
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,093 Member
    stats for the day:
    bike ride hm 2 new gym- 7.24min, 142mhr, 12.1amph. 1.4mi= 88c
    apple watch- 54c
    Spin *new bike*- 53min, 87ar, 85aw, 132mhr, no gear gage, 12.2mi = 382c
    apple watch- 418c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.10min, 13.9amph, 128mhr, 1.4mi= 58c
    appple watch- 39c
    walk sta 2 wk- 9.45min, 112mhr, 3.6ap, .5mi= 48c
    apple watch- 55c
    walk wk 2 sta- 9.23min mi, 3.4ap, 101mhr, .5mi = 46c
    apple watch- 51c
    ride dome 2 hm- 20min est, 155mhr, 2.5mi = 174c forgot to turn strata on
    apple watch- 142c

    total cal 796
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Today's news of the Vegas shootings was such a shock. You just sit and can't mov when you are watching the news. Then I sit and think of where I live. We are in an area that is in a valley with a lovely river. We have tornadoes here, we are in a bad earthquake fault although we have never had anything more that a small one. Why have I been spared right now. The terrible hurricanes, this shooting, all the other shootings in the schools, the terrible fires. Why am I safe? It really makes me think about my life. I know I need to take care of myself because I have been allowed to survive all these things.

    And speaking of shootings in a festival setting. This week is our annual Fall Festival. It is the 2nd largest street festival in the nation, Mardi Gras is the first. Every day hundreds of thousands all walk this approximately 10 block area and gorge themselves on deep fried German food. It starts at 11 AM and ends at 10:30 PM. Some stay all day. The web cams now show that we have snipers on top of buildings. So polio eradication force is out enn mass. This innocent festival has now been affected by the horrendous crime that has invaded our world. Why can't our children grow up the way we did?

    OK, back to our lives. Our church has a women's missionary society called WMU. There aren't a whole lot of them in Southern Baptist churches anymore and that is sad. When our church newsletter came out at the end of September and the head of the WMU wrote about what the October program was going to be, she wrote about a coupe who used to live here and their ministry was to the deaf. Oh did my ears perk up. I called my sister and we were so excited and wanted to go although I have never gone to our meetings. Bad me. When we were kids, we had a neighbor that married a young lady who was deaf and. They have been missionaries to the deaf for many years. It was when Dad was this young mans preacher that the boy knew he wanted to be a missionary. We were so excite that we would see these two again. Well it was an interesting program but it was about these two, not given by these two. So they weren't there. During the program, we did have a young man come in saying he was homeless and was just trying to get enough money so he could get his birth certificate and then get a DMV ID card and be able to get a job. Was he sincere? Was he just going from church to church trying to find sympathetic people who were also naive? But we decided that we should give him a little money in good faith and whatever happens after was out of our hands. We also had quite a lot of the snack left we could give him. Some one brought banana chocolate chip bread and a loaf of blueberry bread and candy corn with nuts! So we gave him a largue goody bag along with bottle water and $14. We Jair had to hope and pray that he was telling the truth. We did have prayer with him before he left. He did say that the fact that a bunch of white ladies praying for a young black man meant the most to him. Some one gave him a Bible and when he ,eft we made sure the all doors in the church were locked.

    Happy birthday Heather. Sounds like you are alreadybhavng a wonderful time.

    Welcome to all the new ladies here..

    Some one was asking how to start here. I think it is BArbie who says to just start responding to just a few people, getting to know them and just gradually increase it. Some one else said that after you finish reading, respond to the last couple of people who posted. There will be women here that you naturally will relate to whether it is where they live, job, animals, kids, vacTion or whatever.

    Speaking of animals, that cat is beautiful! I love any cat but I especially love the long hair cats. I have a short hair and a medium hair cat. I think it is the tail. Belle we got our medium hair cat I told Melody, the short haired one, that her tail just doesn't do it for me!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Hmm mm well I started a reply, put the tablet down for a minute to answer the door and my post disappeared. Annoying. Oh well, I'll hit the highlights...
    My heart goes out to all those affected by the tragedy in Las Vegas, too much violence in our world.....
    So happy to find a nice, chatty group! Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited October 2017
    I read that sign as one of inclusion and recognizing everyone ‘s humanity and the power of love. That was certainly my intention in sharing.

