

  • nataliecg926
    nataliecg926 Posts: 82 Member
    I once was so obsessed with my weight loss (back in 2012-13 when I lost 60 lbs) that it was all I could concentrate on and I skipped my exams at Uni because I couldn't even focus on school (failed all 5 classes that semester obviously)...thankfully I am over that obsession and have a healthier mindset today :neutral:
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Confession: I gave my husband a list. It wasn't a terribly long or complicated list and I told him to get two things on it at Target, the rest at Aldi. He only went to Target and came back without Clorox wipes. He said he couldn't find them. I have spray cleaner and paper towels, but I am so disappointed not to have the convenient thing while I am sick. Also, he overpaid for bread by miles. Sigh...

    What a brave woman! I hate sending hubby for a list. I will ask for 1 item of something perishable and he will buy 3, what is worse most of the time I am asking for 1 item of several perishable items and he will buy 3 of each, His answer is that he does not want to run out. I spend the next week being creative on how to store and use up all the perishables in the house.

    Gotta love him though he is a great guy.

    My husband is a great guy. I love him. But I hate to send him shopping. I just had to have the few things on that list because I went to urgent care instead of the store on Saturday morning. I have not left my house since I was diagnosed with flu. I will have to today because Tyler will need a ride home from school, but I won't get out of my truck then. I might go to the PO Box before I pick him up since I have no fever so far this morning, but no way was I going out into the "oh, my gosh, it's gonna snow!" crowd last night.

    Don't blame you on not wanting to brave the snow crowd! I always laugh at the way people freak out over most of the storms with the exception of the blizzards. Half of the people at least where I'm from are out the same day if not the second day.

    As for driving after a storm in the south, It’s not the ice I am worried about. It’s all the people not use to driving in it. Unfortunately in the south they don’t invest in equiptment to clear the streets.

    It happens so rarely, the equipment would dry rot or ruin before they needed it. It's easier to just tell everyone to stay home, which they don't do. Glad I was not out on the roads the last couple of days here in Houston.

    That's what they've done in Chattanooga, where my daughter lives. Just stay home they said. UTC was closed and she said half of her apartment building went to Atlanta. So much for listening.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    So, I had dream last night that hubby had an affair with a coworker, fathered a child, and then brought the baby home, plopped her in my lap without comment and expected me to take care of her.

    I woke up really, really angry. Which was funny, but wasn't funny because I was still angry. :D

    What did you eat before you went to bed???
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    So, I had dream last night that hubby had an affair with a coworker, fathered a child, and then brought the baby home, plopped her in my lap without comment and expected me to take care of her.

    I woke up really, really angry. Which was funny, but wasn't funny because I was still angry. :D

    What did you eat before you went to bed???

    Ummmm...leftover Mongolian BBQ. (I had to think about it, I couldn't remember. LOL)
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    So, I had dream last night that hubby had an affair with a coworker, fathered a child, and then brought the baby home, plopped her in my lap without comment and expected me to take care of her.

    I woke up really, really angry. Which was funny, but wasn't funny because I was still angry. :D

    I get so angry with my husband if I have a bad dream about him too. And that's not fair to him because he didn't actually do anything. But the dream him is a dick.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Confession: I gave my husband a list. It wasn't a terribly long or complicated list and I told him to get two things on it at Target, the rest at Aldi. He only went to Target and came back without Clorox wipes. He said he couldn't find them. I have spray cleaner and paper towels, but I am so disappointed not to have the convenient thing while I am sick. Also, he overpaid for bread by miles. Sigh...

    What a brave woman! I hate sending hubby for a list. I will ask for 1 item of something perishable and he will buy 3, what is worse most of the time I am asking for 1 item of several perishable items and he will buy 3 of each, His answer is that he does not want to run out. I spend the next week being creative on how to store and use up all the perishables in the house.

    Gotta love him though he is a great guy.

