JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    I've reset all my weight settings on MFP.

    23/07 - 184.5
    30/07 - 184

    Tbh, 0.5 of a loss has annoyed me.
    This is the heaviest I've ever been now.
    Feel like I'm getting no where, I can't consistently stick at it, I can't stop eating the things I shouldn't.


    I'm right there with you, Bex. I got on the scale this morning and I'm up a pound. I'm 181 and I've never been in the 180's before except when I was pregnant with my twins.

    One thing I would say to you though, is to remember you just had a baby. It's only been months! Your body goes through so many changes that it makes it difficult to lose. Hormones and all that good stuff!! Be kind to yourself. It'll happen. You have a ton going on in your life every single day! (((HUGS)))

    Thank you for your kinds words!
    Although I've not "just" had a baby she's o er 5 months now! The older she gets the less excuse I have!

    I do have a lot going on though, my partner just bought two massive tubs of paint today, I felt deflated just looking at them. Weve done 1 wall so far in our bedroom. We had to peel off the dark blue we had first, fortunately it was the feature wall and the others are a light colour so can paint over them

    But he wants to do the whole house.
    I just want to sleep
    One wall and I've got a pounding headache.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sorry been MIA last couple days.

    Basically hit boiling point and when mum and dad had the kids I lost my *kitten* big time.
    Think I need to up or change my antidepressants.
    Eugh feel like I'm going to be on them forever. Knowing I have to take them makes me feel depressed.

    Anyway, as of 10 mins ago I cracked the 2 year sleep regression.
    She's been crying for the last 3 hours. We brought both girls back downstairs for juice and blueberries. They had a play, we all had a laugh together, we had quiet time, then as soon as its bedtime again she started acting up again.
    My 4 year old told her to go to sleep, she threw a fit, and then she was saying Marley I'm sorry don't go to sleep I'm sorry!
    We thought it was so unfair on her, we brought Sask back down so she could sleep on the sofa.

    Racking my brains on what I did with Sask at that age.
    And then I remembered.
    I let her cry, scream, whatever. I stay in the room though. Sat on a seat. Back turned.

    That's what she wants, she wants me in the room. That's fine but I'm not going to interact or pander to her every desire. So basically she's got what she wanted (me in the room) but not HOW she wanted it (me playing) so she's figured she's getting nothing outta me and guess who's asleep. 10 goddamn minutes it took.
    Wish I remembered this 3 hours ago...

    Sorry to hear you are struggling. I was depressed about the fact that I had to be on anti-depressants as long as I was. I was talking to my future son in law's mother about it, she is a professor of psychology at a university here in Canada. I told her that I felt like I was failing life because I needed to be on anti-depressants and couldn't just fix myself with self discipline and determination. She told me that mental health problems including depression are nothing to be ashamed of. Why should we feel we can fix it ourselves when we wouldn't think that about a cancer or any physical ailment. She then went on to tell me that she has been on a mild anti-depressant for over 30 years. She had tried several times to stop and go off it, and she just gets worse each time. She said she quit fighting it because she would take high blood pressure medication daily without a second thought so what was wrong with the anti-depressants? She said once she resigned herself to that she started feeling much better and was able to cope better with everything that life throws at her.

    Thank you, really needed to hear that!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    LOL this has not been our year has it?!
    I have to laugh about it or I fear I'll lose my mind!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    I've been missing again getting on here. I am getting the mindset that I just don't care ..... but I do. I was thinking maybe I need a break from all of this .... but I would miss you guys. I was thinking maybe I'll stop dieting for awhile..... but I know those bad habits will be with me everyday.

    I can't even get into sewing. I started a quilt ... and hate it. Not even sewing has helped me .... so I just work, veggie on the couch watching crazy stupid tv shows, and find junk stuff to eat.

    At least by getting on here.... hopefully a bad day will only be ONE bad day. I know how crappy I feel when I overeat junk food, so why do I do it!!

    So I am once again starting over. I am so discouraged, because this past month I have gained (a lot)! . I think I used excuses as to why I deserved to eat.

    But you know, when @Bex gets on here and has the same problem, and when @PackerFanInGB says she is also struggling, I know I am not alone. This is a lifelong journey. I feel I can also come on here, and let you guys know that I am also struggling.

    but no more excuses. Time to be accountable.

    So here goes my JFT
    Monday, July 30
    1. log ALL food
    2. Water challenge -- 8 cups of water
    3. mindful eating
    4. work in garden ... transplant periannals..... fertilize all plants
    5. organize one more closet .... make donation pile even bigger.... time to declutter!
    6. get back on here. Be accountable

    So I am pretending this is the start of a new year.... a fresh start. I am going to start again logging my weight on here once a week, in hopes that this will help me. When I used to go to Weight Watcher meetings, that was the thing that would get be back on track ... knowing my weight would be recorded .... and I didn't want to see it go down.

