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  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Just wanted to mention before I forget,Olive Garden has a spiralized dish on their menu. 2 diff veggies spiralized,mixed with pasta & sauce for 565 calories. Has anyone tried it?

    Pat in Ohio
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    patceoh wrote: »
    Just wanted to mention before I forget,Olive Garden has a spiralized dish on their menu. 2 diff veggies spiralized,mixed with pasta & sauce for 565 calories. Has anyone tried it?

    Pat in Ohio

    Sounds interesting ... but I haven't been in an Olive Garden since 2012. :)

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,577 Member
    Yikes! 10 pages behind...

    Have yet to try a new veggie recipe, does anyone have a favorite vegetable curry?

    Blood pressure, I always ask. It hurts and is high when they use a machine, normal and less painful when taken manually.

    Lou did your ins card arrive? Do you like to swim? Do you like the discounted gym's pool temperature? Does it offer aqua fitness or water aerobics?
    Lisa hoping no slips twixt coupe and lips ;)
    Cheri What a beautiful expressive face Pokey had. You did well to give her 14 years. {{hugs}}
    Kim "...all my stuff is going to her." Love it when that happends. Just sent 3 books and the last of the Christmas Fudge to my GodDaughter ;).
    Lenora sleeping through the night is great news! Fixer upper, Property Brothers etc make me crazy when they paint brick, saddling new homeowners with maintenance that they wouldn't have if they just powerwashed and repointed it... but I love watching those shows anyway! So glad Jo Gaines is moving away from shabby chic, not my fave ;)
    Wendy the Tumeric/cucurmin info was not only useful but inspiring. I've had skin cancer 4 times so will add to my daily regime. Thanks!
    NYKaren your DD looks like she is on her way through to Hogwarts! Great pic!
    Vicki thanks for the reminder about mothballs to repel spiders. I confess to murdering them with diatomaceous earth.
    Evie you and Kim are inspiring me to donate Mama's linen tablecloth and napkins that we will never use. Keeping the less formal blue cotton/poly set for just in case we have visitors. Currently use a vinyl red-checked that Joe loves.
    Joyce "thanks to me, Amazon was the top seller..." Yes I helped!
    Machka I love the feel of sun on my creaky bones, but must cover and screen as I've had skin cancer 4 times. Believe me, Moh's surgery would make you even sadder.
    Lisa sending thoughts of peace to your friend's friend. While she may feel guilt and not being able to save her mother, she couldn't have been closer to when she died.
    Cathy the furnishings are not included in Fixer Upper??? What a disappointment. What about Property Brothers?
    Barbie, Joe calls the DDS the "House of Pain". Sorry the cleanings are so brutal.

    Oops, past time, now only 8 pgs behind ;}

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Yikes! 10 pages behind...

    Have yet to try a new veggie recipe, does anyone have a favorite vegetable curry?

    This is one I made just a few weeks ago, and also about a year ago. I like it. :) I fill it out with sweet potato, carrot, cauliflower, and onion ... give them a quick boil, then put them in with the spinach etc. in the slow cooker.

    I haven't tried this one ...

    I've just bookmarked this one because it looks interesting ...

    Slender Kitchen has a number of good recipes. I have used a few of them. :)

    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka I love the feel of sun on my creaky bones, but must cover and screen as I've had skin cancer 4 times. Believe me, Moh's surgery would make you even sadder.

    There is that. I have had something removed from my back that they thought might be skin cancer. It wasn't, but the scar makes me look like I've been knifed in the back!

    I've also had several surgeries and biopsies for precancers of female organs.

    The thing is that as a Canadian for my first 42 years, when I say I got out in the sun whenever I could, that was like a grand total of 6 times a year. :grin:

    Victoria (Australia) had a bit more sun in the summer (but definitely not in the winter!) ... but Tasmania where we are now, I'm back to that grand total of 6 times a year. It's so cold here I rarely venture out in anything lighter than short sleeves, and those only on a few days.

    Whilst I love heat and sunshine, I've spent my life living in the wrong places for that.

    Machka in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Greetings Ladies! I hope everyone is doing well.

    Pat - I keep telling my husband that I am going to get Olive Garden's alfredo sauce and bring it home to put on zoodles one of these days! He laughs but I might actually do it. Of course, we have eaten at an Olive Garden twice in the last 10 years :smile: .

    Kelly - I hope you get back in the groove after some sleep this weekend. You are right that being tall does make it easier to mask when the pounds start creeping up....but it also takes longer to show coming off.

    Sharon - I hope you get some good news soon on the disability! I know we all worry about you. Hugs!

    Heather - way to stick with it and do what you have to to get back to your comfort zone. CONGRATS! I hope I can be just like you when I get to my goal weight. I am going to try to lose 5 below my goal so that I also have a buffer zone to stay within to be comfortable.

    Kate - You're getting there. You've made it back to the gym so that's a big plus! The food logging will follow when you are ready.

    Machka - stairs, ugh! I hate them. I always kind of thought I was just wimpy since my knees hurt anytime I use stairs. When I had the last big knee problem last June and finally went to an orthopedist for the first time in 25+ years, he told me (without me saying anything) that based on my MRI and x-rays, I must find it extremely hard to get up from sitting without using my hands, to ride a bike and to walk stairs and ramps. I felt extreme gratitude to know that it isn't in my head. Even with a 65 lb weight loss (so far), I still have manageable pain. It is definitely better and regular movement helps immensely!

    Michelle - hope you feel better soon.

    My weigh in this morning went way better than expected. Between my TMJ flare and low level headaches messing with my stomach, the weight has been coming off more quickly than anticipated the last couple of months. I'm not complaining about the weight loss, I'll take it however it comes! I slipped into the next decade this morning (by .2, but I'll take it). I have to make it through this decade and then almost through one more and I will be at my goal. I hope to make it by our 30th wedding anniversary in May.

