
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Lisa, my brother and his wife are both in the military and get deployed overseas to different countries as well. My mother has gone to stay with them and look after the kids for a short while when they are in between help, but they get au pairs to live with them to look after the children. I'm not sure where they source the au pairs from. They are usually from overseas, but they have to be able to drive in the States in order to take the kids to school etc.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Katla - I always wanted to do that, hubs not so much, so off to camp our boy dog went.

    I've been fighting a headache for about 4 days now. Today has gotten the better of me. I did get my walk in this morning because I wasn't about to not close those two rings on my watch! I can't break the streak for a headache. It did take longer than normal because my intensity was off, but I did it. That's what counts! I have taken a couple of cat naps this afternoon. I had such great plans for what I was going to accomplish today. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. My projects aren't going to go anywhere.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Joyce – We have a disc player. I don’t think they have VCR players any longer.

    Reason for loss of weight – maybe the ‘cold, awful hospital food’. I have no idea what I weigh at this moment; will get weighed next Wednesday. I hope I have lost weight. One thing that MFP did was reset my days running … I was happy about that.

    The PsycheMD who treated me in the hospital sent me home with taking my ‘bipolar meds’ being taken at 5:00pm, if I do that I am falling asleep at 7:30; she cut my Lamictal in half; but, that has been raised back to the level I was taking before I went in. That makes me a lot happier; because now I have a ‘total’ of seizure meds in my body at 100mg more than I was taken instead of 300mg less. While the reason I had to be hospitalized was due to not being as compliant about takin my medicines like I should; I also had 7 seizures that were witnessed from that Wednesday before. I don’t remember that Thursday or Saturday and I think that was because of the seizures. I see Neurologist in mid-February and I am pretty sure he will either do a CT or a MRI.

    Evelyn – Our Sears closed quite a while ago and our K-Mart is closing in April. I am still getting Rxs filled there; but, have called CVS and put in our names and birthdates into their computers. As soon as I transfer all Rxs over to them I will get all of them there and won’t be able to get the at K-Mart any longer. I’m really going to miss K-Mart; but, our favorite pharmacist retired the beginning of this year. Only one left that we have dealt with for years.

    I think the only thing we ever bought from Sears were our appliances and our treadmill. Not sure where we’ll go when they need to be replaced. Certainly, not Lowe’s, as they are expensive and charge a small fortune on interest if you buy them on time. We do have an appliance store in town.

    Barbie in Southwest Oregon – I have 7 implants. Would do it again if I could afford to; spent my inheritance on it; but, worth every single penny. Only 2 of them support a bridge (3 tooth) and the ones across the front (caps) lengthen my front teeth. I told the dentist that I did not want to have ‘rabbit teeth’ (just the front 2) so he recommended that I do all 4.

    I agree, Louis wishes he had gotten a second opinion about his teeth. Now he wears a full set of dentures and hates that he cannot taste anything if he eats with them on.

    I had no problem with my gums healing like they should; but, my oldest sister’s would not heal, so they had to take it out. A Periodontist did my posts; and, my regular dentist did the caps. Periodontist made my night guard. So I go to them now to get my teeth cleaned. I am hoping that my gums will be a lot better when I go back … not much bleeding since I started using and electric toothbrush and WaterPik. Because of side effects of cholesterol medication (I’ve been taken off it – at least until I go back to my MD. It was making the sides of the inside of my mouth and my tongue swell and I kept biting them. Today the swelling is not as bad and I am wearing my night guard all day.

    Becca – Love the “Give your best anyway” quote. Mother Teresa was a vey wise old lady.

    I do that and also the ‘middle digit single puppet salute’, too.

    I had the WW’s Cabbage Soup that I made up and made it spicy.

    Michelle – My maternal grandmother was so sweet. I was scared to death of my paternal grandmother. Louis’s grandmother was ‘hysterically funny’; but, with her children she had to be. They were always pranking her (and his granddad). I never met his maternal grandparents. She died as a result of having diabetes when his daughter was only about 2; his granddaddy passed away right before we got engaged (but before we broke the news to his parents; so I did not go).

