

  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    theslightedgeforever: Some of the smoke your friends are experiencing in Washington State is also from fires burning there. We are getting the combo smoke here too. Coming at us from all directions. :( Predicting possible rain this weekend but its going to take a lot of it to make any significant difference and hopefully it will be without lightning. Our poor Province Just can't seem to catch a break this year. Our friends who live in Kamloops, BC, have been in HEAVY smoke for over a month now. They have discontinued mail delivery there and even the RCMP are wearing masks to protect them from the smoke. Pretty scary times for many.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Hi all. I must have had a better week than I thought because I lost 1.9 lbs this week. I'm 9.4 lbs away from my 5% goal. As a reminder, I'm trying to get down to 216.6 lbs. This morning, we are going to take our dog for a long walk and then I'm going to a yoga class. Later, we will make our anniversary dinner (Cajun seafood pasta, which has an alfredo base with scallops and shrimp and veggies with fresh pasta). It's going to be a very mindful process, from getting the ingredients to prepping the meal to eating the meal listening to music with no tv going (I hope...I don't want the tv on). Have a great day, everyone!
  • cmedwards52
    cmedwards52 Posts: 81 Member
    trooworld: Happy Anniversary!! Sounds like a lovely dinner and I'm with you NO TV!!

    Wasn't a great week for me. Just wasn't focused enough. I think the scale will relate that this morning at WI. Looks like a gain - a small one but still a gain. :( Oh well, I'll just have to be much more mindful this coming week and I need to get back to tracking. That really is the only safe way to know exactly what is going on!!

    Have a good one!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    trooworld Happy Anniversary! Any TV? Yaaay on your weight loss. Add another lb this next week. Make yourself a vision board or other type of tangible system. Two jars and put marbles in them or whatever. Then each lb you lose you can move a marble over to the other jar. I've been using a "clothesline and mini clothespins" on my vision board.

    cmedwards Water is my hardest thing to accomplish. I'm much improved over this time last year and I will keep improving. This has been the worst week for it. Sounds like you have a good plan for next week. Very dangerous with all the smoke. When do your schools start up there?

    check in for yesterday- food check exercise treadmill and strength training water 4.5 cups
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Hi all! Well, plans sort of changed yesterday. We went to Little Italy, got the pasta and bread, got all the groceries, sat around and I was tired from shopping, he had cleaned the kitchen and was tired from that plus we had both gotten bored. So we decided we wanted to walk up to the nightlife section of town and have a few craft beers to celebrate. So, we are walking up to brunch at a French bistro this morning, and then having our special dinner tonight. Here's a picture of last night, me and hubby. u03bksjojbdz.jpg

    @cmedwards52 thank you very much! :) I'm sorry you had a bad week. Tracking is so important, not only because it keeps you accountable, but also because you can look back and see where you went wrong and where you can you said.

    @theslightedgeforever thanks! I do need to do something, I just haven't had time.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    trooworld Love the haircolor in this pic. You two should smile. You're out celebrating. lol Hang on to a man that cooks and cleans the kitchen. Is hubby ex-Marine? He looks like a take-charge guy which would explain the exercise approach versus your diet approach. But you are showing him. Have another good week with good food choices.

    So today's check in- Food-check (barely) exercise-treadmill and strength training water 6 cups

    For next week I will be trying to maintain tomorrow's weigh in and going on an exercise hiatus. No strength training and 3 days cardio.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Good Sunday morning:

    I have been MIA, depression and life got to me. I am so bloated, hands are swollen, feel miserable. I haven't exercised at all. So I need to get back to accountablity and life. I did track everything yesterday. I was under, but proabably just because I felt "heavy".

    @trooworld great job on coming to the boards everyday, keeping mindful of what you are doing and good job on the loss. I love the picture of you and your DH. I agree with slightedge, love the hair color.

    @cmedwards52 I am so sorry your air is not good there. I hope the smoke leaves and good air returns quickly. You are right about the tracking, it is really the only way. I hope you enjoyed your little ones. I miss mine being little, we had so much fun.

    @theslightedgeforever great job on your exercises and keeping track. You are doing a great job. Thank you for always being encouraging.

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi all! Well, if you can believe it, we still haven't made the Cajun Seafood Pasta! I made this fabulous cheese board last night instead. I guess I'm going to aim for a maintain this week instead of a loss because we plan on having that pasta for dinner tonight (on our actual anniversary) and we went for brunch yesterday and that wasn't really very healthy. That's okay, I'm not going overboard, I'm being mindful about it (meaning: I'm consciously choosing to eat this and not overeating these foods, eating proper portion sizes and not eating them when I am not hungry). Pictured is the cheese board I made. 0d8cem493ow1.jpg

    @theslightedgeforever thanks! I took another one where we were smiling but I liked this one better. I know, I'm lucky, he's a keeper! No, he's never been in the military, he's definitely not a take-charge guy, he's laid-back go with the flow type.

