Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member

    @slittlemeister and Bex, i think I need both of you to take a trip to the US and give me a good kick in the butt. I'm failing miserably! :smile:

    That sounds good, I need a holiday! :smiley:

    Don't think I'm entitled to give anyone a kick though - I only started behaving myself at the end of the week!

    I think for all of us motivation goes up and down. Mine is currently up, yours is currently down.

    The key thing is to pick yourself up and start again - one step at a time. Aim for one good day, then another, then another! Before you know it you'll be back in the swing of things.

    I think you might be trying to do too many things again - your list is quite long? If things are stressful, you might be better off cutting back and just focusing on the most important?

    You know how to do it and have done it before - you can do it again!

    I agree with @joan6630 - you need to get your index cards out again! (As do I next week probably)
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    slittlemeister- thank you for the encouragement. I was way over on calories today. The food choices at conference were not good and I ate some things I just did not have to eat- lost some willpower.
    I must get back on track tomorrow. This is the point where I usually give up- after a couple of bad days. I cannot let it happen again. I made a pot of soup before I left so I will have that to eat tomorrow for lunch. I might get rotesserie chicken on my way home tomorrow. That is the plan in the fast food places are tempting me tomorrow on the way home from work.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    10/3 Tuesday JFT:

    ✔Regular morning routine
    ✔ Research 8 am - 12 pm
    ✔ Nice lunch w/ hubby :)
    ✔ Dr.'s Appt
    ✔Pick up kiddos
    ✔Get home and relax a bit
    ✔Pick up teeno from football ~ 6 pm
    ✔Dinner by 7:30 pm
    ❌Bedtime by 9:30 pm --> watching a movie which will put me past 9:30 pm bedtime.

    (I walked on campus today so I'm passing on the elliptical today.)

  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    1., Be active, ✅
    2., No snacking, ✅
    3., Drink lots of water, ❎
    4., Eat small portions, ❌
    5., Avoid sugar❌
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 calls❌
    7., Extra Bonus: Stay under 100 carbs❌

    Once again I did extremely well all day and then screwed it all up at dinner time (waited until I was too hungry and then ate WAY too much). I'm so peeved. Who would have thought it would be so hard to stay on track while in the USA!?!? I mean... I dieted in FRANCE while my life was falling apart around me, but I can't get my $h!* together while on a business trip in the USA??? I'm disgusted with myself. Oh well... back to the drawing board. Tomorrow is another day.

    I forgot to post for the October challenge. Maybe this will help get me back on track...

    October challenge:
    Oct. 1 - 191.4
    Goal by Dec. 31st: 183 Lbs or less.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was ok diet-wise, but afternoon's work didn't go well and hence ended up working late rather than going to gym. I'll have to go on Thu.

    - Log everything I eat :)
    - Lunch less than 450 cals :)
    - No snacks - only ryvita if hungry :)
    - Be in the green :| Just over - had a couple too many drinks in evening which pushed me just over

    - 30 + minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :)
    - Have a walk outside (to get lunch!) :| Decided not to do this as was already taking two separate trips to hairdresser / dentist. Probably could have done with it though
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Listen to music to boost mood :smile:
    - Finish work by 6.30pm :'( 8pm - afternoon work did not go well
    - Go to gym after work (if operation wound not hurting. Take it easy if do go) :'( Didn't go due to finishing at 8pm

    Today I appear to have PMT and am SO GRUMPY (already had a row with my boyfriend and it's not even 7.30am). I am going to have to be strong today and not give into my grumpiness! (Either by eating or by being rude to people...)

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - Lunch less than 450 cals
    - No snacks - only ryvita if hungry
    - Be in the green

    - 30 + minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Have a walk outside
    - Focus on key priorities and be productive
    - Stay positive (listen to music)
    - Leave work at 5PM (have an event this evening)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Recap T 10/3
    1) Got up in dark, walked dog 3.43 miles before work & saw some critter on side of road, but too dark to know what, maybe bunny? Watched pretty sunrise. = Happy me & happy dog. :smiley:
    2) Meals & snacks are prelogged / stay on track / net calories w/i 100 green = Green :smiley:
    3) Use Calm app, pause & pray = Done, but really need to focus :smile:
    4) Keep on that to-do list = Very good progress at decluttering, washed dishes, sorted laundry :smiley:
    5) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Done, then thunderstorm hit & got up to lower all upstairs windows :|

