JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    It's a service for realtors where we serve as the point of contact when they want to show a home between them and the sellers/listing agents/inspectors/etc. It's basically a call center environment, and the general manager is a super nice person who is always looking for ways to keep it a fun place to work. So he brings in pudding for national pudding day, donuts on a regular basis, cakes for birthdays and anniversaries, hot dogs and potato chips for a barbecue celebration, etc. When I get to work and load up my software, it seems that more often than not there's an announcement about the food in the break room. Why isn't there a National Watermelon Day or a National Low Calorie Popsicle Day? I love watermelon. I should try to get that started. ;)
  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    mytime6630 wrote: »
    Struggling to get back on track this week. For reason reason, really down in the dumps. I think when my daughter is not doing so well... neither do it. But ... one day at a time. Her doc has been cutting her meds, so back to increasing them slightly, so hopefully that will help.
    So tonite I stocked up on fruits and veggies

    JFT, Thurs
    1. go to the gym!! This always starts my day out right
    2. log all food
    3. concentrate on water
    4. encourage someone on here. when we help others, it helps outself
    5. plan dinner (already planned - love my instant pot!!!)
    6. august challenge
    7. go out for a nice, slow evening walk with hubby
    8. get out my journal, and write down my feelings instead of eating them.

    August Challenge: Plan just ONE evening snack, then close the kitchen
    1: Evening snack was a hard boiled egg, kitchen closed at 9pm :)
    2: Planned on a HB egg, but had 1/4c. raisin bran and some milk. It is now 9:15 pm - so a little later, but only because I wanted to color my hair first! :)
    3: Was out late, and had a glass of wine at 10:00 -- hubby wanted popcorn, so I had a very small amount, but still ,that was at 10:30!!! >:):/ But ....... I still did not eat too much, just that the klondike bar was way more calories than I thought. Lesson ... look up calories FIRST!
    4 .. no evening snack, and did great all day :)
    5... Worrying about my daughter; emotional eating:) >:):/
    6 ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    7. ... emotional eating >:):/:/
    8. Just got home tonite ... so kitchen is closed :)

    I'm not a mother - but I see so many moms hurting for their children when they struggle. Empathy is such a blessing and curse - and I feel like most moms are bestowed that wonderful superpower, being empaths. Hope things even out for you both soon!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    JFT - Wednesday August 8
    2L of Water - :)
    Calories in Green by 150 - :/ In green by 53, which is better than yesterday
    Outside 15 Minutes - :)
    Only on Evening Snack - :)
    Write in Journal - :) Finally did this after a week! I had a page of things to be grateful for
    Walk/Exercise - :) 5.79 kms at a pace of 11:43 - it is incredibly hot and smoky here so didn't push myself hard

    JFT - Thursday August 9
    2L of Water
    Calories in Green by 150
    Outside 15 Minutes
    Only one Evening Snack
    Write in Journal

    Had a nice lunch out with a friend yesterday, calorie dense though. Most of my friends are trying to lose weight as well I don't know why we all think we should meet for lunches and such.

    Found out yesterday another contract that we bid on wasn't accepted. We were still too high. I had bid on this one myself and thought we were in the right range. The prospective client told me we were $2.00 higher than the next highest. I don't know how any companies are doing it at the rate they are offering. Minimum wage here is going to $15.00/hour on October 1st and this contract was to run until Dec 2019. I'll be so happy when I'm out of this position and won't feel like everyone's livelihood is dependent on me selling. I didn't sign on for this.

    Still haven't come up with an idea of something to do for the weekend, but feel I should look at our stock of Christmas ornaments and make an inventory and get an idea of what we will do this year for the craft fairs. I can't believe how fast the year is going.

    My husband has some ideas too, so we really need to get some work going.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    It's a service for realtors where we serve as the point of contact when they want to show a home between them and the sellers/listing agents/inspectors/etc. It's basically a call center environment, and the general manager is a super nice person who is always looking for ways to keep it a fun place to work. So he brings in pudding for national pudding day, donuts on a regular basis, cakes for birthdays and anniversaries, hot dogs and potato chips for a barbecue celebration, etc. When I get to work and load up my software, it seems that more often than not there's an announcement about the food in the break room. Why isn't there a National Watermelon Day or a National Low Calorie Popsicle Day? I love watermelon. I should try to get that started. ;)

    I used to work for a company like that years ago, it's hard to ignore the food and not be considered rude.