    @cbabie I'm so sorry you've been fighting depression. Taking good care of yourself will help pull yourself out of it, so do try to drink enough water to get rid of that bloat, and maybe go for a walk if you can. Be gentle with yourself. Thanks.
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    edited August 2017
    trooworld All your pics have disappeared. I went back to look at the haircolor again and poof. Gone. You look 10 years younger in the pic than the profile pic. At first I thought your dh was a much younger man and I was saying, you go Trooworld. Then I looked at you and thought she is much younger too. Then the pic of your cheeseboard is not showing up. EDIT: Now they are back. :# You have got it exactly right. You are being mindful. That is how we win the war by deliberately choosing what we are going to eat, how we are going to move our bodies, and how much water we drink. Some days we walk down the left side of the road and sometimes the right but generally we just walk down the middle.

    cbabie Good to see you on here. It's the little things like routines that keep us healthy. What do you think for you is the most important part of losing weight to stay healthy? Then think about that and take an action step towards that. If it's food, then start conquering one meal each day. If it's exercise, move your body at least 15 min. Water? Then drink a glass. I know your answer is all three. That's your perfection speaking. Choose one and work on that. Then you can look at your day saying I was success. Instead of going to bed saying, I blew it. I'll do better tomorrow. Then success breeds more success and suddenly everything gets easier even if you weren't focusing on the other things. Of course it's always easier for someone standing on top of the mountain versus the one at the bottom. But you can't get to the top unless you start taking a step. What's your action step going to be?

    today's check in food-check exercise-none water 7 glasses

    Here's the WW highlight meeting
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    I gained 0.7 lbs


  • toffeepearce
    toffeepearce Posts: 5 Member
    Well first week of scraping WW and doing calories I have lost 4.8 pounds. Don't get me wrong have been on and off with WW for past 3 years and have lost weight with them and learnt a lot but am glad
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Hi all. I'm about to leave for a yoga class so I can't type much but wanted to pop in and say hi. Things are going pretty well. We finally had our pasta meal, it was delicious. I was very mindful of my portion size of the pasta, I had 2 pieces of garlic bread and probably only should have had only 1. Oh well. I only have that type of meal once in a blue moon. Well, I'm off to yoga!

    @theslightedgeforever wow, thanks! :) Must be hanging around my younger husband hahaha (he's 7 years younger than me). Thanks for the highlights. I watched them, it's a shame that she said that the leaders didn't deal with the topic really, it seems like it was a good one.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Okay I am among the living. I am still maintaining.LOL NO loss NO gain. I am out of the bed and setting my goals for things again. I just mailed off my package to my school and it felt good to have accomplished something. So far today on track with food and exercise. (one day at a time, one meal at a time)

    @trooworld You know your right sometimes, we just have to have that second piece and it's okay as long as it's not the 2nd piece every meal or every day. As WW says, all food is okay, just portion control. I agree you both look really good in that picture!

    @theslightedgeforever I am putting one foot in front of the other. I will check in every day..funny I used to be the one sending out the scouts.. :)

    @toffeepearce Great job on the loss. Sometimes we just need to shake it up and make a few changes. Our body says to me...oh another PB sandwhich...can I have something else? Please, wake up the troops...oh no same food different ay..nothng to get exiceted about about...metabolism stand down. :)

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    toffeepearce Way to go on the weight loss. Sometimes we just need to go a different direction for awhile. I'm glad it's working for you.

    trooworld How was yoga? I'm glad you enjoyed your pasta meal and that you were mindful. There will always be moments we "shouldn't" have done something. But I say, enjoy the food at the time and move on. I have a birthday gathering at an Italian restaurant tomorrow night. My plan is order the tomato soup with some salad. I'm bringing my own dressing. I'm using the little 2 T container from my 21 day fix containers. I'll have half a piece of dessert. Probably cheesecake with some tea.

    cbabie Glad to see you here. Yes one day at a time and sometimes one meal at a time. Our journeys vary day to day. It's just wherever we are in the moment. I thought of sending out the hounds. But you know me, I'm more of the let it go -if it comes back to you, type. lol Is it because PB sandwiches are easy to grab. Not a lot of thought and preparation in them? I know you like PB. My lunches are like that. Well not PB, I've banished it to once a week for breakfast on my toast. But it's either turkey/cheese or tuna on most days of the week for lunch with a piece of fruit thrown in. I'm using using flatout bread so the calories are much lower on the bread than I used to it.