    JFT W 10/4
    1) Walked dog 2.34 miles before work = :smiley:
    2) Washed 2 loads laundry & hung up before work / after work, fold clothes & put away
    3) Draft program & supplementary documents for operational project
    4) Do not get peeved at hubby during lunch for scheduling his day off w/o discussion
    5) Plan meals / grocery list
    6) Unwind 9:30 / bedtime & TV off 10:15
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    @slittlemeister and Bex, i think I need both of you to take a trip to the US and give me a good kick in the butt. I'm failing miserably! :smile:

    That sounds good, I need a holiday! :smiley:

    Don't think I'm entitled to give anyone a kick though - I only started behaving myself at the end of the week!

    I think for all of us motivation goes up and down. Mine is currently up, yours is currently down.

    The key thing is to pick yourself up and start again - one step at a time. Aim for one good day, then another, then another! Before you know it you'll be back in the swing of things.

    I think you might be trying to do too many things again - your list is quite long? If things are stressful, you might be better off cutting back and just focusing on the most important?

    You know how to do it and have done it before - you can do it again!

    I agree with @joan6630 - you need to get your index cards out again! (As do I next week probably)

    You're right. You and @joan6630 are both right. I need to just buckle down, pick the goals most important to me and try to turn those into habits and anything else on my "wish" list that I do will just be the cherry on top. (see? even made food references there...ugh)

    I will aim for a good day today. I'm working at home today to try to get caught up on some work with uninterrupted time. I literally broke down yesterday in my boss's office and told her I cannot keep working all day, all night and all weekend for weeks on end. It's crazy. We talked things out and I felt better at the end of the day. e

    So, like you said, my motivation is down and I need to get back in that determined place so I can feel better and look better.

    Thank you both for kicking me in the butt. I needed that.

    Tracie xoxo
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    "52 Small Changes: One year to a happier, healthier you.":
    First week's change: Drink more water every day and make it a habit. Body weight divided by 2 = #oz of water you should drink every day. Add 8 oz of water for every 20 minutes of exercise.

    I CAN DO THIS .... I can do this .... I can do this .......

    Why is drinking water so hard for me! But .... I have 6 glasses drank already (and I'm running to the ladies room every 15 minutes it seems :s )

    In the book, it says that we should drink half our weight in water, but I don't know that I will be able to reach that much either. I think the main take-away for me was making it a priority to hydrate with water. I'm trying to drink 85 oz but if I can make it a habit to drink 64 oz every day, I will consider that a win!

    I'll post week 2's change on Sunday if you want. I don't know what all the changes will be, but we can pick which ones we want to work on and skip the ones we don't! :smile:

    I know trying to get more water in every day is something I really, really need to make a daily habit. So, this was a good one for me! :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Tuesday:
    1. Put finishing touches on Wound Project today ;) Very close. Only have one more piece to build out and I'll be ready to go on this project. So I'm considering this a partial win...
    2. Start patient build for OB Provider class :/ I couldn't do this yet, since the analysts aren't done building out the departments yet.
    3. Begin creating Captivate eLearning that is due on Friday (no pressure there...) :(Staying home from work today to work on this. Really going to try to pound this out today and get it off my plate and meet the deadline.
    4. Journal every bite :/Nope. I didn't even take time off of my work yesterday to do this. This needs to become 1st on my list.
    5. Continue with week one's change from "52 Small Changes..." book :sDidn't reach nearly enough water. I think maybe I took in 32 oz. Drank coffee all day. Bad Tracie!!!
    6. Listen to my favorite podcasts (have to run to store because I failed to grab my earbuds today) :smile: I listened in the morning while getting ready for work and again last night to wind down before bed.
    7. Deep breaths. One thing at a time, one hour at a time. I can do this. :'(Nope. Broke down in tears yesterday. Totally overwhelmed. Today is a new day.
    8. Do at least one random act of kindness. Our world is so messed up! :)I helped a colleague get her project done.
    9. Read today's Simple Abundance... and write in my gratitude journal tonight :)Took me awhile but I did find 5 things to be grateful for yesterday. There is always something if you take the time to think about it.
    10. Go to bed on time and try to get up at 5:30 tomorrow to take a morning walk before work. :sHahahaha! Nope. Not even close.

