

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Michelle I live about 1 hour away from SiL. And I live about 1 hour away from BiL, we are all vaguely in the DFW area.

    Thanksgiving is always at SiL. Xmas is often at my house. This year we will be hosting Xmas.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :)Mary, I made my decision to retire after hearing someone talking about "quality of life". I think you're doing a good thing asking many people to share their ideas about the decision you have to make. If you are listening carefully, you will hear the words that help you make the choice that is best for you.

    :)Heather, I just read about Jessamy. What an impressive woman.

    :)janetr, your ornaments are impressive and your patience and fine motor skills in making them are amazing.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Janet, your ornaments are simply breathtaking! Love them!!

    Thanks, Becca <3
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2017
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Mary, I made my decision to retire after hearing someone talking about "quality of life". I think you're doing a good thing asking many people to share their ideas about the decision you have to make. If you are listening carefully, you will hear the words that help you make the choice that is best for you.

    :)Heather, I just read about Jessamy. What an impressive woman.

    :)janetr, your ornaments are impressive and your patience and fine motor skills in making them are amazing.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    Thank you, Barbie. I just love working with them and trying new patterns/colors.

    Janetr OKC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mary - I would have left my job, too, if it required a 3-hour commute. It's one thing to go on a 3-hour boat ride and get stranded on an island ("Gilligan's Island"); but, driving back-and-forth would have gotten real old, real quickly w/new husband. If you and DH can live on whatever he might have gotten from any benefits he paid into while working at the old job; invest it wisely; and, enjoy one another. We are not 'promised' a 'tomorrow' and we should enjoy the 'present'. I know you (and your DH) will make the 'right' decision for you, as a couple.

    Whoever said that COBRA-ed health insurance being the most expensive - they're right; but, it beats the cost of ObamaCare - The "Affordable" Care Act - it isn't for most middle income families with children. Thankfully, DDnL#1 got a job that has good health insurance and other benefits - now ... hopefully she can keep her mouth 'shut' and keep the job. Accounts Receivable - I just hope she understands the 'training' and 'does it by their rules'. She had gotten into trouble working her last job (one year) because she 'thought' she could take 'shortcuts'. But, in the legal field, there is no such thing as 'short-cuts'. It is always 'hurry up and wait'. I spent many a weekend working all weekend getting ready for a trial to start on Monday and it ended up getting 'settled' or 'dismissed without prejudged'. Always prepared one for attorney if he 'for whatever reason' did not have a good feeling on 'how the jury was deliberating'. Then you go back to 'ground zero'.

    However, I called today and found that I can save almost $200 on my COBRA-ed insurance by making sure I always go to a PPO (which I already do, unless I see a PA - who might NOT be on the PPO list). Now I know, all else is exactly the same. They don't tell you this when you end up retiring on a disability apparently. I could have save a bunch of money over the past 20 years. Calling Monday to have it changed. So, the next time I call to see any of my MDs and get asked if I will see a PA - I will make 'damn sure' they are on the PPO list before going;

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Hi, I got a bit more sleep, but not much and now I'm gearing up for the kids waking up.
    I intend to have a nap when Bea has hers. :dizzy:
    Love Heather UK XXXXXX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Mary, I like the ideas on online teaching, teachers aide, part time where you are using some one else's lesson plan. Also I remember back when my kids were in school, they are 37 and 40 now so do the math, they had private tutoring companies. Good luck with your choice.

    Lanette, another weird thing that happened when i was working is a lunch time mishap. We had an RN whose husband had his own plane and died while she was pregnant with their 4 th child. She had nursed all her others amd planned to nurse this one also. So she took her break time and supper break to go in a separate room and pump and always kept the milk in the fridge. Well we had a unit secretary,mpretty mich this other ladies best friend who was very adamant about never having any children went to the fridg to get her supper out and sent to the cafeteria. You can pretty much see where this is going! Yep, she went to supper and all that was in her brown bag was her friends breast milk.

    Felicia, my younges grand daughter loves to put science things together. She wants to be an engineer, loves mine craft, loves computers, helps her Dad fix refurbished computers. So I looked at the website since that just seemed right down Ellie's line of things she would like to do. I love Ellie but not $300 worth of love. I think I will be getting her a build your own solar powered robot.

    My sis saw a thing on face book about Operation Christmas Child and told me she thought it would be nice to do. Her education is in preschool and we have so many little girls in our family that the 2-4 year old girl was who she wanted to make a box for. So we went out today to fill a shoe box I had. We soon found out that 1 shoe box was not going to do it so we just kept on buying the main items like a ball and pretty baby doll so I could fill one also. We hit BIg Lots, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar. Then came home, after so,e ice cream, and filled them. My my, these boxes are filled. I'm going to have to put a rubber band around them before wrapping. I'm glad I went to their web site because I found out that you have to wrap the top and bottom separately. I guess the few places that you can drop them off to have to go through them to make sure you don't have any of the no no things in them. We were very careful not to have anything although it would have been nice to put some granola bars in. NO FOOD ITEMS! I bought a plastic shoe size box at one of the stores to make the scone box but when I got home I found out it wouldn't be big enough at all so off I searched and found out that Charlie had another big shoe box. So who knows, I may go out on my own and put one together for an older child like my Ellie. I wouldn't be putting a baby doll in it since that took a lot of room. We made sure we got nice squishy baby dolls, not he real firm ones. It was fun to do this. But the most fun was having an afternoon with my sis.

    JanetR, how long did it take you to master your craft???

    KarenNY,menu do you go to an ON/GYN for your annual? For my insurance that is seeing a specialist and its $45 vs seeing my family practice dr or his nurse practitioner for $15. They do the exact same thing. I gave up seeing a gynecologist when my last child was around7 or so and I knew any need she needed our family doctor could take care of it and he could also take care of my previous specialist need.