    Weight July 30: 196.6 (YIKES!!! Last October I was down to 187!).

    Goal for the month of August: 190

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    LOL this has not been our year has it?!
    I have to laugh about it or I fear I'll lose my mind!

    I've been thinking about this all morning, trying to figure out what is going wrong and where my resolve went? I changed so many things in my life last year, that I really felt like I was on roll and was going to be able to fix the rest this year! UGH! I think part of my problem is that I really wanted to lose by summer, so I could fit into my summer clothes and not have them be too tight or look terrible in them. Well, that didn't happen. So it's almost like I threw in the towel in defeat!

    I have to get it in my head that I am doing this for my health first, and the cute clothes will follow. This is a lifestyle change to get healthy physically, mentally and spiritually for me. Not just a short "diet" so I can wear shorts this summer and feel better about it.

    I have to fix my attitude before anything else is going to change in my life. Period. I really think that is where I've gone wrong... Lifestyle change. Lifestyle change. Lifestyle change. I need to start repeating that to myself every chance I get until it's ingrained in my thought process.

    Hugs to you both! (and Snowflake too!)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »

    Weigh in:
    Week 0: 190
    Week 1: 187.6
    Week 2: 187.8
    Week 3: 185.6
    Week 4: 182.2
    Week 5: 179.5
    Week 6: 178.4-on vacation! Super happy with this. 3 pounds until halfway mark!

    So proud of you!!!!!!! Great job!!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    That's what she wants, she wants me in the room. That's fine but I'm not going to interact or pander to her every desire. So basically she's got what she wanted (me in the room) but not HOW she wanted it (me playing) so she's figured she's getting nothing outta me and guess who's asleep. 10 goddamn minutes it took.
    Wish I remembered this 3 hours ago...

    This is what I used to do also Bex! I am so glad it worked for you! But I know and remember how hard it was listening to them cry. 10 minutes seemed like 10 hours! Hang in there mommy!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member

    I got the results of the MRI's back. I have a torn/detached labrum in my left hip and have to have surgery on 8/23. I'm not happy about this, obviously, but it is what it is. I'm trying not to focus on the pain of hip surgery and focus more on the fact that if all goes well, I might be pain free to actually start taking walks (which was my goal this year!!!). Having surgery that date is really messing me up at work. I want to put it off and have talked to my husband, my boss and my team about it, but they are all urging me to get it done and do it right. If the surgeon wasn't leaving our clinic in October, I would put it off. But I really want him to do the surgery, so I guess the 23rd it is. I don't think I have gone a whole year without at least one surgery in about 7 years now. I should have my own exam room at that clinic! LOL!

    I am so glad that you know what is going on. So sorry you have to have another surgery though, but at least they can do something... and you can once again be pain free!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @mytime6630 & @Bex953172 I'm right there with you. We can do this. We've been together too long now to just give up! :heart:

    Just for Monday:
    1. Journal every bite
    2. No excuses. None. There is no excuse good enough for junk food today.
    3. Finish at least 5 tasks today that I've been putting off because they are unpleasant.
    4. Check out library book recommended by one of my doctors regarding diet and hormones
    5. Podcast: Half Size Me
    6. Stand up every 30 minutes at my desk to get my blood moving
    7. Be patient and kind to everyone I interact with today.
    9. Journal / Gratitude Journal / Simple Abundance daily reading / Unplug 9:00 p.m., lights out at 10:00

    Goal for September: <175 lbs
    7/30/2018: 181.0 lbs

    Words to live by: Persistence and Determination

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,249 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Sorry been MIA last couple days.

    Basically hit boiling point and when mum and dad had the kids I lost my *kitten* big time.
    Think I need to up or change my antidepressants.
    Eugh feel like I'm going to be on them forever. Knowing I have to take them makes me feel depressed.

    Anyway, as of 10 mins ago I cracked the 2 year sleep regression.
    She's been crying for the last 3 hours. We brought both girls back downstairs for juice and blueberries. They had a play, we all had a laugh together, we had quiet time, then as soon as its bedtime again she started acting up again.
    My 4 year old told her to go to sleep, she threw a fit, and then she was saying Marley I'm sorry don't go to sleep I'm sorry!
    We thought it was so unfair on her, we brought Sask back down so she could sleep on the sofa.

    Racking my brains on what I did with Sask at that age.
    And then I remembered.
    I let her cry, scream, whatever. I stay in the room though. Sat on a seat. Back turned.

    That's what she wants, she wants me in the room. That's fine but I'm not going to interact or pander to her every desire. So basically she's got what she wanted (me in the room) but not HOW she wanted it (me playing) so she's figured she's getting nothing outta me and guess who's asleep. 10 goddamn minutes it took.
    Wish I remembered this 3 hours ago...

