Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Well, I have a phone interview tomorrow, so that will be interesting since I have not interviewed in over 20 years! LOL! It will either make me more excited to try something new, or it will drive home the fact that I have it good where I am and to quit my bellyachin'.

    * Prepare for phone interview

    Good Luck!!! I like your attitude. I went through something similar (first interview in years, not a phone interview) when I hated my new boss at a previous employer. Before the interview, I knew I was perfect for the position, and couldn't wait to resign for a new job. My attitude was, anyplace but here. Then I went through the interview and really didn't like some of the things I'd be dealing with. I realized I had it pretty good where I was, and I needed to learn to deal with boss issues. When the interviewer called to say I made the short list, but hiring had been temporarily frozen, I was happy to remove myself from the list. And I worked for that boss for another 15 years, without any murder charges. :wink:

    Go knock their socks off!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    When did this thread become "baby baby baby" all of the time? I am finding it extremely uncomfortable.

    Anyone interested in a child-free just for today spin off?

    Interesting. Personal relationships have a LOT to do with weight-loss, over-eating, and exercise motivation. It would seem that everyone should be open and supportive for all the joys and sorrows in life bc that affects someone's ability to stay committed. I feel like posting a "To-Do List" doesn't always completely motivate people. I truly thought this was a motivational group of people to encourage everyone to keep going. We are all trying to make life changes into a healthy lifestyle but that doesn't exclude life when it happens. My life revolves around my husband AND my children!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    LOL - That is me with the baby. Thanks for the compliment!

    You look fantastic!!!! (and so does the cute little baby!)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    When did this thread become "baby baby baby" all of the time? I am finding it extremely uncomfortable.

    Anyone interested in a child-free just for today spin off?

    Interesting. Personal relationships have a LOT to do with weight-loss, over-eating, and exercise motivation. It would seem that everyone should be open and supportive for all the joys and sorrows in life bc that affects someone's ability to stay committed. I feel like posting a "To-Do List" doesn't always completely motivate people. I truly thought this was a motivational group of people to encourage everyone to keep going. We are all trying to make life changes into a healthy lifestyle but that doesn't exclude life when it happens. My life revolves around my husband AND my children!!

    Personally, I have zero maternal bones in my body. But I don't mind the baby talk. I think each person is on his or her own journey here. Life and family, however that's defined, are part of each person's journey and how one deals with food, eating, etc. And we are all here to support each other in that journey.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @Bex953172 Any new name ideas?

    Non as of yet!
    It’s my partners birthday today so been preparing for that!
    joan6630 wrote: »
    When did this thread become "baby baby baby" all of the time? I am finding it extremely uncomfortable.

    Anyone interested in a child-free just for today spin off?

    I guess we all have become friends, and that is why there is so much dicussion about a variety of topics. But .... I do also agree with you. This is suppose to be a thread encouraging healthy living and weight loss or maintainence. Maybe we can all work a little harder at keeping it that way (myself included)?

    Yeah it’s just because we’re all friends, it’s only natural to want to share news. You all also talk about jobs a lot and interviews and promotions and I don’t even work so not got much input on that side of things but still offer whatever I can as support.
    Tbh everyone else still posts daily goals. And their achievements and we still help and support that. I think I started one recently with @OConnell5483 but think I’ve only written down week 1! :sweat_smile: although I am drinking more than normal, not the amount I should be though.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    LOL - That is me with the baby. Thanks for the compliment!

    You look fantastic!!!! (and so does the cute little baby!)

    I know doesn’t she look amazing!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    1. log all food :)
    2. try to eat healthier, since I was over on tuesday. Stick with only veggies and meat - no bread :) I am doing SO good -- and the cravings are so much better. I bought blue bunny low fat fudge bars for when I want some ice cream. The nice thing is that they take a long time to eat, so I only eat one
    3. drink water - 2 glasses with each meal. :) Success at this today. I am really hoping this will become a daily habit.
    4. mow grass :) Was planning on only mowing the front, but it all needed it. Loving this weather!
    5. get to the gym :)
    6. lay out gym clothes for thursday morning :) - This has become a habit now for me, so I probably will stop posting, except incase I forget it reminds me.
    7. drink water in the evening :) Going to do that tonite while I sew
    8. go and help a friend with a craft for bible study :)
    9. get quarterly taxes done :):)
    10. work on quilt :) - will begin this when I get home

