September 2018 Running Challenge



  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    While at the bdacks game the other night one of the players wife told us about a virtual 5k that helps single parents with a child that has cancer. It looks like an AZ charity but I thought I'd share the link here. It's only $29 and you get both a tshirt and medal. I was planning to sign up.

    I'd never really looked at virtual races but this got me wondering what was out there, so a few minutes of googling later and I discovered the Hogwarts Running Club. Harry Potter plus running plus neat charities plus freaking awesome bling? Take my money, please! I already signed up for the September event and am wondering how many late registrations I can budget as "health" expenses before my husband starts getting concerned. Ahhhh!

    You can get lost in all the virtual race options. I have looked at the HP one. This year I've done ones through a FB group of runners/fans of my favorite murder. They use quotes from the show as the race names. July was this is terrible keep going. And they donate to a social justice charity. I want to say end the backlog but I don't know if its the same every time.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Guys... I don't think I was ever 110 pounds 😂😂😂
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited September 2018
    While at the bdacks game the other night one of the players wife told us about a virtual 5k that helps single parents with a child that has cancer. It looks like an AZ charity but I thought I'd share the link here. It's only $29 and you get both a tshirt and medal. I was planning to sign up.

    I'd never really looked at virtual races but this got me wondering what was out there, so a few minutes of googling later and I discovered the Hogwarts Running Club. Harry Potter plus running plus neat charities plus freaking awesome bling? Take my money, please! I already signed up for the September event and am wondering how many late registrations I can budget as "health" expenses before my husband starts getting concerned. Ahhhh!

    You can get lost in all the virtual race options. I have looked at the HP one. This year I've done ones through a FB group of runners/fans of my favorite murder. They use quotes from the show as the race names. July was this is terrible keep going. And they donate to a social justice charity. I want to say end the backlog but I don't know if its the same every time.

    Haha, "this is terrible keep going" is a great race name! I could see how virtual runs wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea, but I've really enjoyed the camaraderie here and could see HRC being a fun way for me to extend that.
    girlinahat wrote: »
    No morning run - been battling a migraine since yesterday morning and the world is spinning somewhat

    No fun - feel better! I'm with you on the blood donor cut-off. I doubt that I would be happy/comfortable losing enough weight for that to be an issue (I haven't weighed 110 since I hit puberty) let alone maintaining at that level, but it's also genuinely important for me to be able to donate regularly. I'm o negative and was barred from donating most of my life, so now that I'm allowed I try to do it every eight weeks (I'm too short for double donations). I've had to put off my appointment for a couple of weeks because of life crazies and it's been stressing me out a little.

    Guys... I don't think I was ever 110 pounds 😂😂😂

    I was consistently underweight as a child and then gained enough weight during puberty to shoot right up into overweight. It was a bit traumatic, to say the least. I assume I weighed 110 pounds for 5 minutes in there somewhere...
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    @kgirlhart you could put some moleskin where you feel the rubbing. or i use body glide on the hot spots on my feet.
    and consider the way you are tying your shoes so 1) your foot can't slide around 2) avoid gravel getting inside your shoe
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,131 Member
    Thanks @mbaker566 I have some moleskin and I was thinking I would try that tomorrow. I hadn't thought about body glide. I recently started doing the heel lock on my laces. I have my shoes laced parallel so that they aren't too tight on the top of my feet but I've been trying to keep the heels tighter without having the laces too tight. I guess I'll have to play around with that a little more. The city here is really bad about fixing pot hoes by just dumping gravel in them. You'd think running on streets wouldn't get so much gravel in the shoes.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,131 Member
    @mbaker566 I've seen that on tv. Unfortunately we don't have a domino's.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,386 Member
    @kgirlhart That's a great pace. Glad the weather is getting a little cooler for you. I can't stand anything in my shoes, like gravel. I have said if I were Sleeping Beauty, but I got to stand on my feet, I could feel that pea under all of those mattresses. I'll feel like I have a rock in my shoe, take it off to see, and there is the tiniest gravel that you can barely see. LOL
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,131 Member
    Thanks @quilteryoyo
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I want music.

