

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,653 Member
    stats for the day:

    all apple watch-
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.08min, 11amph. 1.4mi= 67c
    *old* SKI MACHINE- 30min, lvl10, 15-20resist, 122avvstpmin, 1.39mi= 178c
    other- 13min, incline row n ab slide crunches= 72c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 5.56min, 14.8amph, 138mhr, 1.4mi= 45c
    Bike ride PUY 2 SUMN STA- 15.43min, 139mhr, 11.6amph, 3mi= 118c
    jog sta 2 wk- 5.19min, 147mhr, 9.53min mi, .5mi= 56c
    jog wk 2 sta- 5.03min, 9.45min mi, .5mi = 61c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.55min, 7.9amph, 2.6mi= 138c

    total cal 739
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Janetr so sorry to hear that your sister has passed.
    Heather the girls are so cute!
    Kelly Joaquin is equally cute!
    WI was today. I am up 1.2 lbs. I know I didn't eat in the neighborhood of 4000 extra calories in the past week, even with the pizza, so I'm guessing there must be some water retention happening. I did an extra long session on the elliptical yesterday and muscles are protesting so that may have something to do with it also. Just need to be extra vigilant this next week and hopefully that pound will go away and take 1 or 2 of its little friends with it!! lol
    Still need to catch up, close but not quite there yet!
    Have a good one!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yesterday's follow up appt w/Dr. was a mixed bag.
    + BP 125/80, 2 lbs down, TriGlycerides, HCL ok, blood clots GONE, possible to get off Xarelto in another 3 months.
    - LDL and total cholesterol too high.
    To bring the LDL and weight down Dr. wants me to eat a cup of celery/day, try to avoid simple sugars, processed foods, and... wait for it... limit alcohol to 3 drinks a week. My kneejerk reaction "I don't want to!" :noway: He explained that my current 1 beer or 2x 3.5 oz glasses of wine/day might have been in the ok range when I was younger, but my aging body is less able to process alcohol. He also wants me to throw away any ice cream from the freezer. The theory being that if I have to go out for it, it will be less frequent and more of a treat.
    Well. :noway: Don't know of any specialty yummy ice cream parlors in town, only DQ. NOT throwing anything away... Instead will only allow ice cream when I've walked for at least an hour.
    As for the booze, the best I can imagine at this point is to make the 2 line dance class days alcohol free, bringing it down from 7 to 5 days/week. Heather, I may be ordering that AF beer from Amazon real soon!
    Dr. talked to Joe about sleep apnea which Joe strongly resisted. Dr. said if he could lose more weight (he's lost 12 pounds recently) then the apnea might go away (doubtful, believe it's structural in his case). He also talked to Joe about the brandy... so Joe bought some sake today to substitute/lighten up. When I told him what the Dr. wanted me to try, he surprised me by hinting he might be interested in some AF days too. Amazing!

    Janet :broken_heart: "...like a second mom" so a double loss. ((hugs)) :cry:
    Rye Ankle push outs, do you try to keep your heel on floor as well as big toe? Can't see how to do this.
    Michele I didn't even notice the first recipe had no chocolate! The second is a definite possibility to offer Joe when he wants DoNettes. Thanks! ;) My fingers tingle too in the cold, and then they burn. Handwarmers help.
    Pam Brava for the decluttering!
    Carol I cannot believe 15* in GA, this winter is nuts!
    Heather precious pink ballerinas!
    Cheri hope your birthday was full of joy and fun.
    KJ and the Suspicious Breast does sound like a mystery I'd love to read ;) Love the Blueberry Monster pic!
    Kim "I really work harder in a scheduled class than I do on my own. . ." likewise. The social aspect is important too. Hope you find something convenient, affordable and F U N!
    Sharon are the sleep issues very recent? Ditto those that urge you to the MD.
    Allie will keep good thoughts for your Dad. Your brother, not so much ;)
    Cinnamonhuskies Brava for Zumba and snow walking, glad your husky is feeling better.

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gifStats for today:
    *16,000 steps
    *160 minutes walking Sasha and Bessie
    *117 minutes riding the exercise bike

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Machka, than,myou for the link but I know what Reynauds disease is. This is severe nerve pain as my sensation is coming back after the stroke. I was supposed to call my doctors office Monday to give him an update of my blood pressure readings. I forgot. So I called today and told him about the pain. Charlie has tried to get me to increase the dose. As an nurse, that is just something I can't do. So I don't know what my Dr will have me do. When he put me on it he said that some people don't get relief until they reach 3400 mg a day and I am on 100 mg four times a day. So I have a feeling that. Will get my dose increased a bit. We are a bit warmer today. It's a. Warm balmy 21 degrees and feels like 11 degrees. But that is a lot better than it has been.