    I get my medication in child-proof bottles and put them into a pill box. My only question is why they put so many everyday products in tamper-proof containers. I have a real problem opening them. Very evident this week when Louis isn’t here. Even with his arthritis, he can usually still turn the tops off. It took me 3 days of trying to get my POM bottle top off. I wanted to throw it across the room at the wall; but, figured it was burst open them and I’d have a real mess. I cussed it out … maybe that helped.

    Weight-wise, I am beginning to think that it isn’t that I will ever reach a ‘normal’ BMI. I have only broken past 160 once in this journey and put it back on within the next 2 weeks.

    The scales at the hospital were sort of like the ones I get weighed on at my MD’s office; but we had our shoes on and it weighed us in KG. Even multiplying that number by 2.2 was difficult for me. LOL!

    I only have one filling that is ‘metal’ the rest are that white filling. They won’t take it out because the tooth is cracked in 4 pieces. I would have to have another post and cap if they did.

    Barbie – I found one of the blankets my Mother knitted for my boys (I think it was Will’s). The ones that she did for Trey, I think were put in Taylor’s hope chest (maybe even the little sweaters). Will would stick his finger through the little holes in the change of pattern and now it has 2 small holes in it. I think if I get a skein of the baby blue and in the baby weight I can stich it together and it won’t show too much that it has been repaired.

    Lisa – One thing I learned in ‘group sessions’ was to look at life “10 Seconds at a Time”. You cannot go back and relive the past in order to change it. Having ‘regrets’ isn’t going to change things you did or had done to you. We are NOT promised tomorrow. Just today; and even then we could drop dead in less than 10 seconds. I think it is a shame that the military doesn’t understand that it might be a good idea to deploy married couple to the same place (unless it is in a war-zone) so that maybe they could have their children living there and be ‘exposed’ to the different societies. Of course, my DBnL was deployed to Vietnam 4x (little wonder that he is a bit on the cray-@$$ side). Then they went to Guam and the children went with them. He went to Turkey (without them) and my dear sweet sister-in-law divorced him. She basically had to because Vietnam had made him a lot meaner than he had been. She left him 2x (during the hard winters at Minot – West Hell of Satan. Then she remarried and she and new husband and the boys were stationed in Japan. Good experience for them even though they were fairly young. Might have gotten more out of it if they had been in their teens; then to Camp Lejeune for several years. Youngest son exposed to tainted water table and ended up dying from cancer because of it. He was still Mike’s dependent and therefore I was asked to run interference between him and Jane in order to get paperwork moving along so that he could get treatment. I have always remained close to Jane … I still consider her to be my sister-in-law and Don as another brother-in-law. He send me the greatest emails. Nephew dies when he was 40. On what would have been Mike and Jane’s 50th wedding anniversary. I don’t think either of them have been able to get over it. Every year they have that constant reminder, of his death and their wedding anniversary. Moving might be harder because the grandson would miss you and y’all would miss him. Unless you are just planning on moving out and into a house near them so the interaction could keep up.

    When my sister moved to Miami, she always had au pairs and they lived with them. Well, most of them did. They were from places like Germany and did not have apartments. She loved the

    Cathy, Arlington, TX – WOW what a difference between 3/14 and 7/17!

    Rye – My oldest granddaughter is short, too … 5’ – nothing. She said she ‘starved’ herself to remain thin throughout HS and was a cheerleader and on the dance line. Now, she is out of collect, looking for a job; and probably weighs 180lb, at least, if not more. She has had a hypothyroid and is now taking replacement medication. But, she does not look like she has lost anything. She wants to lose and wants to eat ‘healthy’. Was working out but not losing any weight because of the thyroid being underactive. I think she feels better now that she is taking Synthroid … but, probably has to change a lot of her habits. When she told me that something or someone told her she needed to eat 1500 calories. It sounds high; but, I told her to ask her MD how many calories she needs to be taking in to lose weight.
    Yeah, a hula hoop will definitely made some serious bruises on your body. I was very sore the first couple of days I was doing it.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Cathy ~ Great job! I am 5'1-1/2" and can attest that being short and older is difficult to lose weight.

