JUST FOR TODAY ....... One day at a time ..... Daily Commitment Thread for 2018



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    @bcTRAI and @Snowflake1968 Are you in the path of the fires? You will be in my prayers! There are so many out of control in so many places right now. It's just terrible. Be safe, my friends!

    @HEGoddard0928 I'm glad you are feeling a little better. Ginger Ale was always my go-to for nausea. 7-Up or Sprite left standing to get some of the fizz out helps me too.

    @mytime6630 You are so right when you say we are a family here. I feel that way with you all. Such encouragement and support is hard to find...and it's genuine. Priceless. Thank you again, my friend, for keeping this thread going.

    @Bex953172 and @slittlemeister Just wanted to say hi! :mrgreen:
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    @bcTRAI and @Snowflake1968 Are you in the path of the fires? You will be in my prayers! There are so many out of control in so many places right now. It's just terrible. Be safe, my friends!

    @HEGoddard0928 I'm glad you are feeling a little better. Ginger Ale was always my go-to for nausea. 7-Up or Sprite left standing to get some of the fizz out helps me too.

    @mytime6630 You are so right when you say we are a family here. I feel that way with you all. Such encouragement and support is hard to find...and it's genuine. Priceless. Thank you again, my friend, for keeping this thread going.

    @Bex953172 and @slittlemeister Just wanted to say hi! :mrgreen:

    I am not in the path at all. The last I heard the closest one to us was 400 kms away. We keep getting smoke when the wind comes from the West.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Want to cheer all my fellow MFPers up so sharing several photos of Lego sculptures at botanical gardens from yesterday. Man behind peacock is hubby ~ hadn't realized he was in frame when I took photo. I think he is looking for my parents ~ could really tell mom is aging fast (she's almost 82 with a few health issues & dad's nearly 84) and we got separated during the Lego hunt. Wanting to cherish every moment with them!

    Also, we saw at least 5 different brides during our visit ~ lots of weddings there yesterday, I think there were at least 7 from what the clerk told me. Perfect day for a garden wedding!


    I love the LEGO sculptures, my Grandson just left when I saw them I’ll have to remember to show him.

    Enjoy every moment with your Mom.
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Want to cheer all my fellow MFPers up so sharing several photos of Lego sculptures at botanical gardens from yesterday. Man behind peacock is hubby ~ hadn't realized he was in frame when I took photo. I think he is looking for my parents ~ could really tell mom is aging fast (she's almost 82 with a few health issues & dad's nearly 84) and we got separated during the Lego hunt. Wanting to cherish every moment with them!

    Also, we saw at least 5 different brides during our visit ~ lots of weddings there yesterday, I think there were at least 7 from what the clerk told me. Perfect day for a garden wedding!


    Absolutely Stunning... Thank you for sharing.😍
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Thank you everyone for your caring and best wishes. We feel very grateful that we got to see him in April. They live in Colorado and we didn't have the opportunity to see them often. They came and spent a week with us and it was such a nice visit. We are very sad and I don't think it has sunk in yet. They were doing autopsy today. We don't know if he had a heart attack while riding or what happened to make him go off the road and hit the post.

    Anyway, I've been keeping my husband busy and trying to help him deal with his anger and grief. I feel bad I have surgery scheduled for Thursday, but he insists I not reschedule it.

    Today I didn't post goals. But I did pretty well with what I had wanted to do.

    1. Journal food. :star:
    2. Drink 64 oz water :star:
    3. Go through clutter and mail on desk. :star:
    4. Furniture shopping :star: Bought new couch and recliner. Picking up on Tuesday.
    5. Put away clothes and declutter bedside table.
    6. Gratitude Journal / Half Size Me Podcast & email / Simple Abundance daily reading / Prayers
    7. Unplug at 9:00, lights out at 10:00.
    8. Set alarm for 6:00 and get up without hitting Snooze.

    love to all. <3

    @PackerFanInGB ...🙏🙏💝💝💝💝💝💝 Will keep you and your husband in my prayers.
    Mary loves you...so I'm hugging you back.🌹
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Thank you all again for your show of care... You Ladies ROCK BIG TIME!!!
    Words can't express how thankful I am for how welcomed you've all made me feel. Bless each and every one of you.. I think I would have sank deeply into my emotions had you not come on here and read and respond to my posts.😅 Thank you! Thank you💜💜💜💜💜💜💜👆🙏
  • nickssweetheart
    nickssweetheart Posts: 874 Member
    Well, my day was less than stellar, foodwise, but I FEEL so much better. The margarita may have had something to do with it...