    I didn't go to choir practice because of the cold and what singing does to me. Thank you for all of your concern. It means so much to me. It is amazing the family of sisters we have here,

    JanetR, so sorry about your sister, I am the middle child, I had 2 sisters older than me and 2 brothers younger than me. My oldest sister had cancer and died when I was 16, she was 20. But my other sister and I Re so close. She has had so many health scares, I don't know what my life is going to be like when she dies. She is only 18 months older than I am, has had cancer twice, really bad blood pressure problems, lots of falls, so,e of them due to very low blood pressure. One time she called me from her car, had no idea where she was or how she got there. She finally was convinced to wear a medic alert button.

    G,night ladies, Joyce, Indiana
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Joyce, hugs sweetie. Hope this all gets better for you soon and you can begin feeling better. The remaining four of my family are now 73, 70, 69 and me 68.

    Janetr OKC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Lenora: It sounds like you're actively dealing with health issues. I hope you're able to find a good balance soon. :star:

    Heather: Love the photo of your granddaughters in their dance clothes. :heart:

    NYKaren: Thanks for the lentil soup recipe. :smiley:

    Had an unpleasant phone call with my housecleaner. She wanted to clean tomorrow and I don't want her here this week because I'm not feeling great and it is inconvenient. We eventually worked it out. I finally told her I'm not feeling well before she agreed to come next week, and I didn't appreciate having to argue about it over the phone. I find that her work leaves me irritated. The floors are clean, but every picture on my walls is hanging at a weird angle when she leaves. It seems to me that she rushes through things and doesn't do them well. This may not be a successful "match." We'll give it a bit more time. Advice welcome.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Katla, sounds like she doesn't care enough to do things the way you want them done. You need to cut her loose. I cleaned house for a living for 3 years and always listened when people had specific requests and tried my best to make sure they were carried out. And I always made sure pictures were on the wall straight, to the point that one time we were just starting a new customer and chatting with them. I noticed a crooked photo and had to excuse myself to straighten it. The customers were delighted. Your woman doesn't care enough to do little things like making sure pictures are atraight. What else is she not bothering with?
    Sorry, my rant is over now. Good luck with whatever you choose to do!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    Sending hugs for Joyce and Lenora. Pain is no fun. :s And for anyone else suffering. <3<3<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Allie - It's difficult to deal with others and their emotions. Please make sure you are keeping firm boundaries and that you are looking after yourself.

    Margaret - I have started taking the tart cherry juice. Refreshingly tart. Larry tried it and spit it out.
    Not for everybody.

    Terry - No change in my meds. Maybe it's the time of year? Our busy season is over, so maybe just my body rebooting.
    I am glad you can be there to support your daughter. It sounds like she is having one tough week.

    Rye - You're a good daughter - in- law. Did you enjoy the movie?

    Katla - Your description is how I feel. Bit of a headache and the exhaustion. Hope it doesn't last too long.

    Janetr - So sorry for your loss. Hard to lose such an important part of your life. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Heather - Your little ballerinas are adorable.

    Cheri - Hope you had a wonderful birthday. May this be your best year yet.

    drkatiebug - I am sorry for your loss as well.

    Lenora - I have participated in 3 sleep studies through the years. It keeps coming back that I do not have Sleep Apnea.

    Joyce - I hope you start feeling better soon.

    Major disappointment when I tore open the envelope from the government. Disability denied. I will be challenging that. My disability doesn't meet the prolonged designation? 17 years and getting worse and that is not prolonged? Apparently it doesn't qualify as severe? That is based on the fact that the cortisone eases some of the pain. I'm so mad that I could spit. I wondered if the fact that I have fought to continue working was going to hurt my chances and it did. I now have to find how many days I did not work this year alone and note that it was due to pain. I may have to do last year also. I have to make doctor's appointments. Get new X-rays, probably get the doctor to write a letter. I have 90 days to dispute. I will be disputing long before that. They then take 90 days to decide.