    My husband is a great guy. I love him. But I hate to send him shopping. I just had to have the few things on that list because I went to urgent care instead of the store on Saturday morning. I have not left my house since I was diagnosed with flu. I will have to today because Tyler will need a ride home from school, but I won't get out of my truck then. I might go to the PO Box before I pick him up since I have no fever so far this morning, but no way was I going out into the "oh, my gosh, it's gonna snow!" crowd last night.

    Don't blame you on not wanting to brave the snow crowd! I always laugh at the way people freak out over most of the storms with the exception of the blizzards. Half of the people at least where I'm from are out the same day if not the second day.

    As for driving after a storm in the south, It’s not the ice I am worried about. It’s all the people not use to driving in it. Unfortunately in the south they don’t invest in equiptment to clear the streets.

    We have the equipment here in Northeast TN. We also have mountains and foothills and hollers that are hard to keep ice free. My kids were on a 2 hour delay today. I didn't need it here in the valley near the river, but my friend Missy lives up on the ridge and I know her kid's bus would have trouble when it was 4 degrees at 6 am.

    Edited to remove double quote and add that five years ago, we were without power for 4 days because a tree limb broke and took out a transformer. We all slept in the same room and used my oil lamps to see by. I cooked on the deck with my Coleman stove. I know why people run to get the basics if they don't have them, I just don't get why they don't keep them.

    Agreed at any time my pantry has a weeks worth of food. I rotate it so nothing goes old. Even if we don't have power there is always something to eat.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I think I need to follow Spamarie's example and just work on the veg portion of my healthy eating. I am good at protein consumption, but suck at the veg part. Baby steps.
    I managed to push myself on my first work out back and set myself back a week with DOMS. Ever have it so bad that your muscles all feel bruised and hurt when people touch you? Just now getting to the point I can walk with out pain.


    Hoping your pain has subsided!

    I know I need to get back on track with my eating!

    Like you I need to try to incorporate more veggies in my diet & cut back on the mindless snacking/binging around my period.

    Today so far I had a protein bar for Breakfast & four servings of cereal with Greek yogurt for lunch.

    Cereal is a killer for me, I can't eat just one serving. It's the box or none~!

    Cereal never had staying power for me. I always felt like I was starving 2 hours after I ate it. I never could keep to a serving either. To me it just was not worth it.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    I once was so obsessed with my weight loss (back in 2012-13 when I lost 60 lbs) that it was all I could concentrate on and I skipped my exams at Uni because I couldn't even focus on school (failed all 5 classes that semester obviously)...thankfully I am over that obsession and have a healthier mindset today :neutral:

    I'm glad too. Weight loss can't take over your life. Life style change is better.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I am just shy of overweight for the first time in my life. Nasty, nasty reality. I need to do something fast.
    Tomorrow I’m heading back to school, have to pack up all my stuff tonight. I’m getting nervous about registering for classes and stuff.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am just shy of overweight for the first time in my life. Nasty, nasty reality. I need to do something fast.
    Tomorrow I’m heading back to school, have to pack up all my stuff tonight. I’m getting nervous about registering for classes and stuff.

    Look at it from the other side. I am a healthy weight rather than I am getting fat.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ate/drank way more than I planned, (1600!) but I have a deficit for the first time in ages. Yaaaaaay. I got into a horrible, hours-long fight with my close high school friend today about social justice/antisemitism/communism/etc. etc. but managed to agree not to talk about it anymore and watch TV together. I really did miss her and she was a good friend to me in high school so it sucks that we had to fight. She's gotten more radicalized since I knew her.

    I understand that....I have a close friend that has been radicalized in the last few years and it is so hard to deal with! <3
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Taking a 4.5 day weekend may have been a bad idea. I have lost my patience with the stupid around here. I have a coworker who was complaining that there's no coffee in one of the break rooms.

