Just Give Me 10 Days - Round 37



  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    srclark89 wrote: »
    ROUND 37
    Stats- 5’4- 58
    GW: 144
    My Round 5 (CW174)

    4/09-175.2 My mother is terminally ill. Her time is getting closer. I am eating my emotions, I have tried not to and will continue to try. So sad…

    sorry your going through this - your still logging is amazing hun. Look after you xx
  • hammycakes
    hammycakes Posts: 388 Member
    My wife and I started our SL 5x5 last night

    I've been lifting on and off for about 5 years now, and I think SL 5x5 is a solid program. the app is great for keeping track. Just be careful to learn good form, especially on DL, before adding a lot of weight, in order to prevent injury. Practice at home with videos, in front of the mirror can help a lot with getting your body used to its new kinetic patterns, but you probably knew that if have done a lot a research!

    Good luck, I'm planning on getting back into weightlifting soon but I find it makes me very hungry so sometimes its an either/or situation for me.
  • bradcharlessimmons
    bradcharlessimmons Posts: 134 Member
    I'm in! Round 10 for me
    You'll be lapping me soon! your doing fab hun x

    Thanks Tracie! Good luck with your goals and congrats on the 100 days of logging btw B)
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm in! Round 10 for me

    Male, 22, 6ft3’
    HW: 133.4kg/294lbs (31st October 2017)
    SW: 130.2kg/287.1lbs (1st Jan 2018)

    R28SW: 124.6kg/274.7lbs R28EW: 123.1kg/271.4lbs (-1.5kg/3.3lbs)
    R29SW: 123.3kg/271.8lbs R29EW: 122.0kg/269lbs (-1.3kg/2.8lbs)
    R30SW: 122.1kg/269.2lbs R30EW:119.3kg/263lbs (-2.8kg/6.2lbs)
    R31SW: 119.7kg/263.9lbs R31EW: 117.6kg/259.2lbs (-2.1kg/4.7lbs)
    R32SW: 117.6kg/259.2lbs R32EW: 116.9kg/257.7lbs (-0.7kg/1.5lbs)
    R33SW: 116.9kg/257.7lbs R33EW: 115.5kg/254.6lbs (-1.4kg/3lbs)
    R34SW: 115.5kg/254.6lbs R34EW: 114.9kg/253.3lbs (-0.6kg/1.3lbs)
    R35SW: 114.9kg/253.3lbs R35EW: 112.8kg/248.7lbs (-2.1kg/4.6lbs)
    R36SW: 112.8kg/248.7lbs R36EW: 112.8kg/248.7lbs (no change)
    Overall loss (start of round) – 20.6kg/45.3lbs

    4/8: 111.9kg/246.7lbs - I struggled to post last round as I was so busy but fluctuated below and above what I finished on, but was a tab frustrated not to make a loss overall but I am very happy it didn't go up!! Good start to this round, hoping to drop some more tomorrow.
    4/9: 110.6kg/243.8lbs - Oh my god wow, I have not been this light in a very long time. Went for a 14km run on Saturday and a 4km run this morning and worked on my speed/pacing however my shins were causing me quite a lot of discomfort. Let us see if I can keep this weight off!
    4/10: 110.6kg/243.8lbs – Well it didn’t go up? 8km run this morning and my shins were on fire, eurgh. Now just to plod through the day, gym tonight and hopefully a drop tomorrow!

    Funny how our perspective changes... Yesterday your weight got a "wow" today that same weight together with the amazing loss got a meh... ;) I'm waiting with baited breath to know how the marathon goes? It's my ultimate target to run the Dublin one next October but I'm still struggling to get through c25k.... :|
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    I'm in! Round 10 for me
    You'll be lapping me soon! your doing fab hun x

    Thanks Tracie! Good luck with your goals and congrats on the 100 days of logging btw B)

    I'm at 183 days streak I'll have you know hahaha