Pros and cons of a Keto Diet



  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    mmapags wrote: »
    mmapags wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    mmapags wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    mmapags wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I am Keto, don't have bad breath, don't eat loads of meat (many things contain protein) and the fat in my diet is not all dairy (fish for example has lots of healthy fat). I eat veggies and fruit every day but as stated by another member have to choose your foods and manage your diet plan and the carb by making choices. Even if your counting calories, your making decisions and choices every day about what you eat. My optimal calorie count is in the same health range recommended by many plans and even MFP at 1300-1600.

    Many Keto/low carb recipes are similar to gluten free recipes. Gluten is associated with inflammation and allergies. This tends to help Keto followers to also improve similar ailments. There is not a think I eat that I cant find a keto based/log carb recipe to substitute. My family can rarely tell the difference between those recipes and other less healthy forms. This week, I have had a piece of NY Baked Cheese cake for dessert, everyday! last week it was Chocolate cookies...the week before, Peanut butter Cookies. I do use a couple of non white flower substitutes when baking but Walmart and Kroger and Publix all carry them, all the time. I had the most amazing parmesan crusted Talipa last night with green beans. I grow a 1ac organic veggie garden and eat everything from tomatoes, egg plant and cabbage from it.

    20g of carbs is not required for ketosis. It can be 30-40-50. It just depends on your goals. What is required is a specific balance of carbs/fat/protein to accomplish ketosis. Just loading on protein and being low in carbs in not the process. The web contains several good calculators to help you determine the marcos that work for you height/age/body fat content and your goals. They will also tell you the calorie counts for optimal results. You can actually play with scenarios in these calculators to tweak it to something that fits your life style. In fact, as you body fat decreases, you should recalculate because it affects ketosis and your macros.

    Managing my weight and building muscle (with exercise of course) has improved for me, so much on the Keto Diet.

    The bold is only true in those with celiac and allergies to wheat; similar to nuts or dairy. Outside of that, it doesn't cause chronic inflammation. Even more so, whole grains has actually been shown to improve health.

    She said gluten is associated with inflammation and allergies ( which is true just like nuts and diary )...not it causes inflammation and allergies... and she got wooed and you got thumbs up...just like they said it would happen. I'm not a keto person but they are right...if they try to have a thread in here they get shredded

    I am very well aware of gluten. And it still not associated with inflammation (unless you take the advice from wheat belly). I have quite a bit of experience with gluten free and have done a good amount of research. My wife has an autonomic disorder called POTS. Anecdotally, people have seen improvements by going gluten free; my wife was gluten free for 4 years. Unfortunately, there is very little actual science out there for gluten free. And that may because they havent developed the correct measures or techniques to evaluate it. But for the general populous, there isnt current evidence to support that claim.

    At best with all my wife's medical issues, i have had every single gastroenterologist tell my wife to start eating gluten again because it wasn't benefiting her and could potentially cause other issues with her diverticulitis.

    I think you're missing the point of what I was trying to say. The main message I was attempting to convey was the keto people are unfairly treated. She had one word being inflammation that you disagreed with so you pulled your monitor ruler out of of the desk and rapped her across the knuckles for it. You received thumbs up and she got expected... out of four paragraphs over one word.

    With that being said she used the word "associated" with inflammation not "causes". That's a true statement for some people whether there's scientific evidence to support it or not.

    Per google:

    Associate: verb- "connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind."

    I associate chilli with cold weather...there is no scientific evidence linking them,nor does there have to be to associate things together,but when I think of eating chilli I also think of it being eaten during a cold time of the year

    The only reasons for anyone to call her out over her statement about gluten was because they didn't comprehend it or to instigate

    Ketoers aren't being unfairly treated. If they come and spout BS about how you will lose more, easier faster and don't even need to reduce your calories or that it prevents and heals any ailment under the heavens, that's when people call them out on their wrong, unfounded crap.

    Totally agree! Keto can have application for some folks and is just preferred by others. But, it's some of the ridiculous unsubstantiated claims made by some (not all) keto proponents that draws fire.

    You know what? It's not even just the unsubstantiated claims. I realized this reading the discussion.

    It's also the subtle, underlying premise: that's it's the way of eating that is responsible for everything experienced by keto eaters.

    The simple fact is that losing weight is responsible for a large amount of what keto proponents attribute to keto itself and that the push back they receive is because they attribute it solely to their dietary choice.

