Serial Starters



  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Good morning Sara ~~

    I am going to try to reduce the size of snow heap blocking driveway, but all I have to use is a steel gardening rake (sturdier than a leaf rake), but best to at least try. If I don't reduce this heap and it doesn't melt on its own, grocery delivery (or ambulance) could not get up driveway.

    Later, I plan to go for some kind of walk somewhere. Activity points for me today.



    246.4 today
    250.0 highest
    185.0 goal
  • Meowz217
    Meowz217 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey! Im absolutely a serial starter and looking for friends and support/motivation!
  • hraasch12
    hraasch12 Posts: 10 Member
    Last evening I started getting a sore throat. This morning it persisted and I have some chest congestion going on. I'm trying to pretend the Hubs didn't give me his sickness. I took a nice long nap this morning after the pups got me up to be fed.

    Spent several hours studying and decided to postpone my exam for a week. I'm not quite confident in it yet and if I am getting sick that won't help.

    I did manage to get my Daily Burn True Beginner workout in today. It felt good and I'm glad I did it.
  • shelouu
    shelouu Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2018
    I gained 25 pounds in 6 months from my last attempt in may 2017. That’s when I realized it’s time for REAL. This time I’m trusting the process, tuning in on my nutrition, sticking to my food goals as best as I can and not beating myself up about it. I’m creating a caloric deficit and logging all aspects of my weight loss journey. Really understanding why you’ve failed in the past is key to planning your success in the future I think
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good afternoon/ evening,

    Hello new posters Lily - Meow and Shelouu, welcome! We are seeing what new things 2018 will bring to help us with our weight. Stop by and post when you can. Currently we are posting quotes from the "beck diet solution" but we will have QOTD (question of the day) and QOTW (question of the week). I often post them, but anyone can.

    I am just stopping through - hope to post after dinner.

    Mushroom /ham / cheese quiche in oven and roasted veg with chicken broth (and a little milk) will be soup for dinner . Quiche to take to lunch and soup for dinners part of this week.

    Took nap with dog and had to get up otherwise I am not sure how well I would sleep tonight. Sunday Comic Strip had a man looking at a calendar and every day was Monday! Yikes.

    Lana - hope you get an opening for your driveway so the groceries can be delivered.

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    edited January 2018
    Good morning,

    Weigh in down 1.6 - thank you - must be all that extra walking we have to do at work - construction in the building makes us walk more. As that is short lived may need to just add more walking.

    Oatmeal on stove. Dog is fed for morning. Knitting - 2 different color blue scarves and a dark purple scarf on tap before I dive into my boxes again. I have 2 needles lined up for when the baby yarn arrives.

    QOTW; what will you be focusing on healthwise this week?

    AOTW: rain here off/on for week, so how to get walking in.

    Wave to all who follow. Make it your best Monday - lurking from work.
  • kelley555
    kelley555 Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning! I'm back. Lost about 19 lbs on WW felt great. Then I found out my job is going away in April, the holidays and overall stressful time and I gained 8 lbs back. I decided to come back to MyFitness Pal instead of the new WW plan. Love reading everyone's post here.

    Today starts a new day!!!
    188.2 CW
    160.0 GW
  • heal130
    heal130 Posts: 23 Member
    Happy Monday
  • heal130
    heal130 Posts: 23 Member
    So much for app that works only first 2 words of post
  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member

    Down .2. Not surprising as I only started tracking on Thursday and then didn't track much since then. It was hard with birthday plans for DH and a big playoff football game with football snacks. But mind is set and determined to really dig in now. I would like to be back at 155 before I have to see my doctor in early April.

    Welcome to all of the new people!

    Lana - I'm sorry to hear about your friend and your snow! We haven't had much snow here (central MN) and although we were forecast for a storm for today, it has all blown south of us. It's fine with me but some people are wishing for snow.

    Sara - I'm sorry to hear about your rent increase!

    Settling into the new house but feel like we didn't accomplish much this weekend. I think we needed a break. Will have to hit it hard over the next week and a half if we want to get our storage unit empty before we have to pay for February.

