Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,093 Member
    edited October 2017
    skymningen wrote: »

    I find that extraordinarily sad.

    There are thousands of mommy groups and threads on MFP. I don't mind people talking about things outside of diet and fitness in this space, but if you want to post photos of the inside of your uterus (yuck!) and talk incessantly about reproductive issues WITHOUT POSTING ANY JUST FOR TODAY GOALS, then maybe you should go somewhere else. The topic is completely taking over this very useful tool. It's just way too much.

    Joys and sorrows my *kitten*. Nobody wants to see photos of my hysterectomy and tumor removal splashed across the page while they are eating breakfast. Nobody cares about the sorrows.

    There are a plethora of groups and threads in these forums which specialize on daily or weekly goals. Equally, there are a plethora of groups which specialize on just talking amongst friends. Many of them started with a specific topic in mind but developed. There are "former Weight Watchers users" that welcome people who never tried WW now. I am in a weekly goal group where people share holiday pictures.
    Amazingly, over the general "goal" of those groups and threads, people become friends, start to care about each other and talk. Most of my friends I met in some context that was not "looking for friends". My favourite coworker sits on the desk opposite of me all day. Sometimes we talk about work. Sometimes we talk about our boyfriends. I was there when she split up, I was there when she met her now husband, I was there at their wedding as a translator. All because we met as coworkers one day.

    I cannot relate to all of the problems and dramas people have in this thread. I would love to have a child, but I am not sure if that is possible with my current career and partner. I am younger than many here. I work a lot, so often I get jealous at the things other people have time for. I get jealous at how often some of you eat out, at them spending time with their pets and families (I live alone and in a long distance relationship). I would like to volunteer, pick vegetables and cook big batches of food out of it, cuddle with my dog and husband, visit great new food places in town. I can't. Sometimes it makes me sad, but I am still happy for those who can.

    I also have struggles deep inside me, things I cannot find the courage to talk about. Sometimes it bursts out of me, often it does not. I don't blame anyone to not know about my struggles that I don't share. Sometimes people here come with so many problems and I am already having a bad day. I want to yell "I am horrible too, just because my problem is different, it does not hurt me less." But I realize nobody here ever said "that is not a problem" or "stop whining, my life is worse". Even though I guess my problems are actually smaller compared to other, even though they probably cannot relate well to what I go through because it is so far away from their life, they are here to comfort me, motivate me, cheer me on. I am super thankful for this.

    Maybe this thread has developed far from what it used to be. But that is how life goes. I don't think splitting the "just for today" goals from the talking would be better, as we often do refer to the goals, do explain why we did not reach one or how we manage to do so incredibly good on another. This is what gets us talking.

    This is probably the place in my life right now where I am faced with the most drama, and still, it is some kind of safe haven for me. Because we handle each other's drama well. We don't make it our drama, but we are there for them if they need it. I would be very sad if there is any drama coming up between the people here. This is not what this thread is for.