    Keto itself isn't responsible for a laundry list of health improvements that a lot of you folks claim it to be. Weight loss is. If more of you stopped with that ish, I think there'd be a lot less push back AND woo voting.

    I think the bolded is more of an opinion than a fact. Keto'ers often (usually) attain health benefits well before any substantial weight is lost when looking at many health issues. I found that was true for me. It's not always true but it is far from uncommon.

    My osteopath would not agree with you in most cases. His mantra is that for every 10% reduction in body weight, all kinds of things improve without taking any additional steps in overweight and obese people based on blood tests. The operative word is "most" people. In some people, there are health issues that will resolve with keto even if they don't lose weight.

    So I think your use of the bolded phrase above is just plain not accurate. I'd be happy to look at any statistical or study data that indicates otherwise with an open mind. Honestly though, this is the kind of unsubstantiated(so far) claim that causes non keto folks to be extremely skeptical. I just don't know how you can make claims of "often" or "usually" without data to back it up. So, it just goes into the realm of a questionable claim based on subjective opinion that gets challenged.

    ETA: It makes a huge difference in terms of perception for me when these kinds of general claims across a population aren't made and someone just says something like, "keto diet seems to improve my health in the following ways that I didn't experience when eating higher carb. It works for me." Either that or back up the claims from the get go because you can pretty much count on the fact that if they sound suspicious they are going to get challenged. And that doesn't just apply to keto threads. Body fat threads with claims get the same treatment as do Vegan threads or "I've replaced fat with muscle in 2 weeks" threads. Most people prefer to deal in proof and fact and not just conjecture.

    I think the one exception was be BG control in diabetes or those with IR.

    Yup, these are the ones where there is actual research that proves results. I don't eat keto. But I do eat low carb due to a family history with T2D. So I keep carbs under 200 usually and between 100 and 150 gr often. Just happen to get numbers today for my annual physical on Monday. BG was in range but at the upper end. A1c was middle of good range. Depending on my doctor's recommendations, I may lower carbs.

    So, a very interesting conversation with my Doctor yesterday during my physical relating to my bloodwork. He is an osteopath. They get additional training on nutrition far above and beyond what normal MDs get.

    My Blood Glucose is 99 (range 65-99), My triglycerides are 60 (<150 is good) which he described as ridiculously good. Total Chol 196, Total Chol/ HDL is 3.3 (> 5.0 is good), HDL is 59 (< 40 is good). The doctor thought those results were outstanding and would be great in a 36 year old man, never mind a 66 year old man.

    The interesting part though was I asked him if he had any concern about the BG number. He said absolutely not, even though its at the high end of the range. Unless there are multiple factors like elevated triglycerides and low HDL/ high LDL that would point to IR, that number by itself is no cause for concern. Then he asked about my macro mix and if I eat keto or low carb. I said mildly low carb 100-150 gr mark usually. He said, well that could explain it. When we eat lower carb, our body makes enough glucose, how ever it has to sometimes resorting to neoglucogenesis to make sure we have enough glucose for brain function. Counter intuitively, if we up carbs to nearer the 200 gram or more mark, BG number will drop more into normal range in folks who are not IR.

    I don't know if this is a plus or a minus and I guess that depends on your individual situation. For those who weight train, it reinforced that adequate carbs is protein sparing. For me personally, it means I can have more carbs if I want as I have no signs of IR or pre-diabetes.

    As a diabetic I have learned that any single BG number is not a worry, the a1c is the important number. A BG test (even a fasting one from a blood draw) measures the glucose at one small point in time. The a1c measures the average glucose over a period of time of approximately 3 months (the life span of a red blood cell). Having an a1c in the middle of the good range is wonderful! It means your body is handling whatever carbs you give it properly.

    Of course you are correct. I should have included that number for a complete picture. The A1c is 5.3 (good range < 5.7)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    nvmomketo wrote: »

    While this is one of the more logical pieces of information I have seen from him, for some reason his writings still get to me. :D
  • ccrdragon
    ccrdragon Posts: 3,370 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    Pro: Can help you lose weight quickly, cures T2 diabetes if you stick with it, can resolve thyroid and PCOS issues. Can also be helpful if you have cancer as it tends to starve cancer cells from glucose.

    Cons: Very restrictive and NOT for T1 diabetics, dangerous for them.

    It can be a lifestyle/diet, or it can be used as a tool for a week or two to shed lbs after a vacation. Many tools in the toolbox.