    But I recognize, acknowledge and respect that others did not interpret it that way, and some were offended. To those I can only repeat, I did not intend to offend, but to share a message of love and inclusion.

    However one interprets the sign, I certainly hope the fine ladies will not let it be divisive in this community- that would be a result I would hate to see.

    I, however, will sign off.

    May you find continued health and happiness for you and those you love.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lagopus, Penny, and Machka9 – The MFP will just have to stay mad with me, I’m no way near that; but, if they fuss at me I will complain that they changed going back to the ‘last’ post you made. It now only takes you back to the most current page. That means I have to scroll through pages to get back to my last post and read from there. I ‘hate’ this change. Sometimes it seems to take you back to the top of the page you posted on; and, sometimes it seems to just take you back to the top of the last page - period.

    Heather Happy Birthday … whenever!

    Carol – I buy a lot of Publix brand foods. One thing I buy are the Queen Pitted Olives … so much better tasting.

    The shooting in Las Vegas ARE awful; but, then everybody needs to try to remember that “GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE; PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.” A person has to load ammunition into them … they don’t do it themselves. Anyone with a computer can make a semi-automatic gun into an automatic gun. It’s very possible he went to numerous locations and legally bought a semi-automatic rifle and changed them. But, people need to try to also remember that you ‘see’ fireworks before you hear the sound. Heard a lot of people saying, 'it's only fireworks, then realize it wasn't'. This is going to sound like an ‘oxymoron’; but, in some places (parts of Europe) they have what they call “Quiet Fireworks” … especially close to residents, wildlife, or livestock. But, if you go to a fireworks display for New Year’s. 4th of July, or whatever place or time; make sure your children/grandchildren have ear protection.

    Allie – I’d have to ‘agree’ with Carol about ‘loosening the ties you have with the dogs’. I know you love them; but, you will never get TomCat out of your life if you are going over there to walk them daily. He is taking advantage of you - if you do it daily. It is just another one of his 'games'. So you need to call him out on it. Just remember that in a year (you’ll be able to get a dog that has no history of pain for you). TomCat will hold them as a pawn over you because he knows how much they mean to you. You have such a good life looking at you now; so let TomCat have the dogs and the responsibilities of them. I also am not trying to be mean.

    Happy that you had a couple of friends come help you. It’s a real “B” to order something and it not come, doesn’t work, is broken, and you have to make arrangements to return it or get your money back. I made a dispute through PayPal because I returned something because it didn’t work, so I returned it … they haven’t sent my money back to PayPal and the ‘tracking number’ shows it was returned to them on 9/13 – they had had their 10 working days to return the money – so I will let PayPal check into it.

    Then I returned something else; and, the company couldn’t find the charge (because they had typed in a ‘space’ in my email address. At least now, they should credit my PayPal account back. Such a P.I.T.A. I check all my bills for errors. I’ve caught way too many mistakes because of someone putting something in wrong and it won’t pop up for them.

    KJ – They do the same in FL, or they did when I was looking for employment. You did not go to the business … you went to the State of Florida Employment Office and filled out paperwork, and I ended up taking certain tests so that I could make an appointment for an interview. I worked for GMAC/MIC and they were really particular about numbers and letters (so you could spot a mistake in a VIN of a car). Interesting work. I was a claims’ agent. I remember sometime later a man came into their new building and shot and killed several people (on both sides of the building. They had a common porch; but, one went to the GMAC financial side; the other one into the MIC (insurance part). I know in the old office someone could walk up to the counter and start shooting and you probably couldn’t get out quick enough. I was glad that I had sat in the back when I worked for them. The man was pissed when his car got repo-ed. Really a dangerous job. About as dangerous as a policeman/woman serving warrants on people (or going to a call that is a ‘domestic’ call.

