

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    Oregon Barbara I use a regular strainer and a commercial size coffee filter to strain my yogurt, ricotta, etc.

    Lanette I'm with you. Not ready to give up all dairy, gluten, fruit. My goal is to have a diet consisting mainly of vegetables, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, yogurt, heavy cream, grass-fed butter, olive oil, avocado and berries, with occasional coconut oil, legumes & grains. I feel good on that diet.

    Karen in VIrginia

    Karen - I think you hit on the key here: "I feel good on that diet." Your diet sounds yummy!

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    edited January 2018
    Episode 3 of Broken Brain is available now: https://brokenbrain.com/03-dementia/ and looks like it will be up for the next 24 hours. Topic is dementia and alzheimers.

    Their email notification doesn't seem to be on top of it!

    Here's the link for episode 4 on ADHD: https://brokenbrain.com/04-adhd/ It's not available now but probably will be tomorrow.

    HINT: every day or so, search https://brokenbrain.com/05, then 06, 07, 08 and Google or Bing will find the rest for you. Hopefully all 8 episodes will be available. It looks like Episodes 1 and 2 are still available, at least right now.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth let us know how the great yogurt experiment turns out....I make mine with whole milk, but have tried it with 1% and it's pretty good. I strain my yogurt in cheese cloth over a colander and check it cause I don't want to have yogurt cheese! I'm with Heather, I like it pretty tart so I let it incubate a little longer. It is most definitely more economical than buying the Fage yogurt I enjoy. My 1/2 gallon of milk costs about $2.29 vs. Fage already made yogurt $7.00 for the same amount of yogurt.

    Lanette and Terry Maintenance really is hard for me, what has spurred me on (besides checking in with you all) is the recognition that I don't feel well when I overdo it. If I pay attention to how poorly I feel, and remember how much better I feel when I control my food choices, I can keep from the comfort food binges. But for sure it is a swinging pendulum, and I can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Katla wrote: Wendy: I'm sorry for the troubles with your stolen credit card, and also that your DD is moving away. (((HUGS)))

    Pip: Love the photo. I wish my body looked that good.

    Arrow was a big jerk yesterday. His owner warned me that he was barn sour from lack of work. She was absolutely right. I am so glad I don't own the beast! Working with him is increasing my skills, though.

    thanks for thinking of me Katla. I agree with you that Pip has a beauty body and I don't think she looks old. She looks like someone who will be attractive, strong and healthy all her life. No wonder she has got a great partner who appreciates her and does so much with her. They look so happy together.

    I have been thinking about you and Arrow. I think that if I had to choose a "spirit animal" mine would be the horse as I identify so closely to their ways. They were created to move their bodies constantly and that is also how I feel.
    I used to have a third job, as well as bee keeping and travel agency. I worked at a preschool and I had to be in the office for four hour stretches. My work would be finished in 30 minutes and then I would have to sit and wait for the phone to ring etc. I began to call it my prison and I would watch the clock. Minutes dragged by excrutiatingly slow. Drove me crazy. I swore I would never take another inside job. And if I was a horse, I would hate to be kept in a stall. horse prison.

    I look at things from his point of view. How bored Arrow must be. How crazy. I wish I could buy him (long distance) and put him with a small herd of horses on hill country with a stream running through his pasture. If he MUST be locked in a stall, I would try to make it as interesting as possible, give him a horse ball toy where he can lick it for a treat, leave music on for him and give him hay through a slow feeding net. Obviously, he must get SOME turn out time but it isn't enough if he's feeling sour and unhappy.

    I am glad that you have learned things from Arrow. Obviously he has more lessons to give you. Keeping my horses happy is a priority to me. And they, in return,keep me very happy too. I'm not trying to lecture you or make you feel guilty at all. I am just trying to get you to see things from the horse's point of view. I am always trying to teach this to my students who come for riding lessons. My favourite "lessons" are taking my students to the beach or forest for life lessons out of the arena. Wow, we've had some big lessons out in the real world! Learning to be courageous and control our fears and progress little by little. Learning to have empathy for the sentient being who is in our power. We have the power of God over our pets, large or small. You feel angry with him because he did some dangerous and unco-operative behaviour. You want him to be a good angel always. Are you a good angel always? LOL. I'm not. Horses are mirrors. <3 Wendy

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Terry ~ I am a worry wart! Thanks for the reminder.