    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Journal every bite. Don't even worry about staying green. Just journal every bite.
    2. Do my 52 small changes Week 1 - Try for 85 oz of water, but be happy with 64 oz
    3. Reach my step goal. Sit less.
    4. No complaining about work at home.
    5. No working past 6:00 p.m.
    6. Simple Abundance chapter and Gratitude Journal before bed to unwind

    That's it for today. Have a great day everyone! xoxox

    "52 Small Changes: One year to a happier, healthier you.":
    First week's change: Drink more water every day and make it a habit. Body weight divided by 2 = #oz of water you should drink every day. Add 8 oz of water for every 20 minutes of exercise.

  • Lilygator1017
    Lilygator1017 Posts: 14 Member
    I am in! I am in need of such accountability. My goals for today are to:
    1) reach my step goal (7000)
    2) drink 10 glasses or water
    3) make good eating choices (you know, actual food and not junk!)

    I'm happy to make new friends if anyone is looking for a fitness buddy!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited October 2017
    joan6630 wrote: »
    6. try and get better at planning meals. WHY is this so hard for me to do!!!! Any suggestions as to how you guys do it? DO you pick a time each week and plan the weeks menus? I get so busy, and then we need eggs, milk, etc., and I just grab meats, things I think we need - with no planning at all. I know planning is the key, and this is something I really want to turn into a better habit. But so hard for me to do it seems!

    Consistency with meal planning is my problem. I do really well sometimes, and then not so much. This is what works for me: When fresh food is available at the farmers market, I plan around what's in season. I like to occasionally review my recipes (favorites or new, always easy) for ideas. Sometimes I put recipes on a list and tick them off as I make them. Sometimes there's things in the freezer or pantry I need/want to use. Once I decide what I (& hubby if he has any requests) feel like eating for the next week or so, I plan depending on our week's schedule. I make out my grocery list to fill any gaps. My favorite recipes make 6 - 8 servings, since I'm a big fan of leftovers; it means I don't have to cook every night. With the arrival of fall and winter coming, I am really looking forward to making big pots of soup, I have at least 6 soup recipes I love to make. And I love my crockpot even though I don't use it often enough. Sorry for the long response, hopefully some of it's useful. :smile:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Just for Wednesday:
    1. Journal every bite. Don't even worry about staying green. Just journal every bite.
    2. Do my 52 small changes Week 1 - Try for 85 oz of water, but be happy with 64 oz
    3. Reach my step goal. Sit less.
    4. No complaining about work at home.
    5. No working past 6:00 p.m.
    6. Simple Abundance chapter and Gratitude Journal before bed to unwind

    That's it for today. Have a great day everyone! xoxox

    Tracie, it's great that you are focusing on your most important goals. To use another food reference :p the rest is icing on the cake. This is doable! :smiley:

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. 12,000 steps :( 10,389
    2. under 1400 calories :)
    3. under 75G carbs :)
    4. 8+ freggies :)
    5. 10+ C water :)
    6. swim a mile :(
    7. walk :)

    Had an early-morning interview in the city, so I am just now checking in.

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. under 1400 calories
    3. under 100G carbs
    4. 8+ freggies
    5. 10+ C water
    6. weight workout
    7. walk
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    Tuesday, 10/3
    1. get back started logging. NO MORE EXCUSES. Remember how I want to feel at the end of the year!! :/ Did OK until I got into those darn candy corn/pumpkin candies
    2. drink water. 64 oz today = 8 cups. @OConnell5483 -- I would also love to participate in the 52 small changes. This one in particular I really need: :) 9 glasses of water today!!! But ..... I think I got in a lot of steps because of using the girls room all day :s

    "52 Small Changes: One year to a happier, healthier you.":
    First week's change: Drink more water every day and make it a habit. Body weight divided by 2 = #oz of water you should drink every day. Add 8 oz of water for every 20 minutes of exercise.

