

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lisa that is why I am cutting as much sugar and refined grains out of my diet as possible. I am getting my carbs from whole grains, fruits and veggies. Occasionally I will have some dark chocolate to stamp out a craving. I am reading my labels. I am nine pounds down from when I started. Even more important to me is I feel better. I notice it changes what I order at a restaurant. I used to come home feeling bloated and up two pounds. I try to see a menu ahead of time so I can figure a good choice. It helps me skip the breads and anything fried. It has made a difference for me.

    I agree finding the diet (way of eating) that works for you and makes you feel healthy is the way to go regardless of what happens on the scale.

    Now I look at that cookie, ice cream, cake and ask how is that going to make me feel after I eat it healthy, not healthy? I have a choice.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    June ... already. And it's winter. However, I've set up my bicycle and maybe I'll do more Zwift.

    Friday, 1 June 2018 ... 2.9 km walking + 6 flights of stairs
    Saturday 2 June 2018 ... 2.9 km running + 3.1 km walking + 12.6 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Sunday 3 June 2018 ... 2.6 km running + 3.5 km walking + 10.45 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Monday, 4 June 2018 ... 5.2 km walking + 4 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 5 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 5 June 2018 ... 5.1 km walking + 10.76 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 4 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 6 June 2018 ... 4.8 km walking + 4 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 7 June 2018 ... 4.5 km walking + 6 flights of stairs

    Friday, 8 June 2018 ... 2.3 km walking + 4 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 9 June 2018 ... 6.6 km walking
    Sunday, 10 June 2018 ... 3.4 km walking + 15.91 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Monday, 11 June 2018 ... 6.3 km walking + 13.5 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Tuesday, 12 June 2018 ... 4.9 km walking + 15.42 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 4 flights of stairs
    Wednesday, 13 June 2018 ... 3.1 km walking + 2 flights of stairs
    Thursday, 14 June 2018 ... 3.1 km walking + 7.42 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 6 flights of stairs

    Friday, 15 June 2018 ... 3.1 km walking + 4 flights of stairs
    Saturday, 16 June 2018 4.5 km walking + 30.5 km cycling indoors with Zwift
    Sunday, 17 June 2018 2.6 km walking
    Monday, 18 June 2018 5 km walking + 13.1 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 4 flights of stairs
    Tuesday, 19 June 2018 2 km walking + 15.77 km cycling indoors with Zwift + 2 flights of stairs

    2017 Monthly June
    Walking Distance (km): 81.5
    Walking Time (min): 1018.8
    Cycling Distance (km): 149.4
    Cycling Time (min): 480.6
    Stairs Climbed Number: 51.0
    Stairs Climbed Time (min): 40.8

    Total Distance (km): 230.9
    Total Distance (miles): 143.5
    Total Time (min): 1540.1
    Total Time (hr): 25:40:06

    **Almost all of that walking has been commute/utility walking. The little bit that hasn't been commute/utility walking, has been slow walking with my husband as he recovers**

    Machka in Oz
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Up early, had quite a detailed dream, like a crazy movie! In color too! I won't bore you with details. When I try to describe dreams, what made sense while dreaming, sounds crazy when I tell people. Some times I do tell my husband. He just shakes his head at me, and mumbles.
    Awaiting my appt time, sipping coffee.
    Hope your Monday is well my ladies!
    Whidbey island
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,384 Member
    Good morning!

    Loving reading everyone's take on sugar (simple carbs)/fats/protein this morning. I need constant reminders to steer clear of sugar - with our hot weather and me not wanting to cook & heat up the kitchen, my tendency is to grab something to snack on that is sweet and salty.

    And good feedback about how much weigh to lose per week and how we are all different. I think that's a reason even though I did lose weight with Weightwatchers, for the longest time there was no differentiation between fat and muscle weight up until a couple years ago. I like MFP much better!

    Rye - hope they got the A/C fixed at your workplace.

    - good luck at the doc's. <3

    RV Rita - loving your Route 66 idea and travelogue. "Running down the road trying to loosen my load".... another earworm.

    - Happy Anniversary! You and your DH are a testament to keeping fit. By the way, do you come from long-lived stock? WOW your steps are impressive!!! Good job!

