
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Welcome newbies. Jayne and Forina. Glad you are a part of this group. Jayne, there are a lot of TX girls on the thread. I live 45 miles SW of Ft Worth. Practically neighbors. Lol.
    Heather - your big nite out is over by now so I hope it was as much fun as it looks like. My favorite song is the title song, The Sound of Music. I actually saw a stage play at a threatre in London many years ago. Loved it.
    Michele- Medicare doesn’t cover Silver Sneakers but some supplements do. my friend’s supplement covered it last year but this year they are only covering half. Don’t know why the change. Our supplement doesn’t cover it but theY is a bargain because I like the classes. Was paying $10 a class for yoga now it is included. I hope to get up the nerve to do water aerobics but it is so cold outside I don’t want to catch cold going out to my car.
    Need to get up and move.
    SueBDew in TX
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Well...I did it, I cancelled my membership to the Y and got a membership at another gym. In a way, I feel like I lost my right arm. Probably because I've been a member of the Y for so many years. But I know deep inside that it was the right thing to do.

    Afterwards, went to Big Lots to get some mints and then to WalMart to get a few things. Came home. Steve left. Went to Habitat for Humanity and got 2 more exercise DVD's (like I need them) But they were only $3 with 25% off. Now who can resist that? The good thing about buying exercise DVD's at HforH or the Salvation Army is that they are usually in really good condition. One of the ones I got still had the shrink wrap on it! Then went to Aldi to get the rest of the food for cooking this weekend. Just got back from taking two of the cats to the vet. We'll probably have to take the other two next week since they'll be due for their shots, too. Got dinner ready, now here for a bit

    M - what happens to the cauliflower? Vince will eat a carrot, so I'm not worried about that. But if he can see cauliflower, he won't eat it. Does that break down, too? I'll give it a try. If you can see the cauliflower, I'll eat it. Next time I just won't put it in. I wonder if you can use almond milk instead of coconut milk?

    fionawilliams - first of all, welcome! I have a Cardio Metabolic Interval DVD (this is for the rebounder if you have one), Stephanie Vitorino's Body Target, Ultimate Weight Training Cardio workout with Terry Simpson that I'd be willing to give you. I also have Kathy Smith's Lift Weights to Lose Weight DVD and for that one I'd only ask for the cost of the postage (if you are in the US it's usually a little less than $3) To be honest, I have A LOT of DVD's, I couldn't even begin to tell you which I like best. I periodically get rid of some to make room for new ones. Just PM me if you are interested. You'll soon find that I do all sorts of different DVD's.

    Welcome anyone else that I missed

    Terry VT - Silver Sneakers is an exercise program for mainly people who want their exercise to be low impact (I'm trying to be sensitive here -- oh heck, it's mainly for senior citizens). My understanding is that you can go to any gym that has the Silver Sneakers program and use it. I am thinking that you can probably use it for other classes, too. That would be for me.

    Heather - you look so great!

    Lenora - (((HUGS))))

    SueBDew in TX - I usually really dry off, dry my hair (then curl it) so I'm not cold at all when I go outside after a water class.

    Michele in NC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Regarding potatoes and sweet potatoes and your recommended servings of vegetables, I believe sweet potatoes count but white potatoes do not. Sweet potatoes, although starchy and higher in calories than say, broccoli, rank way up there in nutrition. Something else I read said that legumes only count as 1 serving, regardless of the amount you eat. That was interesting.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,445 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M - what happens to the cauliflower? Vince will eat a carrot, so I'm not worried about that. But if he can see cauliflower, he won't eat it. Does that break down, too? I'll give it a try. If you can see the cauliflower, I'll eat it. Next time I just won't put it in. I wonder if you can use almond milk instead of coconut milk?

    No, cauliflower stays looking like cauliflower.

    Sweet potato is the only one that seems to disappear to mush. I was a bit surprised by that the first time I made something in the slow cooker with it. And since then, if my sauce is a bit thin, I'll add a bit of sweet potato to thicken it.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,445 Member
    Hi ladies, quick question!
    Does anyone know if there is somewhere on MFP to find your performance summary by year please. I have last year's and would be interested to know how it compares to previous years.
    Thanks, if anyone has the answer.
    All the best
    Karen UK

    On the laptop/desktop version ...