    National Watermelon Day sounds like an awesome day! I had to laugh about the Popsicle. I loved root beer popsicles as a kid, it was one of my favourite treats. You can't buy them here anymore though, such a shame! Anyhow, a few weeks ago I went to the fair with my eldest to watch the free Beach Boys concert. We went early and walked around the grounds. There was a food truck selling homemade root beer popsicles. I bought one, because I could just feel my taste buds dancing for it. It was so sweet I couldn't even finish it! I ate about 2/3 of it and then threw it out. It wasn't what I remembered at all, but it sure was delicious.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Thursday?! Had to ask at Y what day it was. 1. Exercise at water classes-did 2 classes. 2. Watch calories and especially sugar, carbs, sodium-eating tuna salad with wasa bread. 3. Take pills - did that. 4. Maybe buy some celery when I get gas for car-did this and put celery in salad. Weighed me at Y--I am not unhappy. And now it is just past noon. Sigh, after my lunch, I will go out and ride around yard on mower. Tomorrow -FRIDAY, I will attempt 2 water classes in morning, breathe deep and not eat over calories. Salt/sodium is not going well. Must work on laundry and kitchen. And iced water is okay.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Thursday?! Had to ask at Y what day it was. 1. Exercise at water classes-did 2 classes. 2. Watch calories and especially sugar, carbs, sodium-eating tuna salad with wasa bread. 3. Take pills - did that. 4. Maybe buy some celery when I get gas for car-did this and put celery in salad. Weighed me at Y--I am not unhappy. And now it is just past noon. Sigh, after my lunch, I will go out and ride around yard on mower. Tomorrow -FRIDAY, I will attempt 2 water classes in morning, breathe deep and not eat over calories. Salt/sodium is not going well. Must work on laundry and kitchen. And iced water is okay.

    🙋☺I'm proud of you!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    I did 3,092 steps this morning plus low impact aerobics before 6:30a.m.
    Fasting breakfast, but drinking green tea and water.
    The plan is to get in more movement and build on it each day.
    And light cleaning on the agenda as well.
    *QUESTION ...WHY is it, before you start your journey to weight loss, other people don't like sharing their food, but the moment you dig in and start working on your weight...Now everyone wants to feed you something?.. LMBO😁 I'm just saying....

    LOL I hadn't thought about that, but it's so true. Everyone I know wants to go out for lunches and dinners since I've started losing. I would prefer to go for a walk with them for a visit instead.
    @Snowflake1968 ✋😁 I know... But I never get asked to walking, or go out. I have a lot of weight I want to lose...I'm determined. When my sister offered me extra food last night, I had to catch myself from wanting to snap at her... Lol…. And the thought of a little barking Chihuahua came to mind, and I softly and politely said,"no thank you". I can laugh about it now, but I really felt like a threatened pitbull.
    Ok... The cats out of the bag, I'm human... LMBO
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @maryrobinson40 - LOL that is a funny visual. I understand it though. I have one friend that has lost 60 pounds and he still insists on a fried chicken place every other Tuesday for lunch. My other friend that I met with yesterday has knees that doctors want to replace, she has lost 2 dress sizes, but still lots to go. She at least chose a place that only makes thin crust pizza and had salad choices. I need a walking buddy I think.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »

    The heat was brutal yesterday. We grilled chicken thighs for dinner but I just had no appetite - so we saved those for lunch today and had some snacks later in the evening when I was a little hungry. Thought about eating a meal just to eat a meal but I just couldnt stomach it so I had some calorie dense salami and cheese - calories were not bad at days end. I feel better today - good morning with protein shake, packed lunches, and I can cook something for dinner - pigs in a blanket probably. The next few weeks I am on a strict financial diet too. I've been practicing small habits over the past few months; no coffee drive thru except Sunday, no take out for lunch, and only one take out/week at most. I'm going to extend that to no clothes shopping for the next month (at least - trying to hold out for a whole new wardrobe come spring). I also want to stick to a strict(er) grocery budget - we typically spend $100/week for 2 people including all home products too (toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc) but I think I can realistically get it more towards $75 on the regular with some smarter shopping. I'm realizing that the next few weeks my priorities are going to shift to 1. mental health, 2. finances, and 3. Healthy eating. This is OKAY, this is GOOD, this is preparing! I've been so focused on the healthy eating and I've been lucky and privileged to be able to do so without much hinderance or distraction, and every opportunity to buy what I need to help me along. I will absolutely be continuing with my habits, but I'm trying to be realistic in what to expect in the next few months moving into a new house - being as on point as I have been will probably be hard, so I will NOT beat myself up over it. Trusting the process more than ever now and excited to build more healthy habits in all aspects of life.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. The heat and smoke here is making meals very unappetizing. I like your financial diet. My daughter and SIL about every two-three months have a no-spend month. They are both terrible with money and buy what they want when they want it. They started this last year in an effort to discipline themselves and it seems to be working well for them. They still of course, buy food etc, but no eating out, no clothes, no entertainment, no books, etc.

