March 2018 Running Challenge



  • sarahthes
    sarahthes Posts: 3,252 Member
    There is a hunting season for them in Canada but it doesn't help much with the urban population and any culls in urban areas require some fairly specific permits.
  • hanlonsk
    hanlonsk Posts: 762 Member
    .5 at pt, I am at 6.5 for the month. I did get permission to try an increased mileage. Which is good, I travel for training this week, and I dont think have weights at my disposal. So... we might see what two miles does tomorrow. If it doesn’t treat me well, I will be sitting at training all day and not hobbling around anyways.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @fitoverfortymom Small world! My brother and bff from high school went to college there.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited March 2018
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Last year there was a pair nesting right over the front door of our new facility (before we moved in, so when we had contractors in a d out) and they had to get Fish & Wildlife out to place deterrents. Hoping they don't come back this year... at least not to the lab.
    @sarahthes Hopefully the Building management installed something to block the area above the door to discourage nesting there. Once they establish a safe nesting area they will return yearly.
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Aha!!! We have something in common internationally!!! We get to enjoy your Canada Geese here too!! Damned noisy things.
    @girlinahat Don't blame us Canadian's. ;) we didn't export them. I agree they can be evil, like the magpies that @Orphia mentioned once. Also Raven's and Owl's can be nasty as they will attack you from behind out of the air, and the Owl has really Sharp Talons.
    The only time I enjoy canada geese is after theyve been marinated in red wine and cooked in butter.
    @MNLittleFinn My experience is that they are not a great Game bird, a little to much time eating the roots of marsh sedges = a muddy taste. Also as a migratory bird that flies extreme distances they can be very lean and tough ( compared to Domesticated White Goose, domesticated ducks, turkey or chickens)

    A little short 5km Riverbank Trail run tonight. Was slightly overdressed, Tights and windpants so time to lose the tights. Easy outbound, Fast finish for last km. Calculation failure so I had to do the Famous Runner Loop Your Block to get the last 250m. Pace varied from an avg easy 6:34/km to a fast 5:33 and then a short 150m sprint at 4:56/km. For me that is flatout with no reserve, for other's that just an average pace.

  • polskagirl01
    polskagirl01 Posts: 2,010 Member
    All this talk of getting attacked by wild animals is not helping make the case for trail running ;)
    juliet3455 wrote: »
    Also as a migratory bird that flies extreme distances they can be very lean and tough ( compared to Domesticated White Goose, domesticated ducks, turkey or chickens)

    So basically they are the long-distance runners of the bird family? ;)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    not sure I'm likely to be attacked by animals on any run - the most likely is the odd dog jumping up, tail wagging, giving me muddy legs. It's all seeing but not interacting here (as in, most things pretty much stay away). There are more dangerous plants than animals here I imagine....

    I think @Orphia would pretty much win with 'wildlife that wants to kill you' - less about the bears and big animals and more the little critters like spiders that take you unawares.

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    another run this morning. It wasn't as gentle and nice as Sunday, but that's actually ok. It felt hard, but I didn't come home feeling like I had to collapse for the rest of the day (given that I have to wok the rest of the day, including a site visit climbing round roof spaces that's just as well!!)

    It feels good to be back. Although tomorrow (or more likely the next day) after tonights weights session will really tell....
  • abutcher2122
    abutcher2122 Posts: 175 Member
  • Teerai
    Teerai Posts: 243 Member

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Got an email invite for the Rock n Roll in Vegas. Talked to my SO and decided to sign up for the full, have my doc appt 6/1 and start training mid-June (why yes, I am crazy - all my half and full training has started in AZ summers). If I don't feel better/doc can't figure out what's wrong with me, I can drop to half or 10k.

    Third time's a charm... right????

    @RunsOnEspresso I considered the Rock n Roll Las Vegas marathon also - I think it sounds really fun and cool to be running on the strip at night. But the 5 hour time limit makes it not possible for me. I guess I can see why they would have a tighter cutoff on a night race, but that seems pretty limiting. Hope you will be all recovered and ready to go for training. Although I'm super jealous now, I don't envy you the AZ summer training.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @ddmom0811 ACK! Glad you are alright!
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @katharmonic The 5 hours is going to be tough. My last marathon training I was on pace to finish about 4:30-4:45 and I'm slower now. I'm hoping if I can get some consistency going that I'll get back to my former level.
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    6 easy miles recovery from race complete.
    @ddmom0811 as a fellow teacher I can say school parking lots are very dangerous. We have one of our teachers hit last year and she has been out on diability. I don't understand how people can fail to see that a school drop off zone mean extra caution should be applied. I guess once their passengers are out they no longer give a kitten.

  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    5.4 very slow miles this morning, but it was nice to run easy, plus I got out of bed on time! Tomorrow is soccer practice which means I can pull off some trail miles which means no waking up at 4am! It will bump my Thursday run to the evening as well since the thought of a 6pm run and a 5am run is just not something I can get my head around.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    @ddmom0811 as a fellow teacher I can say school parking lots are very dangerous. We have one of our teachers hit last year and she has been out on diability. I don't understand how people can fail to see that a school drop off zone mean extra caution should be applied. I guess once their passengers are out they no longer give a kitten. [/url]

    Our local RCMP issue more tickets to the Parent's dropping off kids for speeding, crosswalk infractions & rolling stops in the school zone than the non-parents.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    3/1 - Rest / sick
    3/2 - Rest / sick
    3/3 - 4.25 miles. Beautiful day to run!
    3/4 - 4.5 miles. Wanted to do more, but ran out of gas.
    3/5 - Rest.
    3/6 - 4 treadmill miles. Trek class with a new instructor. She really likes inclines.
    3/7 - 4 treadmill miles.
    3/7 - Kids wanted to go to Y after dinner. So I did 30 minutes of weights and abs.
    3/8 - 4.1 treadmill miles. Trek class. Fewer hills, lots of!
    3/9 - Rest / travel day.
    3/10 - 3.1 treadmill miles, then quick strength. Rickety hotel treadmill.
    3/11 - Rest / travel day.
    3/12 - 6.2 miles. Gorgeous afternoon to run.
    3/13 - Unplanned rest day.
    3/14 - 4 treadmill miles, then upper body weights and abs.
    3/15 - 5 treadmill miles. Trek Class. Ouch! Does anyone really need to do tempo / sprint pace on incline 8?!?
    3/16 - Housework, shopping, no run.
    3/17 - 3.5 treadmill miles, then weights and abs.
    3/18 - 8 miles. Cool, overcast and no wind = great day to run!
    3/20 - 4.3 miles.