    I am sorry about your hysterectomy. I am sorry that it happened before you had the chance to have the child you seem to want. I would have been listening if you had chosen to talk about it. I would have let you whine if you needed to or discussed options of adoption if that was making you feel better. I would have asked how you feel when you get silent during a specific time that is hard for you. But you decided to not share that with me. That is totally fine. But please do not blame people for triggering you, when they had no idea they would. That really is not fair. I know that Bex lost a child. I take care not to trigger her, especially when I get the feeling she is feeling down already. I know that some people here regularly put up goals that they regularly do not meet. Some of these goals sound "easy" to me and I cannot relate how you cannot meet them when you are aware of the problem. But I also know that I never meet my protein goal, which is easy for others. I don't even put this up as a plan because I currently have no idea how to do it. You can criticise me for "hiding" a goal. But I could also criticise people for "never meeting a goal". But because we are here to motivate each other we do not. Sometimes I read things here where I think "How on earth could you do/not do/agree to that?" or only "What did you just write?!? I can't believe it". I choose not to comment usually unless I feel personally involved. Other peoples lives are other peoples choices. And I think a lot of people here do exactly the same. A lot of the times when we do not agree, we do so in a way that will not hurt the others. So we can keep our friends. Because nobody is perfect.
    I will always be there for my friends. Many have children now. I envy them. They whine about not getting enough sleep. I remember how they cried in my arms when one miscarried and the other had a stillborn. I think "Why are you not just thankful you have a husband and two children now. I was there for you in the bad times, now you are making what you wanted back then into a bad thing. I have neither a husband nor a child. What do you think I feel?" But they are my friends. I wipe ice cream of their children's mouths when we go out for a walk. I spend hours in children's clothing stores when we go shopping. I invite them over, kids and all, just so we can spend time with each other. I have rarely spent five minutes alone with some of them since they had kids. I keep my sorrows away from them to not stress them out more. But I do not blame them for their life having different ups and downs than mine. If I stop sharing with them what is their life I will lose them as friends. Their friendship is more important to me than the little pangs of hurt some topics give me. The community in this thread is also important enough to me that I obviously wrote a novel nobody should have to read, just because I really do not want this to go down silently.

    That was a great novel! You could publish that :sweat_smile:

    Don’t worry about being careful what say around me. I know life is just life.
    I always tell you all when I’m having a bad day anyway so if i do say something odd then you know it’s just me having a bad day :sweat_smile:
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Stick with my pre-logged food. :) had to add a snack because I was a little too good and had too many calories left.
    2. Get through my water cup 3 times. :) 4 times!
    3. Get 5000 steps in. We're having lunch at the park today so that should help. :) 6500!

    1. Stick with plan and exercise enough to get it back in the green.
    2. 5000 steps.
    3. Don't be late for daycare dropoff because you procrastinate in the mornings.
    4. Get the house cleaned up for your 11:30 meeting.
    5. Go for a walk this evening.
  • massaoli
    massaoli Posts: 170 Member
    JFT: drink water
    Log food intake
    30 min/ 10,000 steps
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,093 Member
    brittk2013 wrote: »
    1. Stick with my pre-logged food. :) had to add a snack because I was a little too good and had too many calories left.
    2. Get through my water cup 3 times. :) 4 times!
    3. Get 5000 steps in. We're having lunch at the park today so that should help. :) 6500!

    1. Stick with plan and exercise enough to get it back in the green.
    2. 5000 steps.
    3. Don't be late for daycare dropoff because you procrastinate in the mornings.
    4. Get the house cleaned up for your 11:30 meeting.
    5. Go for a walk this evening.

    Nice one!

    I’ve never had too little calories that I could treat myself! :sweat_smile: you’ve got some nice achievable goals!
    How many lbs are you hoping to lose :)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    When did this thread become "baby baby baby" all of the time? I am finding it extremely uncomfortable.

    Anyone interested in a child-free just for today spin off?

    I guess we all have become friends, and that is why there is so much dicussion about a variety of topics. But .... I do also agree with you. This is suppose to be a thread encouraging healthy living and weight loss or maintainence. Maybe we can all work a little harder at keeping it that way (myself included)?

    @azulvioleta6 you're right. It is about health & weight loss. And I agree with @Joan6630. It would be the same if someone was focusing on politics, I would probably drift out of the group. I love that we're evolving into a close knit group but I also don't think I could have emotionally handled the "detailed baby posts" back when I was struggling to get pregnant. I purposely disconnected from the baby culture to protect myself from the pain. I'm still very happy that we have expectant moms in our group. A spin off may be something to consider. Hoping my tone in this post comes across from a place of kindness and not a thread bully :smile:
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member

    My massage is now OFF- the washer officially died. I had to purchase a new one yesterday so THAT is my reward for tracking & trying to eat healthier. LOL

    Drink water 9 CUPS- seems like I've regressed. Focus.
    Aiming for 198lbs by Sunday-remind myself that if I can learn to take this weight off slowly, I'll have learned what it takes to keep it off.
    Track meals today.
    Walk dog in neighborhood.
    Minimal volunteer work today.
    Listen to something inspirational while walking.
    Made homemade cake last night for DH birthday. It turned out excellent, I had a slice and scale is up 2 lbs. I will share the cake over the next 2 days and than whatever's leftover is tossed. I love icing!
    Meditate Calm App today.
    Going to school/parent film called Screenagers about the effects of devices on our children. Trying to talk my 13 yr old into going. We'll have an early supper.

