September 2018 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,401 Member
    I am so sorry @amymoreorless! I hope running in her memory gave you some peace 😢
  • eleanorhawkins
    eleanorhawkins Posts: 1,657 Member
    @amymoreorless so sorry for your loss. Hold onto the happy memories
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @amymoreorless I'm very sorry for the loss of your grandmother.

    @avidkeo frowned on by whom? If you don't care, go for it.

    @marisap2010 good luck on your 10k tomorrow. Stay hydrated!

    shanaber wrote: »
    I have a question for the group - when you go on vacation or a business trip do you get excited about running in a new place and spend time plotting out where you might be able to run?

    We are going on a road trip next week and I spent several hours last night (instead of going to bed) looking at Google Maps and running sites for route/trail recommendations. Then I plotted a route in each location where we will be staying and saved them :)

    @shanaber I totally do this, down to staying up late trying to find routes to run in new places. Love running somewhere new and having the chance to see some sights and explore. It's one of my favorite things about having picked up running.

    I'm still not over having to cancel an upcoming trip to Boston where I had planned a 20-mile run, supplemented by tons of food. I'm trying to console myself by planning a couple of short day or weekend trips more locally that include a run. I was just working on that last night!
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    edited September 2018
    shanaber wrote: »
    I have a question for the group - when you go on vacation or a business trip do you get excited about running in a new place and spend time plotting out where you might be able to run?

    We are going on a road trip next week and I spent several hours last night (instead of going to bed) looking at Google Maps and running sites for route/trail recommendations. Then I plotted a route in each location where we will be staying and saved them :)

    I do, even two hour trips
    I've driven across canada several times through canada only. But I sit one day plan my route for driving,
    With the following:
    gas stations,
    rest stops,
    gyms to go in and exercise(since I'm alone or else it would be outdoors).
    Hotels and rates in case of road closures. With phone numbers to call ahead before gets filled by other drivers.
    Police stations close to route,
    Radio stations to keep on top of emergency broadcasts/ road closures
    One copy of all I'd to keep in the car, one with me, one in suitcase. Includes all credit card numbers, medications and spare cash in case no electricity. 5 days supply food that won't spoil and water. Sleeping bag, bathing suit.Just in case, tow ropes, repair kits, cables, and full emergency first aid kit.
    This is only a partial list. But you get an idea.
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    edited September 2018
    Garmin going funny. But I did 7.2 km burned 403 calories.
    I'm happy with that yesterday was only 2.2km

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited September 2018
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    So a couple of questions.

    Second, bigger busted ladies - I currently wear a sports bra with a rank top over, but as it gets hotter I hate having anything around my waist. I could just run in the bra, but I know that's frowned on (not that i care). Does anyone run with a crop or something over the top of their sports bra? I'm worried about feeling too constricted. I've got 11 weeks and want to train as I intend on running the Half.
    Why would just a sports bra be frowned upon? I think you should wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
    I'm shirtless. It just too hot to care. I have a half rash shirt ive been tempted to run in, but haven't tried that out. Might be worth investigating.

    Eta Idk how a practice football shirt would fair, they are mesh, or even the soccer shirts
    we had as kids has holes in them. You could cut holes in your shirt. I did that, its still cooler to run shirtless.
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes!
    Shout out to all the September babies!
    shanaber wrote: »
    I have a question for the group - when you go on vacation or a business trip do you get excited about running in a new place and spend time plotting out where you might be able to run?

    We are going on a road trip next week and I spent several hours last night (instead of going to bed) looking at Google Maps and running sites for route/trail recommendations. Then I plotted a route in each location where we will be staying and saved them :)

    I do some of that but also throw the question out in this group as well. We have such a variety of runners in different places that even if someone hasn't been where you're going they know someone who has and can point you in the direction of a good route/trail or two.

    Reat day for me today after run yesterday, 8 and a half hours on the lake and the my usual Saturday night bowling. Looking forward to race reports from all those running today.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    I have a question for the group - when you go on vacation or a business trip do you get excited about running in a new place and spend time plotting out where you might be able to run?
    Oh heck yay. I even do a FB search to see if there are local run clubs and then ask then for trail/route suggestions - especially if they can provide a few strava/mapmyrun or garmin files. I have about 8 Trail Routes in reserve for Edmonton - looks like @sarahthes has recently been on some of them - green trail envy right now.

