

  • ladylaura777
    ladylaura777 Posts: 68 Member
    edited February 2018
    Its odd how half my post did not - post -
    ~ Laura from snow country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,056 Member
    Its odd how half my post did not - post -
    ~ Laura from snow contry

    If you were posting using your phone, and tried to include a smiley, you'll lose your post from that point on. It's a glitch in the system.

    M in Oz

  • ladylaura777
    ladylaura777 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks M from oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,056 Member
    One week till I start my next semester! Or more specifically, 9 days. I don't feel ready, but whatever, the semester starts whether I'm ready or not.

    Meanwhile, I'm trying to catch up on a few things at work.

    Machka in Oz
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Jeri Lynn, sorry to hear you are having marriage problems which definitely are so stressful it will be affecting your health and weight. Men are difficult beasts to train! Hope you can come to a decision or find a solution to your problems sooner, rather than later. <3 Wendy
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Kerri - welcome! Glad you found us. Please report in whenever you feel the need, and make your posts as long as you need. <3B) You have been through so much - kudos for analyzing where you need to be and how to get there. Stay warm (maybe menopause is helping with that B) )

    Dana - so happy to see you back! :) Doesn't surprise me that your mom and sis pulled a fast one with the inheritance, from what you said before they were, shall I say, unstable? Glad you are able to put that behind you now. How is your back doing, by the way?

    Heather - even tho my doc said keep exercise to a minimum to let my foot heal, I miss cardio and wonder if the elliptical might be OK. When I go to the gym, it seems they are the most popular piece of equipment. I will check it out.

    Because of the cold weather next week, DH was able to move his doc appointment to March 2nd. According to Accuweather, we should be back up to 38 at night and 50 during the day. Much better than the low of 17 expected next Tuesday morning.

    I did my shopping run this morning. There's a checker at one of the grocery stores who never smiles, and always looks on the verge of tears. A couple years ago she had a black eye. :'( So, I decided my project today would be to try to make her smile. I was the only one in her line and we had the opportunity to make small talk - I managed to get her to joke about something and she actually told me "have a nice day" three times as I picked up my grocery bags. (By the way, I don't blame her for not being cheerful all the time, considering some of the nasty customers that go through these lines! Good gravy!)

    I am not saying this to pat myself on the back, but to say I think I got more pleasure out of it than she did. I remember the days I'd have at work when I was feeling depressed or angry about something, and a customer would take the time to smile and say something silly which cheered me right up.

    , I think the "be kind" comment you made this morning was resonating in my subconscious. Thank you for the reminder.

    SW WA State

    That's a great attitude to have, to make people happy! When I worked at a grocery store, I asked y manager if I could hug customers. He said by all means, so I did! I would ask them if they got their 5 a day. They would ask 5 what. I would answer 5 hugs a day more optimal health! So then if they asked if I was giving them, and I'd say, "I'm the sample lady, of course I do"! It was a great job, and I was great at it!
    I bet you made that gals day. Put hope, when she was feeling hopeless.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,056 Member
    Feb 2016: 470.53 km (292.4 miles) = 40 hours 39 min
    Feb 2017: 600.5 km (373.1 miles) = 57 hours 30 min

    So for February, I'll go for something in that range ... somewhere between 2016 and 2017. Or maybe more, we'll see how February plays out.

    Really busy with work and university the first 8 days of Feb, so it's not likely that I'll rack up the big numbers then ... but I've got a bit of a break after that ... :)

    Feb 1 - 7.9 km walking (98 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)
    Feb 2 - 3.2 km walking (40 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)
    Feb 3 - 32.24 km cycling (100 min)
    Feb 4 - 29.25 km cycling (90 min)
    Feb 5 - 7.3 km walking (90 min) + 5 flights of 20 stairs (4 min)
    Feb 6 - 7 km walking (85 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)
    Feb 7 - 2.2 km walking (25 min) + 8 flights of 20 stairs (6 min)
    Feb 8 - 4.6 km walking (55 min)
    Feb 9 - 2 km walking (25 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)
    Feb 10 - 4 km walking (50 min)
    Feb 11 - 101.57 km cycling (350 min) + 0.8 km walking (10 min)
    Feb 12 - 45.53 km cycling (140 min)
    Feb 13 - 5.3 km walking (66 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)
    Feb 14 - 1.8 km walking (22 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)
    Feb 15 - 1.8 km walking (22 min) + 4 flights of 20 stairs (3 min)

    **Kind of eased up the last couple days. Very busy (as usual?) but sometimes you just feel like you need a little bit of a break.**

    2018 Monthly February
    Walking Distance (km): 47.9
    Walking Time (min): 598.8
    Cycling Distance (km): 208.6
    Cycling Time (min): 688.0
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Number: 41.0
    Flights of Stairs Climbed Time (min): 32.8
    Other Distance: 0.0
    Other Time: 0.0

    Total Distance (km): 256.5
    Total Distance (miles): 159.4
    Total Time (min): 1319.5
    Total Time (hr): 21:59:30