
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,127 Member
    :) No snow overnight but temperatures below freezing. I love the changing of the seasons. Today I wore my winter walking boots and an extra knitted hat to be warmer. Also stayed in bed a little later because I don't have to finish my walking early for a class or an appointment.

    :) Jake got a call yesterday for an appointment for the next step in the diagnosis process for his back pain. This time he is going to Seattle by himself in a rental car and staying two nights. The test isn't as scary and invasive as the last one and by his going alone, I can stay with the dogs instead of having to board them. This is the first time since we decided on living with only one car, that we've had to make use of a rental car as a solution.

    <3 Barbie from chilly NW Washington
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,439 Member

    I had a relaxing morning and early afternoon which was really nice.

    Then this afternoon and evening ...

    My husband and I went to the gym where I had a great run on the treadmill!! :sunglasses:

    5 min warm up (brisk walk)
    10 min run
    5 min break (brisk walk)
    20 min run
    4 min break (brisk walk)
    10 min fast run
    11 min cool down (brisk walk)

    Plus 10 min on rowing machine.

    I don't run often so I'm really pleased with that. About 3 years ago, when I was in the vicinity of my highest weight, my husband and I had a gym membership and we'd go 2-3 times a week. I tried to run then, but felt like I was going to die after 5 min. Now, I can do 40 min! :):) And I felt comfortable enough I could have kept going, but time was running out and I wanted to get on the rowing machine for a little while.

    Then we changed into our finery at the gym, and went to the symphony.


    Beethoven’s Seventh

    The most energetic of Beethoven’s nine symphonies, the Seventh was described by Wagner as “the apotheosis of the dance”. From its assertive and compelling opening to the revelries of the final movement, the Seventh bubbles with vitality and passion. Even the “slow movement” is not particularly slow. Immensely popular in Beethoven’s day, it was used to tremendous effect more recently in the wartime speech scene in the award-winning film The King’s Speech.

    Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 21 is also renowned for its slow movement, which became hugely popular as the soundtrack to the 1960s Swedish film Elvira Madigan. The concert opens with Baroque Song, a work by contemporary French organist and composer, Thierry Escaich. Maestro Giordano Bellincampi, no stranger to the TSO and Tasmanian audiences, conducts this exhilarating concert.

    I really enjoyed the whole performance, but especially Beethoven's Seventh!

    Machka in Oz
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2017
    Thank you all my dear friends for the birthday wishes. You all are the BEST.

    Today my daughter and granddaughter will be going to get "mommy/daughter" tattoos. Not my idea of fun, I do not like them. Jack's youngest son is a very talented tattoo artist and he will be doing the tattoos.

    I will be watching the "bedlam" college football game between Oklahoma University and Oklahoma State University, biggest game of the year around here.

    Love you ladies and thanks again for the birthday wishes. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Brighton sounds like a lovely place. I hope you'll be able to find a home that you love as much as the one you have now. Here in Oregon we don't have large cities by the sea, although several small towns have the word "City" as part of their name. Most are small villages or towns. Astoria and Coos Bay are the only two coastal towns that qualify as a city from my point of view. My ideas may not match what others think. I think of a city as having its own hospital. :ohwell: My own town calls itself a city and has a clinic but no hospital. They planned to build one but the state said they couldn't. :grumble:

    Lisa: Wishing you a safe journey happy landing in your new community. :smile:

    Sue: Thanks for your good wishes for my granddaughter. She's home now and seems to be in good spirits. :smiley: Sorry to hear that you've been snowed on when you hoped to get away from it by moving. :ohwell:

    Sharon: I love the art and also the photo of your dad. :heart:

    Ginger: It is good to see you posting again. I hope you'll be here often. :star:

    DH got his flu shot yesterday! At last!!! He was able to get the serum from the pharmacy and give himself the shot using his injector with his doctor's nurse as a witness. After more than 50 years of being an insulin-dependent diabetic, he's had so many pokes that he sees needles as an enemy.

    I'm hoping to spend some time at the stable today. My assignment is to ride bareback and work on my balance. I've been tilting to the left & have been unaware of that. I've ridden bareback in lessons before, but it will be a first time riding Arrow and on my own.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    @Machka9 thank you for the link to the article. That was SUPER enlightening. No one really talks about what to expect as menopause rolls around.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetr- Happy Birthday! I hope you are enjoying your weekend with your Daughter!

    Thanks for the Birthday wishes! After today I start my cut cycle. Hopefully I gained some muscle during my bulk! I think I did because I am stronger and with the weight I gained I haven't changed sizes but I definitely have some fat to remove now.

    Today we're going to watch my nephews girlfriend dance at the Art and Music Festival! I hope everyone has a fantastic day!


    Mary from Arizona
  • Hi Everyone!

    Happiest of Birthday's to you @janetr7476! :)

    leanerstrongerhealthier AZ
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rye, well I looked on Facebook groups and found a group called:

    Buy/Sell/Trade/or give away! Johnson/ Tartan county

    Type that and you should find it. Its public, and a lot of members!

    Happy hunting!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Joyce. I shall ask my Nuke son to look! Interesting!!!
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,578 Member
    Wow, miss a few days and look out... 4 October pages and 10 November, Yikes! Will catch up a few pages at a time... later ;}

    Rx aim log, cod liver oil and bp daily, yog/prob twice daily, 80% rule, line dance, walk. Nov 4 reduce 2-300 cals daily from average.
    done Oct22-Nov 3: log=13, clo=12, yogx1=5, LD=1, walk=1

    Logged every day, baseline average 1700 ish so new goal is 1500 cals.
    Walked down the drive in the rain (thanks Barbie) all the way to the mailbox and back only stopping to rest 3 times on the way back UP.

