Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Altess
    Altess Posts: 77 Member
    Jumping in 3/4 through the year but ya gotta start sometime.

    My goals for tomorrow.

    *Go to the gym before 9 a.m.
    *Walk 3.5 miles tomorrow.
    *Hang the "accountability " mirror! (NO MORE EXCUSES)
    *Prep lunches for the next week.

    I have no will power when it comes to soft serve ice cream...sigh. :(
    For the next 24 hours I will not give in.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »

    I used to be a night eater/snacker too. Eating a much more substantial breakfast and getting a lot of liquid early in the day helped me to break that habit.

    More veggie volume is a good idea, but it also sounds like you need more protein. Go wild...have two eggs and a whole cup of cottage cheese! :)

    Thanks so much for the suggestion! I know you always get a lot of freggies in, so I did so much better today, but I will remember this for evening snacks!

    The best bulky veggies in terms of low calorie, low carb and high nutrition are, in my opinion:
    1. Spinach
    2. Green Beans
    3. Zucchini

    I really do well when I have two big salads every dad. Sadly, I don't always have the desire to chew that much or the time for that much chopping!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Day 7 (Aug 30th) Goals:
    - Lose the bloating I gained from binging by being a good girl (NO Restos!!!!✅)
    - Stay UNDER calories❎
    - Stacy UNDER 90 carbs✅
    - Be active❎
    - Remain calm though my meeting with my boss tomorrow morning (do NOT cry/freak out)✅
    - Drink LOADS of water✅

    My week of birthday celebrations begins today. My mom is making my FAVORITE dish for dinner at her place so I have to suck it up and be an extemely good girl all day if I am to come away from mom's cooking unscathed!!! I budgeted 900 cals for dinner. So it's salad for me all day till then!!!

    Day 8 (Aug 31th) Goals:

    - lose the rest of my bloating from 2 days ago
    - stay under cals
    - stay under 90 carbs
    - enjoy the day!
    - try to remain kind and positive at work dispite current atmosphere
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    WanderinglightI love that you could help with the dogs.
    I did not accomplish my goals yesterday-walked only 10 minutes but the rest were fine. Still I think to makeup my missing 20 minutes of exercise today if the boy crawls out of bed soon.
    This is Thursday-I think.
    Will stay within calorie guidelines. Planning wasa/cottage cheese for B, chicken/beans leftovers for lunch, beef stir-fry for D
    Exercise -I need 50 minutes. Y is closed. Will turn on music and climb on treadmill until son gets up.
    Teach son. 10 lessons (some are 15 minutes only)
    De-clutter for 1 hour. Need to take plastic bags away, have some other things for charity, and will find 1 bag of trash. Got a package from UPS yesterday that needs returning. Son's toys are creeping across downstairs.
    Do wreath for front door, stash roses I took down somewhere.
    AND just have a peaceful and positive day.
    I wish you the last one too.
  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member

    I love it though. It keeps me grounded. I think if I didn't have people on here that I like to check in with I would probably just give up and eat, eat, eat.
    You are right--when I eat something that I know is on the no-no list, I think--Uh,oh, I'm going to have to log that and I think about all the people in the support group who are trying so hard to lose weight. It is great to have this support from a very caring and dedicated group of people---restores my belief in humanity.
    So glad that you got a good review; it makes such a difference in your attitude when you know that your endeavors are appreciated!

  • asclepsia
    asclepsia Posts: 204 Member
    Pretty much ate junk yesterday--fortunately the scale remains the same. Busy shopping, and practicing, and just didn't take the time to fix a healthy lunch or dinner.
    JFT: August 31
    Practice for organ lesson today.
    Mail birthday cards and thank you note.
    Shop for birthday gift for three-year old nephew
    Strength exercises for at least 15 minutes
    Buy veggies and fruits at the market.
    Hair appointment
    Buy new drill bits
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap W 8/30
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work, saw fog & 1 bunny = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Net calories green = Woohoo green! :smiley:
    3) Evening: drop mail at P.O., boil eggs, wash dishes, sort laundry for Th = no (ack!) / yes / yes / yes / plus washed one load of towels / too bad I didn't start chores sooner :smiley:
    4) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / walk dog & wash/hang clothes Th before work = no (see #3) done w/ chores nearly 10, in bed & TV off nearly 11...I know this pattern well, so WHY don't I start chores earlier after work or just get less done???? Same stuff will be there another day. :#

    JFT R 8/31
    1) Surprisingly, only hit snooze button once, then started laundry and walked dog 3 miles before work = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Washed & hung 2 huge loads of laundry on clothesline / take down & put away / remember socks & undies in dryer
    3) Stick w/ meal / snack plan and net calories green
    4) Use Calm app, pause & pray
    5) Put gas in car, it doesn't run on fumes, and DROP MAIL AT P.O.
    6) Wash dishes after dinner, don't let them sit there!
    7) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 / walk dog F a.m.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    I used to be a night eater/snacker too. Eating a much more substantial breakfast and getting a lot of liquid early in the day helped me to break that habit.