    I don't know if 75.00/week would be enough for a grocery budget here, mind you I'm not even sure $100.00 would be. I seem to spend so much money on food and 90% of the time it is just the two of us. I should start tracking that better.

    Thank you! Feeling better today. I saw a funny meme that said "Check on your fat friends, we dont do well in the heat" And had a good laugh cause that is me 110% - but even when I was a kid, I just hated the heat.

    I love the no spend month - I think that is what I will call this month and see how it goes! My DH is the same way, want it, need it, now. I love grocery shopping so I justify spending extra since I don't do a lot of other shopping. We usually stock the freezer once every other month at a local slaughterhouse for wholesale prices - so my budget typically does not include protein which eats up a lot of money at the grocery store. That alone has saved us the most money on our groceries. Our regional grocery chain, Market Basket, has some seriously awesome sales, and everyday low prices on a lot of things - but I've found Aldi to be a great place for pantry staples - 5 lb of jasmine rice for $5 compared to $6.5 - Tuna packets for .85 compared to $1.29 - fruit snacks, chocolate, granola bars, canned beans/veggies, trail mix, quinoa meals etc - all good stock up items for us. Unfortunatley it won't be local to the house anymore, but close to work still so doable for non refrigerated items. I've got some research to do on how to save tho! It's crazy how quick it all adds up!

    Is there smoke from wildfires near you? Hope you all are safe!!!

    We do that too! Go to the local butcher and get a month's worth of meat, because we buy so much in bulk he does it at a really good price! Then because we go there all the time he rewards our loyalty too!
    It is a large chunk of the weekly shop but after that we may just top up with 2-3 packets of meat to keep stocked up!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    @nickssweetheart thank you for the suggestion although im not sure if I like them! I'll have to buy them again to check haha but I'll try what you said with a little salt!

    @MLHC1 it's good to see you back! Missed you loads! Glad to hear the little man's surgery all went well! Casey is weaning now and half rolling! She can get on her belly.. And that's it lol can't get back over yet!
    It's going so fast! It took marley sooooo long to do anything but she was just a dot!

    Looking forward to seeing you back here! And if it's not too personal.. What is a Leep procedure?

  • AJB1014
    AJB1014 Posts: 1,380 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »

    The heat was brutal yesterday. We grilled chicken thighs for dinner but I just had no appetite - so we saved those for lunch today and had some snacks later in the evening when I was a little hungry. Thought about eating a meal just to eat a meal but I just couldnt stomach it so I had some calorie dense salami and cheese - calories were not bad at days end. I feel better today - good morning with protein shake, packed lunches, and I can cook something for dinner - pigs in a blanket probably. The next few weeks I am on a strict financial diet too. I've been practicing small habits over the past few months; no coffee drive thru except Sunday, no take out for lunch, and only one take out/week at most. I'm going to extend that to no clothes shopping for the next month (at least - trying to hold out for a whole new wardrobe come spring). I also want to stick to a strict(er) grocery budget - we typically spend $100/week for 2 people including all home products too (toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc) but I think I can realistically get it more towards $75 on the regular with some smarter shopping. I'm realizing that the next few weeks my priorities are going to shift to 1. mental health, 2. finances, and 3. Healthy eating. This is OKAY, this is GOOD, this is preparing! I've been so focused on the healthy eating and I've been lucky and privileged to be able to do so without much hinderance or distraction, and every opportunity to buy what I need to help me along. I will absolutely be continuing with my habits, but I'm trying to be realistic in what to expect in the next few months moving into a new house - being as on point as I have been will probably be hard, so I will NOT beat myself up over it. Trusting the process more than ever now and excited to build more healthy habits in all aspects of life.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. The heat and smoke here is making meals very unappetizing. I like your financial diet. My daughter and SIL about every two-three months have a no-spend month. They are both terrible with money and buy what they want when they want it. They started this last year in an effort to discipline themselves and it seems to be working well for them. They still of course, buy food etc, but no eating out, no clothes, no entertainment, no books, etc.

    I don't know if 75.00/week would be enough for a grocery budget here, mind you I'm not even sure $100.00 would be. I seem to spend so much money on food and 90% of the time it is just the two of us. I should start tracking that better.