    I dont want to use my phone.
    I want satellite or like iheart radio
    I want something small. Wireless, not a must.
    I dont want an apple product, if i can avoid one.

    Please help. What am I looking for?

    The Garmin 635 can store mp3s (music, podcasts, etc) to play. But it is $450 on Amazon. I do not know of any that will play iHeart Radio/etc without a phone as those need internet service.

    I have a Garmin though.. so i wont be buying a new one.

    I dunno what to tell you. :) I use a Garmin for all my tracking stuff and my phone for audiobooks. I like having the phone cause if I fall and twist an ankle or something I can call for help. If I get lost I can pull up GPS maps and stuff.

    Thanks. Dh says i should just use my phone. I hate too. By the end of the day, the battery is already low, so probably not enough for music. I can't get lost, same route all the time. And if i fall? Rub some dirt on it and get back up... 😉
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    I want music.

    I dont want to use my phone.
    I want satellite or like iheart radio
    I want something small. Wireless, not a must.
    I dont want an apple product, if i can avoid one.

    Please help. What am I looking for?

    The Garmin 635 can store mp3s (music, podcasts, etc) to play. But it is $450 on Amazon. I do not know of any that will play iHeart Radio/etc without a phone as those need internet service.

    I have a Garmin though.. so i wont be buying a new one.

    I dunno what to tell you. :) I use a Garmin for all my tracking stuff and my phone for audiobooks. I like having the phone cause if I fall and twist an ankle or something I can call for help. If I get lost I can pull up GPS maps and stuff.

    Yup, I use my phone/maps when I'm running in new places. Or in my parents neighborhood because I never lived at that house and got myself turned around and lost on my 20 miler. I got bored and branched out of the loop I had been running. 😂
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,540 Member
    Prayers for all of you on the East Coast! Florence looks like a monster storm. Hope all are safe!!!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »


    i've not been that weight for a very long time. none of those weights are even my goal weight

    Snap! I'm. The same height and weight as you and I looked at the chart an thought nope, never going to happen
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    Had to work until 2215 last night, got to bed by 2300 though. Up early, 0530,for PT session, upper body and core, then out the door for a long slow run as I have kinda flex hours at work when I need it. 5.07 miles in 1:03:13 which included the cool down walk. Temperature in the low 70's with 94% humidity, felt almost like it was misting during the run. Splits were great 13:26, 12:29, 12:09, 12:10 and 11:37. Mile 4 would have been negative split as well but for the traffic light. I think the new shoes are gonna work out just fine. Going to attempt a tempo run tomorrow, aiming for 11 minute/miles consistently for 3-4 miles after .5 mile warm-up. On the not wanting to have a phone with I use an Samsung Gear 2 which stores music, and run information as well.
  • RunRachelleRun
    RunRachelleRun Posts: 1,854 Member
    Love the monthly answers and race reports. Congratulations, everyone! And wtg @katharmonic on the sled; that must have felt wonderful!

    Yes, all those in the path of the hurricane, please stay safe.

    Those racing weight charts were a bummer. I haven't been the "non-runner" weight of 140 since I was in my teens. I've already blocked out the leanest weight it suggested. I also like ice cream too much for it to ever be attainable.

    Today: 1.93 miles - C25K Week 4 Day 2
    MTD: 9.69 / 25 miles
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    No run this morning because the power was cut so the street lights were out. I don't own a headlamp so no run for me without street lighting. Ill do a gentle 5k tomorrow, and my long 10k run on Friday morning - Hubby is away over the weekend. One advantage of knowing you can do 10k in less than an hour means you know you can get it in on a Friday morning.

    Thinking of everyone in the path of the hurricane! sounds pretty scary.