    I’m not trying to get political; but, in the hands of a ‘responsible’ person to hunt or something like that … they aren’t the dangerous ones. IF they start trying to change guns laws then ‘someone’ in Congress is going to have to be ‘extremely’ careful on how they ‘word’ what they consider ‘guns’. An assault rifle isn’t used (or shouldn’t be) in hunting for an animal such as a deer. It is a slippery slope and always has been, probably always will be.

    The NRA isn’t the blame for ‘gun control’ … they are trying to ‘educate people about guns’. And I agree with you … we have enough ‘home grown’ terrorists; but, we also have to concern ourselves on foreign ones, too. In Britain and Australia where they have ‘gun control’ they have taken it so far that they collected guns that had been in a family for generations. Any gun can be used in a ‘deadly force’ situation. Our sons were always taught to ‘check to make sure their guns were UNLOADED every time they picked them up’. Even ‘if’ the person that handed it to them had ‘checked it right in front of them’. But, I doubt that the hunters in the country would ever give up their guns. Some say, ‘only from the cold, bloody hands’. I have a ‘healthy respect for guns’. I shoot a pistol; but, if I hunted I would have to have a rifle that ejected the shell out the opposite side than most guns (because I am ‘left-eyed dominant’ … one reason I never made the golf team in HS.

    Kate – Beautiful flowers, if your tomatoes used to grow as high as the stakes, I can understand why y’all were disappointed. Maybe the soil needs to be tested. We can take ours to the county and they will test it to see if you have enough of the right nutriments for it.

    When we were living at High Falls waiting for our house to be built in Macon, there was a man around several curves around the lake who planted tomatoes and had a gage built around them that was at least 8’ (or more) tall and he could supply everybody in the area with them. We have a man down the road that keeps the county supplied with some of the BEST tomatoes.

    I think it is too hot down here to grow Dahlias; but, they are really pretty. Zinnias grow great here. We have the scattered around because of the birds. Draw a lot of butterflies in the spring and early summer. We’ve still got some blooming from the last couple of years.

    Joyce – I haven’t ever seen a cat who learned from punishment. They don’t care … Will has a cat-like personality as if he puts forth their way of looking at you as if to say: “Wanna pet me, then come over here!” But, let someone who can’t stand cats … they seem to know it and make a bee-line over to them and rubs their legs and try to crawl up in their laps. My DMnL ‘hated’ cats; but, one family she sat with had 4 or 5 Maine Coon Cats. Huge and big. I’d one day like to find one to have (or rescue).

    Janetr okc – The first time they were to give me an MRI, I ‘freaked’ … I am so claustrophobic that they ended up sending me to another place to have it done. Even the ones that are not enclosed … still make me feel uncomfortable. My BF went with me and sat beside the machine and talked me through it; but, they also gave me something to calm me down … a LOT.

    Yvonne in TX – What I remember ‘most’ about Girl Scout camp is we would swim in the water source … can’t remember if it was a pond, lake, river, stream, or whatever … but we had to be checked also for leeches. I’d just sit on the dock! Didn’t want to get them on me. UGH!!!!!

    Felicia – My husband and I used to go scuba diving; I always wanted to go get a tankful of oxygen and get in someone’s pool at that point you are just the right weight to be underwater about 3’ and take a nap. To me, that would have been so relaxing. We still have our mask, snorkel and fins. Can’t sell our vests because most dive shops have gone to that very small square tank which weight 1/4th of what a tank weights.

    Joyce - Our first cat got up on my kitchen counter while I was fixing supper; and, she went ‘flying’ immediately … she NEVER got back up there again. She was close enough for me to backhand her. When Tux comes in the house (like when we leave the door open), he ‘slinks’ around the perimeter of the rooms (trying to be invisible). As soon as he goes into the 2nd bedroom, I close the door – within a couple of minutes he is at the door meowing to get out. But, he is really an outside cat. He lays at the door and just watches Cracker come in and go out. He just comes to the edge of the door and looks in, forlornly. Cats like ‘attention’ when they think they are ‘in control’.

    Katie – Regarding Vince and Michele … so is the 3rd type the one ‘who totally forgets’?