    But does this mean I should be drinking 97 ounces a water a day?????? I am aiming for 64 oz to start with

    3. lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning. Start my day out in a positive way. So far today, did great with this - 90 minutes in the gym early this morning! :) As hard as it was, went to the gym yesterday, and today. Something that has now become a good habit
    4. work on finishing the towels to gift to a good friend who is retiring :/
    5. sit out in the patio and enjoy the day and time with my hubby :) too much of this - feeling very lazy!
    6. try and get better at planning meals. WHY is this so hard for me to do!!!! Any suggestions as to how you guys do it? DO you pick a time each week and plan the weeks menus? I get so busy, and then we need eggs, milk, etc., and I just grab meats, things I think we need - with no planning at all. I know planning is the key, and this is something I really want to turn into a better habit. But so hard for me to do it seems! :) Sat down and just start making a list of options for meals - at least its a start

    SO late today again getting on here! The day is almost over
    JFT, Wed
    1. keep away from the candy corn!!!
    2. go to the gym - already done! Lay out gym clothes for tomorrow morning
    3. concentrate on water tonite -- I have not drank any water yet today, and its 3pm! SO , need to gulp down 8 glasses of water -- well -- aim for 4
    4. get back on here tomorrow. be accountable!

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    The first week challenge, it’s body weight divided by 2, in what measurement is that? Lbs? So if I’m 170 do I need to drink 85oz?

    I’ll have to convert oz to ml as well! You lot and your backwards measurements :lol:
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    BEX--you are too much like me! I adore your postings.
    JOAN--I feel rushed to death and overwhelmed most of the time-all of the time. I write stuff on the frig door, organize what we will eat all the day, and lose it if anything falls apart. BUT the grocery list and the daily plan like this thread keep me going forward.
    And I have never finished or achieved any challenge before-I will do this 5 pound thing.
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    I feel like I have lost all accountability the last week. This is the first time I've even been on MFP in a week and that's mainly because of you, @cschmitz110515 The last 7 days have been straight from Hell. I officially stopped taking all of my meds last week and the final stages of withdrawal are killing me. Shakes, fevers, upset stomachs, headaches, chills, sweats. I swear, I feel like I have the flu. But I know that I just have to muscle through it. Once it's done and out of my system completely in about 3 weeks, then I can have an honest assessment of where I am emotionally and mentally. Right now I can't trust myself because of the imbalances from the withdrawals. It's been about 7 years since I've been med free and while the main purpose of stopping them is to be able to have babies, I also want to see what it's like to be off of them. Right now, it's not very nice. But we'll see in the next couple of weeks. I also think that my vacation was too long(impossible right?) because it completely undid every single routine I had set up. I completely ignored all the groundwork I had set up over the last few months and it just killed it all. So now, on top of the withdrawals, I have this completely undisciplined mind. Just a total mixture of badness. BUT!!! The good thing is, that I haven't used all of this as an excuse to binge eat or anything. Yes, we have eaten out a lot because I haven't had the motivation to cook or go food shopping but I've mainly stuck to salads and water and since there's not really any food in the house, there hasn't been much for me to pig out on. The DH has not been happy though, but that's a whole other fiasco.

    The DH closes his store tonight so it's just me and the cat for a few hours. There are a lot of things I should do but I dont feel like doing any of them so I'm going to narrow it down to three. These three things I will do tonight, probably right now, actually:

    1. Do the dishes
    2. Take a shower
    3. Take out the trash

    I will do everything I can to try and make myself get back on here either later tonight or tomorrow. I'm off tomorrow but am getting my B/C implant out of my arm so that's technically minor surgery...I think. Lol. So I dont know what I will be able to do tomorrow. Anyway, have a great night everyone!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    I feel like I have lost all accountability the last week. This is the first time I've even been on MFP in a week and that's mainly because of you, @cschmitz110515 The last 7 days have been straight from Hell. I officially stopped taking all of my meds last week and the final stages of withdrawal are killing me. Shakes, fevers, upset stomachs, headaches, chills, sweats. I swear, I feel like I have the flu. But I know that I just have to muscle through it. Once it's done and out of my system completely in about 3 weeks, then I can have an honest assessment of where I am emotionally and mentally. Right now I can't trust myself because of the imbalances from the withdrawals. It's been about 7 years since I've been med free and while the main purpose of stopping them is to be able to have babies, I also want to see what it's like to be off of them. Right now, it's not very nice. But we'll see in the next couple of weeks. I also think that my vacation was too long(impossible right?) because it completely undid every single routine I had set up. I completely ignored all the groundwork I had set up over the last few months and it just killed it all. So now, on top of the withdrawals, I have this completely undisciplined mind. Just a total mixture of badness. BUT!!! The good thing is, that I haven't used all of this as an excuse to binge eat or anything. Yes, we have eaten out a lot because I haven't had the motivation to cook or go food shopping but I've mainly stuck to salads and water and since there's not really any food in the house, there hasn't been much for me to pig out on. The DH has not been happy though, but that's a whole other fiasco.