    Carol in GA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    Had a great app on ipad to time my KB workout but it seems to have disappeared and I'm going crosseyed trying to find it or something similar on App store, downloaded a couple of apps but not what I want

    Kate UK <3

    I use Tabata Timer on my tablet for workouts. Love it.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2018
    Lanette, wrote "Of course, I had to order one - the price is now pretty reasonable on these hand-cranked ones. I'm thinking this will be a great way to make salads more exciting in addition to being a pasta substitute - there are a lot of neat recipes on the internet now. DH is even interested - maybe I can get him to take a bite of salad! Will have to be drowning in salad dressing though. Sigh."

    Which did you order, I have a manual one but would be interested in something with a crank and multiple blades :)

    Janetr OKC
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,385 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Lanette, wrote "Of course, I had to order one - the price is now pretty reasonable on these hand-cranked ones. I'm thinking this will be a great way to make salads more exciting in addition to being a pasta substitute - there are a lot of neat recipes on the internet now. DH is even interested - maybe I can get him to take a bite of salad! Will have to be drowning in salad dressing though. Sigh."

    Which did you order, I have a manual one but would be interested in something with a crank and multiple blades :)

    Janetr OKC

    - I got one made by Briefton's off Amazon. It has five blades and cost around $30 with tax. I saw a lot of similar ones with varying prices. I bought this particular one because that's the one Barrie uses, lol. It comes with 3 ebooks. Maybe something like this is what you have in mind?

    Good luck!

    Rainy SW WA State
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    LANETTE and JANET ashamed to say I bought my spiraliser last year and it's still in the box

    Found an app for my KB swings yay

    Kate UK <3
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »

    We have a new Olympic sport going on in our house. It's called competitive grooming. My two felines can really get into it. And it never ends well. They start out grooming an ear and they end up biting or strangling each other.

    Joyce, Indiana where it reached 28 degrees today!!!!!!

    What a clear and vivid picture you painted of the cats! My boys do this too, but they would not have made it past the Olympic trials. They get tired and just collapse on each other in a ball!

    Hoping the Prescription dosage change helps you!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    Katla - You have no obligation to Arrow. If the stables don't care enough for him to make his life happy and fulfilled I don't see why it should fall on your shoulders. It sounds as if they are not doing their job and are neglectful. Why not find a better stables who look after their horses properly. It is not your responsibility.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited January 2018
    Lanette, thanks sweetie, gonna go now and check it out.

    Kate, hooray on the find a good app.

    So my daughters and reacting to their Aunt's death, because I was a single Mom most of their growing up years, my oldest sis babysit for me while I worked and when school would start would take them school clothes shopping, etc. The oldest one said to me this morning, promise me you'll be around for at least 20 years yet. The youngest piped up more like 20-30 years yet. Oh my, I'd be 98 lol But it's nice to know they want me around :)

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka, Heather, Barbie, Lanette, Terry, Michelle, Okie, Terry thanks for sharing your experiences, supportive comments and suggestions. I have been logging alcohol and sweet treats. Dr. said concern was moving from total CICO to quality of calories in. Tuesday was AF, Wednesday was 5 oz wine divided into 2 servings, Yesterday was AF again. No ice cream so far ;) Baby steps.
    Thunder last night announced a terrific hailstorm. Tumble was very curious, nosed and licked but refused to go out onto it. This morning it looks like ice crusted snow. :noway: Noooo! :noway: No ice here on the Coast! They PROMISED!
    Car repairs: When I try to call a car noise to Joe-the-retired-mechanic's attention, he leans over and turns the radio up. There! It's fixed! ;) Had to give up my little wannabe Land Rover when the transmission went out the second time. First was covered by warranty. Second would have cost $4K for a re-manufactured one. Too much to put into a 12 yr old vehicle, I thought. Now I'm not so sure. Have car payments on a car I really don't like much instead of bopping around in one that I loved.