    Pat – I don’t know how to make the type bigger; unless you are talking about when you are ‘reading’ the posts. On my laptop, as on my smart phone, I just take my finger like I an pinching something and throw them out like I am letting go of something hot. To bold something ‘highlight’ what you want and then go up and click the dark “B”. If you are only going to bold a name; all you have to do is ‘double click’ on it.

    Terry – I am not sure I could ever get in that position. Maybe back in my HS days when I was a cheerleader and had to use my arms a lot.

    I don’t understand ‘well-meaning’ friends and family asking questions and then making suggestions about what they need to Google or ask their MDs. One reason the IVF specialist told her to ‘disconnect’ and get ‘out of town’. It helped. She finally called yesterday and she said that they had not gone to church on Sunday because so many were rubbing her tummy (which is still a little extended) and making comments and it was ‘hard’ to tell them that she had lost the baby. So many have questions that she does not have any answers to, including whether they are going to go through it again. I sort of think they will try once more, she wants to give Will a baby in the worst way. But, I told her that Will did not marry her to have a baby; he married her because he had ‘fallen in love with her and Mallory). She said that Louis had called her the other day and he told her the same thing. She said that she will remember that for always. Now she is focused back on her “Prince William” and they will break through this issue.

    sunaric – You are a member of this group simply by posting here. Make sure you bookmark the page by clicking on the outline of the star. It will turn ‘yellow’ and then when you come to the community you will click on the gray start between the bell and gear. It will drop down a page, click on it and you should be right here.

    MFP ‘used’ to take you back to your last post; but, apparently they’ve changed that so that it will only take you back to the top of the last page (where you posted). I ‘hate’ it this way; because then I have to go and try to find my last post. Tell us about yourself. Family, children/grandchildren, fur babies (by the way you’ve got a cute one), hobbies, what you would prefer to be called and a location helps (general or specific) and then just right in and you will be a part – we are a huge group of ladies – world-wide. We ‘try’ not to discuss ‘politics’ and/or ‘religion’ because there are so many opinions and something it can get a big difficult for it to not turn into an argument. But, sometimes we do forget – like with this tragic shooting in LV, NV … Other things you need to remember is once you start posting you cannot ‘go back a page’ because you will lose everything you have typed. You would need to ‘save’ it first. Then you can ‘edit’ it by hitting the black gear that will show up in your post and the box will turn back to yellow. A lot of us open up a word processing program and minimize them side-by-side and answer them that was, as we read. I check it twice a day (sometimes 3x); it will get away from you and you will be several pages behind.

    Margaret – Love the pictures … especially the matting and framing. But, I say that as an ‘artist’. You let me go in a ‘frame shop’ and I can pick out the most expensive framing they have. Sometimes it is just the ‘only’ choice to make because of ‘what it does for a picture’. That can some be said of the matting.

    Marcelyn – I also take a ‘compliment’ as a ‘compliment’ and ‘thank the person’ for whatever they have said. I’m not easily offended. Around my middle sister, sometimes I have to remember that she does get ‘offended’ if you refer to a woman as a ‘girl’. Been doing that all my life, hard habit to break. But, she can get very argumentative, so when we have our ‘beach trip’ … she will usually say something ‘totally off the wall’ and then my oldest sister will tell her what she said was ‘not true’; and, repeat back to her, what she had said. Weekend before last, Suzanne called her on something and she then ‘denied’ saying it. I sat on the end of the couch and read my book. Later, after oldest sister went to bed, she asked me, in the kitchen, how it felt to have 2 sisters who were so totally different. I told her ‘it makes me know I have 2 sisters and both love me; and, all of us feel, at times, like we are being ganged up on … with 3 girls in the family, there will always be a one-sided discussion on just about anything. But, the nice thing is … we don’t stay mad very long.

    Becca – I could do that; HOWEVER, if I tried that with Louis’ Coffee Mate … he would notice it! There are just a ‘few’ things that do have a different taste and sometimes if isn’t worth the argument. But, I agree – there are things that you can do that with.

    We buy store-brand iced tea – sweetened. It is always the same. Good; and, always turns out the same – unlike trying to seep tea.

    Mia – Congrats!!!!!

