Serial Starters



  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Got rain we really need and many people had to run to their cars - no umbrella..... I have one at home and one in my desk.

    Got some sweeping leaves points, so I am in green if I can keep out of kitchen other than herb tea.....

    Kathryn in the past I have put carrots/potatoes and onions, cheese and little broccoli in croissant/crescent dough. I would gladly try pie crust to see if it works. If the cutter does not work, I know people with kids......

    Lana - how is your to do list?

    Wave to all who follow. Good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Stomach all messed up - didnt sleep well. Have chamomile tea waiting.

    Hoping for a little more sleep. BBL.
  • Kristina79Marie
    Kristina79Marie Posts: 580 Member
    helllllooooo everyone!!

    well, I have strayed from serial starting. I have been kicking butt all week and sticking with my goals. FINALLY!!

    work started back this week, back up at 5 am doing two circuits of 7 app, work 8-2 then walking or I did a kettle bell workout that I found on youtube the other night (wowsers!)

    I went to the doctor yesterday, I will be getting my thyroid tested, a sleep study (sleep apnea contributes to weight gain!) and a mammogram (at 38) because something was found. we think it is just a lymph node so nothing too scary. just taking precaution.

    I need to tell you all that I so much appreciate having all of you. you all helped me cope with some of my issues and vent when I needed. you all were an amazing support system!!

    I think its time we break up lol actually im just saying I won't be around much. every now and then I will stop by to see how every one is. im like the long distance crazy cousin bwahahahaha!!!

    everyone have a kick butt 2018 and I hope we all can accomplish our goals!!

    much love to all!

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good morning All~~

    Kathryn - So good to hear that DD got some of her stuff back. That is great really.

    Dawn - The living arrangements are a sticky problem. I hope something good happens.

    Sara - I hope that you get more sleep.

    Kristina Marie - You can't mention a lump in a breast to Lana and not have me concerned to know how the story ends, so I hope you pop by one more time to let us know.
    SUPER IMPORTANT: When you have that mammogram done, ask them if you have dense breasts. If the answer is "yes", get an ultrasound/further testing. Breast density obscures the mammogram. It can be impossible to see cancer from the dense tissue. Like trying to find a snowball in a snowstorm.
    I speak from personal experience with this.

    Also, more than half of the women patients in the Breast Cancer Support Group I attend at Sloan Kettering are well under the age of 40. A few are in their 20s.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Oatmeal for dinner. Stomach is doing better, but need to be careful what I eat. (Post nasal drip).

    Nice hot shower/run dishwasher and call it a night.

    Kristina - our board is an open for so stop by when you can.

    Hot water bottle please, cboys.
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member
    Sara--good to hear that your stomach has improved.
    R & R!

  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    New Year’s resolution was to do far better with meal prep - inspired by Sara excellence with making and freezing portions ahead of time. This past week went well, and spent time tonight making chili. Some for dinner, some for the freezer. NSV! Thanks, Sara.

    Kristina, will miss your energy. Stop by when you can.

    Waves to Lana, the Cboys, Annie (good luck with packing), Dawn (hope a good solution on the living situation comes up soon), Kathryn (glad DD got the things back that mean the most to her; Callahan doing?) and anyone else wandering by.

    Sweet dreams all,

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning, dog up and fed.Back for more zzz.

    Will roast chicken breasts 2 in oven with carrots. Use chicken for salads this week.

  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,883 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Almost everything on the Do List has gotten done. I didn't sleep enough last night. I think a Sunday afternoon nap is in store for me.....then some packing for trip tomorrow.

    Waving to Tess and Sara and all who stop by later on~~

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Have the makings for 3 more shredded chicken salads. Will have leftover ham/potatoes with roasted carrots for dinner.

    Lana - good trip check in when you get there and let us know how warm it is!!

    Wishing all a good night.
  • missy0936
    missy0936 Posts: 1,507 Member
    Hello Everyone, I'm Melissa. I have pretty much met my weight loss goal a few times now. But alas I am back to my HIGH weight. I am what i weighted when i gave birth to my eldest son, who is now 10. and no I'm not pregnant. Ugh. I used to be a chef, which actually made weight loss easier because I went into work later, I rarely ate the food and I was busy moving about all day. Now I have a desk job and I struggle to find time in my day. Compounding have degenerative disk disease and some other back issues that have really limited my exercise over the last year. I am however determined now at 35 to regain my body back so I can feel like myself again. I could really use the support I was happy to see this thread. I look forward to hearing more from all of you!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi Melissa - welcome! I’m Tess and I live near DC. I’m in my early 50s and a year ago, was at my highest weight and found MFP (including the lovely people on this forum) to be a game changer for me. I’ve lost about 50 lbs over the past year and have about 30 to go. Just last week started adding strength training to my cardio workout. And trying to recover from the holidays! Like you, I’ve lost & regained weight so many times in my life - I’m determined that this will be the last! You’re right - this Forum is incredibly supportive.

    Looking forward to getting to know you! Post when you can.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning, scale down 1.4 - considering my weekend a scale ## up would have been strange.

    Melissa - welcome and stop by when you can. Many people at my job have gotten dr notes to get work stations so they can stand part of the time.......

    Chicken salad to go for work - it will probably make about 5 salads, so I only hope I dont tire of them.

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Monday.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    *cboys need an emergency vial of "gremlin removal" spray - cubicle neighbor is on my last nerve. Please Fedex.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hi all! Not having data is making this hard to keep up....

