Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited December 2017
    Very late logging in today, just catching up. Sorry to see drama return, but I flagged that post as abuse as I feel it's totally out of line. I am not upset or offended by any post except disrespect. As I've posted before, each person here has their own journey, and we are here to be supportive & respectful of each journey.

    I will continue to post here. You are all my JFTers! I look forward to this thread every day.

    @OConnell5483 You sound so happy in all of your recent posts! So glad for you.

    @joan6630 Have a great trip! The highs in Green Bay over the weekend are above normal (mid to upper 40s) so hope that's warm enough for you in MI.

    Glad to see so many regulars return! And I hope the newbies find inspiration and support here as I have.

    Recap R 11/30
    1) Walked dog 3.08 miles before work, saw 1 bunny in semi-darkness & happy dog :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work = Fitbit 14,665 steps, 250+ steps 14/14 hours (boom!) & 41 floors :smiley:
    3) Another leftovers day / net calories green / lots of water to flush sodium = Net calories green & 15c water :smiley:
    4) After work pick up new eyeglasses & race packet for Sat. event = Done & done :smile:
    5) Floss & retainers / bed & TV off 10:30 / Friday day off work & delivery of new washer & dryer = Done / nope / yay :smile:

    Quick recap of F 12/1 - vacation day for myself & hubby :smiley:
    1) Walked dog 3.39 miles & happy dog :smiley:
    2) New washer & dryer delivered, first new ones since 1990...have to study to learn how to do laundry! :smiley:
    3) Classic holiday movie date with hubby & saw It's A Wonderful Life in theatre instead of TV...I still cried at end, like I always do :blush:
    4) Net calories w/i 100 green & 10c water :smiley:
    5) Fitbit 13,009 steps, 250+ steps 10/14 hours & 13 floors :smiley:

    Sat. 12/2 goals:
    1) Walk Jingle Bell 5K in 45 minutes
    2) Pick up birdseed order at Wildlife Sanctuary
    3) Drink > 10c water
    4) Net calories green
    5) Laundry with new machines / don't mess it up

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Awhhh I missed all the drama :lol:

    The post has been deleted so I can’t read it now!
    Damn the time zone!

    I’m assuming it was something against me?

    @mmartin7613 Please don’t leave.
    This was something that happened a while ago. And (whatever she said) she just started up again! Don’t let random people on the internet get to you. It’s pretty laughable that someone even tries to start a fight on the internet?

    I’ve really enjoyed you coming on sharing Videos and that and we want this thread to help you not make you feel uncomfortable. You just gotta ignore the *kitten* sometimes.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    MLHC1 wrote: »

    Friday 12/1 JFT:

    ✔Woke up late so the kids are having school lunches :disappointed:
    ✔Breakfast w/ hubby
    ✔House Manager Office Work, lol
    ❌Walk Dog ~ 15 min.
    ❌Sm. Grocery Trip
    ❌Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ❌Dinner by 7pm ➡️8 pm
    ✔Family Movie Night :smiley:
    ✔Bedtime after movie

    Well today has turned out to be more eventful than I had ever wished for. I was sooo excited that the day was going productive and lunch was very pleasant. Then as I prepared to get on my elliptical (no joke) I received word that there was a suspect with a gun at my son's High School :cold_sweat: So I immediately loaded up my dog and rushed down to the high school. Swat didn't clear the school until a little past 4 pm!! Needless to say, my afternoon plans were all cancelled!! Thankfully our police controlled the situation, response time was 5 min and they apprehended all suspects. Luckily it is Friday, which gives everyone some time to take this all in. We'll see what develops from this. Sorry to ramble on about this drama, but it drastically affected my goals for the day :D

    The most I'll acknowledge the silly, nonrelavent drama here on JFT, is to say.....I do not give attention to "cry babies" throwing tantrums. Therefore I will just continue with my regular JFT. I hope everyone is doing well and can overcome any negativity that is surrounding them. Be blessed and have a good evening / day :blush:

    That sounds utterly terrifying!
    Was it a child or adult with a gun?
    How is your son? Is he okay?

    The one thing I don’t understand about the USA is your gun laws!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    It looks like the issue in this thread was an isolated incident. I am glad to see the rest of the thead seems to be staying friendly and supportive, so keep it up! Just a reminder, if there is an issue in the future please report it to moderators and we will take care of it, no need to engage someone who isn't being very kind. If you are unsure how to report posts this link explains it: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10007789/flagged-content-reported-posts-warning-points#latest

    Thanks for your help,
    MFP moderator
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Dear Posters,

    It looks like the issue in this thread was an isolated incident. I am glad to see the rest of the thead seems to be staying friendly and supportive, so keep it up! Just a reminder, if there is an issue in the future please report it to moderators and we will take care of it, no need to engage someone who isn't being very kind. If you are unsure how to report posts this link explains it: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10007789/flagged-content-reported-posts-warning-points#latest

    Thanks for your help,
    MFP moderator

    Thank you for reopening!
    A lot of us really enjoy this thread and the support it offers!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @slittlemeister and @cschmitz110515 Thank you! I am feeling so much less stress it is almost like I don't know what to do with myself! I know that I haven't really dug into the meat & potatoes of the job yet and it will get much busier...overwhelming at times, especially since I'm learning...but I believe it will be a different kind of stress and I'm super excited about the move. I really feel it was the right one. There are so many "little things" that are better for my particular life already that I feel like it was just meant to be at just the right time.

    @MLHC1 I would have been terrified! I'm so glad your son is okay and that nobody was hurt!

    Today is Saturday and I don't have to work!!! WHOOP WHOOP! (Sorry...just had to say that! LOL)

    Just for Saturday:
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Ten 8oz of water today
    3. Reach step goal plus 200
    4. Go to Titletown Brewery's Craft Show if I can find my daughter to go with me!
    5. Sew on quilt.... @Bex953172 :mrgreen: It's getting closer! Part of me wants to at least show you the materials but I want it to be a surprise!!!
    6. Seize the day and do whatever else I feel like doing that brings me either peace or joy.
    7. One random act of kindness
    8. Unplug tonight, write in gratitude journal and read.

    Big hugs to the group! You're all awesome and such good friends to me, in my heart. Keep up the great work!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    That sounds utterly terrifying!
    Was it a child or adult with a gun?
    How is your son? Is he okay?

    The one thing I don’t understand about the USA is your gun laws!

    My son is fine.
    They arrested three students. These were minors with guns on public school property, that is against the law!! Criminals do not care about the law, that's why they are criminals, lol.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Saturday 12/2 JFT:

    Enjoy family brunch
    Household chores
    Work on Research Summary Draft
    Research work from home (project almost complete)
    Grocery list / Grocery shopping
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm

    @OConnell5483 Thank You! I am sooo happy to hear that your new chapter in life is a huge blessing!! The gym membership is exciting!! Congrats and good luck lady :smile:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Hi - I'm back. I need support & MLHC1(Superhero) let me know that this is where I will find it. I really do enjoy reading about your ups & down & pick me back up stories. You are inspiring.

    Thank you for being here. Have a sweet weekend.

    I am SO happy to see you back! and a great big thank you to @MLHC1 for reaching out to you. It's the group of us that makes this such a special place. I hope you both have a wonderful weekend! :blush:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Hi - I'm back. I need support & MLHC1(Superhero) let me know that this is where I will find it. I really do enjoy reading about your ups & down & pick me back up stories. You are inspiring.

    So I drank about litre of rootbeer last night which put me over 600 cal. I've done so well this week so no beating my self up. My only vice that I have left is sugar and I WILL defeat this one too.

    Weekend breakfast
    80oz of water
    Long walk/hike/run with my son.
    20 min video work out (if i have it in me after the hike)
    Help neighbors with pathway before the snow comes.
    Keep it at 1200 cal (no rootbeer)

    Thank you for being here. Have a sweet weekend.

    Oh my god you did not just say Root Beer!!

    I’m in the UK and I love Root Beer!
    But finding it is liking mining for gold... and the price of gold. :anguished:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @mmartin7613 P.S. I’m also glad you’re back! Thanks for posting that video yesterday too!

    Obviously I can’t do it yet but I’ve saved it on YouTube for March!

  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited December 2017
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    Saturday 12/2 JFT:

    ✔Enjoy family brunch
    ✔Household chores
    ❌Elliptical➡️Walked outside instead B)
    R/S to Sunday➡️Work on Research Summary Draft
    R/S to Sunday➡️Research work from home (project almost complete)
    ✔Grocery list / Grocery shopping
    ✔Dinner by 7 pm
    ✔Bedtime by 10 pm

    Today was real pretty so I spent a lot of time outside. We had an unexpected guest today so I decided to R/S my Research work for Sunday. I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their evening / day :blush:
  • sccjahab
    sccjahab Posts: 84 Member
    December challenge/yes, drink more water/yes, eliptical/no :(, pop/NO pop today! :)
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Saturday
    2. MORE water :)
    3. Quilt :) rows of Mark's quilt are almost together. I hope to get it complete so I can sandwich it on Wednesday
    4. Clean stove :)
    5. Pick up grandaughter for sleepover :)
    6. Brush and floss :)
    7. Bed by 10:30 :)

    JFT Sunday
    1. MORE Water
    2. Take grandaughter home
    3. Work Christmas dinner
    4. Brush and floss
    5. Bed by 10:30

    @mmartin7613 I'm so glad you've reconsidered and returned. :)