    Heather - welcome home - now you can rest up from the vacation, lol. When I saw the photo of your DH and the showgirls, I thought for a minute one of them was YOU! B)

    - I think you are right about reading and keeping our brains working well. And, I've read that gardener's brains stay in pretty good shape - constant exercise (weeding, planting, picking) and planning. I think I reach for my gardening books just about every day to identify a new weed or insect or check on when my tomatoes will ripen, etc. Planning and thinking keep the brain cells tuned. Our garden area in early morning is heaven on earth to me.

    Time to get ready for town. Hitting the groceries then to the doc's for shots then home. After tomorrow our heatwave will be over - right now have cool air blowing through the house. More heaven, lol.

    Have a wonderful day!

    Sunny SW WA State
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Well, we’re back. Sat I did Walk Your Belly Flat DVD, then Sun I did Total Body Sulpting Workout with Resistance Band DVD, Monday I did 10 Minute Solution pilates DVD, today I did some of the Christie Taylor Solid Gold DVD, and the plan for tomorrow is to take the water class.

    Okie – most times Vince is the one who is VERY punctual. As a matter of fact, he gets upset with me more because I’m the one who many times wants “to do one more thing”. No, perhaps it was his back (although I really don’t understand that), but maybe he really didn’t want to go. After all, he wants to do all the driving so we drove from NC to Downingtown PA on Fri, then Sat from Downingtown to Kennett Square PA (probably about 30 minutes), from Kennett Square to Milford, DE (about 1-1/2 hr), from Milford back to Downingtown (about 2 hours), then Sun drove from Downingtown first to Reston, VA, then Haymarket VA, then Broadway VA, then Mon from Broadway VA to Newton, NC.

    Katla – I totally understand about needing the social aspect of a class. That’s why I take a few classes. What a shame that you can’t do DVD’s in your townhome.

    Over 200 posts! Looks like I’m going to have to do some skimming. It’s 9:00 and the pool water is already 87

    Barbara – I can assure you that Vince would never in this lifetime take that dog.

    Well, Denise is moved in. She wanted me to drive down in her car with her and her cat. Not exactly the best situation, at least I don’t think so. Remember I was saying that at Christmas she wanted to bring the dog here because “Dave is afraid he’d scratch their new floors” and that was for only 3 days, now he agrees to let them live there? Well, it seems that the agreement was the every time the dog is in the house, he’s wearing booties. He was on the porch and in no time two of the booties were off. This is really going to last <yea, right>. Maria mentioned to Denise how she needs to pick up after the dog and Denise told her that the dog poops in the bushes so they never picked it up. Maria told her that some of the neighbors really watch. I can see Denise being diligent about picking up, but not Pete. One time when Dave (the step-father) wasn’t looking, Pete let the dog walk into the house without the booties. Dave is away a lot for business and he takes trips with friends (no wife). So this is going to last long. Wouldn’t surprise me if while Dave is gone Pete doesn’t bother with the booties. After we unloaded, they were going to return the truck and come back to the house in Dave’s truck. Vince overheard Dave say to Pete “the dog’s not coming, I don’t want him in my truck”. The driveway isn’t very big. Now they do have a 2 car garage. They SAID that on street parking is permitted, but we saw how people whip around those streets. I wouldn’t want my car in the street! So we’re just going to sit back and wait.

    Was pretty good about the eating while I was away. Logged everything when I got home and most days I was under. Got that “you’re not eating enough” message from MFP. Of course, not yesterday.

    Vince ordered this thing on Amazon where you can remotely check on the pool. That’s what he wanted for Father’s Day. He also ordered a timer for himself (for me to give him). Not sure what he's going to do if the remote says something like the chlorine is down but it shouldn't. There's nothing that can be done

    Happy belated birthday Rebecca!

    Lovely pics from the lovely weddings

    Heather – we worked on swing, shag, and a few ballroom dances, I can’t remember which ones. The guy wanted to teach me rhumba but I know that would embarrass the kids. Vince felt it helped his bowling

    I didn’t realize that so many states ban talking on the phone while driving. Guess I just haven’t really thought about it since NC doesn’t ban it (wish they did). I don’t like talking on the phone while I’m driving.

    Donna – I also usually plan out what we’re going to have for dinner and prelog at least that much. Admitted, there are times when what I logged has to change, and I change it. If you offered me a slice of pizza or a big, juice, ripe peach, I’d take the peach. Some people think I’m crazy.

    Made chocolate bran muffins today and chicken to have later in the week. The plan is to go in the pool after catching up here and Rummikub tonight

    Felicia – lately I, too, find that when I eat lots of fats, my stomach says “I don’t think so”, and if I have a lot of refined carbs, I tend to get really sleepy.