    See where it says Reports at the top. Go there and start clicking various options. The ExportData link might do it, but you might need Premium.


    Machka in Oz
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    All right y’all. I know there are tons of people here with opinions, so I’m asking yours. I have been to two different tile places looking at tile. I have one more to visit on Monday. Both options that I am showing you match the countertop, but the taupe one with brown undertones brings out the darker flecks in the granite more. But the one little tile in the accent of the gray option matches the granite exactly. On the other hand, I’m in love with the accent tile that matches ojapae989xon.jpeg
    the taupe. The hexagon will go on the floor, the subway on the shower wall and around the garden tub. The accent will go wherever accents go.....the thing I can’t decide is whether I want the hexagons and subway tiles to be the same color, in which case I have to go with the gray, or whether I like the taupe well enough to live with a white subway, which is in the picture but barely. The granite is in the middle. Ignore the shadows from the lights.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Here’s a better picture of just the taupe with the white subway and the marble accent.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    All right y’all. I know there are tons of people here with opinions, so I’m asking yours. I have been to two different tile places looking at tile. I have one more to visit on Monday. Both options that I am showing you match the countertop, but the taupe one with brown undertones brings out the darker flecks in the granite more. But the one little tile in the accent of the gray option matches the granite exactly. On the other hand, I’m in love with the accent tile that matches ojapae989xon.jpeg
    the taupe. The hexagon will go on the floor, the subway on the shower wall and around the garden tub. The accent will go wherever accents go.....the thing I can’t decide is whether I want the hexagons and subway tiles to be the same color, in which case I have to go with the gray, or whether I like the taupe well enough to live with a white subway, which is in the picture but barely. The granite is in the middle. Ignore the shadows from the lights.

    I like the taupe for a kitchen as the small grey squares look more like something for a bathroom to me.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Yogi when he was a little fart

    This just cracks me up!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Drkatiebug ... I am horrible at making choices like yours! We are looking at wood laminate flooring. I came home with 13 samples,,

    Janet ... thinking of you. 10 pounds is great!

    Allie ... praying you through this time ... hugs ...

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Langman, I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. This is for a bathroom, not a kitchen. The hexagon is for the floor and the subway for the shower and tub surround.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well guys, I am still alive. It's just that my iPad wasn't. It wasn't holding any charge at all. Sim did what my daughter has always said. If your iPad is acting up, power off and power back on. Well first of all you have to get enough charge in it to power off. So after plugging my charger in many outlets, I finally got 10% charge and last night I powered off and on. So the morning it was 100% charge!!!!!!!! I was jumping for joy! So I fm ally got to,e to read. Guys, I a, not embarrassed to say I usually sleep until 11 AM. I really feel good with 10'hours of sleep. I go to bed around 11 and it does take awhile to get the brain asleep.

    Had my first OT appointment today and have a set of excersise for my left arm to strengthen it. My grip strength and wrist strength was way off from my right and left. So I had to get a 1 and 2 pound weights. And a good squeeze ball.

    Although I don't use my Silver Sneakers program card, we get it on our Medicare Advantage plan. Ours is Inited Health Care through ARRP, It is more than a gym plan, at our Y, the Silver Sneakers also has a group that just meets for fellowship and they discuss things that affect seniors. They have special speaker come in and give talks that are appropriate to the group. The Silver Sneakers website has a list of all gymn that accept your Silver Sneakers card. I believe Planet Fitness accepts it. We really need to get our membership at the Y. Both of us need it. Our other Y here in town has a special boxing program specifically for people with Parkinson's. But it's downtown, hard to get parking, further away and just another reason for Charlie to say he doesn't have a problem.

    I had another drop in my blood pressure while I was standing yesterday. I was at Sam's picking up my meds. So I called Dr. C and he made another change. I really needed to do laundry today but since we were out all afternoon, it wa tonight that I had. Y laundry ready to go downstairs. With my left arm, it's hard for me to take it down there so it's another task Charlie does for me. He doesn't want me to do it because he doesn't want me to do it and get all dizzy again with him gone. Yes, it's Karaoke night again. Wednesday and Firday night. Well I got the first load down there anyway. Yep, I'm a bad girl.