    Mary in Arizona – AMEN! Couldn’t have said it any better. My ‘sentiments’ exactly. Trophies simply for 'participation' does NOT teach children that there are winner and losers. Growing up we had try-outs; so 'if you were not good enough to make the team' ... you went home, practiced, and came back the next year to 'try-out again'. This tends to not teach children that when they get out into the 'real' world where you don't get a 'pat on your back' for everything you do, they 'freak out'. Someone told me about a collage aged kid working part-time who kept coming to his/her boss to get praise for what they were doing, when they were really only trying to get praise, not to work on something, take it to the boss and listen as he/she told them what they had not done that needed to be done. Same thing as in 'sports' ... you have the 'workers' and the 'slackers' ... and the workers should be praised ... the slackers should be worried about their jobs. Jobs are difficult to find; but, if you have a 'good one' ... they will train you. Our DDnL#1 had a job that she thought that she had a 'better way' of doing something because it would take less time, then got upset when she had to do it over. I told her that in the 'legal' field, that certain things HAD to occur before things could move forward. IF she did something 'her' way and because things were not done 'in order'; she could get fired over letting someone 'get out of jail' who should actually BE IN jail'.

    Louis came home this weekend (Friday) and said that he was calling another ‘customer’ he has painted for – who owns the business where he rented the bucket truck to try to get to the dormers on the roof. Can’t be done, he won’t do it. The owner acted exactly like my husband ‘expected’ … he got MAD AS HELL. But, with an $80K slate roof that he had to get someone from Virginia to put it on, he is not about to attempt to get a bucket up there for fear that he will be risking breaking a tile. He looked at the other man and said, ‘y’all have already decided you weren’t going to do it’. His flipped the guy off and then his wife came out and it was explained to her. She seemed to understand.

    They are going to discuss tonight whether they want Louis and the ‘gang’ to come back and finish up the job (painting outside). Louis said, ‘if he acts like a jerk; he will pack up and walk off the job, he’s been paid enough so far’. It will be the 1st job that he has ever walked off in 30 years; but, we can’t afford to hire someone to replace a broke slate tile. Ain’t gonna happen. Louis has too many other jobs he could go to. He doesn’t have to put up with someone being ugly to him. This is the MD, who stuck a catheter in my husband while he was totally awake. Even the 2 other Urologists ‘cringed’ when he told them that. We probably could have taken him to court over it; but, we didn't. He went off on a ‘medical leave’ … Louis said it wasn’t the first time … and, probably for the same reason and he doubted that the practice will allow him back in. The other day, he went in and had to see the PA; because the one that he started seeing was also an ‘indefinite medical leave’. I am beginning to think that maybe Louis needs to get a 2nd opinion about a procedure they have given him a DVD to watch and a small booklet with it. I MADE him watch it, telling him that “I wasn’t going to be the one to have to make that decision’.

    There are about 3 choices he’d have if they could not clear on the problem he has 3x a year. It would be somewhat of a permanent solution to a temporary problem, so to speak.

    He likes the other Urologist; and saw him when he could not get his catheter unstuck - because of the blood. But, he said that he wants to 'talk to them' and find out how many of the procedures they have done, what the success rate is, and, if they have a satisfied patient he could talk to - even if they had to call him and have him call Louis. He also wants a 2nd opinion. One thing they told him was NOT to go to the ER. He needed to call them 'first' and the MD on call would meet him at the office. He did not want Louis to end up going to the ER and having a MD that is a 'lung specialist' trying to insert a catheter ... it could make things a lot worse and they might end up HAVING to perform a more extensive procedure. It is so frustrating ... he had a small attack right before we went to the beach.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Rye- I certainly did not mean for my opinion or interpretation of your sign to cause you to leave our group. I was just voicing a difference of opinion forged from my believes and life circumstances. I hope you stay.


    Mary from Arizona
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Lenora, there is no third type. The joke is that I am the type who cannot count since I only named two types of people but said there were three. It is my favorite joke to tell on myself since I am a math teacher and therefore should be able to count, just as Vince should.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    Lagopus, Penny, and Machka9 – The MFP will just have to stay mad with me, I’m no way near that; but, if they fuss at me I will complain that they changed going back to the ‘last’ post you made. It now only takes you back to the most current page. That means I have to scroll through pages to get back to my last post and read from there. I ‘hate’ this change. Sometimes it seems to take you back to the top of the page you posted on; and, sometimes it seems to just take you back to the top of the last page - period.