    Left a cake for Steve to say “thank you for letting us stay at your house” in his freezer, gave a small cake to Pete for moving, took cookies to Colby and then gave some to Greg. I’d made brownies before we left and froze them so took some out to defrost for Vince.

    Felicia – I’m about 130-132 and when I lose, it’s usually about 1 lb a week. Of course, the next week I’m usually gaining that lb….lol

    Did a load of laundry and then washed our sheets. It’s interesting…in PA and VA I wasn’t itching. Yet, last night I almost couldn’t stand it.

    Marion – welcome back! You’ve come to a great place

    Kate – happy anniversary

    Heather – welcome home! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. I always look forward to them.

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    I read a comment today from someone on one of the boards that when your goals are set to lose 2lbs per week it is too aggressive for people under 200 because it is less than 1% of your body weight.

    What does everyone think of this, is it true or is it an individual thing?

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Tracey With all due respect to the replies already posted, the only reply you've gotten so far that I completely agree with is from Barbie.

    From my experience & research, weight loss is complex. There are so many individual factors, such as food intolerances, insulin & leptin resistance, exercise, basal metabolism, thyroid hormone, quality of sleep, starting weight, height, age, gender, stress & stress hormones, other hormones, medical conditions, and many other factors, that it can't be reduced to a simple answer or equation.

    Additionally, weight loss is not linear, thus rendering discussions on how much weight is too much weight to lose in a certain time frame meaningless. 1-2 lbs a month might be great for one person, but another person might lose 1/2 a lb, or might lose 5-10lbs. Or lose 4 lbs this week and nothing next week, without changing diet/exercise.

    I am not aware of any legitimate research that says that losing more than 1% of your body weight in one week is inherently dangerous or too aggressive. The main issue from my perspective is that if you set unrealistic goals for you, it will lead to disappointment and discouragement. Thus Barbie's comment about the best food plan being the one you are able & willing to follow.

    Karen in Virginia
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    edited June 2018
    I read a comment today from someone on one of the boards that when your goals are set to lose 2lbs per week it is too aggressive for people under 200 because it is less than 1% of your body weight.

    What does everyone think of this, is it true or is it an individual thing?

    Tracey in Edmonton

    Tracey With all due respect to the replies already posted, the only reply you've gotten so far that I completely agree with is from Barbie.

    From my experience & research, weight loss is complex. There are so many individual factors, such as food intolerances, insulin & leptin resistance, exercise, basal metabolism, thyroid hormone, quality of sleep, starting weight, height, age, gender, stress & stress hormones, other hormones, medical conditions, and many other factors, that it can't be reduced to a simple answer or equation.

    Additionally, weight loss is not linear, thus rendering discussions on how much weight is too much weight to lose in a certain time frame meaningless. 1-2 lbs a month might be great for one person, but another person might lose 1/2 a lb, or might lose 5-10lbs. Or lose 4 lbs this week and nothing next week, without changing diet/exercise.

    I am not aware of any legitimate research that says that losing more than 1% of your body weight in one week is inherently dangerous or too aggressive. The main issue from my perspective is that if you set unrealistic goals for you, it will lead to disappointment and discouragement. Thus Barbie's comment about the best food plan being the one you are able & willing to follow.

    Karen in Virginia

    I have to agree with Barbie and Karen here. It seems to be very individual,

    I know a lot of the MFP wisdom was just flat out wrong for me. Probably being a menopausal woman, my hormones, which are out of whack, play the bigger part then they would for someone else. The keys to me were intermittent fasting, meal timing, and eliminating most all processed carbohydrates. But that doesn’t mean any of those will be what the next person‘s body responds to.

    The only close to universal piece of advice I have seen for middle age and older women, is to be very careful to make sure and get enough protein. Of course how much “enough” is, is something that is up for debate. But everyone seems to agree that getting enough protein is a key.

    It may take a while but if you keep trying different approaches, I’m confident you’ll find that your body responds well to some of them. You can use that to learn what is and is not optimal for you.