    Daily report- food-check exercise- 30 min treadmill water 6 glasses
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Hi all! Well, back to reality today...back to work. It's hard getting up at 5am after 4 days of sleeping in lol. I'm super sleepy this morning but I'll rally. I have to drink a lot of water between now and Friday, I've had a lot of sodium and carbs and I don't want it to affect my weigh in. My goal is at least 70 ounces of water a day.

    @cbabie I like that meal at a time! I'm glad you are back.

    @toffeepearce congrats, that's a fantastic loss!

    @theslightedgeforever yoga was great except I'm still having trouble with vertigo when I turn my head to the right, which became a problem during yoga. I was hoping it would go away but it isn't. I think I'm going to have to go to the doctor and he's probably going to make me go to physical therapy, and that's going to have to wait until the new year when I can put more money on the health savings account card because physical therapy is expensive. But the yoga itself was good and I'm glad I went. It sounds like you have a great plan for the birthday gathering. Good luck!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning! I tracked, but was over a little. I felt more in control of my day. I have done the treadmill today, so twice ...yea.

    @trooworld I strive for 64 oz of water, but rarely make it...LOL I hope you do better than me. I get about 48 easy, but after that ..well

    @theslightedgeforever I used to eat salads every burnt it's PB, so maybe Tuna..I need something easy and quick.

    Okay hope all is well with each of you today.

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    trooworld Is the vertigo from the accident or something else? Maybe inner ear problem on the right? Birthday gathering went good. I ended up with just a salad. I brought my own Russian dressing. Tomato soup wasn't available. Just cream of brocolli, cream of mushroom and pumpkin. So then I had enough calories to eat my whole cheesecake. But I didn't. After about 2 thirds I was full so I stopped.

    cbabie I can't do salads everyday. yuck. lol Although I can really tell you I enjoyed mine last night. Which is a change for me. Used to be my thinking was if I'm eating out I'm going to enjoy myself. Now my thinking is I'm going to enjoy myself regardless because I'm fun to be around and I'm going to eat either a salad, soup, or both. So no looking at the other menu items. Then dessert I get half. Though sometimes I don't want dessert nor do I have enough calories left. But the option is there if I want it versus me telling myself NO You can't have that. Yes I can. Today I'm either choosing to have it or not to have it.

    Daily report: food-check exercise- None water 3 glasses

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 5,924 Member
    Hi all! Well, there was a surprise waiting for me at work: we were celebrating someone's birthday. :( I did well, even though there were a lot of treats, I just had a small piece of flourless chocolate cake. Later in the day, that food was calling to me, but I resisted. I ended up being over in my calories and carbs but not by much. Today, we are having the first of two retirement parties for our director. There will be appetizers but since it is at 3pm, I will be able to still be full from lunch (hopefully) and not eat that many.

    @cbabie That's great you tracked and felt more in control. Yay for the treadmill! :) I did 80 oz of water on Monday and 75 oz yesterday, I have to be very conscious about drinking water to drink that much otherwise, I get about 30-40 oz lol.

    @theslightedgeforever the vertigo came on when I went to the gentle yoga class a few months back, believe it or not lol. We were doing this move where we put a block under our back and so we were kind of inverted and I think that did it. Yes, inner ear on the right. The crystals must have got out of place. Great job at the birthday party! I'm glad you got to enjoy yourself. I can't do salads every day either, I would get sick of them.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,570 Member
    Morning, tracked again yesterday. Over a bit, but tracked.

    @trooworld great job on being in control of your body.

    @theslightedgeforever I most likely would have eaten the whole thing..LOL

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,221 Member
    trooworld Good for you for resisting at the bday party. How did you do with the appetizers? For the next retirement party, pretrack all the appetizers in advance so you know you won't be going over. Better yet bring something and just eat one small appetizer. Focus on the fellowship of those around you. You can't always be certain what people will serve but you can get close on the calories. That way you know what to choose and how much. You could always opt for a light dinner on those days. I had to do that the other day when I went out for lunch with my friend. I knew I was having a cheeseburger and hot fudge sundae but I also knew that by choosing this my dinner was going to consist of 1 cup honeydew melon and 11 baby carrots with 2 T of french onion dip. But my lunch was worth me skimping on dinner. Actually, dessert was worth it. The cheeseburger didn't taste as good as it used to. My tastes are changing. So won't be doing that again. I've never tried flourless cake. What does it taste like?

    cbabie Maybe not, you are getting control of the ice cream. Good for you for tracking again.

    Daily check in food-check exercise-none water 2.5 glasses