

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    My legs felt like lead today during my run. I had done yoga earlier, of course. Felt very tired this afternoon and was tempted by a pastis this evening. Of course one made me very much want another. :o Glad to say the AF wine came to the rescue and I swallowed half a bottle. Narrow escape! My serving of pastis is 2 units.

    I've been upset by some political stuff going on over here today. Made me a bit depressed. Need to work on that.

    Cheri - meant to say how glam you look in your new profile pic. And your face is looking slim. Have you lost weight?

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    edited September 2018
    Lenora I like the things I do when travelling. I do find it stressful. Unfortunately I have had bad experiences while travelling too and with family members on those travels and getting sick on the trip. I also have had times coming home to additional problems like mice, broken appliances, and family members in the hospital. DH wants to travel and he too is not always the easiest to travel with. I need more down time than he does when I travel and that is part of the discord. I would love to go to Sweden again. It is the twelve hour travel that is holding me back.

    Therefore I love it when anyone here posts travel pictures and from where you live. I love getting to experience these places through you. Thanks again Kylia and Rita for your recent pictures.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,792 Member
    Rebecca - Is that elk visible from your house? Our heat has been kicking in the last couple of weeks. Very fall like here as well. Today I regretted not wearing a jacket when I was in the car on the way to work.

    Rori - Love your fireplace revamp! I bet your husband would love a turntable. I have been thinking of one of them for my husband as well. I just don't know where I would put it.

    Mary - Lost keys in a laundromat, that is troubling. Luckily you were able to get into the RV. Hopefully your keys weren't marked in any way. Funny story, I work in the security industry, a few years ago we took over a contract from another company. When we went to do the exchange of keys, the company had the business name and address marked on each key tag for the clients. Of course, that was the first thing we had to change when we took it over.

    Heather - I was thinking as I went for my walk Sunday evening, before long I will have to find another route that has more street lights. So very discouraging already.

    Kelly - I bet you are looking forward to a reprieve from the holidays. My granddaughter has started potty training this past week. She peed on the potty for the first time yesterday before they came to visit at our house. She was so very proud, it was the first thing she said to us when she entered the house. How many children do you have now? Do you have some that come only before and after school?

    Kylia - Beautiful views from your deck. I always feel more at peace when I leave the city and see the mountains.

    Rita - Gorgeous rainbows

    Machka - I think you are making a wise decision to take the summer off of school. You and your husband deserve to have some time together. I would rather sort all of the paperwork myself as well. What if something important got tossed?

    CBD Oil - My youngest daughter had two slipped discs when she was 21, she suffered for two years in pain before she was blessed enough to be 5th in a North American study to have prosthetic discs put in. During the two years that she was incapacitated the doctors kept trying to push percocet and morphine on her like it was candy. She was scared of the addiction problems that she had heard about with heavy drugs like this so she chose cannabis. For the two years that she was suffering she only took 10 pills. These were travelling days and a couple days after her surgery. He doctors told her that they were happy with her decision.

    Just received word on my Mother in Law, she had another stent put in today and will be kept in hospital overnight tonight as well, but as long as everything goes well tonight she will be home tomorrow. They have only been looking at her heart issues and not the rapid weight loss. My Sister in Law is going to be meeting with the doctor to discuss this as a separate issue.

    Tracey in a leaf changing Edmonton

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Rori--That looks really nice. Thanks for sharing. Thanks for the good advice. I am going to try that. I know part of my stress right now is yearly evaluitions I am doing for my employees and one I am having problems with. My HR says because he got written up in June (our years go July-June) he does not get a raise. Now he has come in extra and helped when needed. He made the mistake of falling asleep and missing a patient transfer. Then I have another person who keeps taking time off and this summer he took 3 months off to go visit family out of the country. So that met no one else could take more then a couple days off all summer. But he gets a raise. So I have really been stressed about this. And we are already short one person and another one is having knee surgery next week and will be off 6-8 weeks, since we are a 24/7 dept someone has to be here. So right now is major overtime for serval of us. I am too old for 50+ hours a week. When I get tired and bit*** I want to eat.


    Kylia--Thanks for the encouraging words.

    My lady that comes and cleans every other week called in sick for today, so when I get off work will go home and do some dusting. DBL was going to vacum and sweep for me so that helps.

    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Matchka, and Pip, I saw this and thought of you two! It is a gorgeous tee shirt isn't it!!??💗


    Rebecca 💗
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) Jake's first meal in the slow cooker was a success. It was a sort of pulled bbq chicken. He had his with buns as sandwiches. I had mine with frozen veggies. I put my last zucchini in the veggies. It was the size of a small. carrot.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    Matchka, and Pip, I saw this and thought of you two! It is a gorgeous tee shirt isn't it!!??💗


    Rebecca 💗

    Yeah I saw this one on FB too. I really restrict my T-shirt buying, I have so many from the rides and runs that we do every year
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,868 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbara wow, that is one massive zuke! But looks very yummy.

    a positive day, staying within my goals. Ah September!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 7.43min, 12.3amph, 135mhr, 1.5mi= 70c
    apple watch- 64c
    SKI MACHINE- 30min, hill climb program, lvl5, 2-5 incl, 119avstpmin, 119mhr, 1.35mi= 154c
    apple watch- 164c
    STAIRCLIMBER- 10.14min, random hill program, 122ahr, 136mhr, 649steps, 40floors, lvl5 = 92c
    apple watch- 92c
    Floor exer- 2.15min, 2sets of 20ea, 80mhr, crunches n pelvic lifts= 9c
    apple watch- 20c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.15min, 17.1amph, 138mhr, 1.4mi= 52c
    apple watch- 40c
    ride puy 2 sumn station- 13.27min, 13.5amph, 121ahr, 150mhr, 129c
    apple watch- 115c
    jog sta 2 wk- 4.50min, 9.29min mi, 138ahr, 147mhr, .5mi= 59c
    apple watch- 53c
    jog wk 2 sumn sta- 4.21min, 121ahr, 148mhr, 9.33min mi, .4mi= 57c
    apple watch- 50c
    bike ride dome 2 hm- 19.07min, 8.1amph, 121ahr, 145mhr, 2.5mi= 168c
    apple watch- 137c

    total cal 790
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,647 Member
    one day down, one 2 go
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Mary sorry about your keys! It sounds smart to change your locks it you cannot locate your keys.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited September 2018
    Trucker - very handsome grandson <3

    Janetr OKC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member