Track it, Count it, Move it & Lose it!



  • mihalickjoanne
    mihalickjoanne Posts: 37 Member
    BTW I do count housework and yard work calories as they really add up on 10,000 steps a day goal
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Good morning! Happy Saturday! What are you up to today? I've got grocery shopping and cleaning to do today and I might get out for a walk. I've got a question for you. I've seen some people count cleaning toward their exercise calories. What are your thoughts on this? I'm on the fence about it.

    Personally I say it's best not to count them. We know we'll burn something but let them be a little bonus burn.

    I'm glad the BMR etc chat helped. And bit by bit you are finding what works for you. That's what it's all about. The more data you have on your weight fluctuations and your Fitbit burns, then over time you will know your average cals to eat at to either lose or maintain.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I am in a bit of a valley today as stressful work week ends. I just don’t feel like trying today. How do you all nurture yourself when you’re just so tired but wired from stress?

    Stress is hard to bust through. A nice walk can really help though :smile: nice surroundings and thinking on the blessings you have in your life. Hope you feel revived and invigorated soon.

  • mihalickjoanne
    mihalickjoanne Posts: 37 Member

    Stress is hard to bust through. A nice walk can really help though :smile: nice surroundings and thinking on the blessings you have in your life. Hope you feel revived and invigorated soon.

    Thank you for the inspiration. I probably should have introduced myself but I found this group and just started reading all the entries. They are so supportive and reading through has already helped boost my spirits.
    I’m Joanne and I have been committed to tracking and moving since March when I saw a photo of me. I knew I had to commit and got this app because I had lost weight years ago by sticking to the goals and tracking. It was about 3 years and 35 pounds ago I stopped being mindful of eating.
    So I have lost 15 pounds since March and I credit the habit of tracking.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Good morning! Happy Saturday! What are you up to today? I've got grocery shopping and cleaning to do today and I might get out for a walk. I've got a question for you. I've seen some people count cleaning toward their exercise calories. What are your thoughts on this? I'm on the fence about it

    Hi MEJ,

    I personally would count cleaning as exercise if you’re dance cleaning.... really moving and grooving to music while getting things done, and working up a sweat. It does count toward your step goal if you’re counting steps.

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    I am in a bit of a valley today as stressful work week ends. I just don’t feel like trying today. How do you all nurture yourself when you’re just so tired but wired from stress?

    Go out and grab a salad...if you’re too exhausted to make one...find a grab and go good food choice, and relax and regroup.
  • SusanMcMc
    SusanMcMc Posts: 252 Member
    @MyEvolvingJourney I don’t count housework because I assume that it is included in my “lightly active” status in my goals profile.
  • coreawilson1
    coreawilson1 Posts: 7 Member
  • MyEvolvingJourney
    MyEvolvingJourney Posts: 369 Member
    I am in a bit of a valley today as stressful work week ends. I just don’t feel like trying today. How do you all nurture yourself when you’re just so tired but wired from stress?
    I like what Jill suggested with getting a grab and go salad if you need to. Great idea! When you're stressed, it's best to just keep it simple. Sometimes I'll just cook up a meat like chicken tenders (not the breaded kind) and just season them up and serve it with sautéed veggies. I'm a big fan of pre-chopped veggies! It's fairly quick to prepare and it's nourishing!
    Other than that, make sure you take some time to take care of yourself! I find meditation helps, I use an app, and it often takes 10 minutes at most. Taking a walk outside helps too.
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member

    Hello Corea!

    Cool name. B)
    Welcome to our group...we’re glad to have you!
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Happy Spring!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Thanks for the spring photo Jill, it actually feels like summer has arrived for us this weekend - yep it's officially summer when the sun arrives and my freckles are out lol

    I'm a bit AWOL this weekend with the bank holiday so there will be little commenting from me... be back hereTuesday :smile:

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend ladies :smile:

  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    How was your weekend?
  • jm216
    jm216 Posts: 3,905 Member
    Congrats an your amazing success. You’re an inspiration!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,911 Member
    My goal...hmmm well I'm finding these past few months that my weight fluctuations at maintenance are becoming wilder, instead of 0.5lb-1lb of variation I'm seeing up to 4lbs - it might be hormone related, peri menopause even, except I have no other symptoms yet... so these bigger fluctuations are bothering me so I'm aiming for a bit of a calorie deficit rather than maintenance cals for a while until I see whats going on with my body.