    Struggling w/unhealthy afternoon snacking. Need to prep veggies for this. Will try drinking a protein drink around 2pm. Seems like from 2-5:30 I'm looking for anything to snack on and prone to unhealthy choices.

    Remind myself-Do not let go of the reigns and be a passive observer of your life.

  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Ok, so yesterday was a bit of a fail...

    Boyfriend and I are doing a wine tasting course on Wednesdays. You get to try 7 wines and 2 cheeses each week. They're all small quantities so don't add up to that much.

    However.... somehow yesterday I ended up getting a little bit tipsy and decided it was a good idea to go to the supermarket on the way home to buy a couple of the wines we'd been trying - to practise tasting at the weekend. Somehow this escalated into buying another bottle of wine to start that evening as well as a packet of cheese which we ate the entirety of before bed.

    The moral of the story? DON'T GO SHOPPING AFTER WINE TASTING!

    I think that will have to be a regular commitment on my Wednesday list....

    So, yesterday's commitments didn't go so well...

    - Log everything I eat :'(
    - No snacks except ryvita :'(
    - Be in the green :'(
    - 30+ minute lunch break :neutral:
    - Meditate :smile:
    - Don't procrastinate or be perfectionist - get tasks done efficiently :neutral:
    - Listen to music to boost mood :smile:
    - Leave work at 5 for evening class :smiley:

    Today could be challenging. I have a big task to do which I'm really not looking forward to and which could be quite stressful.

    I think I'm going to try something new today. If I feel the urge to go and snack, I will do something else first to calm/ de-stress me. Examples: listen to a happy song, look at Gran Canaria pictures on the net (going there in a few weeks), do a quick meditation, make a nice cup of tea.

    Let's see how this goes...

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - If feel the urge to snack, do something else (see above)
    - Be in the green

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Don't procrastinate or be perfectionist - get tasks done efficiently
    - Only look at emails at selected intervals

    LOL-you had me at cheese! I can't drink w/o partaking in snacking. But it sounded fun.
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    @skymningen I read your novel! Very touching & well said. I guess there's no "perfect way" to handle these things other than to show support and compassion to one another. It's like Thanksgiving with the intoxicated Aunt that you have to look past....there are some days on this post that I will be that Aunt :), and I'm sorry for that.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    edited October 2017
    I LOVE THIS GROUP!! <3<3<3

    I hope this can all get by us, and we can continue helping each other.

    I'll post later - its always hard for me to post during the day - but I consider you all friends and hope no one leaves this group.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,509 Member
    edited October 2017
    Just finished reading all the updated posts. Like many others that contribute regularly JFT, I love how this thread is supportive and has evolved. I consider all of you my friends, and I care about your sorrows as well as joys. Some share more than others, and that's ok. I share more at times than other times. It's helpful knowing about challenges others face, because sometimes I can empathize and be supportive. Sometimes I can adapt something for myself (Calm app from @Saragirl2). I cannot relate to everyone's struggles, and sometimes I am silent when that happens. No matter what, I will always be supportive and respectful. As mentioned previously, weight-control is so much more than what we eat. If it were easy, I'd list everything weight and non-weight related JFT and mission accomplished!