    I called my brother to vent. I discovered that when he was denied that he didn't have the energy to dispute. He definitely fits the prolonged as Dr. Wong filled in the prognosis as death - end stage renal failure. Maybe they count on people not disputing. I thought he sounded weird and asked what was wrong. He went into emergency a week ago Sunday. He has a periteneal infection. He is taking antibiotics intravenously and another orally because they can not identify what type of infection it is. He is getting blood work done 4x week. They only kept him in the hospital 2 nights and one day. He got to emergency at 2 p.m. in the afternoon and they got him into a room at 2 a.m. I asked why he never called or texted me. He says "Didn't anyone tell you? I thought it was odd that you hadn't called?" His girl friend wants to be treated like family but didn't bother to tell me about my brother. He is a trouper though he will do his antibiotic, go to his Senior's pot luck and joke around then home to do his dialysis. He says he is glad there is no snow to take care of right now.

    My sister got out of the house to deliver my Avon. She made me notes from my government letter as to what I need to do. Thanks but I do know what to do. She tried to make Les leave when he was in the middle of his coffee and a conversation with Larry. I asked what her hurry was and it was because she had scheduled 45 min. at my house in her head. They stayed another 20 minutes.

    My darling girl did some terrific tulips on tile with her alcohol inks. She just keeps amazing me.

    I have to take Harmony to the doctor tomorrow so that she can get a referral back to the Ear specialist. Some people have told me that Harmony doesn't look well. I know that she eats properly when my son is home but when he's not I think that Kim lets her eat when and what she wants. The woman needs some serious nutrition lessons. I try to get through but......she thinks that Bear Paws are good for kids. I better not get into this one.

    I was going to try to go for coffee with Holly's Mom. Guess we will see how long Dr. appointment goes and what else comes up.

    -Sharon in Lethbridge

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2018
    Janetr :'( (((Hugs)))

    Heather The Tiny Ballerinas stole my heart...

    Kelly ...and then Blueberry Joaquin stole my heart. My grandson used to LOVE blueberries just like Joaquin does!

    NYKaren Thanks for that lentil soup recipe. It looks delicious.

    Vicki Grand Island and Oregon Barbara Very helpful ideas, Thanks!

    Nobody missed Cheri's birthday post...I happened to know from FB, & posted birthday greetings on our thread.

    Karen in Virginia

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,319 Member
    edited January 2018
    Barbara - as a fellow drinker I understand your pain. Our government recommended limit is 14 units a week. By my reckoning you are drinking around 16 units. Your doctor is right - us old folks don't process alcohol as well, so our poor liver suffers. :o Yesterday I drank too much, but with the help of my v low alcohol beers I am staying within the weekly limit. I'm AF 4 or 5 days a week now. :D Friday we usually share a bottle of wine and I might have something Saturday or Wednesday. Or both. :o The ice cream and the alcohol won't be doing your weight any good. Are you logging the calories? The AF beers vary greatly in their calorie count, some are very low, others not. I also drink an AF cider, but it is high calorie, so I only have half a bottle at a time.
    Luckily I am not an ice cream addict, though I will have a homemade one a few times a year. Sugar is not our friend. I do make one for guests, which is delicious, with only frozen raspberries, Greek yoghurt and stevia. o:)
    The LDL may not respond to diet changes, unless you go vegan. :noway: Not all doctors worry about it these days. Opinions vary. It would probably respond to intermittent fasting.
    Good luck with your new regime. <3 I had to experiment until I found a couple of beers I liked. Now I order them by the case from the micro brewers.

    Katla - Do you employ your cleaner "as and when", or does she come st a regular, weekly time. If it is regular I would pay her for her slot, whether I wanted her or not. The only time I wouldn't pay her was if she couldn't come. I pay my cleaner for my holidays, even though she doesn't have a key. As for the quality of the cleaning - I have found they all have their quirks, blind spots and things they are good at. I have had several who leave things misplaced, probably to show they have "been there". It is annoying, but I have never had a perfect one. I had to ask yesterday for ours to take the cushions off the sofas to hoover under the cushions. If I want a "deep clean" of a room I ask for that and make it clear I don't expect her to get round the whole house. Mine does about half to two thirds, depending on how "deep" I want each room, and I specify the day's tasks when she arrives. Every cleaner has an obsession, for my last one it was the range stove. Spotless!
    If your cleaner doesn't respond to your specified wishes, including straightening the pictures, then it's time to change her.
    Some of the agency cleaners I have had don't speak much English and it's harder explaining to them. I found one almost flooding our oak floors with water, when I wanted her to use wipes. I think she realised I was horrified!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Trying to watch Broken Brain but link only gives 9 mins of music, there are other comments from people in UK and Belgium about it not working. A bit disappointing.

    Kate UK <3