Daily exercise checkin



  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I'm in too :)

    !st week of my 2nd month of crossfit.

    W.O.D for today:
    Warm up:
    Alt Tabata Star Jumps and pose in a hole
    High Hip Complex x 3
    Cat and cow x 3

    Dumbell front squats
    Hug it and squat it 4 x 10

    5 strict + 5 push press x 4

    Captain Morgan 3 x 5

    Wall balls + burpees

  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member

    Second deloading workout. Swapped barbell bench for dumbbell with just 40 lb weights, focused on slow controlled reps and long negatives.

    Feel really good. Continuing to deload this week, then back to heavy weights next week. Hopefully feel better than I did by the end of last week.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    Going to ladies boxing tonight after my sons swim practice. It’s deload week so no weights before boxing
  • kmalhas
    kmalhas Posts: 2 Member
    Good evening. Since all of you are logging your exercise (as am I) I have a question for the group. When logging your exercise the app add's calories. Do I try and leave these at the end of the day or should I be using them (otherwise ending up at 0 at the end of the day)? Please and thank you!
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    kmalhas wrote: »
    Good evening. Since all of you are logging your exercise (as am I) I have a question for the group. When logging your exercise the app add's calories. Do I try and leave these at the end of the day or should I be using them (otherwise ending up at 0 at the end of the day)? Please and thank you!

    I ignore calories added for weight training and eat back half of those from cardio.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Hello! Today I golfed 18 holes playing 2 balls per hole. I walked the course ( 4.5 miles) while pulling my clubs. I did 15 minutes of yoga before and after golfing.
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,108 Member
    kmalhas wrote: »
    Good evening. Since all of you are logging your exercise (as am I) I have a question for the group. When logging your exercise the app add's calories. Do I try and leave these at the end of the day or should I be using them (otherwise ending up at 0 at the end of the day)? Please and thank you!

    I only use my Fitbit for my activity and don’t enter any workouts on this site. MFP was giving me higher numbers that weren’t accurate for me. I do eat almost all of my Fitbit calories adjustment depending on how hungry I am, anywhere from 50-100%
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    Two hours and 10 minutes of walking.
  • swebb1103
    swebb1103 Posts: 200 Member
    Today was Spartan workout day, so I did a quick half mile warm-up on the treadmill, then the workout: 75 jumping jacks, 3 sets of 7 burpees, 3 sets of squats to overhead press with 8 lb dumbbells, 3 sets of 20 lunges with 8 lb dumbbells, 2 sets of leg lifts (1 minute), 2 sets each of 5 box jumps and 5 broad jumps, 3 30 second planks, and 2 sets of chin ups (which I can't do yet but am working towards).
    I'm pretty beat!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I did Turbo Jam this morning, lifted this evening.
  • Chantaljg
    Chantaljg Posts: 75 Member
    Hey all :) I'm joining in!!

    Today was cardio mostly, 45 min on the treadmill at 3.5 speed, biking for 30 mins, 10 min core workout, 17 min yoga, and I got in a half an hour walk/run/play with the dog :)
  • Phiori45
    Phiori45 Posts: 10 Member
    Week 1, Day 1: Chest and Calves
    45 mins strength training @chuze
  • let_the_sunshine
    let_the_sunshine Posts: 19 Member
    katsheare wrote: »
    Late to the party but totally in: Day 1 Week 3 C25K this morning, 4 miles (round trip) walking for my work commute, plus an additional 4 miles walking (lunch, bell ringing practice), not to mention bell ringing for 90 minutes this evening.

    I've been using my FitBit move reminders to take the 3 flights of stairs to the unused floor in my building, where there is just room to do plank. Today I've done 2 repeats of 60 sec extended plank, 30 sec each side, 60 sec extended plank, plus the 3 flights to get there.

    @Dinow I love the jump rope idea. May have to pick one up and add that to the mix!

