How to become that skinny friend who eats what they want and dont gain weight



  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    edited October 2017
    dewd2 wrote: »
    vegmebuff wrote: »
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    dewd2 wrote: »
    There was a program on BBC (I think) where someone swore that their skinny friend ate way more then them. So the news show took them to task and recorded everything each ate. You can probably guess the result. I will try to find a link...

    Cool would love to see it

    This might be the one dewd2 was thinking of??

    No, it was a segment on a show. I can't find it in my history. I originally found it from a link on this forum.

    The bottom line was that heavier friend ate way more calories than the skinny friend. The heavier woman under estimated her intake and over estimated her friends.
    I remember the show about that, I've been trying to remember what it was called for a week it was so much fun to watch!

    are you talking about supersize vs superskinny?

    I've watched a bunch of these and there was even one where the girl was like 16 BMI and all she ate was candy bars, sausages and full sugar soda. Turned out when they counted her calories she was only eating 1600 a day and walked a LOT.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    jdlobb wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    jdlobb wrote: »
    My brother is one of these. His secret? He only eats once a day, and sometimes only ever other day. For whatever reason, he just doesn’t get hungry, and won’t eat unless somebody reminds him to. He’s been like that his entire life.

    :open_mouth: Seems like that would make it difficult to get adequate nutrition. Poor guy! I'd not trade my love and enjoyment of food for anything.

    He’s definitely not the healthiest person I know, I’m trying to change than. But whatever it is, he doesn’t have the in-built desire for food that I, and most of us here I suspect, have. For him eating has always just been something he does to keep from dying.

    The funny thing? He’s a manager at a restaurant, and occasional chef.

    Wow that's a very interesting career choice for someone who doesn't really like food! I suspect you're right - I know my love of food has contributed to my being here.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Op, maybe your friend has tapeworm? I have heard that back in the day, people would ingest tapeworm so they could lose weight!!
    Seriously though, some people are just like this. They have an easier time, higher metabolism.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I don't think I could ever forget to eat
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,474 Member
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    How come some skinny people eat more than an overweight person and remain the same ?I see so many skinny people stuffing their face constantly and they stay the same all the time.I dont get it do you ? I would love to be one of those people lol

    Yes, I get it. I was one of those skinny people who appeared to eat a lot for most of my life. :)

    My secret ... I exercised a whole lot. Nope, more than that. More than you can probably imagine.

    Happily, after a few years of easing back on the exercise, I'm building back up again.

  • dwilliamca
    dwilliamca Posts: 325 Member
    For 40 years I was that skinny friend that couldn't put on weight no matter what I ate. I was 5'6, 120 lbs. and constantly nagged about how I was too thin.....which by the way is just as painful as calling a person fat. Then I suppose my metabolism slowed down (which is why BMR's drop with age) and I got fat over a 10 or 15 year period. I believe that genetics plays a big part on how many calories our bodies burn during the day. Although I was energetic and active (always moving), I didn't exercise. I ate a high carb/high fat diet....never was big on protein. I used to make drinks with ice cream, heavy cream, and weight-on powder to gain weight...didn't work. Never thought a thing about eating an extra midnight meal, or a few donuts for breakfast. In my younger days I also drank a fair amount of alcohol on a pretty regular basis, but probably danced it off. I'm sure I ate 3000-3500 calories per day and somehow burned them off. Now I'm on a 1200 calorie diet starting to lose some weight and probably will never be able to eat more than 1500, even though I still feel like I'm always busy doing something.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    jdlobb wrote: »
    pinuplove wrote: »
    jdlobb wrote: »
    My brother is one of these. His secret? He only eats once a day, and sometimes only ever other day. For whatever reason, he just doesn’t get hungry, and won’t eat unless somebody reminds him to. He’s been like that his entire life.

    :open_mouth: Seems like that would make it difficult to get adequate nutrition. Poor guy! I'd not trade my love and enjoyment of food for anything.

    He’s definitely not the healthiest person I know, I’m trying to change than. But whatever it is, he doesn’t have the in-built desire for food that I, and most of us here I suspect, have. For him eating has always just been something he does to keep from dying.

    The funny thing? He’s a manager at a restaurant, and occasional chef.

    I bet he gets sick of being around food & finds it extremely boring when it comes time to make his own meals or deciding what he simply wants to eat.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    A friend at work eats a lot of chips. She sometimes can eat 2-3 big bag of chips a day (going by what she said) among other stuff she eats. Many people always make comments that she eats so much & is on the thinner or average size & if they eat that much they would be as big as a house.

    What I've picked up on is the fact that there will be days that she says she doesn't eat much & she'll also say she's not hungry a lot.

    I've also explained to her when she says that she doesn't gain weight from all the food she eats that she eats under her TDEE for the day/weekly average & could have a higher metabolism than most.
  • NicoleMckenzie2017
    NicoleMckenzie2017 Posts: 141 Member
    edited October 2017
    It's either one of two scenarios- either their calorie intake is at a reasonable number to sustain and not gain. Or- their metabolism is very high but trust me it will eventually catch up to them. It does to everyone if they over eat consistently. It happened to me, haha. My entire life up until I was 22 (24 now) I weighed between 125-130 pounds at 5 foot 8. I was very very thin- but I was not educated on a caloric deficit nor a healthy lifestyle and within the past two years I have put on about 40 pounds. It always catches up!