    @skymningen I read every word of your novel. It was very eloquent and insightful. Thank you. Hugs to you.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,509 Member
    Recap W 10/18
    1) Walked dog 3.09 miles before work, managed to see 1 bunny as daylight approached. Thank you hubby for gifts of reflective gear and headlamp! Even dog has reflective vest & LED collar = happy dog :smiley:
    2) Net calories w/i 100 of green / we'll see. Meeting girlfriend I see about twice a year, having drinks and dinner while we catch up, at Mexican restaurant. Eat healthy all day before evening. Guestimate & log everything later. = Calculated I had 805 net calories remaining for drinks & dinner. Based on my guestimates logged, I ate / drank ~ 1,100 calories :s but didn't finish my 2nd bottle of beer = win! :wink: Onward! :smiley:
    3) If time after dinner, make apple crisp = Home just after 8:30 so nope. :/
    4) Floss / skipping too many nights again = Yes :smiley:
    5) Bedtime & TV off 10:15 = Nope due to Cubs being in playoffs, and I couldn't even stay awake to end of game, had to look up score this a.m.! :s

    JFT R 10/19 = Non-dog walk day AND food day in office. Ack!!!
    1) Don't eat everything possible for "graze day", lots and lots of carbs. Guestimate & log everything.
    2) Move hourly & take stairs breaks
    3) Make grocery list before choir, with or without meal plan, we need milk & other stuff
    4) Grocery shop after choir
    5) No internet 9:30 / bedtime flexible (I have Friday off work, hopefully coordinate w/ hubby's day off, which has not yet been approved)
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,509 Member

    Ok, so yesterday was a bit of a fail...

    Boyfriend and I are doing a wine tasting course on Wednesdays. You get to try 7 wines and 2 cheeses each week. They're all small quantities so don't add up to that much.

    However.... somehow yesterday I ended up getting a little bit tipsy and decided it was a good idea to go to the supermarket on the way home to buy a couple of the wines we'd been trying - to practise tasting at the weekend. Somehow this escalated into buying another bottle of wine to start that evening as well as a packet of cheese which we ate the entirety of before bed.

    The moral of the story? DON'T GO SHOPPING AFTER WINE TASTING!

    I think that will have to be a regular commitment on my Wednesday list....
    Lol. I loved this story, made me grin. Sounds like something I would do. Thanks for the tip. :wink:

    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    My massage is now OFF- the washer officially died. I had to purchase a new one yesterday so THAT is my reward for tracking & trying to eat healthier. LOL
    So sorry about your "massage". Hugs.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    My massage is now OFF- the washer officially died. I had to purchase a new one yesterday so THAT is my reward for tracking & trying to eat healthier. LOL

    Remind myself-Do not let go of the reigns and be a passive observer of your life.

    Now while I don't like massages -- Saragirl --- that is not how you should reward yourself LOL!!!!! But, hope you like your new washer!
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Yesterday was ok food-wise - I managed to resist office snacks! However I ended up working really late - left work at 9 - and therefore ended up having a snack and a glass of wine. However, I compensated by having less pasta with dinner.

    Yesterday's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat :'( phone died so didn't log after leaving work
    - No snacks except ryvita :| Had a bag of crisps on way home as was SO HUNGRY (left work @ 9)
    - If feel the urge to snack, do something else (see above) :)
    - NO ALCOHOL :'( Had a glass of wine to wind down after working late. Worked a bit but was still a bit hyper when I went to bed. Sleep wasn't too bad though!
    - Be in the green :/ Didn't log everything but can't have been - however probably not too over
    - 30+ minute lunch break :)
    - Meditate :)
    - Don't procrastinate or be perfectionist - get tasks done efficiently :)
    - Only look at emails at selected intervals :)

    Today am working from home so am away from the office snacks... however I am going to my friend's for dinner so won't be in control of my food and there will be drinking. She tends to cook reasonably light food though so should be copeable.

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No snacks except ryvita
    - One big water for every of glass of wine
    - Take sensible portions for dinner
    - No snacking on the way home!!!!

    - 30+ minute lunch break
    - Meditate
    - Don't procrastinate or be perfectionist - get tasks done efficiently
    - Only look at emails at selected intervals

    Happy Friday everyone!