    Not any more dangerous than any other diet. There are several very active T1 diabetics in the LCHF forum who have been LCHF for years and swear by this WOE.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »

    While this is one of the more logical pieces of information I have seen from him, for some reason his writings still get to me. :D

    I haven't read enough of him in the last 5 years to be gassed by his writing anymore. But I was at one time. I thought this article was one of the better ones he's written. He actually pokes criticism at a couple of people he used to promote like Attia.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    The biggest con of the Keto diet is dealing with some of it's proponents. Many of whom simply can't seem to contain themselves from advocating rank nonsense. Misleading people, especially those who are new and often do not know any better, is my biggest issue with the "diet"

    So technically it is not the diet that bothers you, but people who are misinformed or uneducated in this specific diet? Ignorance?

    You may want to consider avoiding keto threads. I find it simpler to avoid threads that I know will irritate me.

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »

    While this is one of the more logical pieces of information I have seen from him, for some reason his writings still get to me. :D

    I don't read him often but someone shared this in the low carb forum and it had a lot of support there.
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    The biggest con of the Keto diet is dealing with some of it's proponents. Many of whom simply can't seem to contain themselves from advocating rank nonsense. Misleading people, especially those who are new and often do not know any better, is my biggest issue with the "diet"

    So technically it is not the diet that bothers you, but people who are misinformed or uneducated in this specific diet? Ignorance?

    You may want to consider avoiding keto threads. I find it simpler to avoid threads that I know will irritate me.

    They normally do not get away with it for long in any event, as other people are quick to chime in also, as they have here. This is why they tend to stick with anecdotes, since they are more difficult to refute, or else vague innuendo, cherry picked or illegitimate data, or flat out subterfuge when all else fails.

    Experience of threads like this has taught me that when confronted with an obvious vague falsehood the Keto crowd will just make up further vague falsehoods to obscure and detract from the original. It's like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a conspiracy theorist.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »

    While this is one of the more logical pieces of information I have seen from him, for some reason his writings still get to me. :D

    I don't read him often but someone shared this in the low carb forum and it had a lot of support there.

    Im shocked you say that :p
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    The biggest con of the Keto diet is dealing with some of it's proponents. Many of whom simply can't seem to contain themselves from advocating rank nonsense. Misleading people, especially those who are new and often do not know any better, is my biggest issue with the "diet"

    So technically it is not the diet that bothers you, but people who are misinformed or uneducated in this specific diet? Ignorance?

    You may want to consider avoiding keto threads. I find it simpler to avoid threads that I know will irritate me.

    They normally do not get away with it for long in any event, as other people are quick to chime in also, as they have here. This is why they tend to stick with anecdotes, since they are more difficult to refute, or else vague innuendo, cherry picked or illegitimate data, or flat out subterfuge when all else fails.

    Experience of threads like this has taught me that when confronted with an obvious vague falsehood the Keto crowd will just make up further vague falsehoods to obscure and detract from the original. It's like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a conspiracy theorist.

    Singling out one particular group shows ignorance on your part because those uniformed zealots are a part of every single diet out there. And there will be more of them as it relates to trendy diets. So if those types bother you, i might be worth not joining the threads and just let it go.

    Can't argue with that one, except to say it is far from ignorant to recognize historical trends and their propensity within certain groups. Though you have to hand it to them in one respect, they have staying power despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of their claims have almost zero credibility.

    To your other point, I have little difficulty disagreeing without being disagreeable.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Pro: can help you control your epilepsy
    Con: can be dangerous - pay close attention to your doctor & dietician

    As far as I know, a ketogenic diet is not dangerous unless you have a problem with fat metabolism or possibly familial hypercholesterolemia. Sort of like me saying tree nuts and gluten are dangerous. They aren't really unless you have a tree nut allergy or celiac disease. Same goes for a very low carb diet.

    Unless you are thinking of diabetic ketoacidosis? Thankfully that is not a risk unless one has T1D and a situation where insulin was very low so blood glucose AND ketones are very high - at the same time. Someone eating low carb will never experience that unless they are T1D and it is not well managed in an acute situation.

    My doctor actually did recommemd low carb to me. :) And my other doctor recommended less fat and higher carb. LOL ;)

    There are also issues with causing/aggravating kidney disorders.

    No. Ketosis does not cause kidney problems. It can benefit those with kidney issues from T2D though.

    Ketogenic diets are not typically high protein.

    I think you need to get out more.

