

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    brennerjlb wrote: »
    Hi - found your post. Perfect for me - just hit the big 50 in June. I am getting back into MFP as I have my oldest daughter's wedding less than a year away! 49 weeks to be exact. It will be a summer wedding outside so I need to look great in a summer dress (: I have three kids - my youngest - my boy just finished high school. Not empty nester yet - he will live at home for a bit. But I had to get myself a dog - I have a 6 month old chocolate lab who is helping me get more active.
    Goal by wedding -30 lbs. That will put me at a weight I have not been to for a long time. Could lose more per the BMI tables, but I will take it one step at a time. Look forward to getting to know you!
    Lynn - WI

    Hi there Lynn, you and I have a lot in common. I will be 50 next month. I also have a daughter getting married next summer, July 9th. I am an empty nester though, have been since 2009. I was aiming to lose 60 by next July when I started, I've managed to whittle it down to 40 now!

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Pip, just lovely!

    Rebecca- I can eat the same breakfast and lunch everyday for months! If it is healthy, pack and I don't have to waste time on the way to work. Trying to re-boot myself this year with a little IF so I have given up my egg and avocado breakfast at the moment. Just had my half a mini avocado as a snack though.... Dinner is always my variant....

    NyKaren-(not in NY) Capetown... wow! We have friends who travel there and they love it!. Someday.... Next trip for us is back to San Francisco and Carmel in the fall....

    Trying to be more mindful of things each day... what I eat and how I feel and how they relate.... Dinner out tonight, the DH's day off.... But I did cook healthy meals for us the last 3 nights in a row so I will count this day four of a really good streak as long as I behave tonight! I feel determined....

    Tracey- Congratulations on hitting one of the milestones. That right now is my goal. If I look at the big picture, I will get depressed so instead just one step at a time...In relation to my post about CA in the fall, I don't think I will be all the way to the goal by then but on the way would be nice... At least in CA they like their healthy!!!!

    Trying to find the best time to make MFP a priority, I know I need it....

    Frankiesgirl- still raining in Pa... who cuts grass 2x a week in August????

    Thanks, I am doing the same thing 10 pounds at a time and a day at a time. That is all I am able to do right now. I did the hurry up and exercise like crazy twice before and failed both times. I don't want that this time.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Yo peeps
    I finally lowered my weight on my profile 1-1/2lbs. I still can’t get myself to lower it what it really is even tho I have been at this weight for more than 2 weeks. It’s really should b 5lbs lower

    You crack me up!! Most of us would go the other direction if anything, like on a driver license. Lol. Big hug to you!!

    Janetr OKC
  • brennerjlb
    brennerjlb Posts: 720 Member
    Tracey - yikes! yesterday was a rough one. Sounds like VP is a jerk. You are NOT responsible for the 32 others. It is good to have empathy, but don't take their stress on. Easier said then done I know. What do you sell? I am guessing you are not the only one responsible for selling. Maybe it is time to be honest with rest of staff and maybe they will be more motivated to sell? Good luck!
    Congrats on the weight loss so far and I hope you and I can become great weight loss buddies and show each other great pictures of next years weddings!
    And your attitude about erasing tomorrows eating and doing right today is very important!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited August 2018
    Thanks for all your responses to what you eat, and I understand its normal to be eating my same foods every day. It does simplify things!
    Well I finally pulled my 7 ft weed growing on the side of the house! It wasn't like any of the bushes near it so out it went. I am still wanting to trim the bushes around the front window, but when do you trim flowering bushes? I need to research this. Also I am not sure if my raspberries are overbearing or just once a year. I don't think anyone trimmed the old canes last year. I have some vines with pretty purple little flowers just choking a bush nearby! Craziness in my yard...
    Husband is currently pruning a tree that's hanging over the fence onto our property. To keep this property decent will be a challenge, and as a rental, the owner should have forked out money for a landscaper!