    Marcelyn beef to Texas? Is that like coals to Newcastle?
    Katla none of us needs the stress of "having to argue" with people hired to work. Listen to yourself and look for a better match.
    Machka, thanks...I'll try to be open to feeling better... ;)
    Meggie had to look up buti yoga. Sounds challenging but also fun. Good for you!
    Sharon, Denied? Grr. Sounds like you have some good :rage: energy to fight this wrongheaded decision. Couragia!
    Lanette, "... to binge on kale" That (re-)program would make your fortune! ;)
    Lenora "could not refuse the package with the refill of a drug that I was told to go off"??? Ridiculous. Does the mail order pharmacy have an appeal or ombudsman process? $125 would be too much for me to shrug off... :anguished:
    pip Santa's got an armful of cutie! Omigosh, bikini babe!
    Beth, I remember Ovaltine. Yuck. Would have to be really sleep deprived... of course back then we didn't know about lactase deficiency... :sick: Ditto what you said about the wise words of these women coming back to us later. They resonate, help us to grow. What is a yoghurt strainer?
    Allie so glad your Dad made it through the 'scopy ok. Glad he has distractions to carry him through to next week. Praying for him. . . and you.
    Sharon Could whatever Jason is doing be affecting Harmony? She's seems thin/dark circled. Wonder if she knows something's changed and worrying herself sick?
    Pat BRR, that brings back memories. Can't believe its North Carolina :noway: What bizarre weather!
    Joyce "competitive grooming" LOL!
    Kelly you are right, someone knew something was wrong... and didn't call CPS. A lesson to us all.

    Mindful and WARM Hugs to all,
    desismileys_4280.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.

    thanks :0)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Heather & Karen: We have our cleaner come every other week. She skipped us to take a trip to Mexico once, but had her daughter come to the neighbor's house that week. She has also missed due to other family issues. We pay her well for her visits, but she rushes through, leaves pictures on the wall kitty-wampus and doesn't mop or dust as well as we'd like. She expects $100 per visit & works half a day. We are thinking about a change & will pursue it when we get back from our upcoming trip. :grumble:

    Karen: Lanette gave me a link to the first broken brain episode and I watched it with interest. How do you get the rest of the episodes? :huh:

    Lanette: How do you get the rest of the episodes? :huh:

    Heather: "I'm pleased to say that, at the moment, my brain and body seem to be on top form, but I am also aware that that could change through no fault of mine. Sometimes we are just dealt a bum hand in life. I'm giving myself the best odds through my lifestyle, but luck is not a lady."

    I feel the same way as you about giving myself the best odds in life that I can. Finding MFP, and this group of women, has been a huge help in that quest. :flowerforyou:

    Terry in VT: "Katla, no use paying for a housekeeper who stresses you out, Start looking for a new one now so that when you want to change you are ready. You are paying her, it isn’t free so you should get what you want."

    I agree completely. :star:

    Allie: I'm happy that your dad is currently home with you & hope for a very good outcome from the next surgery on Wednesday. :heart:

    Kim: I agree with you about the cleaner. We'll be looking for someone new as soon as we get back from our trip to see grandchildren. :grumble:

    Sharon: Arrow was a jerk yesterday. He bucked during lunging and was unresponsive while I rode. His owner warned me that he'd had too much stall time since I last saw him. She was right. :mad:

    Wendy: I'm sorry for the troubles with your stolen credit card, and also that your DD is moving away. (((HUGS)))

    Pip: Love the photo. I wish my body looked that good. :flowerforyou:


    Lanette & Karen: We went gluten free for a while. The food was higher in calories, less satisfying, AND it didn't improve DH's health situation. We went beck to our regular foods and simply count calories. There are people with gluten allergies, but neither of us is in that group. :noway:

    Arrow was a big jerk yesterday. His owner warned me that he was barn sour from lack of work. She was absolutely right. I am so glad I don't own the beast! Working with him is increasing my skills, though.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending." CS Lewis

    thanks :0)