    Off to the Wild Rivers Mushroom festival, then Freddy's for frozen veg, romaine and maybe an orange. Will pay cash, have to bring this spending under control. With unexpected hospital and dental costs, December is going to be bean soup and cornbread. Must get creative about pantry purging, building every meal around what's on hand.

    November Goals add one of the Rx aims:
    BP, walk, CLO, yog + Log daily, keep under 1500
    Line dance weekly.
    Hook up the wii.

    Lisa "gobsmacked" indeed. Leaving people like that is the hardest part of new adventures in moving.
    Terry beautiful bling! So creative ;)
    Kim fm N Cali You're right, letting the fear limit me is more terrible than the falling. Glad the yoga helps your balance, our sr center offers it and Tai Chi, time to get off my butt!
    pip Rocky and BUllwinkle are too cute!
    DJ eeeuuuwww! I could NOT wear a giant spider in my hair. Just looking at it in your pic creeps me out!
    Allie "...put a new showerhead on myself" well done! Sending good thoughts that the Dr who you've been with since he started will do the right thing, assign you another half hour of work. You've earned the benefits!
    Kelly ghost toast, monster mouths the Great Mummy Race, so creative! You almost make child care sound like fun. Almost ;}
    Penny studded running shoes to the fish shop? So beyond my comprehension ;}
    Michele beautiful pics of Denise. Where are you?
    Margaret what? You went to St. Louis and didn't eat any gooey butter cake? :) Please tell me you got out of the car and walked around every hour or two, the 9 hour drive from Idaho to Oregon is what gave me the blood clots that put me in the hospital.

    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD who is grateful to be feeling a little better every day.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Katla - In the UK a city should officially have a cathedral. Therefore there are some quite minor places called cities. Recently though some large towns have been awarded city status without cathedrals. Brighton and Hove is one of those. It definitely has a hospital, a Premier League football team, a cricket ground, a pier, a tower and more restaurants than anywhere I know! :D It also has some quite beautiful architecture. Regency terraces and squares, old cobbled Lanes and The Brighton Pavilion - a palace built for George IV in Indian/Chinese style. Brighton is the buzzy bit, Hove is more genteel. :D I adore the Regency squares and terraces, but I would think they are noisy to live in. Plus no lift. :o A small house or a modern apartment would do us. We will buy bicycles as there are cycle lanes all along the promenade. We could cycle to where they land the fish catch and buy fish. B) There are artisan bread shops everywhere. The South Downs (hills) are just behind the city. Beautiful.
    I spent the years 9-18 living about 20 miles away, so I know the area well. When I was 16 I had a boyfriend who worked in the theatre there and I caught the bus to see him every Saturday. He lived at the top of one of the best Regency squares in a tiny, tatty bedsit. Seems amazing now that it is so exclusive!
    One interesting fact - in the 80s all the elm trees in the UK died of Dutch Elm Disease. Terrible. But not quite all. The elm trees in Brighton survived because the South Downs protected them. There are avenues of them and special Heritage Trees. I find that quite wonderful. :D

    Kim - the owner of the patch of land stands to make probably £800,000 from the two houses. I can't see us raising that kind of money! :D Our next door neighbour wants to buy it for their horse, but unless planning is refused he has no chance.
    It is by no means certain he will get permission as two developments have been refused recently in the village.

    I had a lovely lunch out with my friend. I downloaded a voucher for 40% off main courses, so it wasn't expensive. I had charcoal grilled tuna, with salsa verde, salsify and spinach. Yummo! Having sea bass for dinner tonight. Good job I love fish with a passion! :laugh: She is off to Hong Kong on Monday and getting packing panic. Her granddaughter is out there. <3

    I hadn't had a reply to two emails from my cancer friend, but I found out by phone she is ok. Phew!

    My sad, anxious son in Nottingham now has a girlfriend, thank goodness. No proper job though. She has a greyhound, which is how they met, and two teenage children. :o:o:o I must get up to see him. He can't get down for Christmas. He wants money for birthday/Christmas to buy an induction hob. :noway:

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,573 Member
    Oh wait I forgot to tell you all!.... Stepped on the scale this morning, and I am 240.4!! Being that on Oct 25th I weighed 245.8. I am ecstatic! Yeah me! I can do this!

    Becca - congrats!!! Doing the happy dance with you!!!! <3

    Chilly SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    edited November 2017
    Becca - CONGRATULATIONS,! <3:p

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

    (I am the same old 1 lb over target. With all the eating and drinking I do, it's a miracle - the power of exercise! )
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,694 Member
    Becca - Excellent! you are doing amazing
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 861 Member
    Sharon, I'm on southern Vancouver Island, so while we did get some snow, it was only a dusting. The temp has dropped tho, so while we don't have snow on the roads, there is some on roofs and lawns. Didn't get any more last night and that's a good thing! We could be in for some this year tho. We just bought a new car, it doesn't have winter tires, but I have a feeling we will have to invest some money in them. D@mn..... Because of where we are, we can get away with all seasons. I did buy winter tires for my last car, I was working cleaning houses, so doing a LOT of driving every day, it seemed like a good idea to have GOOD tires on the car. When we traded that car in, the winters were still on it, never even thought about it. Oh well, that's the way it goes.
    Becca, Congrats on the loss!!
    Heather, happy that your friend is still okay and that your son has a girlfriend! Does he have a trade or some sort of degree in something that will help him get a decent job? I don't know what it's like there, but here it seems you need a million dollar education to get something better than fast food or discount store employee. And please don't think I'm knocking staff of those establishments, we need them too! They're just not traditionally the best paying jobs out there.
    Guess that's it for me for now.
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member