    Perhaps in your little corner of the world, that may be true, but for the typical dieter going to keto/LC. They're going High protein.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Pro: can help you control your epilepsy
    Con: can be dangerous - pay close attention to your doctor & dietician

    As far as I know, a ketogenic diet is not dangerous unless you have a problem with fat metabolism or possibly familial hypercholesterolemia. Sort of like me saying tree nuts and gluten are dangerous. They aren't really unless you have a tree nut allergy or celiac disease. Same goes for a very low carb diet.

    Unless you are thinking of diabetic ketoacidosis? Thankfully that is not a risk unless one has T1D and a situation where insulin was very low so blood glucose AND ketones are very high - at the same time. Someone eating low carb will never experience that unless they are T1D and it is not well managed in an acute situation.

    My doctor actually did recommemd low carb to me. :) And my other doctor recommended less fat and higher carb. LOL ;)

    There are also issues with causing/aggravating kidney disorders.

    No. Ketosis does not cause kidney problems. It can benefit those with kidney issues from T2D though.

    Ketogenic diets are not typically high protein.

    I think you need to get out more.

    Perhaps in your little corner of the world, that may be true, but for the typical dieter going to keto/LC. They're going High protein.

    I think you tend to see higher protein ketogenic diets in the body building community a bit more, especially during contest prep; hell, most people don't realise the Lyle McDonald is one of the most knowledgeable researchers of ketogenic.. Nutritional ketosis tends to get protein a bit lower. But it's really splitting hairs at that point.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    edited October 2017
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    JustRobby1 wrote: »
    The biggest con of the Keto diet is dealing with some of it's proponents. Many of whom simply can't seem to contain themselves from advocating rank nonsense. Misleading people, especially those who are new and often do not know any better, is my biggest issue with the "diet"

    So technically it is not the diet that bothers you, but people who are misinformed or uneducated in this specific diet? Ignorance?

    You may want to consider avoiding keto threads. I find it simpler to avoid threads that I know will irritate me.

    They normally do not get away with it for long in any event, as other people are quick to chime in also, as they have here. This is why they tend to stick with anecdotes, since they are more difficult to refute, or else vague innuendo, cherry picked or illegitimate data, or flat out subterfuge when all else fails.

    Experience of threads like this has taught me that when confronted with an obvious vague falsehood the Keto crowd will just make up further vague falsehoods to obscure and detract from the original. It's like trying to have an intelligent conversation with a conspiracy theorist.

    Singling out one particular group shows ignorance on your part because those uniformed zealots are a part of every single diet out there. And there will be more of them as it relates to trendy diets. So if those types bother you, i might be worth not joining the threads and just let it go.

    Can't argue with that one, except to say it is far from ignorant to recognize historical trends and their propensity within certain groups. Though you have to hand it to them in one respect, they have staying power despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of their claims have almost zero credibility.

    To your other point, I have little difficulty disagreeing without being disagreeable.

    To address the ignorance. It is mind blowing that you stereotyped a group based on the fact you believe the misrepresentation of facts only pertains to a specific group of people based on a vocal minority. I have seen the same arguments from vegans, IF'ers, IIFYM, Paleo/Primal, to LCHF/Keto. Zealots follow every single diet.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    MKEgal wrote: »
    Pro: can help you control your epilepsy
    Con: can be dangerous - pay close attention to your doctor & dietician

    As far as I know, a ketogenic diet is not dangerous unless you have a problem with fat metabolism or possibly familial hypercholesterolemia. Sort of like me saying tree nuts and gluten are dangerous. They aren't really unless you have a tree nut allergy or celiac disease. Same goes for a very low carb diet.

    Unless you are thinking of diabetic ketoacidosis? Thankfully that is not a risk unless one has T1D and a situation where insulin was very low so blood glucose AND ketones are very high - at the same time. Someone eating low carb will never experience that unless they are T1D and it is not well managed in an acute situation.

    My doctor actually did recommemd low carb to me. :) And my other doctor recommended less fat and higher carb. LOL ;)

    There are also issues with causing/aggravating kidney disorders.

    No. Ketosis does not cause kidney problems. It can benefit those with kidney issues from T2D though.

    Ketogenic diets are not typically high protein.

    I think you need to get out more.

    Perhaps in your little corner of the world, that may be true, but for the typical dieter going to keto/LC. They're going High protein.

    Not true for me when i did keto. The biggest obstacle i faced was keeping my protein down to 20-25% (100ish grams), i most always went over.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »

    While this is one of the more logical pieces of information I have seen from him, for some reason his writings still get to me. :D

    I don't read him often but someone shared this in the low carb forum and it had a lot of support there.

    Im shocked you say that :p