    I haven't noticed that change either.

    When I open this thread, it goes back to the last post I read.

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Hmm mm well I started a reply, put the tablet down for a minute to answer the door and my post disappeared. Annoying.

    Yesterday, I was using my phone, and noticed that every time I set my phone on my lap for a moment, this thread would close ... and of course, if I were posting something, it would have disappeared.

    I prefer to use my laptop or other computer rather than my phone ... much more stable. :)
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Hello all -

    Ginger - “Hooked on a Feeling” sounds a lot better than “Let’s Talk Dirty In Hawaiian,” which my ridiculous brain decided to play on endless loop a couple of days ago!

    OregonMother – I think that pose would hurt my wrists, assuming I could even get into it.

    Sunaric – Just jump right in. Tell us a little bit about yourself, and comment on any post that takes your fancy. I keep a blank text file open while I’m reading and put my comments in there as I go, then copy the whole thing into a post when I’m done. It’ll help us get to know you if you tell us what name you’d like to be called and where you live. I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s diagnosis and your recent losses. You’ll find a lot of support here, and not just for your weight loss journey.

    Rye – I’ve been seeing that sign too – not so much in Taylor (which is a small, mostly conservative town) but I’ve seen some in Austin. I’m happy to see people standing up for what they believe.

    MtnMom – Welcome!

    It’s been a hard day. This seems like such a mean old world lately, and we have to make an effort to find the good and beautiful things around us.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,149 Member
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,650 Member
    Lenora, we aren't going to scuba dive. Neither my ears nor sinuses could handle that. But snorkeling will be fun.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    Tuesday - Lunchtime

    Sunny and a toasty 18.7°C out there! :)

    I put on the walking shoes I keep at my desk, and did a brisk hike to the Royal Hobart Botanical Gardens and back for a total of 5.4 km (3.3 miles).

    I'm wearing capris today, so that was the first time my legs have been exposed to the environment since July when we were in Canada. I probably blinded a few people with their whiteness. :lol:

    I had heard there was a tulip display at the gardens, and there was, although it was smaller than I had anticipated. Nevertheless it was quite pretty, and I took several photos. I'll have to wait till I get home to download them because I don't think I've got a cord here that will work with my camera.

    I'm kind of hoping I'll be able to add one or two to my collection of rotating desktop wallpapers. I'm doing a spring/tropical theme right now and the tulips would fit right in. :)

    The weather for the rest of the week looks like it will be very rainy, so I wanted to get this walk in while I could.

    Machka in spring-like OZ
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,479 Member
    Did 1 segment of a 15 minute yoga DVD, held my plank for 2 min 53 sec (one more sec!), then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a downloadable spinning program.

    Heather - happy birthday

    Joyce and Becca - I've found that many times even tho the smaller sizes of an item are usually more expensive, if I can use a coupon on two of the items rather than just one coupon on one larger item, it comes out cheaper in the end

    I don't know what it is, but I feel like I have this lump in my chest, as if I had a pill and it didn't go down all the way. I tried having a bit of cheese, a few almonds, but it still feels like it's there. Not sure what that's all about

    Evelyn - you know, I don't think we have another Evelyn here. Post as often as you like during the day. Some people post multiple times during the day, others only once a day, and still others only once every few days. We love hearing from everyone whenever they can post.

    Penny - honestly, I don't even look when MFP gives its "scolding". I know that some days I'm under. But then there are the days when I'm over so it all works out.

    Welcome everyone new and those returning

    Katie - regarding the counting mixup, to me the funny part is that Vince is a CPA!!!!

    Lanette - Source: SpryLiving.com

    1pkg firm silken tofu ( I used extra firm)
    1&1/3 cups semisweet chocolate chips melted
    3 tbsp pure maple syrup ( can probably use honey or raw sugar. I used
    regular syrup)
    2 tbsp milk
    2 tsp cocoa powder
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    1/8 tsp salt
    8-1/2 inch ready made piecrust (graham or chocolate
    Process all ingredients in food processor until completely smooth . pour
    into chocolate or graham cracker piecrust. Refrigerate uncovered 6 hrs to
    firm up.

