
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So goals for Sun

    1. Log everything
    2. Drink 4pts water (throughout the day - space it out!)
    3. Min. 3K steps
    4. Exercise (again not important - just a bonus if i can!)
    5. Continue crochet project (3yo knows what I’m doing now and is mithering the *kitten* out of me to finish it..)

    So not gone to plan at all.
    Didn’t do anything but crochet

    I’ve had a really itchy throat today, the kind that makes you feel like you’re gonna be sick.

    So drowned my sorrows in biscuits... and crisps. My partners laughing because he says I’m only eating it all because I’m pregnant haha
    And he’s annoyed I ate the last pack of salt and vinegar crisps and only left cheese and onion :sweat_smile:
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    @Bex953172 cheese and onion!?!?! Like... as in 1 flavour? Or 2 different flavours? I've never heard of that before
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    JFT, Sunday
    1. Get to the gym :/
    2. log ALL food :/
    3. drink water - 2 glasses with each meal :/
    4. eat planned meals - no skipping meals just because it is the weekend. Thats when I get into trouble :/
    5. get back on here tomorrow - and be accountable :)

    My only happy face today was getting on here and being accountable! I had a terrible day - food wise. It was a rainy, dreary cold day today. First mistake -- I didn't go to the gym. Second mistake --- I didn't plan any real meals. So the day was spent "grazing", and I "grazed" on things that would only feed the cravings.

    But tomorrow is a new day......

    1. log all food
    2. eat only planned foods. Lots of veggies, and protein, and just 1 piece of fruit
    3. drink 2 glasses of water with each meal, and 2 more glasses after dinner. aim for 80 oz of water (10 cups)
    4. go to the gym in the morning - start the day out positive
    5. try and get minimum of 8 servings of veggies in
    6. drink v8 juice when I am hungry, or eat some protein - a hard boiled egg or cheese stick. NO more potato chips - in fact - send them home with my daughter tonite.
    7. get back on here - be accountable
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    edited October 2017

    1. Have patience. :| Sort of. I at least made myself more mindful of it... and we had a dance party in mama's room.
    2. Reorganize bedroom closet/clean room. :) Done! It's going to be amazing to go to bed in a clean room without moving boxes everywhere... since March.
    3. Laundry! :) Gotta put the last load of the day in the dryer. Nothing is folded, but at least stuff is clean...
    4. Dishes. :) Just finished.
    5. Cook something healthy for dinner. :) I made green beans that were delicious... and my baby/toddler ate them all. Sigh.
    6. Work out. :) Did it while the baby napped. He woke up in the last 2 minutes, had to send the oldest upstairs to soothe him while I finished up, but I did it! The older two did it with me.

    Tomorrow 10/23:
    1. Go to the store for food and diapers.
    2. More laundry, including folding.
    3. Work out.
    4. Patiencccceeee.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    @Bex953172 cheese and onion!?!?! Like... as in 1 flavour? Or 2 different flavours? I've never heard of that before

    Haha yeah! One flavour!

    Must be a UK thing hahaha they’re not that great,, I tend to always give them to the kids lol
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 cheese and onion!?!?! Like... as in 1 flavour? Or 2 different flavours? I've never heard of that before

    Haha yeah! One flavour!

    Must be a UK thing hahaha they’re not that great,, I tend to always give them to the kids lol

    We have cheese and onion too. I used to love that flavour when I was younger, but not that much any more. I always thought it was an American flavour. I think I got into it when visiting the US in 1999. But maybe US is over it already and now we have it... :-P
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    JFT - Monday.
    Log all food.
    No alcohol.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 cheese and onion!?!?! Like... as in 1 flavour? Or 2 different flavours? I've never heard of that before

    Haha yeah! One flavour!

    Must be a UK thing hahaha they’re not that great,, I tend to always give them to the kids lol

    We have cheese and onion too. I used to love that flavour when I was younger, but not that much any more. I always thought it was an American flavour. I think I got into it when visiting the US in 1999. But maybe US is over it already and now we have it... :-P

    They go well IN a ham sandwich or something haha

    But then again I think Crisp butties are a uk thing too haha
  • RainDrops930
    RainDrops930 Posts: 46 Member
    This group is exactly what I need!

    Goals for today, 10/23:
    1. Drink 2 full water bottles at work today (total 6 cups)
    2. Do not go on Facebook
    3. Exercise after work
    4. Do not snack after dinner tonight
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    Did not work out... not sure I care today. I was outside a lot with the kids so I count it as an acceptable exchange!

    The rest, I did.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Today work starts awfully early...
    skymningen wrote: »

    So, tomorrows plans:

    1) Buy train ticket, finally :)
    2) Stay focused at work :|I was disturbed by more student presentations than I had planned... because my boss just told us about them 2 hours before they started.
    3) Stay hydrated :|More or less.

    I don't know what to do. I feel like I get nowhere at work currently. There was one week after I was sick that was really productive, but now I am back in this pit of 'work all day, have no reasonable result'. And the term is starting, so from today teaching will be on the plate again. I will have to sleep less eventually. Just to get all of the work done. It scares me.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    Yesterday - good day!!

    JFT - Tuesday
    Log all food.
    No alcohol.

  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Oh, I wasn't posting plans, just ticking of yesterdays plans. Uhm. Now half of the day is kind of gone already.

