

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,676 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.48min, 147mhr, 11.4amph. 1.4mi= 103c
    apple watch- 74c
    *old* SKI MACHINE- 10min, 125ahr, 139mhr, 2lvl6, 40resist, .36mi= 96c
    apple watch- 89c
    floor exerc- 22.37min, 2 sets of 10ea, single leg toe touches, ceiling to fl single leg touches, single leg squats, ab sliding crunches, sliding planks on hands and on elbows, squats, 136mhr= 146c
    apple watch- 129c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 6.18min, 14.8amph, 139mhr, 1.5mi= 63c
    apple watch- 51c
    RIDE BIKE PUY 2 SUMN STA- 16.15min, 146mhr, 11.3amph, 3mi= 158c
    apple watch- 118c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.53min, 130ahr, 160mhr, 9.02min mi, .5mi= 73c
    apple watch- 58c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.35min, 9.53jmin mi, 150mhr, .4mi= 58c
    apple watch- 52c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 21.54min, 7.2amph, 145mhr, 2.6mi= 240c
    apple watch- 159c

    total cal 942
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    :)Joyce, we pay for a lot of extra cable channels and one of them is an NBC sports network. We spend a lot of money each month for cable TV and two DVRs because TV is the center of our entertainment.

    :)iamimagine, I don't have children but I have a husband who gets lonely when I'm gone too much so I have dumbbells and ankle weights and a recumbent exercise bike so I can exercise at home.

    <3 Barbie
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    pip "boot strapper", don't ask me to explain it, but when I read that I somehow couldn't help thinking of that picture of you and Kirby in LV :)

    iamimagine - welcome. Oh, how we all can relate! You'll get lots of support and some ideas, too. We've all BTDT and are continuing.

    Michele who is getting ready for the race tomorrow
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Allie, what Katie and Terry said! Please don't feel that you are letting us down! I'm sure that everyone on here understands that you just want it to be over with. We just don't want you to get taken advantage of. HUGS for you!!!
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    iamimagine, it's true, we do all share your frustration, but I do have to ask... have you taken measurements lately? A lb of fat takes up more space than a lb of muscle, so it's quite possible that all of your work is building and toning muscle instead of making you lose weight.
    It's going to be back to the gym for me on Monday, really need to get my butt back in gear, gotta turn some of this flab into muscle! And need to lose some weight! So glad that my back is feeling better, was able to walk up stairs today!!! lol
    Have a good one, ladies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    iamimagine wrote: »
    she says “don’t focus on the scale”

    She's right. I don't focus on the scale. I weigh once a month is all. BUT I measure. Every two weeks I take tons of measurements.
    • neck
    • right bicept
    • left bicept
    • chest (above boobs)
    • bust
    • bra strap line
    • thinnest part of waist
    • around the middle at my belly button
    • around my "pooch" which is 4 finger widths below my belly button
    • hips
    • right thigh
    • left thigh
    • right calf
    • left calf

    And I see those measurements move. I may not see the scale move but the measurements do. Albeit slowly, but they DO move. And the clothing gets looser.

    I lost 55 pounds, regained 5, which I haven't lost. Want to drop another 10 pounds. I've been working on this 10 pounds for a year now but haven't seen that scale budge. BUT I have dropped inches. I'm in better shape. I ran my marathon and will do another one this year. I feel better. I make better choices.

    It is tough with kids, my daughter really struggles as she got tired of fixing two meals but she is slowly training her kids to eat the foods she eats. They now eat vegetables they'd never tried before. They are learning to love healthy fats instead of junk food. She stopped catering to their choices and put her foot down and said, kids, it's healthy or starve. Found out they'd rather eat healthy. lol

    Try something different on the days you don't have your trainer sessions (I totally get the "kid" comment, my trainer is a kid and he gets the muscle building but doesn't get the women of my age thing) ... DailyBurn is a good source for a daily workout. They have a live workout each day (you can do it later as they tape it) or you can do a program at an intensity level you desire and a focus you want, like cardio, or strength, or even yoga. Find a walking partner. My sister-in-law does all her exercise with the Wii Fit. She jogs in place in her livingroom. I have a rowing machine that I use on days I don't get out to run. Different set of muscles for sure. Today my "running" was pushing and shoving a roto-tiller through the new garden. Definitely going to be sore tonight!

    I try to do cardio at least three times a week and strength training two times a week but if I don't get it in I don't beat myself up about it. It's a day by day process and if I find myself overwhelmed, feeling like a failure I've learned it's often because I'm trying to do too much. I'm not allowing for real life to happen and obsessing about just my weight. Varying my schedule, my exercise and just making simple good choices with food make all the difference in the world.