    JFT, Thurs
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on 2 glasses of water with each meal
    3. eat only planned foods.
    4. help hubby with pc boards
    5. work on quilt
    6. finish sewing up doggie beds so this weekend I can drop them off at the humane society (I use leftover small fabric scraps and make doggie beds)
    7. get started on chemo hats. I am so far behind on this - have not made her any since june :/
    8. go to sewing club meetings - but do not eat the free cupcakes and cookies they always have there. Eat dinner before I go. Remember how I will feel after I eat those -- and that good feeling will only last a minute, then I will feel terrible. So don't give in
    9. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member

    Well, I have a phone interview tomorrow, so that will be interesting since I have not interviewed in over 20 years! LOL! It will either make me more excited to try something new, or it will drive home the fact that I have it good where I am and to quit my bellyachin'.


    Wishing you luck tomorrow!!!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Well today has turned out to be good. I managed to get regular meals (smaller portions) in today and rested until 1:15 pm. I accomplished more than expected today so hopefully that's a sign that my food poisoning episode is ending. I managed to make a small grocery trip, do laundry, helped my son with a history biography poster, made dinner and I even made homemade chocolate chips cookies for my hubby and kids. The cookies are to show them my appreciation for picking up the slack while I've been sick :blush:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,250 Member
    edited October 2017
    I do not like drama - I have enough of that in my own life :'(

    I love this thread and the friends I have made--- it is what has kept me going this past year. I am so close to my goal weight (11 more pounds to go), but I know with the holidays, I need to be accountable - and I need a thread like this.

    I will continue to remain on this thread as long as it is active, but I have decided to also start another thread - simply called just ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    I have noticed that we are not getting very many new people anymore.

    Part of that could be because we all know each other so well, which is nice, but I also don't want to discourage anyone that might want to join. I had hoped, and still hope, that this will help anyone wanting to get healthy and to develop new habits.

    So here is a link to the new thread I am starting. .

    Just thought this new thread would also attract more people that might want to participate.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member

    Joys and sorrows my *kitten*. Nobody wants to see photos of my hysterectomy and tumor removal splashed across the page while they are eating breakfast. Nobody cares about the sorrows.

    I care about the sorrows. I’m sorry you had to go through that. I had bilateral mastectomies 6 years ago, so I know a bit about loss and sorrows. And I care about every one of you....Good and bad.

    @joan6630 I will post on both with you but I’m not leaving this one. I love this group! ❤️
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I do not like drama - I have enough of that in my own life :'(

    I love this thread and the friends I have made--- it is what has kept me going this past year. I am so close to my goal weight (11 more pounds to go), but I know with the holidays, I need to be accountable - and I need a thread like this.

    I will continue to remain on this thread as long as it is active, but I have decided to also start another thread - simply called just ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    I have noticed that we are not getting very many new people anymore.

    Part of that could be because we all know each other so well, which is nice, but I also don't want to discourage anyone that might want to join. I had hoped, and still hope, that this will help anyone wanting to get healthy and to develop new habits.

    So here is a link to the new thread I am starting. .

    Just thought this new thread would also attract more people that might want to participate.


    So what's the distinction between the two threads?

    Personally I really value being able to share what's going on in my life. For me, like most people, what I eat (and drink...) is highly dependent on how I'm coping with other stuff.

    Being able to share that, and get help with that, is really valuable to me.

    Is this the plan for this thread to be for the sharing of life stuff and the other one to be more weight-loss focus?

    I'd like to stick in the life stuff thread, but I'll go where the majority of this lovely group of people go!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Ok, so yesterday was a bit of a fail...

    Boyfriend and I are doing a wine tasting course on Wednesdays. You get to try 7 wines and 2 cheeses each week. They're all small quantities so don't add up to that much.

    However.... somehow yesterday I ended up getting a little bit tipsy and decided it was a good idea to go to the supermarket on the way home to buy a couple of the wines we'd been trying - to practise tasting at the weekend. Somehow this escalated into buying another bottle of wine to start that evening as well as a packet of cheese which we ate the entirety of before bed.

    The moral of the story? DON'T GO SHOPPING AFTER WINE TASTING!