    Night night, Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Joyce, I don't think I have mastered it, but I used to work on kits with my mom and daughters when the were little girls, now 41 and 43. I have not done any for at least 5 years so this years has kind of been a learning curve again. I've copied pic from Pinterest, Etsy, etc. and then using the materials/colors I have on hand did the best I could to recreate them. So they are my own creation, some look pretty much like the samle pic some really don't end up looking much like my sample at all. lol The important thing is I have fun. I'm going to try to start selling some on line and see what the interest is.

    Janetr OKC
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    oops lost my post....

    If I didn't have an InstantPot already, I would jump on that Walmart Sale, that's a steal!

    Joyce I count my blessings with my health care/medical insurance provided by my job (I also contribute 25% towards the cost). My health care includes annual mamo/gyn appoint once a year.

    My familly is starting the plan for Christmas gathering since I am not hosting day after T-day openhouse. The kids are all getting older (high school, college and post grad) so we are dispensing with the pollyanna amongst all the children. Our White Elephant tradition (we lovingly call it Junky christmas, :s ) will continue. It is a raucous pile of give aways from the year, we declutter our own houses to reclutter with new stuff as many will claim. However, it truly is fun, as a teacher I do get a lot of mugs and a lot of chocolate, (days gone by it was soap and scarves!) Anyway, my DOS loves the chocolates and I'm happy to clear away some clothes that no longer fit as well.

    Ah, second cup of coffee, a long to do list to share with DH today and gonna hit the gym first thing after breakfast. NYKAREN
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,126 Member
    My eating has gone right out the window. I can't eat "solid" food or food that will fall apart into bits, so my multiple servings of veggies and fruit are out as are my whole grain crackers and bread.

    My diet this week, and through next week, looks like: mashed banana and yogurt, pumpkin soup (because it doesn't have bits and pieces in it), Ensure, ice cream, white bread without crusts (ick!), and I'm experimenting with dinners. Yesterday was mashed potatoes and poached eggs. Tonight was macaroni and cheese.

    It's all soft, easy to swallow, not likely to get caught up in the whole extracted tooth area, damaged gums, stitches, etc.

    On the up-side, I am walking a bit more. :)

    M in Oz
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Kim and Janet ~ Your towels and ornaments are lovely.

    Pat ~ Glad to hear that your DH is making a good recovery.

    Machka ~ Continued healing thoughts for you.

    Becca ~ Don't feel bad. I ate a slice of Marie Calandar's chocolate silk pie last night and it was 580 calories. Just get back on track today.

    Carol in GA
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    I am catching up with you after my nap. DH is watching a film with Edie.
    Jessamy has a rehearsal this afternoon for her TEDX talk. I was name checked in her Facebook post. :D:p I hope she will feel a bit less nervous after the rehearsal. I would be out of my mind with nerves. I think I will be nervous for her - I can hardly bear to watch it!

    Think we might go out when Bea wakes up.
    Poor Max turned up to school all dressed up in his gorgeous spotty t shirt for a charity fund raiser. It was the wrong week! He was very upset. DH had to come home and run back with his uniform! !! So that's four 20 minute journeys!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,835 Member
    Kim- When Stieg Larsson, the author of the first three Millenium books passed away, he left drafts for seven more books. David Lagercrantz wrote the fourth book The Girl In The Spider's Web and has written the fifth installment (Eye for an Eye). He did a great job on Spider's Web! I am only a couple of chapters into this fifth book, but so far so good.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Patceoh: Congratulations to your DH for getting his gallbladder out. The pain from having a gallstone block the duct is amazingly intense. I've been so much happier since I had mine out. I hope he recovers quickly. :smiley:

    M in OZ: I hope your healing continues to go well. Good luck with your food plans. I hope you have an easier time as you continue to heal from surgery. :heart:

    We are trying to make holiday travel plans and it is a challenge. I've been planning to visit DD and family after Thanksgiving. DD sent me a message that made me feel really discouraged about the idea so I'm rethinking matters. I reread her message this morning and it was not as negative as I'd thought. I'm still rethinking matters. DH is a challenge in the arrangements. :grumble: He doesn't want to go with me and would rather stay with his sister. To the best of my knowledge, DSIL knows nothing about this idea. :ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone! Egg and bacon fast update-I have officially lost 7.4 pounds in one week. My husband has officially lost 7.2 pounds in one week. Approximately 3 to 4 pounds is water from our glycogen stores. This WOE really melts the body fat off from both of us very quickly. Yes, we are eating a lot of food! Just a very balanced keto diet.

    Thank you everyone for your input on my work or no work situation! I am leaning toward teaching Chinese students at 3:30 in the morning. Although I am very tempted by the seventh grade science teaching position. Only because I love teaching science! If I would not have married my husband I would be still teaching and my goal was until I was 70 to 75 years old. To me it was fun not work.

    Janetr - you do amazing work! You are so talented.

    Pat- so happy to hear about your DH's recovery is going well! Take care of yourself as well.

    Heather - Love to hear about your time with your grandchildren. Enjoy!

    Min Oz- i'm glad that you're feeling better and have food that you can eat that would not bother your extraction site. I have to tell you that your experience has frightened me from going to the dentist with a similar issue. Instead of going to my regular dentist I will probably go to an oral surgeon now!

    Katla - I hope your plans with your DD and DH come together and work out for you! Right now we have no plans for Thanksgiving or Christmas with anyone. Our Christmas plans with the twins were canceled because my DH's daughter decided to fly to Colorado instead of drive so will not be stopping by here.


    Mary from Arizona