of the challenge! This is what I consider my Temptation Time. :huh: I'm tempted to eat junk, I'm tempted to chill in the AC instead of sweat in the heat, I'm tempted to have more than just a few tasty beverages :drinker:

    But NOT THIS WEEKEND!!! Thanks to the support of a few close friends (about 140 of them :wink: ) I have completely BOOKED my weekend. Although tonight is a planned trip to the movies (Friends With Benefits, :heart: Mmmmmm Justin, lol). First thing tomorrow is a 17 mile kayak followed by a trip to the hot air balloon festival (ridiculous amount of walking). Sunday was going to be a lazy beach day but I decided to make a second trip to the balloon festival but this time with my 3 year old. Now THAT should be a good workout! Factor in the 90+ degree weather we're supposed to have :glasses: and I plan to melt away the last couple day's night binges.

    Weigh-Ins are starting to come in and I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing these losses!!! (No measurement check-ins needed yet. We'll do that on 8/25.) For those that recorded a gain, don't worry... With the amount of water you're now consuming and the exercise challenge I have planned for next week, those lbs will start dripping off :happy:

    You guys are ROCKIN' this challenge!!!
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    P.S. You guys know what a burpee is? :wink: :grumble: :bigsmile: :cry: :embarassed: :noway:
  • want_it_25
    want_it_25 Posts: 219 Member
    P.S. You guys know what a burpee is? :wink: :grumble: :bigsmile: :cry: :embarassed: :noway:

    I love burpees!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Here's my weigh-in:
    SW: 218.2
    CW: 213.4
    Loss of 4.8 this week
    (yay for me! but last week was very low b/c of TOM so probably just make-up loss)

    love the new sticker, thanks so much!
  • woodyschic
    woodyschic Posts: 21
    seeing some great losses!! congrats to the group and remember that even if you didn't log a loss this week, we're in this for the long haul and we've got plenty of time left in this challenge to lose the weight!! keep up the good work and stay motivated!!
  • nhill2733
    nhill2733 Posts: 20
    I'm going to weigh in Sunday - two days of movies and lunch with the kiddos and I'm dreading getting on the scale lol :noway:
  • nhill2733
    nhill2733 Posts: 20
    I cant get the CCC sticker to work :(
  • nhill2733
    nhill2733 Posts: 20
    Trying one more time!
  • nhill2733
    nhill2733 Posts: 20
    Thanks Bronwenhillary!! Love the CCC sticker :bigsmile:
  • SSampley
    SSampley Posts: 153 Member
    just checking the signature thing...AND by the way Ladies!! Some of you have done amazing!! and those whose scales didnt move, no worries You've got this!! You'll be great!!
  • shaverkl191
    shaverkl191 Posts: 131
    Wooohoo! I love this CCC sticker! Struggled today with the challenge but I think I will be able to finish it by the end of the day if I snack on some fruit tonight! Almost binged at McDonalds earlier because I hadn't eaten all day but I managed to restrain myself and ate pretty good! Nervous about the weekend because that's when I usually fall off the wagon but I'm determined to stay on track! Will officially weight in first thing on Sunday morning! Looking forward to seeing if the scale has changed at all this first week!
  • Mary_Kate
    Mary_Kate Posts: 25 Member
    Congrats to losing ladies, and for anyone who didn't - don't worry about this week, just stay focused and we'll get there! x

    My weigh in:
    SW: 188
    CW: 184

    4 pounds down, I'm a happy lady but went a bit mad with food today. Still managed to complete the challenge today and just need to keep myself in check tomorrow and Sunday. I'm excited for next week too although Jenn you have slightly scared me with the mention of burpees!! But, if that's what it is, then bring it!! I'm ready, haha!

    I'm going back to Ireland for two weeks before school starts in Sept. and looking forward to seeing everyone. Just know that it will involve meeting lots of people for lunches, coffees, drinks and the like but I am determined to continue with my exercise. I like taking long walks at home in the beautiful countryside and hopefully will get some nice weather too.

    I won't have regular access to mfp for the next two weeks but will pop in to find out about the challenges! I'm thinking of logging my food in a non-virtual diary and while I won't be able to count the calories I'll hopefully be able to keep myself in check by writing everything down.

    Anyway, Happy weekend everyone!
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Yesterday was my nephew's 12th birthday and I really went crazy on the calories. I ate 1007 cals OVER my daily goal. Ughhh!!!! It's my TOM this week, so maybe that played a part, but I'm nervous to weigh in on Saturday! I went for a walk after work today and burned 488 cals (according to my heart rate monitor), and I'll go for a hike tomorrow morning, but still! I'm disappointed in myself for being so careless last night.

    Oh well, I'm not going to let one bad night undo almost 7 months of healthy habits!
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    Happy Friday everyone....

    My weigh in
    SW 202
    Today 201

    I've been very consistent at about 1 pound a week... I'll take it... Slow and steady... At least it's in the right direction...
  • yramesor333
    yramesor333 Posts: 152
    awesome job everyone ,keep up the great work!!!! if you didnt lose in weight remember your prob losing in inches !!!:drinker:
    fingers crossed i lose this 1.5 pounds i gained and dont know ,i have stayed on track !!!
    good night my ccc friends
  • azeria
    azeria Posts: 535 Member
    Another crazy day today!!! Working on my fiance's business. Just got home maybe an hour ago and it's 11:15 now. I also realized, that when I'm busy I have some bad eating habits... it's so much easier to eat out than to plan ahead and bring a lunch and supper. What a day. I did drink lots of water, since we were outside all day, I was very thirsty... got a bit burnt. As for fruits and vegetables... i had some before I left, but after... not so good. I thought this challenge was going to be easy for me, but surprise, surprise!!! I'll keep on doing my best and taking it one day at a time.

    I will try to weigh-in tomorrow or Sunday and I will also try to get a minute to ready everyone's update... still haven't had a chance to do so, but I want to make sure to check in on a daily basis!
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Starting Weight - 162.4lbs
    Week 1 - 161.6lbs

    Total loss of .8lbs! Thought it would be more but nothing I can do about it now!
  • CarolM742
    CarolM742 Posts: 28 Member
    Good Morning Everyone! I have spent way too much time on this message board already this morning. I did great yesterday and will weigh in tomorrow morning. I do great all day and normally eat too much late at night. I am trying to not eat after 7:30PM. I feel so much better in the morning when I don't eat late at night. Everyone have a great day!:smile:
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    I did the weigh in yesterday and was happy with it.
    then horrible salt cravings!! I gave in JUST alittle(crackers-5 torilla chips(10) and avacado)
    well this morning I have a 3 lbs gain :(
    so pushing the water and natural fruits and veggies..dinner a veggie night.

    awesome job EVERYONE!!:bigsmile:
    what a fantastic start.
  • anrev42
    anrev42 Posts: 331
    my 'monthly' friend came to visit, I gained 1.5 this week...bummer :sad: :sad: oh well...I'll do better next week. Congrats to everyone, keep it up!