JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I didn’t manage to get on here over the weekend as lots going on in my personal life. I’m ok (I think!) but have some things to think about over the next couple of weeks. V indulgent day food-wise yesterday. Feel bloated and rubbish today and I have a nasty cough so need to re-set this week but with no guilt-based overrestriction.

    Sat recap
    exercise early ✅
    - Hot yoga ✅
    - 10k steps ✅
    - 2ltr+ water
    - Pay balance for P’s easter drama club ✅
    - Find and book easter club for L :|
    - Cancel L hosp appt ✅
    - Speak to alarm company about getting a kitten :|
    - Research cattery costs and automatic cat feeders ✅
    - Laundry and grocery shopping ✅

    Sun (no goals, ate all the food!)

    JFT Monday:
    - exercise before kids get up
    - 3ltr+ water (flush out bloating plus help cough)
    - 15k+ steps
    - Hot yoga if cough is ok by end of the day
    - Uniform sale
    - Speak to School business manager re conference call
    - Parent meeting after school
    - Easter club for L - find and book
    - Speak to alarm company Re kitten. Confirm with owner. Somehow keep it a secret from the girls!!!
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @Faebert - Thanks for the encouragement. Right now I'm just really struggling. I look and feel good. I'm in ... if not the best shape of my life, I'm very close. But I have my absolute favorite dress that I'd like to be able to wear, and it's just a BIT tight. It buttons up the front, and when I sit down, it does that button-pull thing. So like, I want to shave off just a LEEDLE more around my torso. But it feels like I have to be absolutely nose-to-grindstone in order to accomplish ANY more progress.

    TTFN all!

    @clicketykeys totally understand. So hard when you are working hard and still not quite where you want to be. But it’s better that it takes a bit of time and you are comfortably in that dress for good, rather than crashing to get into it and wear it just a couple of times then bounce up again. You’ve got this! You will rock the dress and many more!

    Hope @Bex953172 enjoyed your early night and feel positive after your birthday. It will be easier soon as the routine settles.

    @HGSmith0920 things sound good. Well done for achieving the calm and quiet - a great way to start your new job later this week.

    @cschmitz110515 - love the Fitbit Boom! Going to aim for one myself today!

    And so many more of you inspiring me every day... thank you.

    Happy Monday x
  • Positive100Percent
    Positive100Percent Posts: 4 Member
    100% of goal met for today of cardio & lifting! And update on NUTRABIO from Vitamin Shoppe. It helped a lot especially with pre-workout procrastination. Helped power the workout. But the directions should be followed and should take it right at 30 minutes before workout, not too early and not wait too long to workout after you’ve taken it. Good find!
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,511 Member
    Hectic weekend, plus learned F evening of death of friend's mother (she was 98yo), so added funeral to plans. This week won't be much better. Have 8 hour seminar tomorrow & I handle check-in table, so need to arrive early. Just learned I need to arrange pick-up of projector & handouts today somewhere, plus there's one more late registration ~ ack! Next day, 8 hrs of in-house training at work. Following day, have annual mammo first thing in a.m., always so fun. I haven't meal planned at all lately, just winging it. Need to get back at it. At least I'm keeping up with treadmill & dog walks & water.

    Recap Sat 3/17 - Busy & fun day, hubby and I spent afternoon at antique show (I got a limited edition print & pretty necklace) & shopping for sundries. Even though it's evening, want to post my goals for today...
    1) Beautiful sunny day, 10:30 a.m. temp 41F & very light breeze, so walked dog 4.1 miles in 1:09:31 ~ happy dog & happy me B)
    2) Drink >12c water (already have 10c) = 14c :smiley:
    3) Hubby and I ate at Mexican restaurant for supper, but I brought box home, something I never used to do at this restaurant. And we didn't eat all the free tortilla chips, either. We plan to have a snack this evening. Food is mostly logged / keep net calories w/i 100 green. = Slight problem... clicked on erroneous food for log. Once corrected, net calories -172 & high sodium, at least sugar / fiber / protein all good. :#
    4) Bed & TV off 10:30 = don't remember :p

    Recap ~ Since Sunday will be a busy day, I'm posting for tomorrow as well...JF Sunday 3/18
    1) Bible class :smiley: / church :smiley:
    2) Walk dog = 3.62 miles 1:02:05 & stretched / happy dog & happy me B) / Fitbit 13,062 steps, 250+ steps 11/ 14 (surprised I managed this) & 27 floors :smiley:
    3) Deliver tax docs to MJSW at 2 p.m. (hour round trip by car) :smiley: Had nice visit w/ M (friend & former colleague) :smiley:
    4) Visitation / funeral 4 p.m. for friend's mother ~ have sympathy card ready = Just made it in time, so glad I could be there for H :smile:
    5) Unplug 9:00 :smiley: kicks off my unwind time / floss :smiley: / retainers :smiley: / bed & TV off 10:15 :smiley:

    JFT M 3/19
    1) Treadmill before work 3 mi 49:18 / stretched = yay, didn't hit snooze forever! :smiley:
    2) Move hourly / stairs breaks at work
    3) Leftovers for lunch / not sure about supper / no evening snacking / net calories green / monitor usual
    4) Evening: make Kodiak Cakes muffins (need to bring my protein for seminar & training breaks T & W ~ know T a.m. refreshments are all carbs & sugar + W not provided) / wash dishes / get out recipes for Easter dinner & work on grocery list / > 1 to-do
    5) Unplug 9:00 / floss / retainers / bed & TV off 10:15
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,511 Member
    edited March 2018
    Seems to me (sorry I've forgotten who, but too much going on right now), someone was thinking of getting a kitten for their girls. @Faebert ? Anyway, I got my first kitten years ago when I lived alone in an apartment and had a very hectic corporate job. A kitten / cat was perfect for me, because they are so independent and don't go for "walks". My landlord even relented on his "no pets" policy, because he knew I was a very responsible tenant. Have water, food, and litterbox handy to cat, maybe a few toys, and all is good. Get scratching post too ~ different cats have different preferences for types, so may need to experiment. Btw, hubby and I now have both Kitty (it's the only name she responds to) and dog, and they get along famously. Kitty was supposed to be mine, but she loves hubby more, and dog was supposed to be hubby's, but dog loves me more because I walk her. :D
  • sarah74_vt
    sarah74_vt Posts: 368 Member
    edited March 2018
    @HGSmith0920 Sorry you had such a hard time with your SIL. Family can be the hardest to deal with sometimes. I can completely understand yours and your husband's frustration. It sounds like you diffused the situation in a good way though, so kudos to you for that!! Oh and don't be hard on yourself about one binge day...each day is a new start!! <<HUGS>>
  • acrylicfox
    acrylicfox Posts: 295 Member
    edited March 2018
    Day 46: :neutral:
    thought I could handle the stress of a dentist appointment (I HATES THEM) without resorting to food for comfort, but it was ugly, total crash and burn today.

    Limit KJ - stay green X not by a long shot, it will take a few days to balance all these kj.
    avoid gluten and dairy X the ultimate temptation of cappuccino got me once again.
    complete at least 1 hour on the exercise bike :smile: at least I can tick something off my list!

    - enjoy coffee at the cafe but take along a gluten-free, low sugar, healthy snack in case none avail. :neutral: I did it! and was able to resist the deserts while out.

    Just Venting: but when I got home it was hard, I know it's my fault but I'm still irritated at my partner, in part because he sees my recent dietary improvements as an opportunity to indulge in and claim for himself ALL the junk/sweet/processed foods that I used to refuse to buy for us,
    We have sooo much junk food, pre-made food and deserts, the kitchen is literally overflowing with food we normally wouldn't have in the house like: cake bars, ice cream, chocolate biscuits, pizza, nice cheeses, etc.
    I have had to move some vegetables and fruit to the hall cupboard because they wont fit in the kitchen now. GRRR.

    Deep breath... I will do better tomorrow
    Day 47:
    limit kj
    avoid gluten and dairy
    complete 2hr on exercise bike
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,511 Member
    KatsFitNow wrote: »
    Hope I can participate even though we are past January? Would love to encourage others-- Is there a way I should start first post?

    Welcome and jump right in! No set format here at all, but very supportive / active group. Just post what you'd like to focus on today, then come back tomorrow, and the next day, and the next. You can update all you want or nothing. Focus can be health or anything else you need for the day. Personally, I list a mix of things, and repeat what I need to continue working on. I keep my list fairly short (4 - 6 items) per day, but others have a huge list. Whatever fits your needs. Hope you stick with us!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I am 62 posts behind! Holy cow! I'll try to catch up on them tonight. But first, I really want to say

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Bex953172 !!!!! I'm sorry I'm late! I wasn't on much this weekend because yesterday was MY birthday! No wonder I love you....we're both Pisces. :wink:

    I wish I didn't have to cross an ocean to get to you. I want to hop in my car and drive over, give you a great big hug, rock Casey and help you out! :heart:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    @OConnell5483 Missing your presence. Haven't seen you much recently. How was your week back to work? I hope you have a fantastic day and take it easy.

    Oh my gosh! How sweet! I sure missed you too! I can't go this long without logging in here. It's just too much of a normal part of my day now. Last week was tough. I went back to work but every day it was a bit harder...lots of fatigue from being sick for so long. Then it was my birthday yesterday so the weekend was busy. Husband and kids and grandkids all wanted to do special things with me. Which means, I'm tired and feel like I'm about 100 years old today. But it was a very nice weekend.

    How are you feeling? any better?
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    @OConnell5483 Happy birthday! Glad you had a nice weekend and hope you continue to take it easy on yourself while you recover.