    Thank you! Feeling better today. I saw a funny meme that said "Check on your fat friends, we dont do well in the heat" And had a good laugh cause that is me 110% - but even when I was a kid, I just hated the heat.

    I love the no spend month - I think that is what I will call this month and see how it goes! My DH is the same way, want it, need it, now. I love grocery shopping so I justify spending extra since I don't do a lot of other shopping. We usually stock the freezer once every other month at a local slaughterhouse for wholesale prices - so my budget typically does not include protein which eats up a lot of money at the grocery store. That alone has saved us the most money on our groceries. Our regional grocery chain, Market Basket, has some seriously awesome sales, and everyday low prices on a lot of things - but I've found Aldi to be a great place for pantry staples - 5 lb of jasmine rice for $5 compared to $6.5 - Tuna packets for .85 compared to $1.29 - fruit snacks, chocolate, granola bars, canned beans/veggies, trail mix, quinoa meals etc - all good stock up items for us. Unfortunatley it won't be local to the house anymore, but close to work still so doable for non refrigerated items. I've got some research to do on how to save tho! It's crazy how quick it all adds up!

    Is there smoke from wildfires near you? Hope you all are safe!!!

    We do that too! Go to the local butcher and get a month's worth of meat, because we buy so much in bulk he does it at a really good price! Then because we go there all the time he rewards our loyalty too!
    It is a large chunk of the weekly shop but after that we may just top up with 2-3 packets of meat to keep stocked up!

    Awesome! It gives a nice sense of community too! We support their business and they help us in return!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Argh I’m struggling today! It has rained the whole day, lots of plans had to change and I’m feeling fed up and like I want to delve into the sugar! Keeping the demons at bay with a lot of fruit and coffee but thought I’d jump on here to declare myself as well!

    I will finish this coffee and have nothing now until my 9pm shake. Then go to bed!

    There, I’ve said it! Now I have to do it x

    Hang in there!! It happens to everyone!! If you feel yourself swaying towards food, drink a lot of water all at once. That has always worked for me when I'm steady and strong on a diet.
    Good luck lady, you've got this!!!! :wink:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    @MLHC1 it's good to see you back! Missed you loads! Glad to hear the little man's surgery all went well! Casey is weaning now and half rolling! She can get on her belly.. And that's it lol can't get back over yet!
    It's going so fast! It took marley sooooo long to do anything but she was just a dot!

    Looking forward to seeing you back here! And if it's not too personal.. What is a Leep procedure?


    That's wonderful about Casey!! She is growing up fast!! My little guy is rolling from belly to back, eating as much breastmilk as I'll give and eating homemade baby food!! They grow-up fast :joy:

    Since this is a public thread in which some may not appreciate the description, here is a link describing the Leep Procedure.

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    AJB1014 wrote: »
    AJB1014 wrote: »

    The heat was brutal yesterday. We grilled chicken thighs for dinner but I just had no appetite - so we saved those for lunch today and had some snacks later in the evening when I was a little hungry. Thought about eating a meal just to eat a meal but I just couldnt stomach it so I had some calorie dense salami and cheese - calories were not bad at days end. I feel better today - good morning with protein shake, packed lunches, and I can cook something for dinner - pigs in a blanket probably. The next few weeks I am on a strict financial diet too. I've been practicing small habits over the past few months; no coffee drive thru except Sunday, no take out for lunch, and only one take out/week at most. I'm going to extend that to no clothes shopping for the next month (at least - trying to hold out for a whole new wardrobe come spring). I also want to stick to a strict(er) grocery budget - we typically spend $100/week for 2 people including all home products too (toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc) but I think I can realistically get it more towards $75 on the regular with some smarter shopping. I'm realizing that the next few weeks my priorities are going to shift to 1. mental health, 2. finances, and 3. Healthy eating. This is OKAY, this is GOOD, this is preparing! I've been so focused on the healthy eating and I've been lucky and privileged to be able to do so without much hinderance or distraction, and every opportunity to buy what I need to help me along. I will absolutely be continuing with my habits, but I'm trying to be realistic in what to expect in the next few months moving into a new house - being as on point as I have been will probably be hard, so I will NOT beat myself up over it. Trusting the process more than ever now and excited to build more healthy habits in all aspects of life.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. The heat and smoke here is making meals very unappetizing. I like your financial diet. My daughter and SIL about every two-three months have a no-spend month. They are both terrible with money and buy what they want when they want it. They started this last year in an effort to discipline themselves and it seems to be working well for them. They still of course, buy food etc, but no eating out, no clothes, no entertainment, no books, etc.