    Have a great day all!
    Whidbey island
  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I log my weight every Friday, up or down. When I was losing, I logged my weight every Monday and Friday.

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Well a day on the road yesterday left me so far behind again. I think I'm caught up!
    Wendy - I just love the pics and the editing you are doing. Great work. My husband took multimedia years ago and I appreciate the work involved in completely changing pictures like you are doing.

    Katla - The smoke is crazy here today, it has been our worse day yet. The picture below was taken out my office window at about 845 in the morning.

    Lenora- I am on facebook quite regularly. I have my settings locked down so that people can't easily find me. My career has been managing people for over 20 years and I didn't want employees knowing about my personal life. As for the political rants and such I understand exactly what you mean. My DH and FIL have not spoken for close to two years now because of FB rants made by my FIL. It's a very sad situation. I still have him on my FB as it's the only way we have found out that my MIL was in the hospital twice now. Weird family dynamics.

    Dana - I hear you, keeping caught up with this group is a part time job LOL

    Rye - Sounds like a rough start to your trip except for the chocolate smell! Have a great trip and visit with your Dad.

    Heather- I like your idea of Bonus calories, so you burn an extra 200 calories a day that you don't log? You earn about 800 calories in total through exercise a day? Am I reading that correctly? So sorry to hear about your hubby's anxiety and IBS flare up. Hopefully, once all is settled and you have the keys to the new place things will right itself. Do you have a much longer wait to know for sure? It sure seems different than buying in Canada. We put in an offer it was accepted within a couple hours and our closing date was only 3 weeks out.

    Lisa - Hope you have a great road trip with the new manager. What a great way to know a new co-worker. I've been in that position a couple of times and made one lifelong friend out of it. The other, I knew wouldn't work out and I was right, he was gone within 6 months.

    Pip - I admire your restraint with logging your losses. I am totally the opposite I log any loss more than 1/2 pound. I sometimes have long stretches waiting for another one. :) I love all of the pictures of you and Kirby, you have such a beautiful smile.

    Barbie -How frustrating that the PT isn't working, hopefully they come up with a plan soon.

    Allie - I love that you are still spending time with your DFIL - I have always told my husband if anything happened to us that I was keeping his parents. His Mother has told him she is keeping me too LOL


    Tracey in Edmonton

    Thx 😃

    Janetr- I keep thinking the weight loss is a fluke and it’s gonna go up any second
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    brennerjlb wrote: »
    Tracey - yikes! yesterday was a rough one. Sounds like VP is a jerk. You are NOT responsible for the 32 others. It is good to have empathy, but don't take their stress on. Easier said then done I know. What do you sell? I am guessing you are not the only one responsible for selling. Maybe it is time to be honest with rest of staff and maybe they will be more motivated to sell? Good luck!
    Congrats on the weight loss so far and I hope you and I can become great weight loss buddies and show each other great pictures of next years weddings!
    And your attitude about erasing tomorrows eating and doing right today is very important!

    There is only me and one other person in this branch. He is a security guard/scheduler. We are a security guard company so we provide security guards for Malls, events, for access control, etc. There are a lot of companies here doing the same thing and it's just hard to get a good reputation built up without the business to do it with. I have been in the industry for 20+ years but in administrative management and operations management roles. This would be awesome if I had a salesperson LOL
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Thanks for all your responses to what you eat, and I understand its normal to be eating my same foods every day. It does simplify things!
    Well I finally pulled my 7 ft weed growing on the side of the house! It wasn't like any of the bushes near it so out it went. I am still wanting to trim the bushes around the front window, but when do you trim flowering bushes? I need to research this. Also I am not sure if my raspberries are overbearing or just once a year. I don't think anyone trimmed the old canes last year. I have some vines with pretty purple little flowers just choking a bush nearby! Craziness in my yard...
    Husband is currently pruning a tree that's hanging over the fence onto our property. To keep this property decent will be a challenge, and as a rental, the owner should have forked out money for a landscaper!