    I hope those of you going through difficult times know that sending you positive thoughts isn't limited to this thread. You are all courageous, whether it's a loss, or the fires, or just the day to day-ness of trying to improve your life. I think about this thread when I'm not in it and wish blessings for each of you.

    This thread really reinforces for me the power of a day. Will it be a day spent focused on my loved ones and many blessings? Or a day where I get tunnel vision and focus on the things I wish were different (not in a positive, changing them kind of way?) Will it be a day that moves me closer to my goals or further away? And will it be a day when I manage to give as well as receive?

    For a writer, I'm not managing to be very articulate here, but this thread just got me thinking this evening. I also finished reading a novel today that dealt with the complexities of the decisions that people face in their lives and the difficulties of conflicting duties and the problems in hasty judgments. It was a novel with no villain, just complicated, loving, well-meaning people with different goals and senses of right and wrong. It touched my heart.

    Anyway, Just For Tomorrow:

    1. Be kind. (I'm stealing this one.)
    2. Pre-log my day and stick with my plan.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water before leaving for work at 3 pm.
    4. Buy a soda on my way to work as a treat to myself.
    5. Eat at least 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables (I've been slacking on this one lately.)
    6. Menu plan through Thursday and pre-log.
  • Faebert
    Faebert Posts: 1,588 Member
    I’ve realised how special this group is this morning when I jumped on the thread and my first thought was I wanted to see how everyone is doing - not because I wanted to post my goals! And how amazing that among bereavement, illness, fires (!) and all kinds of other challenges, everyone comes and checks in and cheers others on. Thank you to you all.

    @HEGoddard0928 - hope you get some answers to how you’re feeling soon. And I really hope that it’s the good news you’re hoping for. X

    I had a mixed day yesterday. Nearly all goals checked off but I definitely overate and feel a bit rubbish today. Food hangover! >:)

    Sunday goals
    - morning workout ✅
    - Breakfast out with the kids - buy lemons, dip and chicken stock ✅
    - Lunch with family ✅
    - Do online banking app!!! ❎ ugh! Today!!
    - Tidy up then rest ✅

    Monday goals
    - morning workout
    - April to August challenges (want to get this back on track this week)
    - Park with the kids
    - Online banking app!!!!!
    - Early night

    Wishing everyone a good start to a new week x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    - 8 glasses of water
    - Be in the green
    - Exercise
    - Tidy the mess as soon as I've made it
    - Go to library

    Apr: Water
    May: 15min Outside
    Jun: Mindful Eating
    Jul: Pre-logging
    Aug: Close Kitchen 9pm.

    23 July: 184.5
    1 Aug: 184
    6 Aug: 183
    13 Aug: 180.5
    20 Aug: 179.5
    *** 5lbs lost ***
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Well, yesterday was a bust. Intended to finish work at 6.30 in order to meet my friend for pub dinner, make sensible choices, get a sensible train home, and pack my stuff for morning run.

    What actually happened? Worked 10.5 hours with just 15 mins lunch break. Actually left at 7.30. Ordered a sensible choice for main, but my friend was naughty and ordered a bottle of wine for us to share without telling me. After half a bottle of wine, having another glass of wine and a dessert seemed like a good idea. As did getting the last train home. Unsurprisingly, I did not pack my run stuff.

    Yesterday's commitments - a summary!