    Sorry to hear you are struggling. I was depressed about the fact that I had to be on anti-depressants as long as I was. I was talking to my future son in law's mother about it, she is a professor of psychology at a university here in Canada. I told her that I felt like I was failing life because I needed to be on anti-depressants and couldn't just fix myself with self discipline and determination. She told me that mental health problems including depression are nothing to be ashamed of. Why should we feel we can fix it ourselves when we wouldn't think that about a cancer or any physical ailment. She then went on to tell me that she has been on a mild anti-depressant for over 30 years. She had tried several times to stop and go off it, and she just gets worse each time. She said she quit fighting it because she would take high blood pressure medication daily without a second thought so what was wrong with the anti-depressants? She said once she resigned herself to that she started feeling much better and was able to cope better with everything that life throws at her.

    Thank you, really needed to hear that!

    And Snowflake is so right!! There is nothing at all wrong if you need to take antidepressants ... just like if you have to take blood pressure medication. There is no sign on you that says what medications you are taking... the important thing is for you to feel better. With 3 little ones to take care of .... you need to take good care of yourself. We all love you here!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    LOL this has not been our year has it?!
    I have to laugh about it or I fear I'll lose my mind!

    I've been thinking about this all morning, trying to figure out what is going wrong and where my resolve went? I changed so many things in my life last year, that I really felt like I was on roll and was going to be able to fix the rest this year! UGH! I think part of my problem is that I really wanted to lose by summer, so I could fit into my summer clothes and not have them be too tight or look terrible in them. Well, that didn't happen. So it's almost like I threw in the towel in defeat!

    I have to get it in my head that I am doing this for my health first, and the cute clothes will follow. This is a lifestyle change to get healthy physically, mentally and spiritually for me. Not just a short "diet" so I can wear shorts this summer and feel better about it.

    I have to fix my attitude before anything else is going to change in my life. Period. I really think that is where I've gone wrong... Lifestyle change. Lifestyle change. Lifestyle change. I need to start repeating that to myself every chance I get until it's ingrained in my thought process.

    Hugs to you both! (and Snowflake too!)

    Yes! That's it exactly. I slacked and expected results and then when I didn't have the body I wanted by summer I just thought well pfft. No point!

    But there is a point. Looking at the success stories, they don't manage to get the body they want in 6 months. It takes them MINIMUM a year majority of the time, and sometimes more!
    And it's on going.

    So maybe we should bare that in mind..
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    That's what she wants, she wants me in the room. That's fine but I'm not going to interact or pander to her every desire. So basically she's got what she wanted (me in the room) but not HOW she wanted it (me playing) so she's figured she's getting nothing outta me and guess who's asleep. 10 goddamn minutes it took.
    Wish I remembered this 3 hours ago...

    This is what I used to do also Bex! I am so glad it worked for you! But I know and remember how hard it was listening to them cry. 10 minutes seemed like 10 hours! Hang in there mommy!

    I don't mind the crying so much.
    I'm usually either pretty responsive and get it sorted quick or too exhausted to care (but sort it anyway) .
    But I'm just glad I've solved the relentless crying. The one where you've gave them everything you can think of and you just want to give up lol!
    That's when I just gotta sit there and let it run its course!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Oh and also @mytime6630 I have also thought about taking a break but I would miss you all too much!
    You're all like, my only friends haha, ❤️
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    LOL this has not been our year has it?!
    I have to laugh about it or I fear I'll lose my mind!

    I've been thinking about this all morning, trying to figure out what is going wrong and where my resolve went? I changed so many things in my life last year, that I really felt like I was on roll and was going to be able to fix the rest this year! UGH! I think part of my problem is that I really wanted to lose by summer, so I could fit into my summer clothes and not have them be too tight or look terrible in them. Well, that didn't happen. So it's almost like I threw in the towel in defeat!

    I have to get it in my head that I am doing this for my health first, and the cute clothes will follow. This is a lifestyle change to get healthy physically, mentally and spiritually for me. Not just a short "diet" so I can wear shorts this summer and feel better about it.

    I have to fix my attitude before anything else is going to change in my life. Period. I really think that is where I've gone wrong... Lifestyle change. Lifestyle change. Lifestyle change. I need to start repeating that to myself every chance I get until it's ingrained in my thought process.

    Hugs to you both! (and Snowflake too!)

    Yes! That's it exactly. I slacked and expected results and then when I didn't have the body I wanted by summer I just thought well pfft. No point!

    But there is a point. Looking at the success stories, they don't manage to get the body they want in 6 months. It takes them MINIMUM a year majority of the time, and sometimes more!
    And it's on going.

    So maybe we should bare that in mind..