    Have a great day all!
    Whidbey island

    I don't eat the same thing each day, but my evening snack. If I don't have it I feel funny and keep looking for something to satisfy me. Not a good idea! I usually don't eat breakfast, have 2 or 3 different lunch ideas and supper is 95% of the time up to my hubby.

    I am so not a gardener, landscaper. I don't envy you that task at all, you are correct your landlord should hire someone or at least give you a discount in rent if you are going to maintain it.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Tracey in Edmonton, I am frustrated about trying to get someone to clean the sun room ceiling windows and gutters. It has been in the hundreds, and we don't have that extra $ on hand. This year is kind of a trial period regarding us and owner. If I call the management company too much on this and that, the owner might label us difficult. So lying low during this time is smart. The downside of rental living I guess.

    I am going to delegate a place in the forest as a place to put clippings, (probably will be used as a bed for the deer,). Then I won't have to try to fit it in the weekly garbage. If this was our own place I would research how to make a compost bin. But it would probably get destroyed by the deer!

    Another good day planned eating wise.
    💗 Rebecca
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Good days.
  • mfp4kc
    mfp4kc Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Sisters, every morning I am grateful because I am another day closer to spring and another day closer to having a new baby foal to play with.

    This morning I listened to Clarissa Pinkola Estes while I was doing my weights and I loved this quote of hers: "You can't fit a tiger into a matchbox." I am going to remember it as I go about trying to fit into what society deems normality. LOL. I just can't quite squeeze myself into the mold.

    Here in NZ where prices tend to be high, I buy a one kg bag of turmeric at an Indian bulk foods store for $12 NZ. This lasts me for about a month as I take it and I also give it to my horses every day to keep their bodies young and healthy. I probably consume between a quarter tsp and half a tsp a day, which is what Dr. Michael Gregor also recommends in his book How Not To Die, based on what millions of Indians consume daily. LOL. If you have a queasy tummy or don't want to add it to your foods (I don't notice any taste in food at all, but it does flavour drinks a bit) you could always buy a bag of gel capsules, empty ones, and fill them at home and take it as a capsule. That might be a cheaper option. I am pretty sure it is Dr. Gregor who also recommends the whole spice rather than to just take an extract of curcurmen.9jaqyx2b7uj3.jpg

    My youngest daughter just called to ask me to meet her for a meal later today. Nice to feel loved. Not so long ago she hated me and ran away from home when she was a month shy of 16 (right after I had bought a 'dream horse' for her. She went through a rebellious teen stage, dropped out of school, got into drugs and criminal boyfriend...Thank God that is all behind us and she survived and she loves me again. LOL She told me that she wants to keep the new foal that is due for herself. Maybe... She is 9 weeks pregnant herself and very happy, though quite nauseas.

    <3 Wendy

    You’re right about the absorption of turmeric! It is better absorbed with the black pepper extract. Another option is to look for a turmeric supplement that uses a water dispersion technology to help it absorb even better.
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Well a day on the road yesterday left me so far behind again. I think I'm caught up!
    Wendy - I just love the pics and the editing you are doing. Great work. My husband took multimedia years ago and I appreciate the work involved in completely changing pictures like you are doing.


    Tracey in Edmonton

    Thanks. I think of it as play, not work. That makes all the difference in doing anything.

    Does everyone see the Ghost Snowflake in this gorgeous orange sky photo? LOL

    <3 Wendy
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • mainelylisa
    mainelylisa Posts: 375 Member
    Hi Everyone...hope it's ok to still join this group. I'm 56 and about 15 pounds heavier than my profile pic. I'm obviously in denial about how much I'm eating (and drinking, lol), so back to tracking. I'm eating mostly plant-based and at least for now, low fat.

    But I think I'm also eating/drinking out of boredom. I work from home and kids are grown and out, but no grand kids to chase after. So I'm looking for active and not-so-active hobbies and friends.

    Also looking for fitness pals, so please connect if you think we have some commonalities.