    Have a great weekend ladies!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country where the wind was blowing so hard all night I thought I was back in Houston in a hurricane or back home in Oklahoma in a tornado!
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • mlbh613
    mlbh613 Posts: 12 Member
    Margaretturk: <3 Keep up the good thinking and loads of hugs, warm and gentle ones, back at you.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,566 Member
    Rye - It works not picking up the phone/responding to a text for "emergency" fill in on someone else's shift. That technique is used a lot and there's nothing wrong with it, lol. I'm sure your co-workers are glad you are there now so they can take time off and not feel guilty - and your planned coverage helps them I'm sure. Does the business you work for have a handbook? If you are working so many hours per day I would think you'd be entitled to some paid break time and it might be spelled out there. Often a supervisor isn't familiar with it but management is. You went through that extensive interview process - I'm sure they want to keep you happy.

    Cathy - those before and after photos are just fabulous, thank you for sharing! Very inspirational!

    Michele - glad you are feeling better! You are like the energizer bunny so you were down to the speed of a normal human for a day, lol.

    Joyce - hope you can make it to the cardiologist today! Looks like Indiana - and the Midwest in general - has had some crazy temperature swings in the past day.

    - so sorry to hear about your headache! Sounds like you are doing better this morning! Woo hoo! And congrats on the weight loss!!

    Wendy - I told my DH about your external hard drive not working, he said the expert should be able to get to your data just fine so crossing fingers for you. What a shock tho, I'm sure. Now I'm wondering if my back-ups are adequate :# Glad your DH was able to fix the washer. Whew! If it's not one thing, it's another.

    - I am another tall gal and I agree, we have more square footage to park a few pounds, lol. UP to a point. Now it's all migrating to my belly it seems. I really feel a it's a victory when my pants fit comfortably again, no matter what the scale says.

    I probably mentioned this before - Joe Cross, who was quite overweight and had some severe medical issues, went on a 60 day juice fast with lots of green juice like kale, spinach, etc., in addition to fruits. He lost a lot of weight - but it seems like 20 to 30 percent of what he lost was muscle, not fat. I keep that in the back of my mind as a reminder to me to get adequate protein, no matter what/how I'm eating. Adequate, but not too much. Seems like 40-50 gm per day is adequate for my age.

    Running to town this morning for a haircut. Anyone want naturally curly hair? Hoping she can trim off some of the frizz and get it back in line again. Not sure if it's due to using Velcro rollers for a couple years or if it's just the nature of it getting coarser and wilder with the gray. Probably some of both. A few months ago it was the length of Heather's. I've now been trimming it and it's a LOT shorter. And I'm having to plaster it with a great big glob of conditioner or else it looks like I poked my finger into the light socket - almost :s I'm not a hairspray person but probably should be.

    I can get away with self-cutting it up to a point but no more. Wish it would naturally fall into a "do" like Marilyn Monroe had with short soft curls but she probably had a hairdresser work on it for 2 hours to get it to look like that, lol.

    So Kennedy will get the challenge of giving me a wash and wear cut.

    Happy Friday!

    Wet and wild SW WA State

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,434 Member
    Today was the last day of class for the week (Friday), and I am glad it is the weekend! This week has been way more intense than what I normally do in a work week. I've got 3 more days of it next week, and then I'm back in my office.

    I like going to university, and I like the format of this course ... but it is a bit stressful, and I like that it is over with quickly.

    That said, it isn't over with in the middle of next week. I've got a project to start working on this weekend and which will go till the beginning of February and then a final exam.

    We were allowed to choose our project topics today ... pick one of four. First was a "meh", second was a "no", fourth was a "not bad" ... but I nearly laughed out loud when I saw the third topic. It's a data set from where I work! We're supposed to analyse these data sets, come up with a research question, and use various data analysis tools to attempt to answer the research question. I could almost stroll over to the policy/classification/analysis department, just over on the other side of the room at work, and ask them! But I won't. I will, however, tell my work partner ... he'll get a chuckle out of it.

    Anyway, I took it a bit easier today ... only walked a slow 7 km. After work, instead of going for a walk, my husband and I went to Bunnings (big hardware store like Home Depot, etc.) because he needed a few things for the orchard. Meanwhile I strolled around and looked at stuff ... but didn't count any of that strolling in my 7 km.

    Speaking of the orchard, they are in the thick of picking, packing, and shipping right now.

    My husband brought home a 5kg box of cherries a couple weeks ago, and I made those trifles I mentioned earlier ... tomorrow I'm planning to make another apple-cherry crumble. I would simply make a cherry crumble, but these cherries are so big and so sweet that they're too strong for a crumble on their own. They need apple or pear or something with them to tone them down a bit.

    Now I'm going to head to bed to read a bit. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,310 Member
    Lanette I also have naturally curly hair. Grrrr! Gel and leave in conditioner and oil are necessities when I’m going out among humans.

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,566 Member
    Lanette I also have naturally curly hair. Grrrr! Gel and leave in conditioner and oil are necessities when I’m going out among humans.


    - isn't it nice to have a built - in barometer? The answer to how humid is it = how frizzy is my hair? LOL. Sometimes I dream about having Machka's long glossy hair. :)

    Frizzy hair SW WA State
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Okie in the TX Hill Country where the wind was blowing so hard all night I thought I was back in Houston in a hurricane or back home in Oklahoma in a tornado!

    Believe me the wind was horrible here yesterday making it so cold I could not warm up all day. I think it's supposed to be better today wind wise, but colder temps. I'm so over winter. Lol

    Janetr OKC