


  • cbashful
    cbashful Posts: 29 Member
    calories mon-thurs= 2,439
    HW= 200
    SW= 197
    CW 8/5= 190

    whats the weekly challenge anyway?
  • I do not have my weight this week because I still haven't got a scale. I failed my team this week. :(
    The only thing I do have is my calories burned...
    I wasn't sure if we are counting from 7/29 or 8/1
    7/29-8/4=3074 burned

    This was not a good first week for me. I failed but I will work harder the next three weeks for the Team!
  • Okay... So I can't weight myself until Sunday or Monday... :(

    Going out of town today and didn't get a chance to go to my gym today. I will update ya'll on my progress on Sunday or Monday! However, I noticed that I lost inches because a dress I tried on a week ago didn't zip up at the time, but this morning, it did!!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NSV since I don't have a SV today!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    I am gutted, no progress this week
    Sw= 232lb
    Cw= 232lb
    I have burned 500 cals minimum everyday in excersise, my only reasoning is that it is my pill free week :(
    Sorry to let the side down
  • fitmomma23
    fitmomma23 Posts: 94 Member
    Well I didn't lose anything this week. I am not upset....I have been doing the Insanity workouts so....its not that I am not working my BUTT off lol.

    7/29 - 133.6
    8/5 - 134.0

    Sorry...Hopefully a couple lbs will melt off next week though. Keep Diggin Deeper!!!
  • Charlie175
    Charlie175 Posts: 232 Member
    July 29 - 179.4
    Aug 5 - 176

    I missed the challenge somehow, didn't read that page. .I'll see how many cals I can burn the next couple days!
  • adidrea
    adidrea Posts: 275 Member
    About the 500 calorie challenge...I understood it as burn 500 cal in addition to the pre-programmed deficit of about 500 (which would equal about a 2 pound weight loss per week if you don't eat the calories back, but again that depends on your weight and metabolic rate). So you'd have to burn 3500 per week total to complete the challenge. Please correct me if I'm wrong :)

    SW: 155.4
    CW: 153.0


    7/30 - 713
    7/31 - 834
    8/1 - 512
    8/2 - 703
    8/3 - 554
    8/4 - 548
    8/5 - Well the goal is 500 but I haven't done it yet. Lazy morning~ :D
  • I'm brand new here, and totally excited to jump into this challenge even though I'm 5 days behind!
  • I've put on this week!!! Not amused in the slightest but I have been feeling very bloated and yucky (although it's not my TOM:sad: ).

    I have booked myself in for a colonic next week to see f that helps with my heavy bloated tum!! :sick:

    Well done to all you guys, especially 7POUND LOSS! WTG!!!!!

    When is the team captain back so we get our spreadsheet?
  • flbutler
    flbutler Posts: 26
    You also have GW - goal weight
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Calories burned this week = 4168, although I killed it in 1 day and took 2 off. Next time I'll try to be more consistent. As far as weight loss, started at 235 last week, and am down to 234 today.
  • glasgowgirl101
    glasgowgirl101 Posts: 24 Member
    Weighed myself this morning and I'm down 2lbs :-) Well done to everyone else too :happy:
  • beaglenutty
    beaglenutty Posts: 160 Member
    7-30 182.5
    8-5 180
    Calories burned
    7-30 682
    7-31 183
    8-1 810
    8-2 610
    8-3 460
    8-4 501
    8-5 633
    Total 3,879
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    My start weight was 236.4 and today it is 233.4

    Glad I found the link to all of you....thought I had lost you.

    Pam aka Cherubcrnp
  • all76
    all76 Posts: 16
    Hi everyone!!! My SW 139.5 and my CW 136.0!!
    Great job everyone!!!
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I burned 513 calories Monday 129 oz of water
    I burned 609 Tuesday. 116 oz of water
    I burned 647 Wednesday 128 oz of water
    I burned 716 calories and drank 94 oz of water on Thursday
    I burned 572 calories and drank 106 oz of water on Friday
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member of

    I also met the water goal everyday except friday.......
    So why didn't I lose? Not shocked at all, it's how my whole week big disapointment after another. :ohwell:
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    yeahhhhhhh down 1lb this morning :smile: must have been water retention yesterday
  • whats the water goal????
  • ASF68
    ASF68 Posts: 44 Member
    Sorry I'm a day late. Start weight was 150.6. Yesterday's weight was 149.8.

    Wasn't able to knock out 500 calories extra per day but did get good cardio in every day but Thursday.