    Me: is there no coffee in the supply closet?
    Jane Doe: I don't know. I didn't look.
    Me: (goes to closet, brings back coffee, dumps in drawer) Problem solved.

    Seriously? You're an adult. You have children. And you can't open a closet door to see if there's coffee in it?

    This happened at work today. First day back after being off ill for 3 days, the printer/copy machine was out of paper. All I got was "Yeah, wasn't sure where the paper is". This is a 7 room building, no bigger than a house. It wouldn't take you long to find it. 1 room is the kitchen, 2 of the rooms are toilets, 3 are offices and the last one is the Archive and Store Room. Take a wild stab where you think the paper would be?


  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Headed on a work road trip today, then a haircut. Maybe spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. Have a little charity powerlifting meet tomorrow that's more just for fun than anything.

    Hey, @Lois_1988, I heard an English saying and I wanted to see if you knew it. "Teaching your grandma to suck eggs." Is that a common saying?

    Yes it is. It means telling someone something they're already an expert in, as though you know better (when you don't). An example is my dad who likes to question or correct my mother's French. My mother is French. My dad isn't, and doesn't even speak it very well to say they've been married for 37 years!

    So grandmothers are experts at sucking eggs??
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    Headed on a work road trip today, then a haircut. Maybe spaghetti and garlic bread for dinner. Have a little charity powerlifting meet tomorrow that's more just for fun than anything.

    Hey, @Lois_1988, I heard an English saying and I wanted to see if you knew it. "Teaching your grandma to suck eggs." Is that a common saying?

    Yes it is. It means telling someone something they're already an expert in, as though you know better (when you don't). An example is my dad who likes to question or correct my mother's French. My mother is French. My dad isn't, and doesn't even speak it very well to say they've been married for 37 years!

    So grandma's are expert egg suckers?! :smirk:

    Yup, that is what I got out of it too :D
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Boo to the flu! Got my free shot last year due to being preggo so hoping to avoid the particularly nasty strain going round this year. I don't think I've ever actually had a real flu, just heavy colds. I don't know, maybe I'm more awesome than I give myself credit and just didn't whinge about the flu, but I doubt it!!

    Lookalike as a teenager was Wednesday Adams! Pale, straight dark hair and big eyes I guess. Helped by my goth phase and dying my hair black.

    Hubby looks so much like an older Chase Elliott, it's uncanny. Double weird because I have a brother and a grandfather named Bill Elliott. It's a common name, I swear hubby and I are not related!

    Kelly, in my head you look like a girl I used to know at uni.

    Was the flu shot only free because you were pregnant?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    My husband is pretty good at grocery shopping (just as well since I was so housebound recently, he even knew which sanitary pads to get) unless it's meat as he doesn't eat it and had no understanding of it. He can manage chicken if I am VERY specific!

    I haven't a clue how to service the car though, we each have our areas of expertise!

    This is good <3
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Boo to the flu! Got my free shot last year due to being preggo so hoping to avoid the particularly nasty strain going round this year. I don't think I've ever actually had a real flu, just heavy colds. I don't know, maybe I'm more awesome than I give myself credit and just didn't whinge about the flu, but I doubt it!!

    Lookalike as a teenager was Wednesday Adams! Pale, straight dark hair and big eyes I guess. Helped by my goth phase and dying my hair black.

    Hubby looks so much like an older Chase Elliott, it's uncanny. Double weird because I have a brother and a grandfather named Bill Elliott. It's a common name, I swear hubby and I are not related!

    Kelly, in my head you look like a girl I used to know at uni.

    Was the flu shot only free because you were pregnant?

    Yes in my case, but it is also free to the elderly, health carers, cancer patients, people with diabetes, asthma and other long term conditions I can't remember. After what's going around this year, I'm sorry tempted to pay for the flu shot next year if it's not crazy money. It's not guaranteed to work, but it's better than nothing!
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Confession: I had my first creme egg of the year already. For shame!

    I saw mini eggs the other day!