

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,705 Member
    morning ladies~
    I am up and showered and having my tea,, wont be able to feed my DFIL this morning as I have to get the oil changed on my car, which I will do over near where I am working today.
    I have an appointment with attorney next tuesday to do my funded trust...i feel this is the best for me , my SIL is hounding me to use the attorneys she used or her dad used,, but I will just not tell her what I am doing...
    It is hot and humid here and I am dressed in long pants and will bring a sweatshirt with me, it was 68 degrees in there yesterday and thank goodness I dresssed for it ..
    Barbie~ I sure hope you find relief soon, I know how much you miss walking the pups and your line dancing,,,,
    Lisa ~ good luck today..
    Heather~ hope you hear from the solicitors today.it is frustration at its worst..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning, Lisa I too must bring my own coffee setup when traveling, it is a life saver for me. Love the predictability of chain hotels but the charm and surprises of boutique hotels. Our favorite hotel experience was in Morocco, each one was more unusual than the next and part of the adventure—anything is manageable with good coffee :p

    Feeling good about stretching my nitetime fast to 15 hours. Am drinking a lot more water. My BP has been on the rise and I think it is due to some overeating of salty food. Back to regular monitoring (3x daily) and cutting back on snacking on salty food-my guilty pleasure.


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,053 Member
    Katla love the HALT as a way to stop and self reflect and do what you can for yourself!

    Pip feel better soon.

    Terry good to see you.You sound like me a two months ago. I made up my mind to regain my health. I was on the upper end of weight and had other markers that showed I was heading to diabetes. Changing to healthy habits will also more than likely help you heal faster too. Healing thoughts for a good recovery.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Sorry if TMI: I have my period again! I thought I was pretty much through menopause, but this year started getting my period. Saw my doc in January and she said that the final year of menopause some women experience something called a "show" when they have two or three periods that are heavier/longer than normal. Well, I have been having periods about every 15-20 days apart. I called my doc and am going back in to see her, but first she has ordered bloodwork and a thyroid panel. I will get those things taken care of by next Wednesday and then will go see her after those results come back. Machka-thank you. It was your words (of caution, perhaps) that pushed me to contact my doc. Hearing about your outcome with the bleeding so often made me realize that this could be something that requires attention. I, personally, am thinking it could be a thyroid issue. lol there I go. Dr. Kelly; diagnosing herself!

    I'm glad you're getting it checked.

    I waited a year, figuring it was just how things were. Mine turned out to be precancerous polyps ... but they had to do a couple of different ultrasounds to find them. The first one took up 1/3 of my uterus ... no wonder I was having issues!!

    I hope they're able to figure out your situation and solve it quickly and easily.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Hi ladies. Remember me? I’m dropping back into the group again as I definitely need some help.

    I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you were doing.

    And yes, if you start now ... even in just a week's time things may have improved a little bit. My husband is working on rebuilding his strength. He used to be so strong, but since being able to get up and around after the accident, he has had a lot of trouble getting up from a sitting position. But he's been doing exercises for that all week, and it does seem to be getting a little bit easier.

    All the best!!

    M in Oz

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,342 Member
    Happy cooler Friday!

    Kelly - MY DH's first year with RA was on a weekly oral dose of methotrexate and anti-nausea meds which he would take every Friday night and be horribly sick all weekend but well enough to go back to work on Monday, and there might have been another pill thrown in there. He was diagnosed in early 1990's when he was about 45 so he's going on 25+ years. So he's now on 7 mg of prednisone per day which really works well - for his age, which is 72, his rheumatologist (who is 75!) says he will never switch from it. He is not swollen from the side effects. He is also taking Celecoxib (generic Celebrex), Gabapentin, omeprazole and Soma - many of them have nasty potential side effects. :( He has been taking these drugs for years and until recently when the vascular problems started to hit, was able to stay pretty active, just got tired a lot more which is also RA. Oh, and he also uses medical MJ - which is around 60% CBD and 40% THC. Teensy joint, a few puffs in the afternoon and few puffs before bed. Only on days he has bad pain - like on low air pressure/rainy type days.

    He is not on any type of anti-inflammatory diet and refuses to consider doing any "natural" things. I guess the only good thing about the drugs he is taking is that they are inexpensive and he's on the generics, cost getting them from his doc or GoodRX is less than $1.50 per day. He also takes 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day.

    Rye - glad your toe is getting better and thinking of you as you prepare for the family get-together!

    - what a disappointment not having a microwave. Sounds like a busy day coming up for you! Hey, when I saw all the pix of the property clearing John did on your new place, it occurred to me that if he lived around here he could make a good living doing that. Is it something he enjoys? My DH was a landscape supervisor when his RA hit - he loved working outside with plants rather than people all day.