    I wish Michelle had gone to vet school. It was her goal as a child. She has always had an interest in animals. When we had our shelty, she was the only one who could take care of him if there was something wrong. One time he ran out into the street and broke his leg. He had dressing changes and other injuries and the dressings were painful. But she always had a way with him. When she had her boa, th boa got pneumonia and she had to give him shots in his muscles. Where in the world do you find muscles in a boa? The whole thing is muscular. It how do you learn where to give it? But she did. But she didn't concentrate very much in high school and barely graduated. So there went post high school anything. We have a technical school here in town that has a vet tech degree that o k ow she would love. It it doesn't fit with her full time evening work schedule. She has tried college but did t have the stick-to-it to do school and work. So right now she is content to just be an animal advocate and foster and jade her three beloved dogs. When one dies, she fosters another and she knows she is always a foster failure which means she goes ahead and adopts the dog she is fostering. My sister in law used to be a secretary at a vets office. She was there long enough, they let her sit with animals when they were coming out of surgery and other jobs in the surgery area. This led to more and more jobs back there and eventually she was a vet tech. It didn't have any certification. She really enjoyed it. I know that is how a lot of vet techs get their job. Michelle also really likes working so the exotic animals like snakes, sugar gliders, etc.

    The tearing in my left eye is driving me crazy tonight. I have rubbed my eye enough that I gave myself conjunctivitis. But the tearing started after the stroke.

    Our weatherman said that dreaded 4 letter winter word last night. Might happen next week.

    Drinking calories. There is a drink that I do like. V8 makes a vegetable fusion juice that tastes like grape juice but is mostly vegetables. I do like it. Sometimes I liked it a bit to much and drank to much of it. A.though I do love a good OJ, I also love a fresh orange. Same with a good Apple. Nothing like a good GALA Apple. But I also love my sodas. I love Sprite and Coke but when I drink a coke I make it about 2/3 diet and 1/3 coke. That isn't possible for the Sprite because there aren't any self serve areas that have the diet Sprite. It's the same with Pepsi. I do love diet 7 Up. If I don't have the ability to be at a serf serve, I order in sweet tea and put sweet n low in it. Problem with all this is the caffeine in the coke and tea products. The Sprite and 7up is fine but the others aren't. Catch 22.

    Ok, gotta go, enjoying figure skating. Can not wait until the Olympics!

    Joyce, Indiana.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Kittywh - welcome to a wonderful group. You'll get lots of encouragement here

    Heather - your party sounds lovely. So glad you had such a great time and thanks for sharing it with us.

    Terry in VT - how interesting. I didn't realize the vonTrapps settled in VT!

    drkatiebug - personally, I like the second (the one on the right) better. I think the other looks so "boring" like any other bathroom tile. Plus, I tend to prefer to contrast something rather than trying to match it.

    Joyce - Jess called today (I wasn't home). Vince said that he thinks that it's just now starting to sink into her what all this means. She was saying that maybe she should wait and go to NC State. Hopefully, Vince talked her out of it. He told her that this has always been her dream. If she doesn't seize it, she might not get the chance at NC State and always regret her decision. I think he was able to talk her out of it. It is a big move, the airfare is something like $1,000 so to be honest, I'm not expecting her to come home much. Jess went to a vo-tech too and absolutely loved working with animals. So sorry about your eye. Do you have medicine for it?

    Michele in NC
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Terry in VT - I had no idea the von Trapps were a real family! Wow! To be my age and just now find out is a bit embarrassing. That is so interesting though. I'm going to have to dig into that more.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :) I taught a new dance to my line dance class today. It was a pretty easy dance with very catchy Irish music. Everyone seemed to like it and most learned it fairly quickly.

    :) Jake went out to lunch with a friend so I had the house to myself for a few hours to ride the exercise bike and watch figure skating.

    :)Heather, you look fabulous in your Sound of Music outfit. I'm glad it was fun for you.

    <3 Barbie desismileys_1848.gif