    1) Stay hydrated
    2) Have Me-time in the evening (Paint fingernails, shower, cook nice dinner, relax, look forward to seeing bf soon)
    3) Don't worry

    I decided to not care about looking for a job until next year. I will focus on my actual work and teaching. We managed to have all the teaching sessions this year (both I and my colleague teaching the course with me are trying to graduate early next year). And if I am unemployed for some months, let it be so. I probably can use the time to recover from the last 10 years of consistently speeding through my life plans. My family and bf will not let me starve or be without shelter anyway. (Wow. That sounded self-centered and egoistic. I would of course also never let any of them starve or be without shelter... I just meant being unemployed is not going to be incredibly scary realistically, at least for a while. Because it is scary to me. I am such an "I don't want to rely on help, I need to be able to support myself" person.)
    I will use the "holiday" with my bf to calm down and reorganize my brain. Or reboot. At least re-calibrate. I will focus on those 11 days on being there and spending time with him first, my work second. Because after those 11 days it will most likely be work first for the rest of the time until I graduate. So I want to make them count.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited October 2017
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 cheese and onion!?!?! Like... as in 1 flavour? Or 2 different flavours? I've never heard of that before

    Haha yeah! One flavour!

    Must be a UK thing hahaha they’re not that great,, I tend to always give them to the kids lol

    We have cheese and onion too. I used to love that flavour when I was younger, but not that much any more. I always thought it was an American flavour. I think I got into it when visiting the US in 1999. But maybe US is over it already and now we have it... :-P

    Really!?!? By "we" you mean Canada has them? What company makes them? I want to try this. Lol

    Also, work will work out for you. It's great that you have family to rely on as a safety net (everyone needs that!) and so until you find the right work for you, you won't need to stress yourself out. Everything will fall into place. I'm sure of it.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 cheese and onion!?!?! Like... as in 1 flavour? Or 2 different flavours? I've never heard of that before

    Haha yeah! One flavour!

    Must be a UK thing hahaha they’re not that great,, I tend to always give them to the kids lol

    We have cheese and onion too. I used to love that flavour when I was younger, but not that much any more. I always thought it was an American flavour. I think I got into it when visiting the US in 1999. But maybe US is over it already and now we have it... :-P

    Really!?!? By "we" you mean Canada has them? What company makes them? I want to try this. Lol

    No, I meant Germany has them. I could ask my cousin if he has seen those in Canada. I did not buy any chips/crisps when I visited him, so I did not check.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,144 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 cheese and onion!?!?! Like... as in 1 flavour? Or 2 different flavours? I've never heard of that before

    Haha yeah! One flavour!

    Must be a UK thing hahaha they’re not that great,, I tend to always give them to the kids lol

    We have cheese and onion too. I used to love that flavour when I was younger, but not that much any more. I always thought it was an American flavour. I think I got into it when visiting the US in 1999. But maybe US is over it already and now we have it... :-P

    Really!?!? By "we" you mean Canada has them? What company makes them? I want to try this. Lol

    Also, work will work out for you. It's great that you have family to rely on as a safety net (everyone needs that!) and so until you find the right work for you, you won't need to stress yourself out. Everything will fall into place. I'm sure of it.

    Haha well in the UK they’re made by Walkers.
    But I’m pretty sure in European countries it’s by Lays?
    Which is weird because it’s the same logo but a different name lol.
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    edited October 2017
    We definitely have multiple brands that have or at least used to have cheese and onion flavoured crisps in Germany... I am slowly wondering if it's somewhat of a German thing in the end?!
    We had Pringles doing it, Lays (but you don't get them much around where I live), Crunchips and even some of the store brands the last time I checked. We just more recently got vinegar/salt. Most of the typical ones are by default paprika/"Hungarian" flavoured. Sometimes chili pepper.

    Edit to add: I want chips now. Any.
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Goals for tomorrow:

    Drink 8 glasses of water
    Stay within Carb goal
    No sugar
    Stay zen (do NOT let work stress me out)

    For your reference... Here is my legend for how I mark off of my goals have been completed or not:
    ✅ Goal accomplished.
    ❎Sooooo close it almost counts as accomplished.
    ❌No where near Goal. Complete failure.
  • KareninLux
    KareninLux Posts: 1,413 Member
    JFT - Thursday.
    Log all food.
    No alcohol.
    Great week so far!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    JFT, Wed
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on 2 glasses of water with each meal, and 2 glasses inbetween, 2 glasses in the evening. Goal is 8 glasses of water :) Had to work hard to get this done though! I ended up pretty much just "gulping" down the water.
    3. brush and floss teeth to keep from eating in the evening :/ I was gone until 9:30, so even though had my bowl of popcorn, still did OK.
    4. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable for just these few goals :)

    Goals again will be simple. NEED to get this water drinking down!

    JFT, Friday
    1. log all food
    2. water - 2 glasses with each meal, 2 glasses for afternoon, and 2 in the evening
    3. brush and floss teeth after dinner to keep from eating
    4. mow grass
    5. put down fertilizer -- its suppose to be 75 tomorrow, before we get the cold front - of 49 degrees on friday!
    6. dig out flowers before they all die with frost - clean up yard
    7. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable