
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,594 Member
    Great photos of your dad Allie! You look great and so YOUNG! <3 Must be good genes. Love Taliah having fun.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair wrote: »
    Happy Sunday

    30 min Leslie Sansone vid
    KB SQUATS 3x10x13
    KB SWINGS 13x12x13

    Feel as though I need next size KB

    I did my degree at Liverpool Polytechnic which became John Moores University we also have 2 more Unis Liverpool Uni and Hope Uni. We have lots of students in the city which is great as they spend money and also increase the cultural aspects I think. We also have 2 Cathedrals so are we a double city Haha

    Going to see DD for a couple of days in Birmingham, who also have a cathedral but it is quite small compared to Liverpools Anglican cathedral. Don't know if you know that our catholic cathedral is nicknamed Paddy's Wigwam (google it and you'll see why.

    Kate UK <3

    Good Morning Everyone :)

    @spikeyhair How long have you been working out with kettlebells. What has been your transition of sizes? I am at 10lbs now wondering if I need to look into a 13lb for later or if the 15lb I have will be ok? WTG .. with your upped kettlebell weight!! :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: I agree with Heather. The photos look wonderful and you look fabulous and happy! :smiley:
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Alison ~ Your dad looks so young...how old is he? You look great and happy.

    Healther ~ I see how proud you must be of your DnL.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Katla, Correction on your can info, they are worth 10 cents each now! Great for our laundromat fund.

    Speaking of laundry, do you know when you boot a kid out, laundry amounts go WAY down!! The first couple of times we went to the laundromat, I habitually poured soap into three washers! Such a creature of habit! I then had to tell people coming in after me, that those washers already have soap in them. The weird looks I got from that!

    How long do you have to do something before it becomes habit for you? Will I eternally be logging? I am picturing volumes of pretty wrapping paper covered notebooks. My kids will thumb through them realizing what a loon their mom really was.... Haha! I can log forever, if it gets me to where I need to be!
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    I’m with you Becca I keep little journals of my day in a word doc on my laptop, including what I spend and what I’ve eaten. I even print them out monthly! Call me crazy too, but it’s working for me.

    Heather thanks for the info on the ted talk, I will look it up.

    This morning I heard a talk with that Facebook cfo, Sharon something, about her gried since losing her husband. She has a book out about grief call “option B”. I will have to get from library-sounded so interesting.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Oops Sheryl Sandburg. She is also the author of Lean In
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,573 Member
    Becca - nice to have reduced laundry! Also, it's kind of fun looking back at those notebooks/food logs. I have a program loaded on my computer called "FitDay" where I have recorded weight stats and some meals since 2006! Interesting to read the history and see where I've been and what I was eating throughout the years. I think it's still available.

    Allie - what great photos! You remind me of a gal I just adore at my doc's office!! Fabulous! Loved the pic of your dad with Sen. John Warner. I wonder if he aged more rapidly when he was married to Liz Taylor?? >:)<3

    Heather - I will look for your DIL'S TedX - hope it is broadcast over here. There's no reason for her to be nervous. I presume she's been practicing and reviewing her material a lot!

    Kate - how long have you been doing the Kettlebells?

    - how nice your friend will take you to line dancing so Jake won't have to rent a car. I know, it's so hard to realize that people WANT to help!

    Rita - glad you are feeling better - those photos are so neat. Are those little waterways I see irrigation channels? A river? What a nice early Christmas present, by the way. Good thing DH and I aren't with you at the Rockhound Park, the RV would be loaded down with rocks like Lucy & Ricky in "The Long Long Trailer", B)

    Joyce - those health fairs are a good idea. Isn't it amazing the information they glean from a drop of blood? Hope your weather isn't too nasty!

    Machka - I think when I finish farm sitting for Wendy, I'll head over your way and hike along that beach. <3 If only!

    Kelly - I am so glad to hear your DH is feeling better! Doing the happy dance for both of you. <3<3

    So I told DH this morning that my throat hurts when I talk too much or call the dogs.... so I'm not going to use my voice much today. What a bright smile!! B)B)>:) He's all for it, lol.

    SW WA State watching the temperature drop rapidly.... maybe a few snow flurries mixed with rain today!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Lanette, I am kind of a pen lover, and have stylist pens in various colors by my notebook. I think I was a calligrapher in another life!

    Good job everyone on their logging accountability!!

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Watched my husband eat a couple of these this morning. I had my Ralston brand corn checks cereal, called corn hexagons! They had no taste whatsoever, but they were crunchy! Having a tomato, spinach and avocado sandwich for lunch. Dinner will be my version of ramen, using my leftover lasagna noodles! Today's totals: calories 899, fats 38, proteins 48. A bit low, but tomorrow I'm having pasta!