    Barbie - sounds like you are feeling some better! I've had two "steroid packs" during my experiences with back pain - one of them a herniated disc - and had relief both times. What a weird altered state tho, lol. Glad they were short-term.

    Gotta get ready to hit the road, lots of errands to run this morning. Take care ladies!

    Cool SW WA State where we got a little measurable rain last night. Frizzy hair day, lol.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning! :)
  • lilnoramitchellandre
    lilnoramitchellandre Posts: 144 Member
    Hi ladies - Again, I have 'deactivated' my FB account; I made friends with some of you; and, some I was able to put the addresses into my 'snail email' address book; but, when I sent a 'joke' I had received a couple of them got bounced back. Please, any of you, who would like to be a 'snail email' friend send me a current email address and I will forward the 'jokes' and little 'stories' I receive from a couple of my friends all the time. Some of my former HS classmates are on FB; but, they still have an email address to receive communication that isn't meant to be 'public' on FB. I have had so many issues with FB; that I tend to want to sail my laptop across the room. Really want to 'dough pop' my oldest son who just cannot understand why I always have problems arise as he has never ever had them occur to him. The page I am reading with blink and it will either take me back 3 days of posts I have already read, or send a message that a page is not available, and every time I check my icon with the posts that have been shared with me … have to do that BEFORE I read what others have shared with me. It has gotten worse since Markie ZipperButt appeared before the Congressional Hearings. He made the comment that FB would make it so that people would not have any trouble finding others. Maybe I am paranoid; but, I don't want my info out there for others to see. Yes, I am 'crazy' and I can admit that. Just a lot more drama than I am willing to take.
    I just don't want to lose contact with any of you. But every time I come to this 'community' I have over 100 posts to get through and that is checking it every day. Over that is just 'too overwhelming' for me.

    I did not realize how going through 2 'surgical' procedures would drain me; but, at least I no longer have any 'acid reflux'. Tuesday I went back to the surgeon and he said he 'knew' when I walked in that the surgery had been successful due to the 'big smile' I had across my face. Then yesterday I went to my GYN for a follow-up; and had had pain in my left nipple (something that tends to occur often), so they did a sonogram on it and the Radiologist came in to see it done a 2nd time and said that it really had not changed that much; but, they are still going to do a 'diagnostic' mammogram and a repeat sonogram in 3 months. He did not want to wait 6 months. I have 2 sisters who are breast cancer survivors; and, my Mother had ovarian cancer that went to her brain, so I am guessing that it probably also went to her breasts before she passed away. I'm not 'scared', just very concerned. Please keep me in your prayers for whatever I might be faced with. My DDnL#2 had to have a mole cut out and it was biopsied and came back 'severe' so on Monday Will took her to the MD and he cut out the rest of it. Tami had also made an appointment for Will to have his body checked and they sliced off 2 moles and sent them to the pathologist for a biopsy. Tami wrote me yesterday to tell me about it and said that they will get the results back, probably on Tuesday. She said that Will gets 'blindsided' by her because she will make MD appointment for him, if she sees 'anything' that might concern him in any manner. She said he is probably a little 'tired of it'; but, always tells her "Thank You" after it is all over. Both DDsnL are due to start having mammograms this year as they both turn 40. One has 'large melons' and the other has had 'breast augmentation'. I told her the worst thing about that is the extra slides they make and having someone push the implant back out of the way to take them. Thankfully, my GYN got rid of the last technician he had who had some sort of 'evil idea' that she needed to be rough and man-handled a woman's breast - it really should not hurt; it will be uncomfortable; but, she had been complained about by others … so when I told him how rough she had been the first time - it waived it off; then I told him to go in there and put his "Johnson" in between the plates and let her smash it, like she did my breasts.

    Margaret - I was trying to de-clutter my house with the help of my oldest sister and had worked through 3 rooms to the point that it takes me only 5 minutes to make them look great; but, after the angel I broke when I fell and broke my wrist in January reappeared on our kitchen counter (Louis felt like he could glue it back together), it pissed her off and she told me the last time I went up there to have a psychological session that she would never help me again try to de-clutter the rest of it. Louis has turned into sort of a 'hoarder' … not like the ones you see on TV; but, he 'hates' getting rid of stuff that he thinks are useful. Well, they are only 'useful' if you use them. I sent 3 bags of linens to Goodwill, two more bags to send to Gameboy to try to sell what I had in Wii products back to them. Trey brought them back and said that Jenn would come down and take a picture of all I had and try to sell it on FB or Craig's List. I'd get more that way (if they sell). After a couple of months, then I will just take them back to Goodwill. I use a 'list' to do the things I want to get through daily and it helps make me stick to it, most of the time.