    - Log everything I eat :smile:
    - Stick to food plan :s:s
    - 3 bottles water :)
    - 45 minute lunch break :'(
    - Duolingo :smile:
    - Finish work at 6.30pm :s
    - Train home at 9.45pm :s
    - Pack stuff for morning run :s

    I think what this tells me is that work, and alcohol, are not good for my goals...(!)

    Today will be better (won't be going out).
    Commitments are:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Be in the green
    - 4 bottles water

    - 30 minute lunch break
    - Duolingo & French book
    - Finish work at 7pm, NO LATER
    - Watch the Handmaid's tale
    - Lights out by 11

    Are you still preparing for a job move? I think you are right work is not good for your goals which is what causes the alcohol :)

    I am still preparing... it is taking a while as I have to figure out what I actually want to do next and this is not a simple task. I'm trying to devote my day off each week to looking into it. However my progress is being slowed by the fact that:
    - I get a day off per week because I work longer hours on the other four days. This inevitably means there is lots of life admin/ chores to catch up on as well (how does washing accumulate so quickly?! There are only two of us???)
    - We keep on going away which exacerbates this issue!

    We should stop going away quite so much in a few weeks and I hope then to really knuckle down and get on with it. I am actually enjoying my job at the moment which make it feel less urgent. Last week was a bit of an exception - I have actually been working much shorter hours, but my direct report has gone away for 3 weeks for her honeymoon which means effectively I'm working 2 jobs for 3 weeks. The good thing is that, unlike before she started when I was basically working two jobs permanently, I know she's coming back :smile: Two weeks to go... have to decide how hard I'm willing to work for the remaining two as last week I really overdid it I think and as such on Friday/ Saturday I was really wound up/ exhausted. Not sure I should do that again, even just for another two weeks.

    In the meantime - I have decided to trial, until the end of September, a ban on alcohol on work nights. I'll see how this goes - I do a lot of my socialising in the week as I live quite far away from where I work/ where my friends live. But I want to give it a try and see how it goes, as I have been drinking far too much lately and it's not good for me. I want to force myself to find other ways to deal with stress (hopefully this won't be emotional eating...). I'm feeling quite good about this decision - let's hope I can stick with it! If it goes well, I might make it a permanent change.
  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    edited August 2018
    @bcTRAI and @Snowflake1968 Are you in the path of the fires? You will be in my prayers! There are so many out of control in so many places right now. It's just terrible. Be safe, my friends!

    @HEGoddard0928 I'm glad you are feeling a little better. Ginger Ale was always my go-to for nausea. 7-Up or Sprite left standing to get some of the fizz out helps me too.

    @mytime6630 You are so right when you say we are a family here. I feel that way with you all. Such encouragement and support is hard to find...and it's genuine. Priceless. Thank you again, my friend, for keeping this thread going.

    @Bex953172 and @slittlemeister Just wanted to say hi! :mrgreen:

    Hi! :smile: Hope you are doing ok - I was really sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Losing people in an accident is really terrible, as you don't have any chance to prepare yourself. It was the same for me with my dad (different type of accident) and I know how much of a shock it can be.

    It sounds like you and your husband are supporting each other which is really good - it isn't always easy to support others when you're struggling yourself. It may actually be good in a way to have your surgery on Thursday as it may be a distraction for both of you?

    Hope you continue to take care of yourself and each other - sending lots of thoughts and best wishes across the Pond x
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Been away for the weekend for the boyfriend's birthday. Had a very nice time but ate far too much....

    I was doing ok, but a nasty incident occurred where I got stung on the a&s (!!!) by a wasp which flew up my skirt as I was sitting down. It was incredibly painful!! My body tends to overreact to mosquito bites and it seems the same is true of wasp stings - it was super painful and is actually still itching now, two days later. This led to quite a bit of overeating as I was feeling sorry for myself. :/

    Back home now and getting back on track. I am going to sort myself out now - lately I feel like I have been really abusing my body with too much food/ alcohol/ stress. It does not feel good.