    Serves 8

    140 calories , 4 gm fiber, 18 grams carbs , 3 gm protein. 3 points plus.

    I use silken tofu and add 1/2 envelope of unflavored gelatin and Vince never knows that it's tofu!

    Becca - my kids never knew they were eating store-brand Cheerios until one day the box started falling apart

    On the topic of gun control, let me just ask you a few questions: which city has the strictest gun control laws? which city has the highest crime rate?

    Mary in AZ - in the real world you don't get a trophie just for participating. So what are these kids learning? In life there are winners and there are losers. That's life and the sooner you learn that, the better for you.

    Exercised, went to the Salvation Army, then to Aldi's, home to get dinner ready then senior bowling, home to have dinner, then ceramics, then mahjongg. I'm tired right now and you know what I'm craving? Cheese. Not bread or cookies...cheese cubes.

    Michele in NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,476 Member
    edited October 2017
    exermom wrote: »
    I don't know what it is, but I feel like I have this lump in my chest, as if I had a pill and it didn't go down all the way. I tried having a bit of cheese, a few almonds, but it still feels like it's there. Not sure what that's all about

    Time to go to the Dr ... right now. Possibly even ER.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Yeah, tring to discipline Mozart didn't do a thing scent make me feel really bad about it. He loves to come in my bedroom in the evening while I a, listening to my quiet music and doing things on my laptop. After I 'Sparked' him, he tried to get in my bed and I said a very firm no and he jumped off my bed. After trying a couple of times, he just stopped trying and he didn't have anyone to do with me, that I know of, until this morning. And he is just as loving as before. I just wish Melody would do something about him getting on her. I just hate e sounds that come out of her when he is on top of her or chasing her down the hall with his nose halfway up her butt. I wish so,e one would create an app that humans can talk into our smart plonk what we want to say to our cat and it would translate into cat language. And in reverse also. There are several meows that I know exactly what Meldoy wants.mso far I haven't figured out Mozarts. He has several distinctive meows but I don't know what he is saying,

    Lenora, has anyone used any Lidocaine jelly in trying to insert your hubbies catheter? That was our trick with our men in the hospital. Does he have an enlarged prostate? I feel for him. It isn't a comfortable thing to do, either physically or emotionally. I just hope he is being treated with dignity every time they put it in. That was one of my pet peeves while I was a nurse. I would have men just take their covers off and expose themselves when they were having one put in or out. And when I told them that they didn't need to do that, some of them would say it didn't matter to them, I would just say that their dignity mattered to me since it was their dignity and mine involved.

    Night nigh, Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marcelyn: I understood you were doing your "rebranding" at home, and not in the store. The children want to be like their friends and it can be intense. :ohwell: I think your strategy is brilliant. :bigsmile:

    MtnMom: We all started out with weight to lose. Some of us are just beginning and some of us have reached their original goals and are trying to avoid sliding back into old bad habits. You're welcome here if you decide this group is a comfortable fit. :flowerforyou:

    Machka: I use my computer for posting. My phone is great for recording food and exercise but not for chatting. It is too limited for that. :ohwell:

    Michele: I agree with Machka. It sounds like you need medical help to evaluate what is going on with you. Please let us know that you've seen a doctor.:heart:

    I'm knitting a baby blanket for our future grandbaby and had to back out four rows because of a mistake I made. :grumble: I have straightened out the mess and am now headed for bed. :yawn:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,620 Member
    Hi everyone.
    Had a good night's sleep. :D.
    It was lovely to see the kids last night. Bea does love her food :o Max enjoyed the activity pack and Edie said, "Next time you stay in the flat and we go to the pizza restaurant and it's raining you will have to buy a bigger umbrella." She is so right, mine is too small to keep us both dry. :|:p:D<3
    Hope to do some sightseeing today in the countryside. Hope we can find a place to park when we get back.
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX