

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: It certainly takes the prospect of visitors to make me take a look at things and do some cleanup. Otherwise . . . :embarassed:

    I was having a txt chat with my daughter about an issue at her workplace and had loads of unnecessary advice. That would be bad enough, but evidently my son received all of those posts, too. :grumble: :embarassed: :grumble:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited December 2017
    [/quote] from M from OZ

    Yes! And I did buy a small box of Walker shortbread today. :) My husband and I each had one. We might keep doing that each day, or maybe every other day, until it's gone.

    I will likely make some of my own from my grandmother's recipes, but meanwhile, the Walkers ones are nice. :)


    I splurged today too and bought some Walker shortbread. I am going to wait until Christmas to open them I have some other things I like to treat myself this time of year, too. Still haven't had a chance to get back to my friend about their cruise.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Katla ~ Hugs for you and your daughter!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    here I am finally sitting down.. did take a nap for an hour or so... got the errands done I needed to do first...I basically puppy proofed zip tied wires and such up out of the way of little teeth, bought him some stuffy toys and a harness and leash... the rescue lady sent me a picture today she had dropped Alfie off at another ladies house that was going to take them to the transport, which I believe left today... and Bev is away for the holidays... she opened her suitcase and there inside was Alfie's favorite toy.. he had helped her pack.. I said a sweet little reminder of his first mom....
    have to go through some paperwork and spit polish tomorrow and do some cooking before the girls get here.. but it is pretty well cleaned up.
    going to take a bit of nyquil tonight...
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: I absolutely LOVE your types of headaches. DH loved it, too. Thanks for putting smiles on our faces. :flowerforyou:

    Katla--still giggling in NW Oregon
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • ChrisF48
    ChrisF48 Posts: 8 Member
    I am interested in both being motivated and motivating each other. Happy holidays, everyone
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rye, thanks for the fudge recipe. I take it tht it is not a creamy type fudge? That's the kind I love the most. Wish I could find an easy one for creamy fudge. Alhtough I don't need it at all. We used to have family members that would bring cookies, divinity and fudge and we would enjoy it for the several days family was here, now my brothers are here only the day we celebrate Christmas, this year Dec 30th. My sisters daughter and cortina are the only ones who stay.

    Michelle called me today. She had to see a gastroenterologist because of continued abdominal pain after her gall bladder was removed. They really don't know what is going on. She has fatigue, shortness of breath, weight gain although she isn't trying at all, hair los, hot flashes and the pain. So she will have a CAT scan at the end of this month and then is scheduled for a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy at the end of next month.

    Who fell???? Hope you heal quick and can get out of that boot quickly. I am enjoying sleeping without the boot although I feel I am cheating a bit. The foot dosentcompletley fee comfortable without the boot. My pinky toe gets hung up on the covers. That toe just seem so to hang on my foot like it isn't connected.

    Went to Walmart today. We hadn't gone grocery shopping since I fell.charlie had made a run but we hadn't done a big shopping. I knew I needed to get some more Christmas shopping so we did a lot of shopping. I still eyed to get Ellie's done but I found a neat body pillow for her. It's made of that sequined fabric that changes colors according to which way you brush it. When Michelle bought trinity a couple of throw pillows like that, everyone enjoyed writing letters and drawing on them. But this is a body pillow. She can do her math, draw, probably draw some of her favorite Greek Gods on it. But I need some teeny stuff for her. She is a weird kid. She hates to wear jeans or long pants. Her favorite is skirts. Her Mom insists on her wearing shorts with her skirts but all her shorts are to small and has a hole in just the wrong place but she wears them anyway. Her teacher insists she wears leggings. Smart teacher. So I want to buy her a skirt, top and legging set. She also loves books. So she really doesn't need tech stuff since I spent so much on her birthday last month. Then I need to get lots of gift bags since they are so much easier than wrapping.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    Walker shortbread Yumm but expensive :(


    lhscapil wrote: »
    Regarding Walker's Shortbread.... we can get them here as well and they can't be beat!

    Machka - I admire your strength in rationing Walker's and making them last. At our house they disappear quickly. DH blames the dogs, lol. Dogs know better tho, he'd never share them and they rarely get people food unless it's carrots. :D
    Katla49 wrote: »
    M in OZ: I LOVE shortbread cookies and haven't eaten one in ages. One leads to many more. I can't digest real butter, and do fine with margarine BUT real butter is what is available out there in the stores so I don't get to eat shortbread unless I make it myself. My mom used to make shortbread cookies and I haven't hunted down the recipe because I know darned well I'd eat the whole batch and want more. :embarassed:

    I actually find shortbread quite rich and not something I'd want to eat a lot of in one sitting. Perhaps my lactose intolerance plays a part there too. I ate the one cookie yesterday, and really didn't want another. It's almost like my body sends off warning signals telling me that if I ate another one, it wouldn't sit particularly well.

    So I eat them really slowly and savour them. :)

    M in Oz.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    Another unique on of KIRBY’s that I have come to love
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    I love shortbread cookies. Taking tomorrow off to get the house straightened up before decorating the tree tomorrow night. I only have a small 5” one so it doesn’t take long to decorate.

    Bitter cold today. I’m already tucked in bed surrounded by a cat and dog. So relaxing.

    Allie, looking forward to pictures of Alfie. You must be so excited.

    Joyce, I’m with you on gift wrapping. I hate it and do gift bags. My DD however loves to wrap and her gifts are always beautiful. I’m giving her mine to wrap this year. Only a couple to do. I’ll have to do hers.

    Well that’s it for today. Pleasent dreams ladies.

    Terry in cold VT
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    OK Pip, I just shivered! I remember seeing a bug like that in Japan, about 3 inches long, but was poisonous! It was in my bathroom, and when husband was out to sea! I had a hard time showering because I was looking all over like a crazy person!

    Your bug is nicer looking than my bug was.....
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.52min, 133mhr, 11.3amph. 1.4mi= 76c
    apple watch- 58c
    ROWING MACHINE- 15min, 51aw, 101ahr, 106mhr, 2390meters= 81c
    apple watch- 113c
    skip, scissors/sidestep for 26min, 142mhr, 119ahr= 197c
    apple watch- 199c
    floor exerc- 3.38min, 3sets of 10ea, 102mhr, leg lifts and situps= 28c
    apple watch- 38c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.56min, 14.4amph, 121mhr, 1.4mi= 56c
    apple watch- 45c
    RIDE BIKE PUY 2 SUMN STA- 16.06min, 143mhr, 11.3amph, 3mi= 149c
    apple watch- 132c
    walk sta 2 wk- 8.30min, 113mhr, 3.7ap., .5mi= 47c
    apple watch- 47c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.39min 10.06min mi, 147mhr, .4mi = 57c
    Apple Watch- 52c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.47min, 7.8amph, 153mhr, 2.5mi=196c
    Apple Watch- 148c

    total cal 940
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) Stats for today:
    *15,000 steps
    *162 minutes walking Sasha and Bessie
    *100 minutes riding the exercise bike
    *strength training
    *line dance class

    :) I am starting to consider possible words for 2018 My word for 2017 has been "balance", 2016 was "alacrity", 2015 was "now", 2014 was "mindful", and 2013 was "stretch"

    <3 Barbie
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited December 2017
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Ah yes, truffles ... thanks for reminding me. I'm doing the Christmas food shop tomorrow.

    On the list:

    -- Halvah - I wonder how many include halvah in their Christmas food collections. :grin: This tradition came to me from my great grandfather, and I've had halvah at Christmas ever since I was a little girl.

    -- Truffles - of course!

    -- Tea - I found some orange-chocolate tea last year that I'd like to get again.

    -- Salted caramel spread - found this at Christmas last year, and hope it is available again this year.

    -- Mandarins - if I can find them. I was really surprised to find some the other day because they aren't in season right now.

    M in Oz

    Halvah - check, but I want a different kind too.

    Truffles - check

    Tea - not the kind I wanted. :( But I did find something else that might be nice. Tis the season of the interesting teas.

    Salted caramel spread - nope. Must have been a one-time thing last year. So I got some leatherwood honey instead.

    Mandarins - sadly no. But I kind of didn't expect to find more.

    I've got all the presents on my list and will mail them shortly. My husband and I agreed what we're going to do about ours, so that's taken care of. Christmas Day and Boxing Day are all arranged.

    All this shopping has meant some very long walks at lunch!!

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    I've got all the presents on my list and will mail them shortly. My husband and I agreed what we're going to do about ours, so that's taken care of. Christmas Day and Boxing Day are all arranged.

    All this shopping has meant some very long walks at lunch!!

    M in Oz

    Mailed and on their way!! I wish I were going with them. :neutral:

    But meanwhile ... my husband is actually coming into town this evening and we're going to a street food thing which takes place here on Friday nights in the summer. They started it last summer, and it was a success, so they are doing it again this summer. Food trucks are all set up in a circle in a park right in the middle of town, live bands play music, lots of happy people mill about with hands full of foods from various cultures ... and the smell is delicious!!

    I usually catch my bus home right next to all this, so on Fridays, I come home ravenous!!

    But tonight, we're going for the first time this summer. It will be interesting to see if they've got anything new and interesting, otherwise we'll probably go for the paella. Last year, they had a vegetarian one (for me) and a seafood one (for my husband).

    Then I'll do a tiny bit more decorating this evening, and aside from the baking, which I will do between Christmas and New Year's, I will be able to sit back and enjoy Christmas.

    And get other stuff done.

    Machka in Oz