    I keep telling myself to be patient too. Today marks 6 months since I have started logging this time around on MFP. My goal was to be 170 by September. I am at 183-185, depending on the day. I don't think I'll make 170 in 32 days. I'm trying hard not to let it discourage me, I am losing. I may not get there as fast as I thought I should, but I am not killing myself with exercise, I feel that I can continue doing what I'm doing long term.

    I have stalled a couple of times and I struggle to eat properly to keep losing, but I'm doing it and I have to keep telling myself that it takes time.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Oh and also @mytime6630 I have also thought about taking a break but I would miss you all too much!
    You're all like, my only friends haha, ❤️

    Happy that you value us :)

    This made me wonder though, are there friends /other mums in the area that you could get some support from?

    It might help you to be able to talk to people in person who are going through similar things right now. My friend is really close to fellow mums she got to know through all her pregnancy/new mum activities and I know she's found being able to chat through things with them really valuable... Is there anyone near you that you could meet up with, potentially with the children?

    Failing that, we're all here supporting you :smile:
    Don't put yourself under too much pressure... 5 months is not a long time when you have as much to cope with as you do!

    (Celebrities are totally unrealistic with their bouncing back and losing pregnancy weight. This is not possible for normal people who don't have armies of staff)

    I'm struggling a little too to be honest... Haven't put a lot on, just a couple of pounds, but have lost a lot of focus and keep on eating pizza and drinking wine.

    I'm blaming the heat and 'summer' vibes...
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    I personally find the honesty here so refreshing. It makes it so I don't feel like such a failure when I am struggling. We all go through the same struggle to lose weight no matter how different we are in our daily lives.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Oh and also @mytime6630 I have also thought about taking a break but I would miss you all too much!
    You're all like, my only friends haha, ❤️

    Happy that you value us :)

    This made me wonder though, are there friends /other mums in the area that you could get some support from?

    It might help you to be able to talk to people in person who are going through similar things right now. My friend is really close to fellow mums she got to know through all her pregnancy/new mum activities and I know she's found being able to chat through things with them really valuable... Is there anyone near you that you could meet up with, potentially with the children?

    Failing that, we're all here supporting you :smile:
    Don't put yourself under too much pressure... 5 months is not a long time when you have as much to cope with as you do!

    (Celebrities are totally unrealistic with their bouncing back and losing pregnancy weight. This is not possible for normal people who don't have armies of staff)

    I'm struggling a little too to be honest... Haven't put a lot on, just a couple of pounds, but have lost a lot of focus and keep on eating pizza and drinking wine.

    I'm blaming the heat and 'summer' vibes...

    I just don't really like people irl.
    I always make friends with complete idiots.
    From school I had two best friends which were my friends for 10 years and then they just completely Fked me over! So never really trusted anyone after that.

    I do have 1 friend. But she's a friend I rarely see but I know if I call her I can chat to her like it's hardly been any time at all.
    My old friends used to moan because I drove past her house from work and never popped in.
    As if I have no life outside them.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Very sad at the moment.

    Our car got broken into last night. Well I say "broken into" the car was actually unlocked. (you occasionally hear people trying car doors but they walk off) anyway me and my partner are pretty sure we lock the car every time. We're both pretty on the ball with it. But I must of left the key in the lock of my front door and one of the girls could have easily pressed the unlock button.
    Anyway, the car had obviously been rummaged through, glove box open, centre compartment, bits thrown everywhere. We opened the boot and there was just rubbish in there. So we though maybe they've left it and got nothing!
    It's hard, to know whats missing really. I suddenly can't find a bank card so I've cancelled it to be sure.
    So other than being a bit miffed we were okay.
    Until me and my partner were chatting about it and he said “I don't think they touched the boot because nothing was moved, they must have opened it, seen the bags of rubbish and thought F it." to which I said.. Did they not even look in your gym bag?
    Uh oh, that's what's missing. They've nicked his gym bag, so now he's lost his pre-workout supplement, 2 sets of expensive headphones, protein shaker (£10!) his swimming shorts and probably whatver top he was wearing, along with his hair stuff £12 a pot and deodorants.
    He totalled it up to £115.

    It proper *kitten*.
    He then came down and asked me where my make up bag is "my small one" to which my response was "well it was in the boot., with my big one."
    ALL my make up has gone.
    Which I've totalled to £110 up to now, I don't even know what was in the small one anymore!
    I have 2 discontinued products in there so I'll never get them again. And half of it was gifted so I can't even afford some of the more expensive products like £17.50 for a lipstick!?

    Were both devastated. We know it's only things but the gym is like "his thing" and it's really good for his health. And then the makeup is just a nightmare for any girl to have NON.
    I may be able to find some random spares or nearly empty stuff in my drawers but we're basically both starting from scratch now.
    Although I'm thankful there's no car damage.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Oh and they have the counterpart of my driving licence with my name, dob and address so need to go on fraud protection for 90 days..