    I like the rope idea too for some fun different cardio especially on a day where the weather isn't great outside. I actually have a higher ceiling in my living room and so could get away with jumping rope inside without the rope hitting the ceiling or a light. Maybe I'll grab an extra one from my moms place tomorrow when I go visit her.
  • let_the_sunshine
    let_the_sunshine Posts: 19 Member
    kmalhas wrote: »
    Good evening. Since all of you are logging your exercise (as am I) I have a question for the group. When logging your exercise the app add's calories. Do I try and leave these at the end of the day or should I be using them (otherwise ending up at 0 at the end of the day)? Please and thank you!

    I looked into this when i first got the app too. It depends on how you set your default amount of daily exercise. When you get the app and enter your goal (such as to lose x pounds in y weeks) it asks you how much activity you do, whether your lifestyle is sedentary, light exercise, medium exercise, lots etc and the app gives a rough definition of each. Not sure if you were asking more generically or more specifically but I'll explain some stuff below in case it helps. Of course it is always up to you whether you want to eat the calories actually earned or see them as bonus calories not used. It is however important not to eat calories that may show up from being double added to your calorie count otherwise you are eating more than you should.
    This is how I understand it:

    Example 1- If you were working as a waitress on your feet a lot, but without your phone on you to track your steps, then you could put your exercise amount as lightly active. MFP assumes you are burning a certain number of calories during the day from being lightly active at your job even though its not tracked on your phone. MFP factored in already in the number of calories assumed to be burnt by a lightly active person when it sets as your daily calorie goal. Then your phone would not be adding back calories you burn during that walking at work since in this example you don't wear it on you. You would not want to enter in your exercise diary that you walked a bunch that day since then it will add back calories which it had already factored/added into your daily calorie goal when you said you were lightly active. But say later when you go to exercise at night by doing a strength or cardio workout, you should enter your exercise into MyFitnessPal since those exercises would be in excess to being 'lightly active' (aka in excess to the base amount MFP assumes you burnt during the day). Then MFP adds calories back for you to be able to eat. In this example, you are perfectly justified to eat the calories MFP says you burnt from the extra night exercises but you would not want to be entering exercise for the lightly active walking which was already factored into your calorie goal.

    Example 2 - Say you are in the same scenario as a waitress and set your activity level to lightly active but you DO carry your phone on you at work all day. MFP will automatically be tracking your steps and adding back calories in the exercise part of your calorie goal. You should NOT eat these additional calories since they were burned during the light activity you told MFP that you do every day outside the app which it already took into account during setting your calorie goal. Again, if you do additional cardio or strength exercise in the evening beyond being 'lightly active' then you are certainly able to enter that exercise into the exercise diary and eat the calories MFP tells you that you earned from it.

    For myself, I have a sedentary work and lifestyle in general but had told MFP that i was lightly active. When I go for a walk and take my phone it counts the steps I take and I watch to see if i hit the 10,000 step goal. MFP assumes this is activity beyond the 'lightly active' assumption I'd given it when setting my goals so when it adds calories back from those walks I ignore them and do not eat them, because MFP already took into account that approximate number of calories when I'd entered by goal with the fitness level of 'lightly active'.

  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Taking a workout rest day today cause I have assignments that need to be in but I'll go for a 30 minute walk over lunch.

    Enjoy your workouts everyone :)
  • amywhoa
    amywhoa Posts: 47 Member
    Today I did I aimed for 300 cals on the treadmill and i trained legs!
    Glute activation
    Smith machine Squats, box squats, squat pulses, cable kickbacks, leg extension machine, & back extensions :smiley:
  • Chantaljg
    Chantaljg Posts: 75 Member
    edited October 2017
    Hello All :)

    Exercise for Oct 3rd...
    30 min Deep Stretch Yoga
    10 min HIIT - Core
    30 min Strength - Back and Triceps
    20 min 3.5 speed treadmill
    40 min walking the dog
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Don't usually ride on Tuesdays, but tomorrow and Thursday are supposed to be rainy so I'm getting in my 10 mile ride that I would usually do on Wednesday later this evening.