    The boyfriend made a really interesting observation. I was saying how I feel like there are two Sarahs - one who likes being healthy and wants to do exercise and eat well and sleep and knows it feels good, and another who just wants to eat junk, drink and go to bed late - and that these two Sarahs are constantly battling with each other. His comment "you mean like Gollum"? (We watched lord of the rings into the hotel after the sting incident).

    He is so right - it is exactly like Gollum !!

    So the question is, how to get 'naughty Sarah' to pipe down???

    Anyway... On with the day!

    Today's commitments:

    - Log everything I eat
    - Stick to food plan
    - Be in the green
    - 4 bottles water

    - Duolingo & French book
    - Career planning
    - Go to Gym
    - Weekly food plan/ shop
    - Do washing
    - Lights out by 10.45

    Ouchies on the sting! Im scared of all insects especially the stinging ones! I was actually lucky enough to not get stung by a wasp until I was 21!and I've only been stung twice.

    We had one in the car the other day, my partner said he thought it was on him and pulled over so he didn't flap about behind the wheel. We both jumped out, couldn't see it anywhere, then he found it in marleys lap. We both stood there horrified for a moment then it flew out, then followed him, then landed back in the car but on the edge. So he slammed the car door on it, opened the door and squashed it with his wallet to make sure. Then stomped it into the floor even though it was well dead. Haha

    And totally agree with the Gollum thing haha it describes it perfectly LOL!
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    Good morning everyone! How are we today? Better I hope!

    So the cat woke me up at 5 after 5 for food. So I got up and fed him. I then realized that I was pretty awake so I made a cup of coffee and had some quiet time. At about 545 Panda jumped in my lap and fell asleep, thus making it very hard for me to keep my eyes open. I had no intentions of going back to sleep after I got up at 5 but he made me so tired. There was like a 5 minute long internal battle in my head about whether I should go back to bed for a while. My sleepy brain won and I set the alarm for 6:30(it was 550 at that point). I fell asleep right away but got up at 630 and set the alarm 7! I should not have gone back to sleep! I have been really trying not to do that. I feel like I sleep too much. I'm kind of reverting back to my overnight days where all I did was sleep! I did manage not to fall asleep on the couch last night though. I stayed awake until 10:30.

    Anyway, it's now 7:11(haha) and I really have to get moving! I hope everyone has a great day!
  • maryrobinson40
    maryrobinson40 Posts: 1,109 Member
    Well, my day was less than stellar, foodwise, but I FEEL so much better. The margarita may have had something to do with it...

    I hope those of you going through difficult times know that sending you positive thoughts isn't limited to this thread. You are all courageous, whether it's a loss, or the fires, or just the day to day-ness of trying to improve your life. I think about this thread when I'm not in it and wish blessings for each of you.

    This thread really reinforces for me the power of a day. Will it be a day spent focused on my loved ones and many blessings? Or a day where I get tunnel vision and focus on the things I wish were different (not in a positive, changing them kind of way?) Will it be a day that moves me closer to my goals or further away? And will it be a day when I manage to give as well as receive?

    For a writer, I'm not managing to be very articulate here, but this thread just got me thinking this evening. I also finished reading a novel today that dealt with the complexities of the decisions that people face in their lives and the difficulties of conflicting duties and the problems in hasty judgments. It was a novel with no villain, just complicated, loving, well-meaning people with different goals and senses of right and wrong. It touched my heart.

    Anyway, Just For Tomorrow:

    1. Be kind. (I'm stealing this one.)
    2. Pre-log my day and stick with my plan.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water before leaving for work at 3 pm.
    4. Buy a soda on my way to work as a treat to myself.
    5. Eat at least 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables (I've been slacking on this one lately.)
    6. Menu plan through Thursday and pre-log.