    The DH closes his store tonight so it's just me and the cat for a few hours. There are a lot of things I should do but I dont feel like doing any of them so I'm going to narrow it down to three. These three things I will do tonight, probably right now, actually:

    1. Do the dishes
    2. Take a shower
    3. Take out the trash

    I will do everything I can to try and make myself get back on here either later tonight or tomorrow. I'm off tomorrow but am getting my B/C implant out of my arm so that's technically minor surgery...I think. Lol. So I dont know what I will be able to do tomorrow. Anyway, have a great night everyone!

    Sorry you’re feeling a bit poop with coming off the meds’ and that!
    The first couple of weeks are always hard (my partners just come off some tablets too) except he self medicates with cannabis so wasn’t too bad. And he’s in a much better place now (he needed to come off them because they stopped working, and after his withdrawal he felt great and didn’t bother taking his new meds lol!)

    I’m hoping that you can manage being med free! It is a big thing!
    Do you still use your calm app and stuff?
    I would just rest up if you need it OR keep busy as you are able to keep your mind active. Although if you’re feeling flu like then maybe rest would be good!
  • dlm4mom
    dlm4mom Posts: 251 Member
    My only goal for today was to get back on track which I did by some miracle.
    For Thursday
    1..stay under calorie goal
    2 stay under 100 carbs
    3. 6 glasses of water
    4. There will be no lunch break due to noon meeting but take a 15 minute break
    5. Cook dinner no matter how tired I am
    6. Prep crockpot food for Friday

    This seems simple but it will not be for me
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited October 2017
    Day 42 (Oct. 4th) goals:

    1., Be active, ❎ I was only able to take a 15 min walk today. I was too tired to do anything else.
    2., No snacking, ✅
    3., Drink lots of water, ✅
    4., Eat small portions, ✅
    5., Avoid sugar✅
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 calls❎ (2200! MUCH better than the 3500-4000 I've been averaging!)
    7., Extra Bonus: Stat under 100 carbs❌

    I had a much more controlled and responsable day today. It could have been much better if I'd just done what I was supposed to and made myself eat salad for dinner. (Side Note: I hate salad soooo much. In my mind, if a meal isn't hot, it isn't a meal. It's a snack). However, i really watched my portions today so I'm going to bed feeling lighter and better than yesterday. Overall I'll consider this a win.

    Also, I had a good cry about the fact that I'm frustrated by all the BS going on with this business trip (I'll spare you the details) and how much I miss my husband (I've never even spent 1 night away from him in 2 years! And I'm away for 2 weeks! I'm only on day 3 and it's killing me. I want to go home so badly). I'm miserable here and exhausted and feel like the local food options are extremely unhealthy and limited. So Tonight I did some grocery shopping and feel confident about making healthy decisions tomorrow.

    I swear, I'm usually the most happy, upbeat, person. In the real world everyone knows me by my smile. But I feel like all I've been doing on here is ranting and complaining about my little problems. I guess I just joined this chat at a really rough time in my life and I can't seem to shake off all the stress and sadness. It feels like one thing after another has gone wrong for 3 months straight. I'm so sorry for all of the complaining.

    I guess the best thing about these chats is that this is a win-win: I get to feel better for getting this all off my chest and you never actually have to take the time to read all of this rubbish and I'll never know if you did or not! lol.

    Have a good evening everyone. Xo

    Day 43 (Oct. 5th) goals:

    1., Be active,
    2., Drink lots of water,
    3., Think positively
    4., Eat small portions,
    5., Avoid sugar
    6., Bonus: Stay under 2000 cals
    7., Extra Bonus: Stat under 100 carbs