    Excactly the same height as me, and it is hard, but I think it would be hard for me if I were 5'8" :(

    Janetr 7476
  • mlbh613
    mlbh613 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Barbie, glad you found 'it' to change your life....I'm still waiting for 'it'. What were the books you read if you care to share their titles?
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    We still watch many of our video cassettes, and have our VCR connected to our TV. It is a joint VCR/disc player. When we were stationed in Japan, we had no TV, so we watched VHS cassettes for entertainment. We watched Japanese channels too, our eldest loved the Japanese cartoons. This was in the early 1990s so transformer was big during that time.

    Leftover spicy soup! Yum!
    Weather here is quite stormy.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    I have to say ... I really like this method of learning. The whole course in a couple weeks rather than spread out over a 14 week semester.

    Of course I'll see if I still feel the same way when I get going on the project.

    One thing I kind of wish is that I had taken calculus before taking this particular course. It's the one area of math I haven't done ... and would be really useful here.

    Machka in Oz
  • mlbh613
    mlbh613 Posts: 12 Member
    I have 2 non-weight related questions: 1) how do I get the most recent posts to show first rather than Jan 1 or do I just go to 48 and go backwards? 2) someone ??? wrote that they finished a project of 'scanning photos'....well I too have 1000's of photos of my sons and they are taking up a LOT of space....any recommendations on which scanner to use or other helpful pointers?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    mlbh613 wrote: »
    I have 2 non-weight related questions: 1) how do I get the most recent posts to show first rather than Jan 1 or do I just go to 48 and go backwards? 2) someone ??? wrote that they finished a project of 'scanning photos'....well I too have 1000's of photos of my sons and they are taking up a LOT of space....any recommendations on which scanner to use or other helpful pointers?

    When I open MFP it takes me to somewhere close to where I left off. But I do have to scroll up a little to make sure.

    I want to scan a whole bunch of stuff. I found out it would cost about $400 to get it done by a company.
  • mlbh613
    mlbh613 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks Machka.....I'd prefer to scan myself because I literally have 1000's of my children's growing years....now they are long adults and responsible for taking their own family photos. I think I need to buy a scanner and I read that one of the members had done that so was reaching out to find how pointers.

    Thanks re the date issue....now I will leave myself on this page and see if that's where it takes me tomorrow. Have a great weekend.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    mlbh613 wrote: »
    Thanks Machka.....I'd prefer to scan myself because I literally have 1000's of my children's growing years....now they are long adults and responsible for taking their own family photos. I think I need to buy a scanner and I read that one of the members had done that so was reaching out to find how pointers.

    Thanks re the date issue....now I will leave myself on this page and see if that's where it takes me tomorrow. Have a great weekend.

    I do have a flatbed scanner and could do my own but it is very time consuming.

    First you'd want to look for a good quality scanner. Look at thinds like pixels and speed.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    edited January 2018
    mlbh613 wrote: »
    Hi Barbie, glad you found 'it' to change your life....I'm still waiting for 'it'. What were the books you read if you care to share their titles?

    :) In 2003 a friend gave me "Simple Abundance" by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Some years later, a woman on this thread recommended "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin. From that I found others and those books suggested others. There are many others, but those are a good start.

    :) I have been scanning photos using my printer/copier/scanner but today it is being fussy and won't scan, so I may be in the market for a scanner soon. I scan one photo at a time at the best possible resolution, crop it, name it and file it in the photo file on my computer that is backed up by an external hard drive. It is a time consuming process but the results have been satisfying.

    <3 Barbie
  • mlbh613
    mlbh613 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you......I need a good start :):):) (again)
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Cathy- love your before and after pictures. You look great!
    Went to a different yoga teacher today and met three nice ladies. My back is a bit tight tonight but I will keep on going. It is very cold and windy today so I’m glad to be home in my pjs.
    Not much happening here so will check in tomorrow.
    SueBDew in TX