November 2017 Running Challenge



  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @PastorVincent thanks for the thorough feedback re: North Face. Their stuff is so $$$ but it looks so nice when I walk through MEC sobbing over the gear that got away ;) . Might have to give it a go when Ben gives me my gear allowance in the new year!

    So now that our washing machine is fixed and I no longer have to wash everything by hand (did I ever mention that I've been hand washing five peoples' clothes since August? fml) I found myself with extra time after lunch packing and putting the baby down so I decided to do some dreadmill work since my run tomorrow morning is going to be cold and blowing snow (so speed will be compromised obviously).

    My negative split abilities are pathetic, as we all likely know by now, so I started at an easy 8.5min/mi (for whatever reason I cannot switch my Precor over to metric no matter what I do- wth?) and then gradually increased speed with a steady incline of 4 throughout because I was too lazy to eff around with it for good variance and I hate the presets. Ran the last mile of the 5.4 miles at 5:32- and I wasn't dying so I was happy with that. Was going to go for 6.2 because 10k is so much easier to record since I round my mileage down but, ever the graceful creature that I am, pulled the emerg cord out somehow and reset the whole damn thing. I decided cursing at the Precor was a solid plan B.

    Two a days may end up being the new game plan going into winter ultra training. Distance/tech work 3-6am, speed work and maybe more controlled/steeper hill drills after 7:30pm...

    November 1- 18+8


    2018 Races
    *JAJA Trail Marathon, April 1
    *Red Deer Marathon, May 20
    *Cactus Coulee Crawl 30km, TBA June
    ??? Sinister 7 100 Mile, TBA July
    *Run in the Buff 120km TBA August
    *Lost Souls 100 Mile TBA September

  • Ryokat
    Ryokat Posts: 168 Member
    In again for this month. Same goals as last month: Stay injury free, run every other day with a longer (90+ minutes) run once per week for a total mileage goal of 75 miles for the month.

    November 1: 4.16 miles

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @Orphia did you do the “Bloody Long Walk 35km” last year? The name sounds so familiar.

    Yes, @skippygirlsmom my friend, good memory!

    I did it with an old friend of mine, and we're doing it again together this year.

    We also did the "Go The Extra Mile" 50 km walk together in May.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @PastorVincent thanks for the thorough feedback re: North Face. Their stuff is so $$$ but it looks so nice when I walk through MEC sobbing over the gear that got away ;) . Might have to give it a go when Ben gives me my gear allowance in the new year!

    I guess it is not called Wind Barrier, it is called Windwall. Looks like Amazon has it for about $200:

    100% Waterproof too, Lifetime guarantee and all that. Windwall seems to be a tech they have in a lot of their products, so I would definitely look for that if you do get one.

    The lady at the Dicks Sporting Goods where I bought kept singing its praises, and I kept pointing to the price tag. :lol: But eventually I broke down and bought it and was almost upset to find out she was right. :lol: It stops the weather.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    11/1 - Started month with unplanned rest day. Damn I hate colds!
    11/2 - 5 miles on a perfect morning to run (43° F and little wind)


    @OSUbuckeye906 - Good luck on Sunday!
    @ddmom0811 - Glad your daughter is OK! Enjoy the NYC marathon experience! (I love race atmosphere)
    @sarahthes - Way to get it done in the snow!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    @jessicamcb @7lenny7 I'd probably have gone for making the family wear the same thing SINCE August......

    So I ran yesterday, but looks like tonight's club run won't happen.

    I packed my kit, and knew even as I did that I'd spend the day dreaming up excuses not to go. It's got suddenly cold here and I'm not quite ready for it. Plus my housemate has been away and this is my last evening of quiet house-to-myself before she gets back, and I've been out or putting together flat-pack furniture every other night this week....and last night we had tapas and wine and cocktails and.....

    So I've just been thinking, hey, why don't I do a short run from work as I have my kit, rather than with the club, then i was making excuses for having my trail shoes and it's a paved path and then I remembered......NO HEADTORCH!!

    Clearly my subconscious brain was ahead of me this morning and decided to prevent me from running AT ALL tonight.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,982 Member
    @sarahthes You are one brave woman. I have never run in snow. Of course, I live in Texas and have only been running for about a year and it hasn't actually snowed here since I started running. But I'm not sure that I would do it any way. I'm planning to run at lunch today because it is only supposed to be 84F then and it will be 91F when I get off work. Plus I hopefully have plumbers coming this afternoon.