  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,509 Member
    Felicia they are dancing on the Mooserbroden Dam in Zell am See-Kaprun in the Austrian Alps. I wouldn't be able do to that, man made heights make me shaky and pukey. ;}
    Barbie I have enormous respect for you and all line dance teachers. To be able to dance, call the steps just the right amount of time in advance, all while monitoring the class for feedback :noway:. As for hearing the beat, I imagine it would be most helpful. Alas, my sense of rhythm seems to be slightly off. Fortunatley I am surrounded by other dancers who keep me kinda together. ;) Which dance do you to to Cake by the ocean? We learned an easy one last Thursday, (started with Side touch out touch) but I can't find it among the ones on Copperknob.
    Rye no A/C at work? Don't you work in a fitness establishment???
    Kate in UK 53 years and still cuddling? Well done!
    KJ ditto what Barbie said about line dancing is to much more than just country/western music. You'd be surprised! We dance to contemporary music too, a few years ago it was "A Thousand Years" from the Twilight movie, a lovely waltz. And oldies, e.g. "Calendar Girl" an ultrabeginner done contra style.
    Lanette I am soooo with you on the sweet and salty.
    Michele what you say about Pete's and his step-father's dynamic doesn't bode well, not for the living arrangement, not for the dog. It will be hard to sit back and watch this situation evolve, but you know that's what you must do.
    Lisa thanks for the "calorie is not a calorie" link.
    Karen in VA unrealistic goals=disappointment and discouragement, yes! Much better to have small successes upon which you can build.
    Rye ...using your body's responses to learn what is optimal... Wise words, sister!

    Welcome Marion! Ditto what Kim said about baby steps.
    Welcome Serenissima.

    Oops, Joe just left for town, now's my chance to run the vacuum. A task I hate, so use the excuse that it gets on Joe's nerves to not do it! ;)

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD.
    60 g protein 16/18, meditate 15/18, walk one more step 15/18, knee exercises 15/18, walk Tumble 10/12 times, SWSY 0/6, hang up or purge art 0
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    “Michele what you say about Pete's and his step-father's dynamic doesn't bode well, not for the living arrangement, not for the dog. It will be hard to sit back and watch this situation evolve, but you know that's what you must do.”

    Barbara – unfortunately, from so far away we can only watch and support Denise if she chooses to tell us something. And this is something that's eating me up. I guess you just can't help but want to make things all right, even tho you know that isn't the right thing to do. Why Dave agreed to this arrangement is beyond me. I know Maria wants to control Pete, Denise and their marriage. That's something I don't agree with. In some ways, I wish he'd get transferred South, mainly so that they can have their own marriage and be able to figure things out for themselves rather than having someone tell them what to do. What will happen when she's no longer there? But there's just so much I can do from NC.

    Michele in NC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    KateUK Happy Anniversary! t45115.gif
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Well the doctors appt went ok. New question the nurse asked was, "what is your goal for today's appt"? Well, I said, "To get some questions answered, and to get a handle on symptoms I'm having".
    So for the vertigo he gave me another maneuver to try. When he asked me to lie flat on the exam table, my vertigo went into an all out whirl, so he could definitely see my issues, with my eyes twitching!
    In regards to my cold like symptoms, not related to my hiperparathyroidism, or my vertigo, he gave my nasal decongestant spray (not to be used more than three days in a row), and then for my wheezing he prescribed albuterol which I have an inhaler and a holding chamber thingy to breathe it it from. To use only when my wheezing is annoying, (usually in morning and at evening). He did state that the inhaler might make it hard to sleep, so like right after dinner.
    He said the vertigo could be associated with the hiperparathyroidism. But he wouldn't say yes, or no.
    Yesterday I looked thru my medical records at home, and I noticed my calcium has been elevated since 2015. Normal range is 5-8. I had been a 9 then, now I am at an 11. The doctor back in 2015, never made a connection that it could be my parathyroid. Something to show my surgeon when I have a July appt with him.
    Well still sipping my morning coffee that I have reheated!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,618 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: I think you've found some connections with your health issues that could turn out to be very helpful in improving your situation. Yay for your good thinking! I hope all goes well and your doctor is able to make adjustments based on some of your new information. Feel better soon. :kissing_heart:

    I have plans galore to get things done around the house but DH is feeling pretty bad today so my plans are on hold. I know he overdid working on things yesterday. He needs rest. I hope it isn't anything more serious.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,902 Member
    Gaaah! Got the Eagles song stuck in my head now! Lol :D

    Had some excitement since my last post. Came home to find an injured Red Tail Hawk near my RV. After a few calls and everyone in the park looking at it, we made a makeshift cage for it and waited for the Hawk Rescue person to come pick him/her up. Found the bird yesterday, they picked it up this morning and are going to keep me posted on how it’s doing. Bird pic below.

    RV Rita
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Good afternoon ladies!