    @amymoreorless Sorry for your loss. Hold onto the memories.

    Did a ton of gardening yesterday cleaning out flower beds, removing dead shrubs etc = lots of time kneeling.
    My calf's are super tight today so rather than a run I just went for a 3 km walk to see if the one trail/route was still open. The province is replacing the major bridge over the river so a lot of trails along the riverbank have been temporarily lost due to construction zones - heavy equipment etc. The trail was still open but has been damaged in quite a few places and the gravel/rock has been covered with a layer of slimy clay. Probably won't be open during the winter as it will be impossible to do snow removal.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @amymoreorless I'm sorry for the loss of your grandmother.

    @Avidkeo I bought a mostly mesh shirt to go over my bra, and it's working for me. Due to my loose skin and stretch marks I would rather my belly not be visible, and this hides it enough while letting a breeze through.

    @skippygirlsmom good to hear your knee is doing better! That looked really painful.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    So a couple of questions.

    The information for the HM says the provide water and loaded drinks at the drink stations. I've heard of sports drinks being referred to as "loaded" and there is a brand here called loaded. I assume the drinks will be loaded brand? I want to make sure cause I want to get some for my long runs to test it out.

    Second, bigger busted ladies - I currently wear a sports bra with a rank top over, but as it gets hotter I hate having anything around my waist. I could just run in the bra, but I know that's frowned on (not that i care). Does anyone run with a crop or something over the top of their sports bra? I'm worried about feeling too constricted. I've got 11 weeks and want to train as I intend on running the Half.

    Oh and PS. I've been toying with the idea of doing a whole marathon. Crazy and nuts right?

    So Loaded Drinks is probably:

    Loaded Drinks Limited

    I have never heard of them but they appear to be an NZ brand so that is not a surprise. Look like just another sports drink and that would make sense.

    Also, 11 weeks would be tight to train for a running full marathon. With dedication, it could be done, but you need to decide that NOW, not 6 weeks from now.

    As for the top... I am not really equipped to answer that one. :lol:

    Oh no, I didn't mean in 11 weeks "shudder", I do a challenge every year. This year was run often, train for and complete a HM at the end of the year. I'm thinking of a challenge for next year.
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    So a couple of questions.

    Second, bigger busted ladies - I currently wear a sports bra with a rank top over, but as it gets hotter I hate having anything around my waist. I could just run in the bra, but I know that's frowned on (not that i care). Does anyone run with a crop or something over the top of their sports bra? I'm worried about feeling too constricted. I've got 11 weeks and want to train as I intend on running the Half.

    Why would just a sports bra be frowned upon? I think you should wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

    +1!! Definitely!!!! Look up #SportsBraSquad, Kelly Roberts, Instagram has "I have a runner's body" as well. There are times I don't run in a shirt either, and I DEFINITELY don't look like Des Linden or Gwen Jorgensen!

    OP, if you don't care, then don't care. Get a pretty sports bra and run away!! lol

    Yeah have heard of her and she's brilliant. There are times at the moment when I do go in just a bra and I don't care - mostly. Maybe it's not frowned on, I just feel self conscious. I never ever wore a bikini till this year because I was self conscious of my tummy. I'm learning to get over it because comfort over looks. It's so much more comfortable that a shirt and damn it if any one were to comment, I just ran 10k. the day you run 10k you can comment. Thought @ContraryMaryMary had an excellent point about sunburn. Its particularly harsh in NZ, and especially where I live. A T is so much easier than trying to apply sunblock and missing spots
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @amymoreorless I'm so sorry about your grandmother.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    So schedule for today was a 6.5k run, but I did my 10k yesterday so because of wanting to avoid injury I took a rest instead. I'm really conscious of my ankle now. My calves feel really tight. So will be stretching again rolling all day and will pick up regular program tomorrow - 8km.