    Figure out what works for you and don't give up because you CAN do this and you will.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2018
    iamimagine wrote: »
    Ok ladies. I never post here. Been on MFP a long time. Last January I hit the gym and tracked on MFP. Lost 37 lbs in 5 months. It was tough, slow going. Then summer came. Kids were home from school. I did just enough at the gym to stay fit, but stopped tracking. Gained 4 lbs. haven’t gotten those 4 off since last June. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. Was doing crazy cardio with no success. Was hopping all around, directionless on the weights for months since Sept. Hired a personal trainer who got me on a good lifting program. I’m getting stronger. I have direction. But she cut my cardio way back.
    She gave me a good diet plan but life has been hectic and emotionally trying.

    This is where I need some ladies over 50. My trainer, she’s a nice kid. But she hasn’t helped me with the support, and that’s why I hired her. It’s not for lack of trying, but she doesn’t live my struggles. She doesn’t know my marriage is in the crapper because I don’t want it to be small town gossip. Doesn’t know a sick kid home from school for 4 days can suck food prep time dry. There is a disconnect. Right now I need support in this moment and I’m hoping this is the place for it.

    When I was successful before I was going to the gym nightly. Leaving the family at home. I was on my phone constantly entering my food. Eventually the guilt took over. I felt guilty for not contributing to my family. I can’t do that sort of thing forever.

    I’m ready to quit. 4-5 gym days a week since last June and not one bloody pound lost. I tell her this and she says “don’t focus on the scale”. I want to throw the phone. I’m glad my body is taking shape but dammit I need the scale to move. I need it now. Kids are out of school in June. How do I do this while still being present for my family??? Seems I have to choose.

    I only workout at home. I suggest that if you love strength training get a Kettlebell and do Pavel Tsatsouline workout. He was the Olympic trainer for weight lifters and used the Kettlebell to improve lift amounts. Alone it can be just as effective as weight lifting as long as you do progressive overload just like with weight lifting. The longest workout is 25 minutes a day which is 25 one minute interval sets with only 15 seconds of work per set. It doesn't even seem like you are working out but you will have a rock hard body and no fat if you stay committed for a year. If you want further information let me know. Also I love the Keto/or low carb eating you burn your fat instead of carbs. I also do intermittent fasting 19:5 with a 5 hour eating window. Look up Complete Guide to Fasting by Dr Fong. I eat in the evening. Best fat burning time is morning on an empty stomach. Read Become a Fat Burning Machine by Mike Burland.


    Mary from Arizona
  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    Woke up with a stuffy head this morning! ARGHHHHH! Still managed to get in some low-impact aerobics and walked (chased Oynx around). Onyx is our 1 year old labrabull. She is soooo sweet and intuitive. She kept climbing in my lap today...only problem is she weighs about 50 lbs! We sat and watched squirrel videos together on my laptop. Hilarious!

    I have laughed so hard over the granny hair posts! Just what I needed! And I feel your angst! I found my first "black" chin hair about 2 years ago.

    Joyce: I saw your post and just wanted you to know that I tried Lyrica years ago for migraines and it really messed with my objectivity. I had a really hard time trying to focus and knew I needed to stop it when I made a left turn at a red light. It was by God's grace another car didn't come through the intersection at that time. My Dr. wanted me to try it again for my fibromyalgia symptoms but I refused. I really hope you will be able to take it without any side effects. I wish you the best!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    edited February 2018
    Mary that is great advice for Iamimagine. You are living proof that the kettlebell and low carb diet /intermittent fasting are a one- two knock out punch to fat. I am going to "trend" in that direction as often as possible, when I am able to get on top of the sugar addiction and stress/emotional eating fall outs.

    Iamimagine, have you had your hormones tested? Our age bracket is dropping estrogen and progesterone levels and that is part of the problem with the weight. People are afraid of hormones for fear of breast cancer, but there is a HUGE difference between chemically made and natural hormones. I read a great book by Roxy Dillon, (check out her website,) that explains in detail what we can do with diet, herbs, food, essential oils, supplements to keep our youth hormones pumping, which aids in keeping our weight down too. Roxy is a bio-chemist and studies cells and how they are created. She is also a herbalist, nutrionalist and anti-aging guru. Love her to bits!

    <3 Wendy
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Wendy - thanks. I will check out your guru as well. Dr Fong has research that supports intermittent fasting as a way to get our bodies to start to produce/increase our HGH levels which he has conducted studies on the affects of people with Alzheimer's and how it can reverse the symptoms along with a Keto diet. Very interesting.


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Marcelyn - I have been busy but have been reading the threads. I still see you're active on the Keto site. I have been eating at maintenance for the summer and even with the chocolate donuts and Coke I have stayed at Goal weight and loss inches. But, my DH and I are planning on a 3 Week Keto challenge so he can drop another 10 lbs of belly fat. I see you have been doing fantastic! You're right about measuring yourself versus the scale especially if weight training or exercising.