    All I know is I like being 125lb but I'm not happy to see 128lb so I need to lose a few more pounds so if these wild fluctuations persist that my goal range never exceeds 125.

    Happy Friday everyone. We have another sunshiny day and I'm looking forward to a lunchtime walk :smile:


    I'm reading through all the posts on this board and so far love what I see. Your comment made me smile thinking about my Grandmother. She weighed herself religiously every Sunday morning. She was a tiny woman and 110lbs was her limit. I remember weeks where she would be up to 112, she would eat 1/2 a grapefruit for breakfast every day that week. I don't remember her ever doing anything but that, weighing every single Sunday. She also wasn't a snacker though. 3 meals a day that was it, but supper included dessert.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,911 Member
    My weight has literally been a bouncing ball these days. Up from 147 to 149! Down to 147 then back to 148. Sigh.... perhaps during my recovery I should not be so focused or expect losses due to inactivity. ;/
    I can totally relate! That was me the whole month of April! I gained and lost the same 2-3 pounds repeatedly! It's a new month, and I've adjusted my calories a little to see if that helps. I think it's a lot of trial and error. I feel like I get in a hurry and I have to remind myself to just be patient. And not compare myself to others. You see posts like "Lost 40 pounds in 6 months!" and I'm here losing 2 pounds in one month. I have to realize my journey is not theirs, and that's ok. I'm going to be ok with it. I like Jill's mantra of "progress not perfection!"
    That is so me! I read it and my first thought is I don't have the time to spend that much of it at the gym? how will I fit it in? Is that the only way I can lose? I struggled all of April too and so far in May. It's so slow and I'm so impatient. I'm losing but not like I want to be.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,911 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just found your group, I have gone back and read from the beginning. I am on my 3rd weight loss journey, my 2nd with MFP. I have never tried any of the diets with names, I have only ever logged calories and moved more. It works for me. My 1st go round 2009, I lost about 25 pounds just by using my Wii and a pencil and paper for logging. My 2nd in 2012, was through the Wii, moving more and MFP. Lost 22 pounds that go round. I was doing well, then my Dad took sick and ultimately passed. This threw me into a depression, then a lot of personal issues with hubby, life and work and I just gave up!

    This time around I started out at my highest weight 202 pounds when I bought a scale in February. I am currently at 193.2 as of yesterday morning. This time I have become involved in some groups on here, written a few blogs, tracking. I have joined a gym, which I hate, but have gone a few times. I have been walking, trying to do 5K at least three times a week, and started swimming lessons.

    I am currently struggling with patience, I just want this gone, I especially want to get where I started the first time on MFP, 190. I can't remember my start the first time I lost weight, that's probably a good thing.

    I have my goals broken down into 10 pound increments to get a treat for myself. I have three big goals though, 170 for my 50th in September. 160 by February when I have to buy a formal gown for a Mother of the Bride dress, and 140 for July 2019 when my baby gets married. I figure I will struggle in the Winter with activity so have given myself some leeway.

    I would love to be participant on this group, you all seem so encouraging!
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I just found your group, I have gone back and read from the beginning. I am on my 3rd weight loss journey, my 2nd with MFP. I have never tried any of the diets with names, I have only ever logged calories and moved more. It works for me. My 1st go round 2009, I lost about 25 pounds just by using my Wii and a pencil and paper for logging. My 2nd in 2012, was through the Wii, moving more and MFP. Lost 22 pounds that go round. I was doing well, then my Dad took sick and ultimately passed. This threw me into a depression, then a lot of personal issues with hubby, life and work and I just gave up!

    This time around I started out at my highest weight 202 pounds when I bought a scale in February. I am currently at 193.2 as of yesterday morning. This time I have become involved in some groups on here, written a few blogs, tracking. I have joined a gym, which I hate, but have gone a few times. I have been walking, trying to do 5K at least three times a week, and started swimming lessons.

    I am currently struggling with patience, I just want this gone, I especially want to get where I started the first time on MFP, 190. I can't remember my start the first time I lost weight, that's probably a good thing.

    I have my goals broken down into 10 pound increments to get a treat for myself. I have three big goals though, 170 for my 50th in September. 160 by February when I have to buy a formal gown for a Mother of the Bride dress, and 140 for July 2019 when my baby gets married. I figure I will struggle in the Winter with activity so have given myself some leeway.

    I would love to be participant on this group, you all seem so encouraging!

    Welcome Snowflake! Good to have you along!