    Sara - hope you are feeling better... after I started with Scentsy, I second guessed and thought I should have done Pampered Chef...I have a feeling, would have been the same... people not wanting to buy/ have parties, cuz too many people sell it...

    Lana - safe trip! Let us know when you get there...

    Kristina - good luck to you! Stop in and see us when you can...

    Melissa - welcome! You have found a great group here!

    Tess - waves! Hope you are doing alright in this weather!

    Kathryn - Good news about DD getting most of her things back...the sentimental ones are the most important... how is Cal? Doing well I hope...Doing an online party shouldn't be too difficult while moving...I have a wonderful Sponsor and Director, if I need any help... before end of January would be great, if you can... you will get double half off hostess items... so, if you qualify for 1 you can actually get 2... January only...I have only done my own FB parties, so far...I will find out what, if anything, you need to do.... thanks again so much! I'm excited!

    Thanks for everyone's kind words about moving...I have just decided, we will move in with his Cousin and I will be ok with it... it will be tough at times, esp with "MIL" (not married but might as well be) she causes so much unnecessary turmoil... can only hope, with us living there, she won't feel the need to be there as much... no matter what, I will be saving money and if I feel it's not working, I will be able to get my own place....

    Gotta get back to work... if I missed anyone, I apologize... waves to all...

    Everyone stay warm and safe...we have a slight warm up this week... then, harsh temps and bad weather later in the week...

    Have a great day!
  • hickchic67
    hickchic67 Posts: 802 Member
    Welcome Melissa! This group is super supportive and has certainly helped me through several rough spots! I am trying to get back into the swing of things, setting a regular workout time/routine, eating right, etc. as I "recover" from the holidays and a bad year last year.

    Kristina - way to kick butt!! keep it up. stop in whenever you have time!
    Definitely keep us updated on the outcome of your mammogram. Finding something can be scary, to say the least.

    Sara - Hope tummy is feeling better. I was getting tired of chicken cubed or shredded in everything so I got a meat grinder attachment for my Kitchen Aid mixer so I can grind it & use it like hamburger. I don't like turkey, so ground chicken is better option for me. Plus cheaper than lean ground beef!
    I tried the crimper/sealer with a pie crust and it seemed to work ok. Kept dipping it in flour to keep it from sticking too much. I made some little hand pies with egg, broccoli, and cheese. Kind of a quiche to go. They were ok but I need to work on the recipe a bit more.

    Dawn - Callahan is doing great. As far as he is concerned, he is fine. We are still not letting him jump or run but he is back to his old self. He is not favoring that leg at all, so I guess its feeling ok. A couple more weeks and his 6 week recovery will be over and we will let him back to normal activities. His wounds are healing nicely but not sure if he is going to scar or if fur will grow back in those spots.
    Hope you have good weather for your move. Just let me know what I need to do for the Scentsy party!

    SIL got a new labradoodle puppy. She is cute as a bug and so soft and cuddly. She also has waaaaaay too much energy! I am glad Callahan is older and more settled. He is almost freakishly calm compared to other labs his age so I think we have been extremely spoiled with his good behavior.

    Woke at 3am this morning feeling like an icepick was being shoved into my right eye socket. It took 2 doses of one migraine med and one dose of another to get it to calm down. I did make it into work but only for half a day. Feel really worn out. I know I should still do my walking though. Just have to grit my teeth and go for it. The weight wont come off just by complaining (if it did, i would be pencil thin right now! hahaha)

  • samuelsson
    samuelsson Posts: 74 Member
    Greetings everyone! Sam here -- I definitely qualify as a "serial starter" and am glad to find this community. =D

    In summer 2013, I decided to change my life and started a keto/exercise lifestyle and lost ~60 pounds. Fast forward to 2017, and between a major medical illness and a divorce, I gained a LOT of weight (gained about 90 pounds from 2015-2017). Right now, I'm at the heaviest I've ever been in my life and have been struggling to recommit to a healthier lifestyle. So I'm back on mfp looking for some supportive mfpals -- I was really connected to mfp in 2013 and know it'll help keep me motivated and accountable.

    The subzero temps have made it easier for me to let myself off the hook with exercise, until I remind myself that I basically have a home gym in my second bedroom. :# So help me help myself -- and I would love to add new friends so I can support y'all as well!
  • tlsb2016
    tlsb2016 Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome Sam! Tess here. You are among friends and folks who have gone through similar trials. We definitely give each other a lot of support, focusing on moving forward and preferring to see past lapses as learning experiences that will help us get to our ultimate goals.

    Waiting for the bus home on the chilly weather if DC. Got some freezing rain today but warmer weather due in tomorrow. Will check back later if I can.

    Lana, hope you made it to NC safely.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member
    Good evening,

    Rained most of day - small flooding here, first good rain. Ravioli for dinner. After shower/ wash hand wash dishes and sit back and enjoy my new neck shoulder heating pad, will put timer on.

    Quick run through - wish all a good night.
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,348 Member

    Good morning, rain through Wednesday makes for wet dog after walks, but at least she is not "stranded" in the daytime.

    Welcome Sam, Queen of the Gremlins was in high gear yesterday so posting at work was not advisable. We use the word "kitten" to describe people on the board as the words we have tried to use becomes "kitten" so this lady really should be Queen of the "kittens"......

    Lana - peep when you can.

    Wave to all who follow. Stay warm and safe out there.