    Gee, I had about 10 pages of MFP posting to read today and I wanted to respond to more of you than I can have, without going back and re-reading them. I might do that because I will also be taking a break from MFP. I took the icon for FB off my laptop since that would make me take a lot more steps to get back into FB. It had become way too time-consuming for me and I would spend hours on it. When I needed to do my chores and do some reading.

    Lenora - EMAIL ADDRESS: lilnora.rembrandt.mitchell@windstream.net

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Pip: I hope you feel better soon. There are zillions of possible reasons a person feels crappy. I look to the obvious physical things as a place to start. This is what I taught my kids at home and my students at school: Ask yourself these questions: Am I hungry? Am I angry? Am I lonely? Am I tired? Each of the questions leads to practical things a person can do to help herself or himself feel a little bit better. This is part of a system called HALT Stress. :heart:

    (((Barbie))) I hope you feel better each day. :flowerforyou:

    Our house wifi system has been damaged and DH is working on a plan to rebuild it. It has worked flawlessly for years & this is an unwelcome event.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    katla - i know why i feel crappy, it's cuz i'm sicker than a dog!!!!!! i know i know, you should give your body a break when you're like this, actually for me doing what i've been doing IS giving my body a break, believe it or not. i know i know, don't preach, i know
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,550 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Good morning all! Happy Friday! I really haven't put up my monthly goals due to the later thread set up (thank you Lisa) then due to me sleeping in yesterday.
    My word for the year is Resilience
    -I am sitting pretty much where I was in the beginning of July due to the fact that I gained four pounds on my vacation. BUT...that has all come off in the past two weeks and I am back down to 228.
    August goals:
    Stick to the meal plan
    Log, log, log
    walk daily
    add 30 minutes of cardio/strength training
    get my water every day
    stay AF
    get myself taken care of *see below

    Sorry if TMI: I have my period again! I thought I was pretty much through menopause, but this year started getting my period. Saw my doc in January and she said that the final year of menopause some women experience something called a "show" when they have two or three periods that are heavier/longer than normal. Well, I have been having periods about every 15-20 days apart. I called my doc and am going back in to see her, but first she has ordered bloodwork and a thyroid panel. I will get those things taken care of by next Wednesday and then will go see her after those results come back. Machka-thank you. It was your words (of caution, perhaps) that pushed me to contact my doc. Hearing about your outcome with the bleeding so often made me realize that this could be something that requires attention. I, personally, am thinking it could be a thyroid issue. lol there I go. Dr. Kelly; diagnosing herself!

    Heather - I know you don't feel very patient; but my hat's off to you! You are so patient the way you are dealing with the delays with this house you are looking at and the whole moving process! This would drive me insane!
    Meg- Oh, I hope your message gets through to your DH! lol I giggled when I read it, for I also have a dark and twisted sense of humor.
    Lisa-Hang in there! I am sure, now, that you are settling into your new place, there are other things you would rather be doing than traveling and staying in a hotel. There is a part of me that is envious of your travel and crappy hotel! lol
    Michele- I like snakes; but I think if one rubbed up against me while I was in the water, I would panic!
    Lanette- Wondering how long your DH has been dealing with RA? My DH was diagnosed in spring of 2015, spent about six months on methotrexate, then they put him on plaquenil in late 2015 (November or December). The plaquenil seems to work to keep him moving, but we are having a hard time finding a pain med that works for him. Does your DH stay on an anti inflammatory diet? What has he found to help with the pain management? I know that everyone's RA journey, like everything else, is different. But just trying to get an idea of other options for my DH. (Other than me knocking him over the head with a hammer).
    Pip- Are you sick?
    Wendy- I wish I were close enough to you to bring my kiddos over for an "adventure" on your property! LOL! It is like a fairytale place with something interesting going on in every corner of your place! I am sure they would happily shovel, clean, feed chickens in return for a "field trip" day! lol

    Well, time to get busy! love and hugs to all ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)

    yup sicker than a dog! i don't remember the last time i was sick
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,880 Member
    Maybe I am paranoid; but, I don't want my info out there for others to see.

    Lenora - EMAIL ADDRESS:

    Sorry but ...

    If you don't want your info out there for others to see ... don't ever post your email address on a highly public forum like this. That's just asking for spam.

    I hope you can still edit your post and remove it. If not, ask the mods to remove it.

    M in Oz