    @jessicamcb Wow! You are a superstar. You get up in the middle of the night (3:00 am) to run and then you wash clothes by hand. I'm glad you finally got the laundry situation sorted out. That would really suck. Next time my washer goes out and I'm hauling clothes over to my mom's I won't complain.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited November 2017
    Calf is feeling good. Taking a long walk at lunch today and then might try for a short run tonight. I had a spa day on Monday (a gift from hubby), and the masseur used CBD salve on my calf. I have to say, I was bit of a doubter about the medicinal properties of cannabis, but now I'm definitely a believer. That brought more relief than any pain reliever or even the Volataren gel I have. At $65 for a small container, you can't exactly use it generously, but if you have a spot that needs it...I was out of this world impressed. Thankfully I live in a state where it's ready available and not really frowned upon.

    I haven't had to run in the snow yet, but I'm sure that day will come. I really need to look at some spikes for my shoes to navigate any unseen icy spots. Snow isn't so bad--it's the ice that will get ya though.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    October goal: Not chicken out and Register for Zumbr(done)o. Start training for Zumbro and figure out real mileage
    Nominal Mileage goal: 100 miles???

    11/1- REST
    11/2- 3.1+ 20 minutes shoveling

    Total: 3.1

    Today's notes- Still on light duty, no more than running every other day, and no more than 6 miles. I woke up to 4 inches of snow on the driveway, so I knew that 6 wasn't an option, since I'd have to be shoveling. Got going and got in 5k. I was wondering why my HR alert wasn't going. Then, after I was done, I remembered that I had turned it off. Ended up running 3.19 miles in 28:39 for an 8:59 average pace with an average HR of 166 (YIKES).

    Bad part: The 4 inches of snow on the ground and the ice underneath it made for harder running and increased HR.
    Good part: My right hamstring felt fine! Top of both calves were a little sore, but I'm thinking it's just recovery, not injury. Also glad that my coach put me on light duty this week, otherwise I KNOW I'd be pushing for another run tomorrow.

    Almost scared to see what he has in store since it will be "lower miles higher intensity" Hoping to get a blog post out this weekend about deciding to go for 100 and getting a coach. I'll post let people know when I do. linked to my blog on the bottom of my post and will do so through Zumbro, for easier access when I update.

    2017 Races Scheduled
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon 4:24:06
    7/15- Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon 7:22:23
    8/12- UMTR FatAss "Not Quite" 50k DNF, too darn hot out
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon 6:24:36
    10/21 Wild Duluth 100k 18:15:51
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey Trot???

    2018 races
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    5/19- Superior Trail 25k (Lottery)
    7/8- Afton 50k
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
    10/xx Wild Duluth 50k? 100k?
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    11/1- 25 minutes strength training (legs)+ 3.7 miles treadmill intervals


    I have to admit that I contemplated sitting this month out from the challenge thread. Trying to keep up with this thread might ultimately cost me my job! Lol, okay, so it's not that bad, but I am going on record right here to say that most of my activity on this thread will be in the form of "liking" and "awesoming". I just don't know how the rest of you keep up!

    I finished out October with 124 miles, so, thanks to setting a light goal, I finally hit my goal for a month. I ended up taking the last two days of the month off because I had a head cold and prior social engagements made the decision to rest an easy one.

    I started off November with an appointment with my trainer. She hammered my legs pretty hard. I was planning an easy 5 mile run outside, but it was in the low 40s with a constant steady rain all day (my least favorite running weather), so I decided to hit the treadmill at the gym following my session instead. Since I have a hard time enduring steady paced runs on the treadmill and I was short on time, I turned it into some speedwork. 1 mile warm-up, 2X200 @ 8.5mph, 1X400 @ 8mph, 2X200 @ 8.5mph with 90 second recoveries @6.5mph. It didn't kill me, but after the heavy leg session, my hamstrings were definitely feeling it.

    Setting my goal for 120 miles this month. I have a HM on the 11th and will probably do a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving, but I still have to figure out where that will be.

    @OSUbuckeye906 -Good luck in NYC! So excited for you!

    @sarahthes -You look so badass in that picture!
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    In for 100. Will be on taper for 2 weeks before HM on Nov 18.

    Nov Goal 100
    Nov 1.........5 m........ MTD 5