    @nickssweetheart ....Lol… on the Margarita part.
    Great post... Have an enjoyable day.🌹
  • HEGoddard0928
    HEGoddard0928 Posts: 824 Member
    @maryrobinson40 and @PackerFanInGB I hope you have better days then you did this weekend! Keep your chins up and those twinkles in your eyes!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    jeschepp wrote: »
    BALANCE is my new mantra. I have been feeling overwhelmed with a too-full work schedule and this past week it caught up to me. I have a hard time not taking on too much, or expecting too much of myself. I've decided to institute a 75% rule for myself. I want to leave more reserves for myself. What this means for me is leaving enough reserves so that when I plan my work schedule I have time for all the extras that inevitably come up. I don't overwork myself and stay super late so that I have nothing left for myself when I come home. I leave enough in the evening so that I go to bed at a reasonable hour and am not exhausted and oversleeping the next day. This applies to overeating as well. I ended up doing a better balance this weekend, but it is hard.
    On another (though VERY related note) I have been slipping with my health habits. After about 6 or so weeks of doing very well, I've been wavering the last few weeks. I have also noticed that this (weight-wise) is typically when I end up dropping the ball. I start looking and feeling better and think I deserve a reward...in the form of skipping exercise and eating poorly. I gained a few pounds back this week and am not surprised at all. I think there is some mental sabotage going on too. While some fear failure, at times I fear success because that means I have something to lose. If I self-sabotage, then no one else can hurt me worse or take it away.
    So I've decided to move forward by...stepping back. Rather than (as I usually do) piling on everything I've been slacking at PLUS extra for falling behind, I am instead starting back slow. I'd rather build momentum and pick myself back up slowly instead of taking on too much and crashing again. Sorry for the book but I feel I've reached a turning point. Time to get back on track!

    Sending my thoughts out to everyone struggling this week. Sorry to hear everything you all have been going through. *hugs*

    For tomorrow:
    15 minutes exercise
    Track food and exercise
    5 good groups
    Water challenge-80 oz.
    Post here for accountability

    Week 0: 190
    Week 1: 187.6
    Week 2: 187.8
    Week 3: 185.6
    Week 4: 182.2
    Week 5: 179.5
    Week 6: 178.4
    Week 7: 178.0
    Week 8: 176.6-always my plateau weight, can never get to 175!
    Week 9: 179.8

    I'm happy to read that you are taking steps to relieve some stress and find more time for you. You will thank yourself later.

    As for the 175, keep working at it it will come. I'm having troubles seeing the 170's this time and am trying to remain patient myself. We can do this!
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    Apparently the armed forces have been called in to help.

    Finally, I don't know why the provinces seem to take so long to do that.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,917 Member
    Well, my day was less than stellar, foodwise, but I FEEL so much better. The margarita may have had something to do with it...

    I hope those of you going through difficult times know that sending you positive thoughts isn't limited to this thread. You are all courageous, whether it's a loss, or the fires, or just the day to day-ness of trying to improve your life. I think about this thread when I'm not in it and wish blessings for each of you.

    This thread really reinforces for me the power of a day. Will it be a day spent focused on my loved ones and many blessings? Or a day where I get tunnel vision and focus on the things I wish were different (not in a positive, changing them kind of way?) Will it be a day that moves me closer to my goals or further away? And will it be a day when I manage to give as well as receive?

    For a writer, I'm not managing to be very articulate here, but this thread just got me thinking this evening. I also finished reading a novel today that dealt with the complexities of the decisions that people face in their lives and the difficulties of conflicting duties and the problems in hasty judgments. It was a novel with no villain, just complicated, loving, well-meaning people with different goals and senses of right and wrong. It touched my heart.

    Anyway, Just For Tomorrow:

    1. Be kind. (I'm stealing this one.)
    2. Pre-log my day and stick with my plan.
    3. Drink 8 glasses of water before leaving for work at 3 pm.
    4. Buy a soda on my way to work as a treat to myself.
    5. Eat at least 5 kinds of fruits and vegetables (I've been slacking on this one lately.)
    6. Menu plan through Thursday and pre-log.

    Wow, I think you are being very articulate. As I read the paragraph on the thread I was thinking, "she writes so well, I wish I could get my thoughts out so well". Then I read the next paragraph, funny what different perspectives we all have.

    What was the novel? It sounds like one I would enjoy. I am all caught up to my favourite authors again :(