    Have a great day!


    Current weight: 164.0
    All time high: 177.8
    Goal: 145
  • LanaCabana537
    LanaCabana537 Posts: 3,893 Member

    Good morning All~~

    Sara - *****Congratulations***** Fabulous weigh in! Good for you!

    Annie - I guess that the storage unit is a good motivator, yes? You'll get it done!

    Welcome to new peeps! Waves to all who stop by later on.

    *tossing hat and beach bag onto favorite lounge chair for later*

  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Hey all! Sorry MIA, again..we've moved in with the Cousin and almost immediately felt unwanted and in the way...I know, it's a huge thing for him having 2 people and 2 dogs invade his space 24/7... so, I'm sure it's just adjustment time.. in all honesty, I don't think he really wanted me and the dogs... but, he felt he didn't have a choice if he wanted SO there...

    Sara - great WI... maybe, continue the extra walk, even after construction is finished?

    Lana - hope you were able to get a walk way... extra exercise points?

    Trying hard with Scentsy...I have 2 FB going right now... really, really hard to get people's interest... think it's just a bad time of year... here's the link to Kathryn's party, if anyone is in need of some yummy scents or just want to browse and, maybe fall in love with something fun...

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Psst, Dawn thank you for the link.....
  • Saltine24
    Saltine24 Posts: 143 Member
    Wow Saltine, you are just a bundle of energy! Cleaning your whole house this weekend? I am hoping to vacuum a room or two! LOL! Atta girl for all the kilometers you are clocking.
    Where do you live?


    Lana ~ I live in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada...also known as Winter-peg...hahaha Hopefully you were able to remove the snow without too much difficulties.

    Sara ~ Great Wl congrats & well done!

    Cleaned house this weekend about 4+ hours from top to bottom plus was able to BBQ on Saturday because the temperature has been really nice out here & couldn't resist the opportunity to BBQ in January. :) Also made 2 different flavors of homemade dog treats for my fur babies & to my surprise they really like them...may have to start doing this a bit more often.

    Tattoo removal site seems to be healing nicely from Friday's appointment.

    Woke up late this morning so could only run 3.60 km in stead of my usual 5 km but I did walk 6.58 km during my lunch.

    Waves to everyone who follows & welcome to all newcomers.

    Have a great day!

    ~Saltine~ >:)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member
    Good evening.

    Order placed on Kathryn's party - thank you. "My Dear Watson" scent - the cboys recommended it. ;)

    Should be creamed soup but it is more like chunky soup for dinner, oh well still tastes good.

    Humidifier at work I was cleaning it and lost the spring to it - :s luckily I remembered that I will be at that store on Wednesday and with any luck can pick up a new one.

    Stay warm and safe out there. Have a good night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Psst, Dawn thank you for the link.....

    You are welcome! Thank you for your order..
    I appreciate it
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sara-Love My Dear Watson! One of my favorites for sure! Hope you are able to get your spring for humidifier!

    Saltine - nice job on house cleaning! Great points for exercise! Great way to warm up, too!

  • ASalner
    ASalner Posts: 496 Member
    Argh! The brown rice in my reds beans & rice would NOT cook tonight. So, hubby picked up Arby's on his way home from work at 7 p.m. :( So much for a great diet day! The red beans & rice are in the crock pot now in the hopes the rice can finish cooking and we can eat it for supper tomorrow night.
  • arniedog74
    arniedog74 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Annie - there's always tomorrow :)
  • Tilliesmommy1
    Tilliesmommy1 Posts: 5,352 Member

    Good morning.

    Yarn at door last night. Dog barking so I knew something/someone was there. Pretty colors and will enjoy making these blankets. Sometimes the colors are "meh"....

    Oatmeal on. Will keep quiche option open for awhile as it is easy to set up lunches. 2 scarves going to work to be donated. Small projects and large projects on needles to keep my fingers/ mind busy after dinner.

    Annie - I second what Dawn said - beans and rice will be there for you this week.

    Wave to all who follow. Lurking from work.