    I think that will have to be a regular commitment on my Wednesday list....

    So, yesterday's commitments didn't go so well...

    - Log everything I eat :'(
    - No snacks except ryvita :'(
    - Be in the green :'(
    - 30+ minute lunch break :neutral:
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Don't procrastinate or be perfectionist - get tasks done efficiently :neutral:
    - Listen to music to boost mood :smile:
    - Leave work at 5 for evening class :smiley:

    Today could be challenging. I have a big task to do which I'm really not looking forward to and which could be quite stressful.

    I think I'm going to try something new today. If I feel the urge to go and snack, I will do something else first to calm/ de-stress me. Examples: listen to a happy song, look at Gran Canaria pictures on the net (going there in a few weeks), do a quick meditation, make a nice cup of tea.

    Let's see how this goes...

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - If feel the urge to snack, do something else (see above)
    - Be in the green

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Don't procrastinate or be perfectionist - get tasks done efficiently
    - Only look at emails at selected intervals
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    @OConnell5483 Good luck for your interview! Am sure it will go well - thinking of you!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I do not like drama - I have enough of that in my own life :'(

    I love this thread and the friends I have made--- it is what has kept me going this past year. I am so close to my goal weight (11 more pounds to go), but I know with the holidays, I need to be accountable - and I need a thread like this.

    I will continue to remain on this thread as long as it is active, but I have decided to also start another thread - simply called just ONE DAY AT A TIME.

    I have noticed that we are not getting very many new people anymore.

    Part of that could be because we all know each other so well, which is nice, but I also don't want to discourage anyone that might want to join. I had hoped, and still hope, that this will help anyone wanting to get healthy and to develop new habits.

    So here is a link to the new thread I am starting. .

    Just thought this new thread would also attract more people that might want to participate.


    You realise you don’t have to do that just because of what azul said.
    Like you I value being able to share my life.
    You all genuinely care about me.

    I know there’s not many people joining although just 3 weeks ago lots did!
    We’re all welcoming to them and support their goals and offer advice still, we all know what this board is for initially.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    When did this thread become "baby baby baby" all of the time? I am finding it extremely uncomfortable.

    Anyone interested in a child-free just for today spin off?

    Interesting. Personal relationships have a LOT to do with weight-loss, over-eating, and exercise motivation. It would seem that everyone should be open and supportive for all the joys and sorrows in life bc that affects someone's ability to stay committed. I feel like posting a "To-Do List" doesn't always completely motivate people. I truly thought this was a motivational group of people to encourage everyone to keep going. We are all trying to make life changes into a healthy lifestyle but that doesn't exclude life when it happens. My life revolves around my husband AND my children!!

    I find that extraordinarily sad.

    There are thousands of mommy groups and threads on MFP. I don't mind people talking about things outside of diet and fitness in this space, but if you want to post photos of the inside of your uterus (yuck!) and talk incessantly about reproductive issues WITHOUT POSTING ANY JUST FOR TODAY GOALS, then maybe you should go somewhere else. The topic is completely taking over this very useful tool. It's just way too much.

    Joys and sorrows my *kitten*. Nobody wants to see photos of my hysterectomy and tumor removal splashed across the page while they are eating breakfast. Nobody cares about the sorrows.

    Yes there is thousands of groups but my friends are HERE.
    Loving your little stab at me there. You realise I don’t care what you think.
    I even asked everyone if they wanted me to post bumpies etc and they all agreed or said they didn’t mind.

    Tbh you’re acting like when someone loses a baby or has fertility issues and then their best friend gets pregnant and they just can’t be happy for them.
    I don’t expect you to be happy for me or anything but come on. Grow up just a little. This is LIFE. People get pregnant, people want to share it with their friends.

    I’m sorry you can’t have kids but it doesn’t mean everyone’s going to tiptoe around you just to not upset you. I’m not even gonna pretend I know what that must feel like because I have no clue.

    But being bitter about it and everyone else is not a good look for you.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Oh and Azul, if it’s “way too much” and because I’m not “posting JFT goals” you’ve got some
    Massive problem then maybe you should be the one to leave.

    The only person with a problem here is you.

    And tbh you know you’re upsetting the rest of the board so maybe just stop now.