    I don't know if 75.00/week would be enough for a grocery budget here, mind you I'm not even sure $100.00 would be. I seem to spend so much money on food and 90% of the time it is just the two of us. I should start tracking that better.

    Thank you! Feeling better today. I saw a funny meme that said "Check on your fat friends, we dont do well in the heat" And had a good laugh cause that is me 110% - but even when I was a kid, I just hated the heat.

    I love the no spend month - I think that is what I will call this month and see how it goes! My DH is the same way, want it, need it, now. I love grocery shopping so I justify spending extra since I don't do a lot of other shopping. We usually stock the freezer once every other month at a local slaughterhouse for wholesale prices - so my budget typically does not include protein which eats up a lot of money at the grocery store. That alone has saved us the most money on our groceries. Our regional grocery chain, Market Basket, has some seriously awesome sales, and everyday low prices on a lot of things - but I've found Aldi to be a great place for pantry staples - 5 lb of jasmine rice for $5 compared to $6.5 - Tuna packets for .85 compared to $1.29 - fruit snacks, chocolate, granola bars, canned beans/veggies, trail mix, quinoa meals etc - all good stock up items for us. Unfortunatley it won't be local to the house anymore, but close to work still so doable for non refrigerated items. I've got some research to do on how to save tho! It's crazy how quick it all adds up!

    Is there smoke from wildfires near you? Hope you all are safe!!!

    I have never enjoyed grocery shopping, truthfully I just tolerate cooking I don't find it enjoyable or relaxing in any way. It is something I just have to do. My SIL when we used to live near each other loved grocery shopping, there were many a day I just went to her house to "shop" for my supper. LOL

    The wildfires are in BC, but the smoke is blowing into Alberta. We aren't in any danger except lung damage :)
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Oh my word. I'm 140 posts behind. I'll have catch up later, or maybe tomorrow when we are on the road. We are going to visit my dad in Minnesota for a long weekend. It's about an 8 hour drive. I'm happy. I have not seen him in about 5 years. Way overdue.

    Since I was on here last, we have had a lot of drama coming at us from all sides, so I've been kind of MIA. But I think of you all every day. Just kind of withdrawing from the world when I'm not at work.

    I'll be getting back on track when I return from dad's on Tuesday, but until then my reception is going to be really spotty up there in the northwoods. I plan to do a lot of fishing, relaxing, swimming (he lives on a lake) and unplug from my electronics as much as possible.

    I hope you all have a nice weekend and I'll try to catch up on the road tomorrow.



  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Oh my word. I'm 140 posts behind. I'll have catch up later, or maybe tomorrow when we are on the road. We are going to visit my dad in Minnesota for a long weekend. It's about an 8 hour drive. I'm happy. I have not seen him in about 5 years. Way overdue.

    Since I was on here last, we have had a lot of drama coming at us from all sides, so I've been kind of MIA. But I think of you all every day. Just kind of withdrawing from the world when I'm not at work.

    I'll be getting back on track when I return from dad's on Tuesday, but until then my reception is going to be really spotty up there in the northwoods. I plan to do a lot of fishing, relaxing, swimming (he lives on a lake) and unplug from my electronics as much as possible.

    I hope you all have a nice weekend and I'll try to catch up on the road tomorrow.



    Have a wonderful trip and I would unplug on a lake too :)
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Faebert wrote: »
    Hmm, well after my SOS post earlier I didn’t quite keep to my word! But i realised I hadn’t accounted for any exercise so actually had loads of calories to spare. Still feel a bit down though because even though I could “afford” them, the calories were mainly for emotional rather than real hunger. I’m feeling anxious and a bit sad about the girls going away with their dad. :(

    Anyway, recap and then onwards
    Thursday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - April to August challenges ish!
    - Early walk/jog with kids for breakfast and errands ✅
    - Head to my sister to help out with her kids while she recovers from minor surgery ✅
    - Get kids packed for their trip with their dad ✅
    - Eyebrows tan pamper time 1/2 ✅
    - Pack to spend a couple of days with boyfriend this weekend while kids are away ❎
    - Early night ✅

    Friday goals
    - stay positive!
    - Morning workout
    - April to August challenges
    - Have a lovely day with the girls
    - Get them to his place for 7pm
    - Rest

    Night all x

    I think you should count it as a win if you had the calories for it. I feel for you having to send the girls away. Hopefully the time goes fast for you.