    More veggie volume is a good idea, but it also sounds like you need more protein. Go wild...have two eggs and a whole cup of cottage cheese! :)
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Thanks so much for the suggestion! I know you always get a lot of freggies in, so I did so much better today, but I will remember this for evening snacks!
    The best bulky veggies in terms of low calorie, low carb and high nutrition are, in my opinion:
    1. Spinach
    2. Green Beans
    3. Zucchini

    I really do well when I have two big salads every dad. Sadly, I don't always have the desire to chew that much or the time for that much chopping!

    This got me thinking about my own freggies intake, so I looked at my W food log. I had 482 calories just from freggies! And 90g of protein b/c I try to have some with every meal & snack. I know once summer's gone and fresh fruits and veggies aren't an option, I'll have to change things up, but it really does make a difference. And I always have breakfast daily (usually cheerios or oatmeal, and fruit, plus sometimes V8) b/c I cannot function w/o eating at the beginning of the day.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Thursday
    1. <29 g added sugar
    2. <75 g carbs
    3. Hydrate at least 64 oz water
    4. Take a walk today
    5. Complete lesson plans for Wound Provider class
    6. Stay positive. Be a positive influence on my team.
    7. Leave work at 4:00 pm
    8. Be present with my husband tonight. Unplug and enjoy his company
    9. Meditate and read Simple Abundance for today one hour before bed with lights out at 10:00 pm
    10. Get out of bed tomorrow morning without hitting snooze button!

    I'll hop back on later when I have more time. I hope you all have a GREAT day!

    @slittlemeister According to my calculations, it's 5:30 pm there. I HOPE YOU LEFT WORK ON TIME! :mrgreen:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    So much can happen in an instant. I (unlike my 'children') no longer think I am indestructible. I live each day knowing it can all end anytime. But I do not want to be the cause. Let us control what we can; being overweight has to go.

    (Look! I get to say being overweight. Back at the beginning of the year the word was obese.)

    Fantastic! Congrats on a work in progress. :smiley:
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Haha! I left at 5.15.... pretty close! (I tend to always over-shoot a little which is why I wrote 5pm - thinking that if I aimed for 5 I would definitely be out by 5.30...)
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @joan6630 You mentioned that you're exercising a lot but always hungry. Is it possible that you're not logging enough calories for your exercise? I.e. could you possibly eat back more than you are doing? I'm never convinced by the accuracy of the MFP exercise calorie options - I think calories burnt are hugely variable depending on effort / fitness levels. I cant remember if you have a fitbit but that might tell you if you did? Or you could try eating just a few extra cals and see what effect it has?
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    @joan6630 You mentioned that you're exercising a lot but always hungry. Is it possible that you're not logging enough calories for your exercise? I.e. could you possibly eat back more than you are doing? I'm never convinced by the accuracy of the MFP exercise calorie options - I think calories burnt are hugely variable depending on effort / fitness levels. I cant remember if you have a fitbit but that might tell you if you did? Or you could try eating just a few extra cals and see what effect it has?

    I think that may be part of my problem also. I now exercise at least 90 minutes, 5 -6 times a week, but I was still trying to eat between 1200-1300 calories a day. I am 5'11'', so for my height and build, plus the exercise, I don't think I am giving myself enough. And then it would backfire, because I would be so hungry in the evenings -- thus -- leading to the binge and uncontrolled eating.

    Yesterday I had TWO huge salads - one with lunch, and one with dinner. I really stacked on the veggies, and, I was not hungry at all in the evening!! Hubby even wanted some ice cream (which luckly I didn't have any in the house), but that did not even sound good. So I am hoping by increasing my veggies and protein (I was reading up on what they call "volume eating". @azulvioleta6 also suggested more protein. Yesterday I ate 1560 calories, but since I had went to a zumba class, I think I was still OK.

    But thank you so much for the suggestion!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    I'd just like to say that there was a table of delicious cakes in the kitchen at work ALL DAY (monthly charity cake sale) and I did not have A SINGLE ONE even though I went into the kitchen 10+ times. I hope you are all impressed. :D

    Now I just have to hope I have enough willpower left to order a healthy option in the pub....

    Now that is willpower!!! GREAT JOB!! Your going to be at goal weight by the end of the year if you keep that up!!!! :):)